


local preacher myself, I can give you my hearty sympathy." Another contributor remarks, "Like yourself I was a Wesleyan many years, early in life; and therefore I cordially sympathize with the efforts you are making to induce the members of that denomination to reconsider, dispassionately, the estimate which their Founder so mistakenly formed of Swedenborg and his mission."

"WESLEY AND SWEDENBORG."-The all success, and I admire your plan project mentioned in the last number of immensely. Having been a Wesleyan the Intellectual Repository, page 342, namely, to give to every Dissenting minister in the country, beginning with the Methodists, a copy of the Rev. W. Bruce's new work, "Wesley and Swedenborg: a Review of the Rev. John Wesley's 'Thoughts on the Writings of Baron Swedenborg," has been supported by contributions to the extent of £38. I have received but two large sums, and many will be necessary to complete the work. It is true that the appeal in last month's Repository has not yet had time to work its proper effect. The sums already received will be found in our advertising columns. I rest my appeal for assistance in this work on the ground that no other agency would reach the ministers of religion at so small a cost, and that the odium which has been unjustly cast on the name of Swedenborg must be removed before the public will 'read his works. An additional sum of £33 will be required.

The success of this scheme, which I will consider assured, has inspired the generous donor of £10 in the above list, with a desire to place the New Church doctrines, in some attractive form, and

by the same agency, before every

minister in the Church of England, the Bible Christian and Unitarian ministers, etc. He observes, "I believe that the world should be the parish of all Newchurchmen, and that their mission is, to preach the Gospel to every creature; and at present I know no better way of doing it than the one you have commenced. I will tell you what I feel is the least I ought to do in such a work, if it meets your approbation, that you may have a kind of basis to judge from, and it is this, that I will send you £40 towards printing, in pamphlet form, and posting, the 'Brighton Lectures, or Evening and Morning,' to the clergy of the Established Church, etc., if the author of the work which may be selected will allow you to reprint it in a cheap and popular form, and I think he would be glad to have such an opportunity of doing good."

A donor of £1 observes, "I wish you

Will the friends of the New Church counsel me as to the best book to reprint and send to the Established clergy, and will those Newchurchmen who have enough and to spare bear the expense? Address both counsel and money to Isaac Pitman, Bath.

PAN-PRESBYTERIAN COUNCIL.-The several Church Assemblies of Scotland have this year been succeeded by a more august assembly. They represented their several communities, Established, Free, and United Presbyterian. The PanPresbyterian Council, which assembled in Edinburgh on Wednesday 4th July, was attended by representatives of twenty thousand churches, scattered throughout the continents of Europe and America. Arrangements for its assembly have been in progress some time, and it has been welcomed with enthusiasm by all classes. The opening sermon was preached by Professor Flint, who discoursed on the subject of Christain unity. "It was not," he said, the differences of principle or opinion be tween the various denominations which marred their Christian unity, but the evil and angry passions which gathered round these differences. It was not when one body of men held honestly and firmly the Voluntary principle and another body the Establishment principle that Christian unity was broken; but when those who held the one principle insinuated that those who held the other were, in virtue of doing so, ungodly men; when, instead of freely acknowledging what was good in each other, each exaggerated what was good in itself and depreciated what was

good in the other, or even rejoiced in its dogmatic theology? He imagined that neighbour's humiliation; and when if they were to have a true dogmatic those who represented them contended theology in any age, if they were to by speech or writing in a manner from have their ministers and preachers which a courteous and honest man of trained in that which must always be the world would recoil-then certainly the noblest element of their power, they Christian unity was broken visibly and must give them as large a measure of terribly, for then the Christian spirit freedom in reference to their confessions was absent, or grievously feeble." of faith and systems of dogmatic theology as was consistent with holding the great doctrines which the Church was constituted to proclaim."

