
ings; three of Mr. CURRAN'S; Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH s famous speech for Peltier; four of Mr. CANNING's; and five of Lord BROUGHAM's, including his instructive discourse on the study of eloquence in the Greek orators. Some of the most finished letters of JUNIUS are given in their proper place, with remarks on his style as an admirable model of condensation, elegance, and force. In the first fifty pages will be found nearly all the celebrated speeches before the days of Lord Chatham, from Sir ROBERT WALPOLE, Lord CHESTERFIELD, Mr. PULTENEY, Lord BELHAVEN, Sir JOHN DIGBY, the Earl of STRAFFORD, and Sir JOHN ELIOT. The selections in this volume extend through a period of two hundred years, and embrace a very large proportion of the most powerful eloquence of Great Britain.

The following are the aids afforded for the study of these speeches:

(1.) A memoir of each orator, designed to show his early training in eloquence, the leading events of his public life, the peculiar cast of his genius, and the distinctive characteristics of his oratory. It ought to be said, in justice to the author, that these sketches were completed in every essential particular, long before the publication of Lord Brougham's work upon British Statesmen.

(2.) A historical introduction to each of the speeches, explaining minutely the circumstances of the case, the state of parties, and the exact point at issue, being intended to place the reader in the midst of the scene as an actual spectator of the contest. These introductions, with the memoirs just mentioned, form a slight but continuous thread of political history, embracing the most important topics discussed in the British Parliament for more than a century. (3.) An analysis of the longer speeches in side-notes, giving the divisions and subdivisions of thought, and thus enabling the reader to perceive at once the connection and bearing of the several parts.

(4.) A large body of explanatory notes, bringing out minuter facts or relations of the parties, without a knowledge of which many passages lose all their force and application.

(5.) Critical notes, as specimens of the kind of analysis which the author has been accustomed to apply to the several parts of an oration, and which every student in oratory should be continually making out for himself.

(6.) Translations of the passages quoted from the ancient and foreign languages, with the poetry rendered into English verse. The passages are usually traced to their sources, and the train of thought given as it appears in the original, without a knowledge of which most quotations have but little force or beauty. For the same reason, the classical and other allusions are

traced out and explained.

(7.) A concluding statement of the way in which the question was decided, with occasional remarks upon its merits, or the results produced by the decision.

Great compression has been used in preparing this volume, that all who are interested in the study of eloquence may be able to possess it. Each page contains the matter of three ordinary octavo pages in Pica type; and the whole work has in it one sixth more than Chapman's Select Speeches, or Willison's American Eloquence, in five octavo volumes each.

In conclusion, the author may be permitted to say, that while he has aimed to produce a volume worthy of lying at all times on the table of every one engaged in speaking or writing for the public, he has hoped it might prove peculiarly useful to men of his own profession; since nothing is more desirable, at the present day, than a larger infusion into our sacred eloquence of the freedom, boldness, and strength which distinguish our secular oratory. Sept. 1st, 1852.

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Walpole, ib.; deprived of his commission, ib.; becomes

leader of the Opposition, 54-5; comparison between

him and Lord Mansfield, 55; gains a complete ascend-

ancy in the House, 56; unites with Mr. Pelham, and is

made Paymaster of the Forces, ib.; exhibition of dis-

interestedness, 56-7; on the death of Pelham comes out

against Newcastle, his successor, 58; attack on Mans-

field, "Felix trembles," ib.; attack on Fox, "conflux of

the Rhone and Soane," 59; drives Mansfield out of the

House, ib.; is made Prime Minister on Newcastle's res-

ignation, 60; dismissed soon after, and all England in

commotion, ib.; restored, his influence over all con-

nected with him in government, ib.; power of his elo-

quence, "Is there an Austrian among you?" "Ut videre

virum," 61; Opposition extinguished, 62; triumphs of

his policy and arms in all quarters of the globe, ib.;

