
His other Prologues were written occafionally, on the fpur of friendship, and are by no means deficient in poetical merit.

His Latin epitaphs were produced from the fame caufe, and are not only allowed to be claffically correct, but according to his own definition of an epitaph, "well appropriated."

Such is the fhort history of these Poems, which lay scattered in fo many periodical publications, and at fuch diftant periods of time, as not only called out all my industry, but that of my friends to form this collection. Of their fuccefs I can have no doubt, as what has been well received by the public individually, must collectively be entitled to a greater share of their approbation.

Feb. 1785.


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Quamvis digreffu veteris confufus amici


Laudo, tamen, vacuis quod fedem figere Cumis
Deftinet, atque unum civem donare Sibyllæ.

Ego vel Prochytam præpono Suburræ,

Nam quid tam miferum, tam folum vidimus, ut non
Deterius credas horrere incendia, lapfus

Tectorum affiduos, et mille pericula fævæ
Urbis, & Augufto recitantes menfe poetas ?

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