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Council, Dr. Irenæus Prime, of New address at the Pan-Presbyterian York, gave the following account of Presbyterianism in America: "The Presbyterian Church in the States, he said, had shown as great capacity for where. Presbyterians were the same set of men and they were setting the same way-that was, their own way—always ready to give up when they were convinced, but never convinced if they could help it—willing at any time to part with their best friend rather than yield a point in dispute. Indeed they had a tradition in America that one of

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It was scarcely possible for a council of this kind to assemble at the present time and not discuss the troubled question of the Creeds. In a paper on The Harmony of Reformed Confessions," Prof. Schaff of New York, after detailing the principal Calvinistic Confessions, proceeded to point out the period of change, the time when these systems of faith began to lose their hold on the public mind. The time indicated is the time immediately succeeding the execu; tion in the spiritual world of the general judgment, and for which the writings of Swedenborg, had she accepted his teaching, would have prepared the Church. "For more than two hundred years, said the Professor, "these Confessions maintained their supremacy in the councils of the Church, in the professor's chair, and in the pulpit. their Presbyterian Fathers in Scotland, Then followed in the middle of last when Moderator, prayed thus-Grant, century a theological revolution such as O Lord, that we may be right, for had never swept over the Christian Thou knowest we are very decided.' Church. It affected not only the Reformed, but still more the Lutheran They had in all in the States 9,028 and Roman Churches; while in France Presbyterian ministers, 12,000 Congreit ended in the Reign of Terror and the gations with 1,005,200 members, raisFrench Revolution, which abolished ing in one year money contributions for Christianity itself. Since then the symbolic books had lost their former £3,000,000-equal to £3 each communiauthority in almost every country except been marked by steady, solid growth.” The history of the Church had England, Scotland, and the United States. In the present century came theological revival, which was still going on all over the Christian world."

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to the amount of

"THE PRIEST IN ABSOLUTION."—An intense commotion has been excited by the production of a book under this In the course of a discussion on title, for the guidance of the clergy "Preaching and Training of Preachers,' in the Confessional. The Romanizing Professor Milligan, of Aberdeen, made tendency of the ritualistic clergy has the following remarks on dogmatic been long well known. Their advocacy theology. "He liked to think," he of the Confessional and other Roman said, of dogmatic theology as crown- practices has been too open to be coning the very pyramid of human know- cealed. An association for the furtherledge, and all the sciences, and every branch of theological inquiry coming and laying their treasures at her feet. In connection with this, however, there arose a very grave question, and that was-What was the relation in which they wished to place the training of their ministers to this great subject of

ance of these practices has been insti-
tuted, under the title of "The Society
of the Holy Cross ;" and the book in
question has been prepared at the
suggestion of this Society.
A copy
placed in the hands of Lord Redesdale
was brought by him before the notice
of the House of Lords. Sundry extracts

priestly absolution. The untold evils arising from these practices are too indelibly impressed on the minds of Englishmen to admit of the general restoration of the confessional. The bishops, says the Times, "may be quite sure that unless they can get rid of these Conspirators'-be they good or badthe people of England will before long make short work of the institution which shelters them."

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PRESENTATION TO MR. GUNTON.-On Thursday, 5th July, a meeting was held at Argyle Square Church, London, under the presidency of Dr. Bayley, for the purpose of presenting a testimonial, to Mr. Richard Gunton, the Treasurer of Conference and national missionary. The testimonial consisted of a handsome silver inkstand, a cheque for £200, and an illuminated address, which was as follows:

were read which showed that the very features most objected to in the Roman service were introduced, and that all the evils which follow this subjection of the mind of one person to the control of another, must certainly follow. The teaching of the book and the practices with which it is connected were condemned by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who has since brought the subject before the Upper House of Convocation. In his speech in Convocation, he intro. duced another book on the same subject, which has had a large circulation, from which he gave the following extract :"It is to the priest, and the priest only, that a child must acknowledge his sins, if he desires that God should forgive him." Then comes the very obvious question: "Do you know why? It is because God, when He was on earth, gave to His priests, and to them alone, the Divine power of forgiving men their sins. It was to priests only that "To Mr. Richard Gunton. Dear Mr. Jesus said- Receive ye the Holy Gunton, on behalf of your numerous Ghost,' etc. Those who will not confess friends in the New Jerusalem Church, will not be cured. Sin is a terrible we ask your acceptance of the present sickness, and casts souls into hell." testimonial, together with the accomThat is addressed to a child of six years panying inkstand and purse of gold, in of age. "I have known (the book continues) poor children who concealed their sins in confession for years; they were very unhappy, were tormented with remorse, and if they had died in that state they would certainly have gone to the everlasting fires of hell."

