

Papist-confers with Esquire Marsh (Justice), and shows him how to dis-
tinguish between Friends and other Dissenters who refused the oath-Justice
Marsh is afterwards very serviceable to Friends in screening them from
suffering, and recommends the king to grant liberty of conscience-fourteen
monthly meetings are settled in Yorkshire-Isaac Lindley to George Fox
-when at Scarbro' the governor presses George Fox to accept his hospi-
tality-large and precious meetings,

CHAPTER III.-1669-1671.-George Fox sails for Ireland in company with
several other Friends-he there sends a challenge to the Popish priests to
try their God, which is not accepted-he contrasts them with Baal's priests
-the authorities of Cork threaten him, and issue warrants for his appre-
hension he rides publicly through the city, and is seen by the mayor, but
not molested-writes to Friends in the ministry there-discourses with
professors on election and reprobation-returns to England-a report is
spread that George Fox is turned Presbyterian, through a trick to obtain a
congregation for John Fox, the Presbyterian, which, however, turns to the
advantage of Friends-George Fox is married to Margaret Fell at Bristol
-writes to the quarterly meetings about putting children apprentices—
Margaret Fox is cast into prison-two of her daughters go to the king, and
obtain a promise of their mother's liberty-on the passing of the Conventicle
Act, George Fox writes a declaration against seditious conventicles-writes
to Friends to strengthen them in their trials-is apprehended at a meeting
at Gracechurch Street-taken before the mayor, who discourses with him
and sets him at liberty-visits Friends in Reading jail-undergoes great
travail of spirit, loses his sight and hearing, and becomes as a sign-perse-
cution becoming hot, some meeting-houses are pulled down, and Friends are
much abused-George Fox endures great mental conflict-the faithfulness
of Friends is said by some professors to have preserved the nation from
debauchery-George Fox writes an encouraging letter to Friends-as
persecution abates he recovers-writes a warning to the rulers of the nation
-recommends certain regulations respecting marriage—writes a prayer,
CHAPTER IV.-1671-1672.-His wife being still detained a prisoner, George
Fox puts two women Friends upon going to the king to procure her
discharge, which he granted under the broad seal, to clear her person and
estate after being a prisoner under premunire ten years-he sails for the
plantations in America with several other Friends-chased by a Sallee
man-of-war-the master in a strait asks advice of George Fox, who seeks
counsel of the Lord, and is assured of their preservation-the event verifies
the prediction-they land at Barbadoes, after a seven weeks' passage-a
man in the island, who was greatly incensed against George Fox without
just cause, and who had threatened his life, died a few days before his
landing is laid up for some weeks-writes to Friends in England-exhorts
Friends to care and watchfulness in regard to marriages, keeping registers,
and records, providing burial grounds, &c.-to deal mildly with their
negroes, and, after certain years of servitude, to set them free-writes a
further exhortation to Friends in England-visits the governor, who is very
kind-has many large meetings, and there is a great convincement; Colonel
Lyne testifies how much Friends exalt Christ in all his offices beyond what
he had ever heard the priests rage, and try in vain to stir up persecution
-there is much clamour and cavilling against Friends, and many slanders
and false reports are issued, which George Fox answers in a paper addressed
to the governor-the governor visits him-writes to his wife-sails for
Jamaica, where he has many meetings, and many are convinced-Elizabeth
Hooton dies there,

CHAPTER V.-1672-1673.-George Fox embarks for Maryland, where he
arrives after a seven weeks' voyage, and having experienced some remark-





able deliverances-attends a General Meeting for Maryland, which held four
days-several meetings for discipline established-has meetings with the
Indian kings-travels towards New England-attends the Half-year's Meet-
ing on Long Island, which continued four days-has a meeting with some
opposers-visits Rhode Island, where the Yearly Meeting for New England
is held, which continued six days-attends a marriage there, and has a
meeting with some Ranters-also one with some Indians on Shelter Island
-one of his companions thrown from his horse and lays apparently dead,
but soon recovers in an unexpected manner-they reach Maryland after nine
days' travel overland between three and four hundred miles-visits a judge
who is ill, but recovers-attends the General Meeting for Maryland, which
held five days-sails for Virginia, and arrives in three days, a distance of
200 miles-thence proceeds towards Carolina-visits the Indians, and shows
them that God made but one woman for one man-returns to Virginia—
sails for Maryland-endures great extremes of heat and cold within a very
short period-speaks to a woman who had been many years in trouble, and
entreats the Lord for her, and she is thereupon restored-attends the
General Meeting for Maryland, to the edification and comfort of Friends-
sails for England, and arrives safe, after a six weeks' passage,

