
Conjugate, from L. conjungo, to yoke or join together; from L. con, together;

and L. jugum, that which joins, a yoke.

Converge, from F. converger, L. con

with; L. vergo, to bend, or incline.

Co-ordinate, from L. co (con), together; and L. ordo, inis, a straight row, a regular series.

Cube, from L. cubus; G. kubos, a die.

Curve, from L. curvus, a, um, crooked, bent.

Cylinder, from G. kylindros; from G. kylindō, to roll. Hence roller-like.

Decagon, from G. deka, ten; and G. gōnia, an angle (corner).

Decimal, from L. decem, ten.

Diagonal, from G. diagōnios, from corner to corner. [G. dia, through; and G. gōnia, a corner.]

Diagram, from G. diagramma, that which is marked out by lines; from G. dia, round; and G. graphō, to write or delineate.

Diameter, from G. diametros, measurement through; from G. dia, through; and G. metron, a measure.

Dihedral, from G. di, double; and G. hedra, a base.

Dodecagon, from G. dōdeka, twelve; and G. gōnia, an angle (corner).
Dodecahedron, from G. dōdeka, twelve; and G. hedra, a base.


Duodecimal, from L. duodecim, twelve. [L. duo two, and L. decem = ten.]

Elevation, from L. elevo, to lift up or raise; from L. e, up; and L. levo, to raise.

Ellipse, from G. elleipsis, a defect or leaving out. [G. elleipo, to leave out.] Equilateral, from L. aequilaterus, equal-sided; from L. aequus, a, um, equal; and L. latus, lateris, a side.

Equivalent, from L. aequus, a, um, equal; and L. valens, valentis, being strong. [L. valeo = to be strong.]

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[blocks in formation]

Focus, from L. focus, a fire-place, hearth. [L. foveo
Foil, from F. feuille, a leaf. [L. folium = a leaf.]

Geometry, from G. yeōmetrō, to measure land; from G. gē, the earth; and G. metro, to measure.

Heptagon, from G. heptagōnos, seven-cornered; from G. hepta, seven; and G. gōnia, an angle (corner).

Hexagon, from G. hex, six; and G. gōnia, an angle.

Horizontal, from G. horizō, to divide or bound. [G. horos a limit.]

Hyperbola, from G. hyperbolē, a throwing beyond; from G. hyper, beyond or over; and ballo, to throw.

Hypotenuse, from G. hypoteinousa, the line subtending a right angle; from G. hypo, under; and G. teinō, to stretch.

Icosahedron, from G. eikosi, twenty; and G. hedra, a base.

Intersect, from L. inter, between; and L. seco (sectum), to eut.

Involute, from L. involvo, to roll around, wrap up; from L. in, upon; and L. volvo, volutum, to roll.

Isosceles, from G. isoskelēs, having equal legs; from G. isos, equal; and G. skelos, a leg.

Line, from L. linea, a linen thread. [L. linum


Multilateral, from L. multilaterus, many-sided; from L. multus, a, um, many; and L. latus, lateris, a side.

Nonagon, from L. nonus, a, um, the ninth; and G. gōnia, a corner.

Oblique, from L. obliquus, a, um, sidelong, slanting.

Oblong, from L. oblongus, a, um, rather long.

Obtuse, from L. obtusus, a, um, blunt; from L. obtundo, to blunt; from

L. ob, against; and L. tundo, to beat.

Octagon, from G. oktō, eight; and G. gōnia, an angle.

Octahedron, from G. oktō, eight; and G. hedra, a base.

Ordinate, from L. ordo, inis, a straight row, a regular series.

[blocks in formation]

Parabola, from G. parabolē, a placing beside; from G. para, from, by the side of; and G. ballo, to throw.

Parallel, from G. para, by the side of; and G. allelos, one another. [G. allos = another.]

Parallelogram, from G. parallēlogrammon, a figure bounded with parallel sides. [G. grammē = a line.]

Penetration, from L. penetro (penetratum), to place or set into.

Pentagon, from G. pente, five; and G. gōnia, a corner.

Perimeter, from G. peri, around; and G. metron, a measure.

Periphery, from G. peri, around; and G. pherō, to carry.