In reply to the communication of the Archbishop, the Society of the Holy Cross presented a statement in which they say that "while distinctly repudiating the unfair criticisms which have been passed on the book called The Priest in Absolution, and without intending to imply any condemnation of it, yet in deference to the desire expressed by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the representatives of the Society, resolves that no further copies of it be supplied." This resolution was not regarded as satisfactory, and a resolution was unanimously adopted which declares "that this House hereby expresses its strong condemnation of any doctrine or practice of confession which can be thought to render such a book necessary or expedient."

Self-examination is essential to all true progress in the spiritual life, but this examination is quite distinct from the doctrine of auricular confession and

heartfelt recognition of the many emi-
nent uses, both secular and spiritual,
which you have rendered throughout
Great Britain. For twenty years you
have filled the responsible and onerous
office of Treasurer of the General Con-
ference of the New Church, and by your
zeal and business ability have largely
contributed to the increase and useful-
ness of its several important funds
committed to your charge. Ten years
ago you gave up the emoluments of your
secular position, that you might labour
as a preacher and lecturer under the
auspices of the National Missionary
Institution, to diffuse among mankind
those Divine truths which are so dear to
us all; and many owe their acquaintance
with the doctrine of the New Jerusalem
to your clear and forcible expositions.
You have also acted for eleven years as
Treasurer of the Missionary and Tract
Society, and by your judicious counsels
and earnest recommendations, have
largely promoted the employment of
those excellent publications which, in
addition to the tracts, have become
'silent missionaries' in thousands of
homes. Accept, dear Mr. Gunton, the
expression of our fervent desires that
you may long be permitted to continue

About 150 friends from all parts of London assembled to take tea at halfpast five, and during the evening this number was greatly increased, the room being quite full.

your eminent services to the Church he had determined to lay aside his upon earth, blessed in yourself, and ordinary business, and to give himself thoroughly prepared by your life and entirely to the Missionary work. The usefulness for your eternal home above. speaker then dwelt at some length upon Signed, on behalf of your brethren and Mr. Gunton's labours as a Missionary, friends of the New Jerusalem Church, highly eulogising his indefatigable by the Testimonial Committee." zeal in building up the Church in London and various parts of the country; and expressing the high value which they all set upon his exertions. Addressing Mr. Gunton, he then said, "Allow me to say, my dear friend, that The chair was taken at 7 o'clock by you are the honoured object of our Dr. Bayley, who said they had met to regard to-night, because we feel that give their beloved friend Mr. Gunton a the Lord has honoured you in making token of their warm esteem for labours you truly useful. In the name of the that had been energetic, untiring, and subscribers and of this meeting, as well most successful. Mr. Gunton had long as of your numerous friends in every filled many offices, and to the admiration part of the Church, allow me to present of all. He had been recently seriously to you the testimonial of this day. It is indisposed as a result of his multiplied, the token of the esteem for your admirpersistent, and perhaps over-earnest ex- able labours felt by us all. It is the ertions, and on his recovery some of his outbirth of the warm affection of your friends had thought it would do him brethren, and their best wishes for many no harm, and would do the members of years of healthful and blessed activity, the Church much good, if they let him to continue with you with ever-increasing know by some substantial evidence how success. It is the expression of the much his labours were valued, and how judgment of the members of the Church much they loved him as a man. After you have loved, on your many services alluding to the address, the silver for the good of others thus far, and the inkstand, and the cheque for £200 which foretoken, we fondly hope, of the Divine were about to be presented, Dr. Bayley welcome at the end of your life's proceeded to give a sketch of Mr. journey: Well done, good and faithGunton's labours in the cause of the ful servant; thou hast been faithful Church. Twenty years ago, the cen- over a few things, I will make thee tennial year, he had undertaken the ruler over many things: enter thou into office of Treasurer. The funded property the joy of thy Lord."" of the Church was then a little over £6000, but now, by the benefactions of such men as Mr. Crompton and Mr. Finnie, it amounted to over £48,000; and although doubtless the great moving cause had been the Spirit of the Lord operating in the hearts of their good friends from time to time, yet the work had been largely assisted by the admirable qualities, the earnest zeal, and the painstaking care of their Treasurer. Mr. Gunton had also been, for a considerable portion of that period, the Treasurer of the Missionary and Tract Society, in Mr. Jobson, the Secretary of the Testiwhich office he had not only taken the monial Committee, described the origin utmost care and pains to create funds of the testimonial. The idea had no but to properly apply them. He was a sooner been mentioned, he said, than it New Churchman of some forty years' had been greeted with hearty approval standing, having previously belonged on all sides. Mr. Gunton's labours had to the Methodist body, and during that not been confined to any particular period had lost no opportunity of stir- locality, and many friends and localities ring up earnest affection for the truths throughout the country had responded of the Church; but eleven years ago to the appeal. His services had been