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CHAPTER VI.-1673-1675.-George Fox writes to his wife from Bristol-has
a glorious powerful meeting there, in which he declares of three estates and
three teachers at Slattenford meets with much opposition to the settlement
of women's meetings-the chief opposer, struck by the Lord's power,
condemns his error-at Armscott is arrested by Justice Parker, and sent to
Worcester jail with Thomas Lower-writes to his wife-he and T. Lower
write to Lord Windsor and other magistrates, with a statement of their case
-they are examined at the sessions, but George Fox is ensnared with the
oath, and re-committed for refusing to take it-Thomas Lower is discharged,
and afterwards visits Justice Parker, and gives the priest of the parish (who
instigated their imprisonment) a severe rebuke in his presence, though
unknown-George Fox disputes with Dr. Crowder on swearing-he is
removed to London by Habeas Corpus-but ultimately remanded to Wor-
cester-is examined at the assizes by Judge Turner, but the case is referred
to the sessions-disputes with a priest on perfection-brought up at the
sessions and re-committed, but has liberty till the next sessions-is again
removed by Habeas Corpus, and tenders in court a declaration instead of
the oath-attends the Yearly Meeting in London-appears again at the
sessions of Worcester, and points out the flaws in his indictment-yet he is
brought in guilty and premunired-writes to the king respecting the prin-
ciple of Friends-is seized with illness, and his life almost despaired of-
Justice Parker writes to the jailer to relax the rigour of his imprisonment
-his wife intercedes with the king for his release, which he is willing to
grant by a pardon-this George Fox could not accept, as it implied guilt-
he is once more removed by Habeas Corpus-the under-sheriff quarrels
with him for calling their ministers priests-he is brought before the judges,
and Counsellor Corbet starts a new plea, that the Court cannot imprison on
a premunire—the indictment is quashed for error, and he is freed by pro-
clamation after nearly fourteen months' imprisonment-he writes many
papers and pamphlets in Worcester jail,

CHAPTER VII.-1675-1677.-George Fox attends the Yearly Meeting, and
afterwards sets forward towards the North-attends the Quarterly Meeting
at Lancaster, and goes thence to Swarthmore-writes many books and
papers for the Truth-the titles of several named-writes to Friends in
Westmorland to keep in the power of God, and thereby avoid strife-writes
an epistle to the Yearly Meeting-makes a collection and arrangement of
his various papers and writings, and of the names of divers Friends engaged
in particular service, or against the Truth-some meetings for discipline


. 106


established in the North in 1653-recites his labours and travels for estab-
lishing meetings for discipline-a spirit of discord and separation appears in
the church-the separatists are rebuked and reproved-the establishment
of men's and women's meetings is much opposed--a narrative of the spread-
ing of Truth, and of the opposition from the worldly powers-death of
Priest Lampitt, a persecutor-George Fox travels again towards the South
-writes to his wife from York-finds some slack in their testimony against
Tithes-writes an epistle to Friends on the subject-attends the Yearly
Meeting with John Burnyeat, and other Friends, visits William Penn at
his house at Worminghurst, in Sussex-sets things in order for visiting
Holland-precious meeting,