France sues for peace, 63; Spain joins her, ib.; he pro-

poses war against her, but overruled by Lord Bute, ib.;

resigns, ib. makes his "Sitting Speech" against Lord

Bute's peace, 64; attack on Mr. Grenville, "Gentle Shep-

herd," 65; opposes the King respecting John Wilkes and

American taxation, ib.; contemptuous retort on Justice

Moreton, 66; withholds his support from the Rocking-

ham administration, ib.; forms his third ministry, and

is raised into the House of Lords, 67; his loss of health

and inability to administer the government, 68; resigns

and retires, ib.; comes out at the end of three years

against the Grafton ministry, 69; it falls before him, ib. ;

support of America, 70; declines in health, ib.; his

death, 71; characteristics of his eloquence, 71-5.

SPEECH on a Motion for an Address on the Marriage of

the Prince of Wales..

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His birth, 143; descended from the Stormont family, which
adhered to the Stuarts, ib.; sent early to the Westmin-
ster school, ib.; his great proficiency, ib.; removed to
Oxford, ib.; his studies in rhetoric, ib.; commences the
study of the law, ib.; laborious training in extempora-
neous speaking, ib.; historical studies, 144; practice in
elocution, ib.; a favorite of Pope, ib.; extent of his
business as a lawyer, ib.; made Solicitor General, ib. ;
comparison between him and the elder Pitt, ib.; made
Attorney General, 145; appointed Chief Justice with
title of Lord Mansfield, ib.; speech at taking leave of
his associates at Lincoln's Inn, 145-6; his qualifications
as Chief Justice, 146; testimony of Justice Story, ib.;
his political course in the House of Lords, 147; resigns

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His Letters have taken a permanent place in our elo-
quence, 163; the rhetorical skill which they manifest,
b.; the result of severe and protracted effort, ib.; labor
bestowed on the selection and arrangement of his ideas,
ib.; logical cast of his mind, 163-4; peculiar benefits to
the young orator from the study of his style, 164; his
extraordinary powers of condensation, ib.; of insinu-
ating ideas without expressing them in form, 164-5;"
reasons why indirect attack by insinuation is so pecul
iarly painful to cultivated minds, 165; Junius' means of
secret information, ib.; characteristics of his style, 166-
7; the perfection of his imagery, 167; who was Juni-
us? 168-9; his political relations, 170; had previously
written under other signatures, ib.; reasons for his
now coming out with increased strength and boldness,
ib.; impression made by his first letter, 171; attacked
by Sir William Draper, and thus made an object of pub-
lic attention, ib.; his triumph over Sir William, 171-2;
the power he gained as a writer, ib.; his efforts second-
ed by Lord Chatham, ib.; the King predicts that Junius
will cease writing, ib.; he discontinues his Letters at
he end of three years, and Sir Philip Francis is sent to

India, ib.


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LETTER to the Duke of Bedford..

REMARKS on the Character of the Duke of Bedford (by His parentage and connection with the stage, 399; early

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REMARKS on the character of the Duke of Grafton (by the
ESTIMATE OF JUNIUS by Mr. Burke and Dr. Johnson. 204

dramatic productions, ib.; purchase of Drury Lane
Theater, ib.; election to Parliament, ib.; made Under
Secretary of State, 400; keen retort on Pitt, ib.; speech
against Hastings in the House, ib.; speech before the
House of Lords under the impeachment, 401; Lord
Byron's lines thereon, ib.; indolence and effrontery as
a speaker, 402; his wit and humor, ib.; habits of intem-
perance, 403; unhappy death, ib. ; personal appearance
and character as an orator, ib.

SPEECH against Warren Hastings when impeached be-

fore the House of Lords.

