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On the question to agree to the amendment, the yeas and nays being required by Mr. Fofter.

Mr. Fofter

nor no

Mr. Williamlon

Mr. 3paight

Mr. Read

Mr. Beresford


Mr, Blanchard

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On the question to agree to the motion as amended, the yeas and nays being required by Mr. Paine.

Mr. Fofter


Mr. Blanchard

ay} divided


Mr. Gerry


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Mr. Partridge



Mr. Ellery


Mr. Howell



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Mr. De Witt


Mr. Paine




Mr. Stevens

ay ay

Mr. Dick



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Mr. Williamfon


Mr. Spaight



South Carolina,

Mr. Read

ay divided

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Refolved, That the commanding officer be, and he is hereby directed to discharge the troops now in the fervice of the United States, except twenty-five privates, to guard


the flores at Fort-Pitt, and fifty-five to guard the flores at Weft-Point and other magazines, with a proportionate number of officers; no officer to remain in service above the rank of a captain, and thofe privates to be retained who were enlifted on the best terms: Provided Congrels before its recess, shall not take other measures refpecting the difpofition of thofe troops That the arrearages of their pay and ratiors after the 3d of November tatt, bẹ fettled in the fame manner as the accounts of the troops lately discharged; and that the fuperintendant of finance take order for furnishing them two month's pay.


Congress affembled-Present eleven states as yesterday. The committee confifting of Mr. Sherman, Mr. Read, Mr. M.Henry, Mr. Monroe and Mr. Dick, to whom was referred a motion of Mr. Read, having reported, and the report being taken into confideration, being as follows.

Whereas a body of troops to confift of seven hundred noncommiffioned officers and privates, properly officered, are immediately and indifpenfibly neceflary for fecuring and protecting the northwestern frontiers of the United States, and their Indian friends and allies, and for gar. rifoning the pofts foon to be evacuated by the troops of his Britannic majefty-Resolved, That it be, and it is hereby recommended to the ftates hereafter named, and as moft conveniently fituated, to furnish forthwith from their militia, seven hundred men, to ferve for twelve months, unless fooner difcharged, in the following pro. portions, viz. Connecticut 165, New-York 165, NewJerfey, 110, Pennsylvania 260, making in the whole 700. Kefolved, That the fecretary at war take order for form. ing the faid troops when allembled, into one regiment, to confift of eight companies of infantry, and two of artillery, arming and equipping them in a foldier like man, ner : and that he be authorized to direct their deftina. tion and operations, subject to the order of Congress, and of the Committee of the States in the recets of Congress. Refolved, That the pay, fubfiflence and rations of the offi cers and men fhall be the fame as has been heretofore


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allowed to the troops of the United States, and that each officer and foldier thall receive one month's pay after they are embodied, before their march. Refolved, That is be recommended to the several states, to employ fuch offi cers of their late lines of the continental army, as may be willing to enter into the prefent fervice. Refolved, That the flaff and commiffioned officers of the said troops confift of the following, and be furnished by the feveral states hereinafter mentioned; that is to fay, one lieutenant-colonel commandant from Pennsylvania, two majors, one from Connecticut, and one from New-York, each major to command a company; eight captains from the fevera! states furnishing the troops in the nearest proportion to the number of the men furnished; ten lieurenants, one to act as adjutant; ten ensigns, one chaplain, one furgeon, four mates. Refolved, That the secretary at war give the neceflary order for the inferior arrange. ments and organization of the faid troops, and make the apportionment of the officers to be furnished by the seve~ ral ftates, not herein particularly directed. Refolved, That the faid troops when embodied, on their march, on duty, and in garrifon, fhall be liable to all the rules and regulations formed for the government of the late army of the United States. Refolved, That the fuperintendant of the finances of the United States, take order for furnishing on the warrant of the secretary at war, the fums requifite for carrying the foregoing refolutions into effect.

A motion was made by Mr Paine, feconded by Mr. De Witt, to poftpone the confideration thereof, in order to take up the report of the committee, on the representation from the delegates of New-York, and which is as follows.

"The committee confifling of Mr. Read, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Ellery, Mr. Hardy and Mr. Partridge,to whom was referred the reprefentation of the delegates from the state of New-York,refpecting the controverfy between the said state and the people inhabiting the territory called the NewHampshire Grants,made in purfuance of exprefs inftructions. from the legislature of the faid ftate,urging the neceflity of an immediate decifion of the faid controverfy, with fundry affidavits and other papers accompanying the fame,having


carefully examined the papers and the files and proceeding of Congress refpecting the faid controverfy, and maturely confidered the cafe, report thereon as followsThat by an act of Congress of the 7th of August 1781, reciting that the ftates of New Hampshire and NewYork had fubmitted to Congrefs the decifion of the dif pures between them, and the people inhabiting the NewHampshire Grants, on the weft fide of Connecticut river, called the state of Vermont, concerning their respective claims of jurifdiction over the faid territory, and had been heard thereon, and that the people aforefaid did claim and exercife the powers of a fovereign independ. ent fate, and had requested to be admitted into the federal union of thefe States. It was among other things refolved, "That a committee of five be appointed to con. fer with fuch perfon or perfons as may be appointed by the people refiding on the New-Hampshire Grants, on the west fide of Connecticut river, or by their reprefentative body, respecting their claim to be an independent state, and on what terms it may be proper to admit them into the federal union of these states, in cafe the United States in Congrefs affembled fhall determine to recognize their independence, and thereof make report. And it is hereby recommended to the people of the territory aforefaid, or their representative body, to appoint an agent or agents to repair immediately to Philadelphia, with full powers and instructions to confer with the faid committee on the matters aforefaid, and on behalf of the faid people to agree upon, and ratify terms and articles of union and confederation with the United States of America, in cafe they fhall be admitted into the union; and the faid committee are hereby infructed to give notice to the agents of the fates of New Hamphire and New York, to be prefent at the conference aforefaid."

And on the 8th day of the said August, a committee was accordingly appointed, who afterwards had a conference with Jonas Fay, Ira Allen and Bezaleel Woodward, agents appointed by the authority of the people inhabiting the faid territory called the New-Hampshire Grants, to repair to Congrefs, and to propofe and receive from them, terms of a union with the United States.


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