CHAPTER VIII.-1677.-George Fox sails for Holland, with several other
Friends, and lands at Briel-attends the Quarterly Meeting at Amsterdam
-writes an epistle to Friends against the spirit of separation-writes to the
Princess Elizabeth-her answer-a Monthly Meeting is established at
Frederickstadt-Friends are imprisoned and banished from Embden, and
suffer greatly-a Monthly Meeting settled at Harlingen-a priest assents to
the doctrine promulgated by George Fox-he is questioned for it by his
hearers-George Fox writes an epistle to Friends respecting the seducing
spirit-he writes an epistle of encouragement to Friends under suffering at
Dantzic-and again to Friends respecting the spirit of separation-spends
considerable time at Amsterdam in writing on Truth's account—a warning
to the magistrates and people of Oldenburg-an epistle concerning fasts,
prayers, honour, persecution, true liberty, and the observance of days and
times a warning to the magistrates, priests, and people of Hamburg-to
the ambassadors met to effect a treaty of peace in the city of Nimeguen—
completes his travels in Holland-writes a book addressed to the Jews,
CHAPTER IX.-1677-1680.-George Fox, with other Friends, sails for
England, and lands at Harwich, after a hazardous voyage of three days—
has a large meeting at Colchester, and proceeds thence to London-writes
to his wife-receives further accounts of persecution in New England—
travels into Buckinghamshire, and meets with some false brethren, who are
unruly and troublesome at meetings-Friends have a special meeting with
them afterwards-at Reading meets with opposition to the settlement of a
women's meeting-visits Bristol during the fair, where are many Friends
from various parts-the separatists there are very rude and abusive-he
aids Friends in drawing up a breviat of their sufferings, to present to the
judges at Gloucester assizes-meets with some separatists at Finchcomb-is
engaged with other Friends in soliciting Parliament to grant them relief
from the statutes made against Popish recusants-attends the Yearly Meet-
ing, which was a glorious and heavenly one-Friends greatly united in
testifying against the spirit of separation-not one mouth opened on its
behalf the Truth prospers at home and abroad-George Fox writes to his
wife-writes to the king of Poland to dissuade him from persecution-to
Friends in Amsterdam-Friends again press their suit for relief from the
statutes made against Popish recusants without success-are much exercised
with the spirit of separation, which opposes the order and discipline of the
church-George Fox writes a paper to open the understandings of the weak,
and as a reproof to a censorious judging spirit-has conferences with some
of the opposers at Hertford-writes again to Friends to warn them of this
spirit of false liberty-visits Friends in Prison at Leicester-advises
Friends how to end their differences-writes an epistle to Friends in London
-writes to Friends in prison to console them under suffering-writes an
epistle to the Yearly Meeting-an encouragement to Friends to be valiant
for the Truth-also a caution to Friends to keep in humility-travels again
towards the South-visits prisoners in York Castle-recommends Friends
to lay their sufferings before the judge at the assizes-attends the Yearly





Meeting in London-writes to the Great Turk and to the Dey of Algiers—
to the latter particularly respecting Friends who are captives there-at
Hertford meets with John Story (the schismatic) and some of his party, but
the Truth prevails-has a meeting with some of the opposers-solicits the
Parliament to grant relief to Friends under suffering-writes a paper against
plots and plotters,
. 209

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CHAPTER X.-1681-1683.-George Fox answers two envious books written
abroad-writes to magistrates to persuade them to moderation-writes to
the Quarterly Meetings-attends the judges at Chambers, respecting a
tithe-suit against himself and his wife-George Fox had bound himself not
to intermeddle with his wife's estate-this is shown to the judges in court,
at which they wonder-his counsel thereon founds an argument in his
favour-he again writes against the spirit of strife and division in the church
-writes to the magistrates who had illegally condemned Friends upon
ex-parte evidence-writes two papers respecting the choice of sheriffs-
Friends are interrupted at Gracechurch Street Meeting by a civil and
military force-George Fox writes divers books and papers in support and
defence of the Truth-the Spirit of God directed to as the rule to distinguish
between Truth and error, whereby the evil of persecution may be avoided-
an epistle to encourage Friends under their sufferings, both from the out-
ward powers, and from false brethren-the laws are now more strictly
enforced against Dissenters-an epistle to Friends, commending them to the
power of God in themselves-writes to Friends imprisoned at Denbigh, to
console them in their sufferings, and exhorting them to faithfulness-Friends
are kept out of their meeting-houses, and fined for speaking-a Friend is
speedily restored from a sudden illness, in a remarkable manner, through
the prayers of George Fox-persecution is now hot, and George Fox
writes to Friends not to risk the loss of other people's goods through their

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CHAPTER XI.-1683-1685.—A salutation of love to Friends, designed to stir
up the pure mind-an epistle to Friends commending them to Christ, the
rock and sure foundation-an epistle of counsel to Friends-George Fox
taken from a meeting and examined by a magistrate, but soon released-
writes an epistle to the faithful to beware of a seducing spirit-after the
Yearly Meeting sails for Holland, and lands at the Briel-attends the Yearly
Meeting at Amsterdam-writes to Galenus Abrahams, a Mennonist or
Baptist, who, seven years before, bid him "keep his eyes off him,” for he
said "they pierced him," but now he was become very loving and tender,
as well as his family-George Fox returns to England-writes to the Duke
of Holstein an able defence of women's preaching-writes an epistle of
counsel to Friends-advises with, and assists them in, drawing up an account
of sufferings, which is printed and spread amongst Parliament-men-writes
a caution to Friends to keep out of the world's spirit, &c.—and a warning
against pride and excess in apparel, .