[blocks in formation]

His birth and early genius, 437; indulgence of his father,

ib.; produces habits of dissipation, 438; eminence in

classical literature, ib.; distinction at Eaton and Oxford,

ib.; early extravagance, 439; enters Parliament, ib.;

first a Tory and in office under Lord North, 440; turn-

ed out abruptly, ib.; joins the Whigs as a pupil of

Burke, 441; his labors to form himself as a debater,

443; becomes head of the Whig party, ib.; is made Sec-

retary of State under Lord Rockingham, 444; disap-

pointed in not becoming Prime Minister on the death

of Rockingham, ib.; forms his Coalition with Lord

North, 445; drives out the ministry and becomes Sec-

retary of State, ib.; his East India Bill, 446; speech in

support of it, 447; carried in the House, ib.; defeated

in the Lords, ib.; his speech against secret influence,

448; displaced and Mr. Pitt made Prime Minister, ib.;

unsuccessful efforts to drive Pitt from power, ib.; West-

minster election, 449; Mr. Fox's speech on the subject,

450; decision of the House in his favor, ib.; derange.

ment of the King, ib.; Mr. Fox asserts the right of the

Prince of Wales to the Regency, 451; King recovers,

452; Mr. Fox's speech against Mr. Pitt for arming against

Russia, 453; his Libel bill, ib.; his views of the French
Revolution, 454; his speech on Mr. Pitt's rejection of
Bonaparte's overtures for peace, 458; comes in under
Lord Grenville as Secretary of Foreign Affairs, 459; his
death, personal appearance, 460; characteristics of his
oratory, ib.


His birth and delicate constitution, 206; educated at a

Quaker school in Ballitore, ib.; early training, ib.; re-

moved to Trinity College, Dublin, ib.; account of his

studies, 207; early philosophical spirit, ib.; leaves col-O

lege and studies law in London, ib.; his severe mental

labor, 208; applies unsuccessfully for a professorship in

Glasgow, ib.; publishes his Vindication of Natural So-

ciety, ib.; publishes his Essay on the Sublime and Beau-

tiful, 209; his society courted by the most distinguished

literary men, ib.; his conversational powers, 210; com-

mences the Annual Register, ib.; goes to Ireland as sec-

retary to Single Speech Hamilton, 211; comes into Par-

liament as a supporter of Lord Rockingham, 212; his

maiden speech, highly praised by Lord Chatham, ib. ;

goes out with Lord Rockingham, and becomes leader

of the Whigs in the House, 213; Speech on American

Taxation, its powerful impression, 214; elected mem-

ber for Bristol, 215; circumstances leading to his speech

on conciliation with America, ib.; comparison between

this and his speech on American Taxation, 215-16;

speech on Economical Reform, "King's turnspit a

member of Parliament," 216; speech at Bristol previ

ous to the election, 216-17; declines the polls, and re-

turned for Malton, 217; speech against the continuance

of the American war, "shearing the wolf," 217-218;

after the fall of Lord North, comes in with Lord Rock-

ingham as Paymaster of the Forces, 218; carries his

measures for economical reform, 219; originates the

East India Bill of Mr. Fox, ib.; his intimate acquaint-

ance with India and its concerns, 220; his speech on

Fox's East India Bill, 221; speech on the Nabob of Ar-

cot's debts, ib.; procures the impeachment of Warren

Hastings, 221-22; draws up the articles of impeach-

ment, 223; delivers the opening speech against Hast-

ings, ib.; delivers his closing speech at the end of nearly

seven years, 224; reasons for the acquittal of Hastings,

225; King becomes deranged, 226; his ground respect-

ing a Regency, ib.; his unpopularity and abusive treat-

ment in the house, ib. ; his early jealousy of the French

Revolution, 227; reasons, 227-28; his first collision

with Mr. Fox on the subject, 229; his breach with Mr.

