
But those two prifms have the fame altitude LG, & the pgr.GIDE which is the base of the prifm LD is double of the

CEG, base

[blocks in formation]

P.41. B. 1.
P.40. B.11.

Which was to be demonftrated. 1.


ECAUSE the fide B D is cut into two equal parts in F, that FE & DE are plle. to BC & F H, each to each, (Prep. 1. Arg. 2. & 3).

10. The AF DE is & s to ABF H.

11. The ▲ FED & IL G are also equal.

12. Therefore, ABFHALIG.


And fince the other fides of the pyramid A B C D are divided into two equal parts.

It may be easily proved that,

13.ABLF is to the ALAI, ABLH = ▲AGL, &


14. From whence it follows, that thofe parts B L HF & AL GI are equal &



SP.26. B. 1.
P. 7. B. 6.
D.13. B.11.
Ax.1. B. 1.

D.10. B.11.

Which was to be demonftrated. 11.

P. 2. B. 6.

HE line FH, is plle. to D C. (Arg. 2).

15. .Therefore, ABFH is ABDC.

Likewife, all the triangles which form the pyramids BLHF & ALGI are to all the triangles of the whole pyramid A B C D. 16. Therefore, the pyramids BL HF & ALGI, are ramid A B C D.

to the py

Which was to be demonftrated. 111.

II. Preparation.


Draw G H & EH.

HE line BH being to HC (I. Prep. 1.) FH EC (Arg. 4) & ECH VFHB (P. 29. B. 1). 17.Confequently, the AECH is to the BFH.

18.Alfo the AHGC & GEC are & to the ABLH & LHF.

[blocks in formation]

19.Therefore, the pyramid L F H B is to the pyramid H G E C. But the pyramid ECHG is only a part of the prifm ECHFLG. 20. Therefore, the prifm E CHFLG is the pyramid ECHG. 21.Confequently, this prifm ECHFLG is alfo the pyramid LFHB. P. 7. B. 5. The prifm LG ECHF is to the prifm EFLGID, & the pyramid LFHB to the pyramid AIGL (Arg. 9. & 14). 22. Therefore, the prifin E FLGID is alfo > the pyramid A IGL. 23.Therefore, the two prifms ECHFLG & EFLGID together, will be the two pyramids BL FH & LAIG together. 24.From whence it follows, that the two prifms ECHFLG & EFLGID together, are > the half of the given pyr. A B C D. Which was to be demonftrated. iv.

Ax.4, B. 1.

[blocks in formation]



IF there be two pyramids (A BCD & E FGH) of the fame altitude,

upon triangular bafes (A B C & E F G), and each of them be divided into two equal pyramids fimilar to the whole pyramid, (viz. the pyramid A BCD into the pyramids DL KM & ANIL, and the pyramid EFGH into the pyramids HRQS & REP T); and alfo into two equal prifms, (viz. the pyramid A B CD into the prifms LB & LC, and the pyramid EFGH into the prifms R F & RG); and if each of thefe pyramids (DLK M, ANIL, HRQS, & REPT) be divided in the fame manner as the first two; and fo on. The bafe (A B C), of one of the first two pyramids (ABCD), is to the bafe (E F G) of the orher pyramid (E F G H), as all the prisms contained in the first pyramid (A B C D), is to all the prifms contained in the fecond (E F G H), that are produced by the fame number of divifions.


1. The triangular pyramids ABCD & EFGH, have the fame altitude. II. Each of them are cut into two equal prifms LB & LC; also RF & RG, & into two equal pyramids fimilar to the whole pyramid. III. Each of thofe pyramids LDMK,LNIA,RTPE &RQSH, are fuppofed to be divided in the fame manner as the first two, & so on.



The fum of all the prifms contained in the pyramid ABCD is to the fum of those contained in the pyramid EFGH, being equal in number; as the base ABC, of the pyramid ABCD is to the bafe EFG, of the pyramid E F G H.


ECAUSE the pyramids A B C D & E F G H have equal altitudes, & the prifms L B, LC, RF & RG have each the half of this altitude, (Hyp. 1. & P. 3. B. 12).

1. Thofe prifms LB, LC, RF & R G have the fame altitude.
The lines B C & F G are cut into two equal parts in the points
O & V.

Ax.7. B. 1.