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CHAPTER XII.-1685-1686.-George Fox tarries in London, labouring in the
service of Truth-removes to Epping on account of his health—writes an
epistle to Friends-returns to London-writes a paper concerning order in
the Church of God-and a warning to backsliders-assists in distributing
money raised for sufferers by Friends in Ireland-writes an epistle to the
king of Poland, on behalf of Friends of Dantzic, who suffer imprisonment
for conscience' sake-a paper concerning judging-looks diligently after
Friends' sufferings in London, and obtains a general release of prisoners-
writes an epistle to Friends, many having been recently liberated from
prison-another on a similar occasion-an epistle to Friends to keep in the
unity in the Truth-another to remind them of the evidence and seal they
had received of their meetings for discipline having been set up in the power



and spirit of God-a paper concerning the state of the true Church—a paper
respecting the "falling away" foretold by the apostle Paul, 2 Thess. ii. 3-
a paper showing how the Lord, in all ages, called the righteous out from
amongst the wicked, before he destroyed the latter,

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CHAPTER XIII.-1686-1687.-The first and second Adam compared-the two
seeds distinguished-George Fox is daily exercised in London in services
relating to the church, visiting the sick or afflicted, and writing in defence
of Truth, or refuting error-true prayer distinguished from the practice of
the Papists-visits his son-in-law William Mead—a distinction between the
true offering and sacrifice, and the false, under the old and new covenant-
a general toleration and liberty being now granted, George Fox writes a
word of counsel and caution to Friends, to walk circumspectly in a time of
liberty-how redemption by Christ is known and witnessed-repentance
must precede the reception of the gospel, baptism, &c.—a paper showing
wherein God's people are to be like him-the right way to Christ-the king-
dom of God is to be measurably known in this life-George Fox is benefited
by being three months in the country-has much service in London again
-at Kingston writes a paper, showing how the Jews, by disobedience, lost
the Holy City and the Holy Land, designed as a warning to Christians—
everlasting life through, and in, Christ, to be received and witnessed in this
life-the stone cut out of the mountain signifies the kingdom and power of
Christ a miscellaneous paper, being a collection of Scripture passages
respecting regeneration, sanctification, &c.,

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CHAPTER XIV.-1687-1690.-George Fox continues to have service in
London and the neighbourhood-writes a paper respecting the gospel and
the seed; being also an incentive to diligence-a general epistle to Friends,
forewarning them of an approaching storm-Moses and Christ both faithful
under their respective dispensations-Christ is on his throne-George Fox's
health declining, he visits William Mead again for a few weeks-the world's
teachers, and the emptiness of their teaching-those who turn people from
the inward manifestation of Christ in the heart, remove them from the
heavenly landmark, and bring a curse on themselves the prophets, apostles,
and holy men of old, were husbandmen and tradesmen, unlike the world's
teachers-the vanity of being too much busied with, and spending the time
in, hearing and telling news-though still declining, George Fox attends at
the Parliament-house many days on behalf of his Friends-writes to Peter
Hendricks, and to Friends at Dantzic, to strengthen and comfort them under
their sufferings to the magistrates and priests of Dantzic, showing the evil
of persecution, and persuading to Christian moderation-an appendix to the
Yearly Meeting's epistle-an epistle to the Northern Yearly Meeting, to be
held at York-George Fox's health still impaired-writes an epistle to
Friends in Barbadoes-to Friends in Pennsylvania and other parts of
America to all that profess the Truth of God; being a warning to the
young against the world's fashions, and to the old against going into the
earthly things-Christ is the "Ensign," prophesied of by Isaiah-an
appendix to the Yearly Meeting's epistle-an epistle to Friends in the
ministry-to Friends in the ministry gone to America-to suffering Friends
in Ireland-death of George Fox in 1690-epistle written with his hand
and found sealed up-some account of the interment,


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Testimony of Margaret Fox, concerning her late husband George Fox; with
a brief account of some of his travels, sufferings, and hardships, endured
for the Truth's sake,

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Testimony of some of the author's relations,





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