[blocks in formation]

..Page 551

His early ill health and inability to attend a public school,

551; his remarkable proficiency at home, ib.; goes to

Cambridge at fourteen, ib.; his ambition from boyhood

to be an orator, ib.; his training with that view at col-

lege, 552; his mode of studying the classics, ib.; his em-

inence in the mathematics, ib.; his severe discipline in

logic, 553; in mental science and political economy, ib. ;

his early social habits, 554; comparison between him

and Lord Chatham, 555; his call to the bar, ib.; his

election to Parliament, 556; remarkable success of his

maiden speech, ib.; joins the Whigs, ib.; his sarcasm

on Lords North and Germaine, 557; comes in with Lord

Shelburne as Chancellor of the Exchequer at the age

of twenty-three, ib.; his brilliant speech against Mr.

Fox and the Coalitionists, 558; his felicitous quotation

from Horace, 561; is driven out with Lord Shelburne

by the Coalition, ib.; attacks Mr. Fox's East India Bill,

562; made Prime Minister at twenty-four, 563; Mr.

Fox's efforts to drive him out, ib.; his energetic resist-

ance, 564; extraordinary scene in the House, 565; his

keen rebuke of General Conway, ib.; his ultimate tri-

umph, 568; his East India Bill, ib.; motion for reform

in Parliament, 569; plan of paying the public debt, 570;

his admirable speech against the Slave Trade, ib.; war

with France, 571; eloquent speech when his proposals

of peace were rejected by the French, 575; speech of

great compass and power when he refused to treat

with Bonaparte, 576; resigns at the end of seventeen

years, ib.; returns to power, 577; his death, ib.; per-

sonal appearance and characteristics of his eloquence,


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His birth at Edinburgh, 629; early education at Edin-
burgh and St. Andrews, ib.; his remarkable versatility
of mind and liveliness of feeling, ib.; goes to sea at
fourteen as a midshipman, ib.; enters the army as an
ensign at eighteen, 630; marries at twenty, ib.; his
studies in English literature, ib.; determines to study
law, 631; his call to the bar, ib.; his first retainer and
remarkable success, ib.; his instantaneous overflow of
business, 632; case of Lord George Gordon, ib.; enters
Parliament and supports Fox, ib.; goes out with the
Coalition ministry, 633; State Trials, ib.; made Lord
Chancellor under the Grenville ministry, 634; his re-
tirement and death, ib.; personal appearance and char-
acter of his eloquence, 635-6.

SPEECH in behalf of Lord George Gordon....

SPEECH on the Rights of Juries


His birth in London, 851; descended from an Irish fam-

ily of distinction, ib.; premature death of his father, ib.;

dependent condition of his mother, who goes on to the

stage for her support, ib.; his early proficiency at school,

ib.; his love of English literature, ib.; is removed to

Eton, ib.; induces his companions to establish a paper

called the Microcosm, ib.; takes the lead in a debating

society, 852; leaves Eton with its highest honors, and

enters the University of Oxford, ib.; when freshman,

gains the Chancellor's prize for Latin composition, ib.;

high standing at Oxford, ib.; influence of competition,

ib.; leaves the university and commences the study of

the law, ib.; is invited by Mr. Pitt to become his polit-

ical adherent, ib.; elected to Parliament, ib.; his early

character as a speaker, 853; unites in establishing the

Anti-Jacobin Review, ib.; author of the most striking

poetical effusions in the work, ib.; the Needy Knife-

grinder, 853-4; made Under Secretary of State, and aft-

erward Treasurer of the Navy by Mr. Pitt, 854; becomes

Secretary of Foreign Affairs under the Duke of Port-

land, ib.; fights a duel with Lord Castlereagh, and goes

out of office, ib.; is chosen member of Parliament for

Liverpool, 855; goes as embassador extraordinary to

Lisbon, ib.; appointed Governor General of India, ib. ;

is appointed Secretary of Foreign Affairs, ib.; his strong

stand against the invasion of Spain by France, ib.; his

celebrated speech on giving aid to Portugal when in-

vaded from Spain, 856; is made Prime Minister, ib.;
his health soon after fails him, ib.; his death, ib.; sketch
of his character by Sir James Mackintosh, 856-8.

SPEECH on the Fall of Bonaparte




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