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The Rev. J. Presland expressed the satisfaction he felt in welcoming such a large and influential meeting to Argyle Square. Camden Road and Palace Gardens might have particular claims to be the scene of their present preceedings, but they could and did warmly welcome Mr. Gunton to Argyle Square on account of of his uses to the Church at large. He then proceeded to read the illuminated address, which, he had no doubt, embodied the feeling which the meeting would wish to convey.

of such a useful and valuable kind that in the world by the Conference, the the Committee felt they could not repay Swedenborg Society, and the Missionary him by a money equivalent, but they Society, and by our self-sacrificing mindesired him to know that the testi- isters. He was glad to see the Church monial was accompanied by the sincerest waking up to its duty to the ministry, thanks for and warmest approval of his hoped that they should before long have long and useful career in the Church. a better state of things in that respect, Mr. Gunton was a most extraordinary for the more numerous the labourers man as they had never yet found two became, the sooner would earnest, lovSamuel Nobles or two Dr. Bayleys, so ing hearts who seek the truth come in they would never find two Richard contact with it. A great work also Guntons in the New Church. There remained to be done. There were a was no fear that the honours then con- large number of towns and villages, ferred upon him would in the slightest even in England, which had never degree disturb his serenity, but on the heard the name of the New Church: other hand he could fully appreciate they must therefore do their utmost to the esteem and good wishes of others, send the truth abroad into the world. more especially of those who were work- He concluded by thanking them again ing in the same good and worthy cause. very heartily for such an earnest maniThe speaker also touched upon his great festation of their appreciation of his energy and business capacity, his ster- labours, and desired to thank Mr. ling honesty and integrity of purpose, Jobson specially and personally. He and concluded by paying a high com- assured them that it would be the depliment to his indomitable perseverance light of his heart to continue to do what in the prosecution of his missionary he could, for there was no joy equal to labours, which he believed would meet that of presenting the truths of the with honourable recognition at the Holy Jerusalem to recipient minds, and hands of the future historian of the searching them out all the wide earth Church.

Mr. Milner, Treasurer of the Committee, then gave some particulars as to the subscriptions, after which Mr. Gunton rose, and was received with much applause. He said he felt so overwhelmed with this expression of their appreciation of his labours, that he really did not know what acknow. ledgment to make. They had been told that he was a terrible man to his friends' pockets, but if they encouraged him in that way, they must expect a few more Treasurer's visits. They had some more churches to build yet their good friends at Northampton had just purchased a piece of ground, and now wanted to put a respectable building upon it. Mr. Gunton then proceeded to give an interesting account of some of his experiences as Treasurer of Conference, more particularly in connection with the late Mr. Finnie, and some incidents of his missionary labours. He said he never felt more delight in the latter work than he did at present, for every journey he made he felt to be more at home in it, and that he had more power than formerly to present the doctrines of the Church with clearness to those who had never before heard of them. A great work had been done


Mr. E. Austin said, that in consequence of the spirit of incredulity which had grown up with liberty of thought and toleration in the religious world, men who came before the public and claimed to be teachers often had very crude and merely negative opinions. It was therefore refreshing to find that one of the most prominent characteristics of the man whom they desired to honour was, that he held strong views and affirmative principles, that he thoroughly believed in the dictum of Archbishop Whately, that it is not enough to believe what you maintain, but you ought also to maintain what you believe. Recognition should also be given to his use in bringing lovers of the Church together.

Mr. Frederick Braby, after congratu lating Mr. Gunton, said that although he had been at active work for twenty years, they might still hope to see him full of readiness for labour. An accomplished Belgian baroness had told him (the speaker) that she could speak well in five languages, but that she always thought in German; similarly Mr. Gunton could perform all the ordinary duties of business and social life, but he always thought in "New Church.”

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