Perpendicular, from L. perpendiculum, a plumb - line; from L. per, thoroughly; and L. pendo, to weigh.

Plane, from L. planus, perfectly flat.

Point, from L. punctum, a point, or small hole. [L. pungo to pierce into ]

Polygon, from G. polugōnos, a figure having many angles; from G. polus, many; and G. gōnia, a corner.

[blocks in formation]

Problem, from G. problēma, that which is proposed; from G. pro, before; and G. ballo, to throw.

Profile, from L. pro, forth; and L. filum, a thread.

Projection, from L. projicio (projectum), to throw forth or before; from L. pro, forth; and L. jaceo, to throw.

Proportional, from L. proportio, symmetry, analogy; from L. pro, in comparison with; and L. portio, portionis, part, share.

Pyramid, from G. pyramis, pyramidos, usually derived from G. pyr, a flame, because of its pointed shape.

Quadrant, from L. quadrans, -antis, making square; from L. quadro, to make square. [L. quatuor = four.]

Quadrilateral, from L. quadrilaterus, four-sided; from L. quatuor, four; and L. latus, lateris, a side.

Quatrefoil, from F. quatre, four; and F. feuille, a leaf.

Radius, from L. radius, a spoke of a wheel.

Ratio, from L. ratio, calculation. [L. reor (ratus), to think, suppose.]
Rectangle, from L. rectus, a, um, right; and L. angulus, a corner.

Rectilineal, from L. rectus, um, right, straight; and L. linea, a linen thread. [L. linum =


Rhombus, from G. rhombos, a wheel thus shaped, and turned on a pivot. [G. rhembo, to turn round and round.].

Rhomboid, from G. rhombos, and G. eidos, form, shape.

Scale, from L. scala, a ladder, flight of steps. [L. scando, to mount.]
Scalene, from G. skalēnos, unequal, uneven.

Sector, from L. sector, one who cuts. [L. seco

[G. skazō, to limp.]
(sectum), to cut.]

Segment, from L. segmentum, a piece cut off. [L. seco (sectum), to cut.] Semi-circle, from L. semi, half; and L. circulus, a ring; from G. kirkos, a circle.

Sphere, from G. sphaira, a ball or globe.

Spiral, from G. speira, anything wound round, a coil.

Square, from L. quadro, to make square. [Old F. esquarré, a square; modern F. carré, square.]

Superficies, from L. superficies, the upper side, the top; from L. super, above; and L. facies, a face.

Tangent, from L. tangens, -entis, touching. [L. tango
Tetrahedron, from G. tetra, four; and G. hedra, a base.
Trace, from L. traho, to draw. [F. trace

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to touch.]

Transverse, from L. transversus, lying across; from L. trans, across; and L. verto (versum), to turn.

Trapezium, from G. trapezion, dim. of trapeza, a table; contracted either from G. tri-peza, three-legged; or from G. tetra-peza, four-legged. Trapezoid, from G. trapezion, and G. eidos, shape, form.

Trefoil, from F. trois, three; and F. feuille, a leaf.

Triangle, from L. triangulus, having three corners; from L. tres, three; and L. angulus, a corner.

Trilateral, from L. trilaterus, having three sides; from L. tres, three; and L. latus, lateris, a side.

Trisect, from L. tres, three; and L. seco (sectum), to cut.

Vertex, from L. vertex, the top or crown of the head. [L. verto = to turn.] Vertical, from L. vertex (verticis), the top of the head.

Volute, from L. volvo (volutum), to roll.


























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[blocks in formation]

; to make, equal to given angle, from given point, in the given

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

; to make, equal to given angle, from given point, outside the
given line,

[blocks in formation]

; to bisect, made by two converging lines, the angular point
being inaccessible,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

tangential; to draw, to two given circles, touching one of the
given circles in a given point,

[ocr errors][merged small]

of a circle; to describe, tangential to two given converging

[blocks in formation]

; to describe, tangential to given arc and given line,


to find centre of,



; to describe, passing through three given points,



; to describe, passing through given point, and tangential to
given line,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

; to describe, of given radius, touching two given circles,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

; to describe, of given radius, tangential to two converging lines,
; to draw, touching given circle in given point, also a given line,

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