P. 3. B.12.

3. Confequently,

2. Therefore, CB: COGF: GV.


4. And alternando AABC: AEFG=AIOC: ATVG.
5. Moreover, bafe IOC bafe TVG = prifm LKMCOI: { Cor.3.
prifm RQSGVT.

6. And prifm LKOBNI: prifm LKM CÔI prism RQVFPT:
prifm R QSGVT (having the fame altitude (Arg. 1.) & being
equal taken two by two (Hyp. 11).

{P.19. B. 5
P.16. B. 5.
P.22. B. 6.
P.16. B. 5.


P. 7. B. 5.

7. Confequently, prifm L B+ prifin LC: prifin LC

prifm R F

+prifm RG: prifm R G.

P.18. B. 5.

8. And alternando, prifin L B+ prifm LC: prifin R F + prifin RG

=prifm LC: prifm R G.

P.16. B. 5.

But prifin LC prifm R G bafe IOC bafe TVG (Arg. 5). And bafe IOC: bafe TVG bafe A B C : base EFG (Arg. 4). 9. Therefore, the prifm L B+ pr. L C: pr. R F + pr. R G = base ABC bafe EF G.

If the remaining pyramids LK MD & LINA; alfo R QSH &
EPTR, be divided after the fame manner as the pyramids ABCD
& EFGH: it may be proved after the fame manner.

10. That the four pyramids refulting from the firft pyramids LKMD
& ANIL, will have the fame ratio to the four prifms refulting
from the laft RQSH & EPT R, that the bafes L KM & ANI
have to the bafes RQS & EPT (Hyp. 111. & Arg. 9).
And it has been demonftrated, that the bafes L KM & ANI, are
each = IOC; alfo RQS & EP T, each TVG.
Moreover, ABC: AEFG=AIOC: ATVG (Arg.4).
11.Wherefore, the fum of all the prifms contained in the pyramid
ABC is to the fum of all the prifms contained in the pyramid
EFG H, as the bafe A B C is to the bafe EF G.

Which was to be demonftrated.

P.11. B. 5.

P.12. B. 5.

[blocks in formation]



PYRAMIDS (ABCD & E F G H) of the fame altitude, which

have triangular bases (A B C & E F G): are to one another as their bases, (ABC & E F G).



I. The pyramids ABCD&EFGH have for Pyram. ABCD: pyram.EFGH= bafes the ABC & EFG. bafe ABC: bafe EFG.

II. They have the fame altitude.

If not,


Pyramid ABCD pyramid E F G H> bafe ABC:
bafe EF G.


1. Take a folid X which may be > the pyramid ABCD,
fo that X pyram. EF GH base ABC: base EF G.
2. Divide the pyramids A B C D & E F G H as directed in
P. B. 12.


ECAUSE the two prifms refulting from the first divifion, are > the half of the pyramid A B C D; & the four following, refulting from the fecond divifion, are > than the halves of the pyramids refulting from the firft divifion, & fo on.

1. It is evident, that the fum of all the prifms contained in the pyramid A B CD, will be > the folid X, which was supposed to be < the pyramid A B C D.

P. 3. B.12.

Lem. B. 12.

But all the prifms contained in the pyramid A B C D, are to all the prifms contained in the pyramid E F G H, as the base A B C is to the bafe E F G.

And the folid X: pyramid E F G H = bafe A B C : base E F G (Prep. 1).

2. Confequently, all the prifins contained in the pyramid A B C D are to all the prifins contained in the pyramid E F G H, as the solid X is to the pyramid E F G H.

P. 4. B.12.

P.11. B. 5.

3. Therefore, all the prifins contained in the pyramid E F G H, are > the pyramid E F G H itself.

But all the prifms contained in the pyramid A B C D, are > the folid X. (Arg. 1).

4. Which is impoffible.

5. Confequently, a folid (as X) which is the pyramid ABCD, cannot have the fame ratio to the pyramid E F G H, which the bafe ABC, has to the base E F G.

And as the fame demonstration holds for any other solid greater than the pyramid A B C D.

6. It follows, that the pyramid A B CD: pyramid E F G H = bafe ABC base E F G.


[blocks in formation]

P.14. B. 5.
Ax.8. B. 1.

YRAMIDS of the fame altitude, & which have equal triangles for their bafes are equal. (P. 14. & 16. B. 5.).


EQUAL pyramids which bave equal triangles for their bases : bave the

fame altitude.


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