
NOTE.-Except where different directions are printed, the time allowed for each Paper in the following series was three hours, and Candidates were restricted to one question in each section.


Two hours and a HALF allowed for this Paper.


Parse the words in italics in the following passage:
"Hard by, a cottage chimney smokes
From betwixt two aged oaks,
Where Corydon and Thyrsis met
Are at their savoury dinner set
Of herbs and other country messes,
Which the neat-handed Phillis dresses."


Write in plain prose the substance of the following


"There's grandeur in this sounding storm,
That drives the hurrying clouds along
That on each other seem to throng,
And mix in many a varied form;
While, bursting now and then between,
The moon's dim misty orb is seen,
And casts faint glimpses on the green.

Beneath the blast the forests bend,
And thick the branchy ruin lies,
And wide the shower of foliage flies;
The lake's black waves in tumult blend,
Revolving o'er and o'er and o'er,
And foaming as the rocky shore,
Whose caverns echo to their roar."


Analyse the following extract :

I venerate the man whose heart is warm,
Whose hands are pure, whose doctrine and
whose life,

Coincident, exhibit lucid proof

That he is honest in the sacred cause.


1. Name the different kinds of adjectives, and classify the following according to their kinds, viz., lofty, large, several, twelve, eighth, each, every, yon.

2. Name all the principal pronouns, and decline fully the third personal pronoun in all its genders and both its numbers.


1. Define weak and strong verbs respectively, and name the sub-divisions of the weak verbs. Are the following weak or strong, viz., weep, speak, tell, work, shall, betray, spread, write? Give reasons for your


2. What is a preposition, and what various relations are expressed by prepositions? Give a list of Latin prepositions used as prefixes to English words, and add the meaning of each, with an example.


Write full notes of a lesson on one of the following subjects:

(a) The rules of syntax which govern the relation between a verb and its subject.

(b) The analysis of a complex sentence.


Write out, with proper punctuation, either (1) the story of Androcles and the Lion, or (2) an account of the contents of any poem which you have read.




1. Draw a full map of Wales, marking the rivers, lakes, mountains, principal towns, and the boundaries between the counties.

2. Describe in words the South Coast of England, the West Coast of Ireland, and the Coast of Scotland from Cape Wrath to Kinnaird's Head.

3. Name in order, beginning at the South Foreland, the islands and groups of islands in the British Seas, (not including Great Britain or Ireland.) Give a brief account of one of the largest, or draw a little sketchmap of it.


1. Draw a full map of Russia in Europe.

2. Describe, as fully as you can, the course of a traveller from London to Calcutta by Paris, Turin, Brindisi, Athens, Suez, Bombay, and Ceylon.

Give a brief account of two of these places.

3. Describe fully the courses of the Danube, the Ganges, and the Nile, and their tributaries.


1. Write a short account of the Cotton Trade and Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain. What great war affected this trade? And what was the effect on the growth of cotton in other countries?

2. From what countries do we import Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Fruit, Rice, and Spices? Give a short account of the manner of obtaining each of these articles.

3. In what parts of England and of Europe are Iron, Lead, and Tin found? And what countries are noted for Gold, Silver, Pearls, and Precious Stones? Say what you know of the manner of obtaining each of them.


1. Draw a full Map of the shores of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, with the West India Islands. 2. Describe the great physical features and vegetation of South America.

3. Where and what are Patagonia, Santiago, La Plata, Lima, Chimborazo, Hong Kong, Savannah, Albany, Huron, Quebec, Fraser, Etna, Mozambique, Gondar, Munich, and Penang.



1. Describe, with dates, the condition of England during the reign of Alfred.

2. Describe, with dates, the condition of England during the reign of William the Conqueror.

3. Describe, with dates, the condition of Scotland after the death of Alexander III.


1. What is a Civil War? Which of the following battles were fought during Civil Wars:-Evesham, Falkirk, Nevill's Cross, Shrewsbury, Bosworth, Worcester, and Dunbar? Give dates, and say by whom each of them was fought.

2. Which of the Kings of England, or of Scotland, were famous as warriors? Describe the wars in which they were engaged.

3. Which Kings or Queens of England or Scotland were ever prisoners? By whom was each of them imprisoned? And when? And where?


1. Name, with dates, any great British voyagers or travellers; and mention any discoveries made by them.

2. Name two distinguished authors in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, two in that of Queen Anne, and two in that of Queen Victoria; and describe the character of their works.

3. In whose reign did each of these events take


The invention of Printing.

The discovery of America.

The founding of the first English Colony.

The invention of the Steam Engine.

The opening of the first Railroad.
The invention of the Electric Telegraph.

Show briefly the importance of each of them.


1. Name, with dates, the Sovereigns of the House of Hanover. Show what was their title to the throne: and state how each of them was related to his or her predecessor.

2. Show, by a table, that Queen Victoria is descended from William the Conqueror.

3. Compare the reign of Queen Victoria with that of George III.


THREE hours allowed for this Paper with that on

Those who are or have been Pupil Teachers are not to answer more than one question in any section. Candidates who have not been Pupil Teachers may answer any seven questions they think fit.

No Candidate is to answer more than seven questions.


1. Was the school in which you served as Pupil Teacher, a boys', a girls', an infants' or a mixed school? What was the ordinary attendance? What staff of teachers was employed in it? How was it organized? Draw a ground plan of the premises, marking the dimensions of the rooms, the positions of the desks, galleries, doors, windows, &c.

2. What advantages accrue either to teachers or scholars from having a school well organized, well furnished, and supplied with all needful apparatus? How do these things tend to secure good order?-and how does good order contribute to progress?


1. Describe the various methods used to teach Spelling in your school. Did you rely chiefly on the eye or on the ear in teaching Spelling?

How did you correct written exercises in Spelling? 2. By what means would you try to prevent copying, either in a dictation lesson, or in working examples in arithmetic? Show how copying is calculated to produce general demoralization in a school.

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