
21. Circulaire ministérielle du 28 octobre 1914, relative à l'organisation des travaux agricoles. (Journal officiel du 29 octobre 1914; Dalloz II., 49.) Ministerial Circular of 28th October, 1914, relating to the organisation of agricultural work.

[Draws attention to an Order by the Prefect of the Côte d'Or of 12th December, 1914, which stipulates as follows:-"§1. In every Commune, the work of ploughing and of autumn sowing shall be carried out, under the supervision of the Mayor, by those inhabitants who are physically fit, with the aid of the machinery and draught animals which have not been requisitioned.— §2. When landowners have completed two-thirds of their own work they, as well as the remaining inhabitants who are physically fit may, if necessary, be commandeered for the performance of the autumn work incumbent on landowners who have been mobilised or on those who, owing to war requisitions, have no draught animals. Such work shall be remunerated by the beneficiary on a scale to be fixed by the Mayor and sanctioned by the Communal Council.-§3. Landowners and inhabitants who are physically fit and who refuse to comply with the summons by the Mayor, shall be reported to the competent Court of Justice.]

22. Circulaire ministérielle du 5 novembre 1914, relative à l'interdiction des saisies-arrêts de salaires ou traitement ne dépassant pas 2,000 francs pendant la durée des hostilités. (Journal offic:el du 8 novembre 1914, Dalloz II., 67.)

Ministerial Circular Letter of 5th November, 1914, relating to the prohibition, during the continuance of hostilities, of the attachment of wages and salaries not exceeding 2,000 francs.

23. Circulaire ministérielle du 10 novembre 1914, relative au paiement de la moitié des salaires des ouvriers de la marine mobilisés entre les mains des ascendants, des colatéraux et même des tiers ayant les enfants à leur charge, en l'absence de toute délégation. (Journal offic.el du 13 novembre 1914; Dalloz II., 77-)

Ministerial Circular Letter of 10th November, 1914, relating to the payment to relatives in the ascending line, collateral relatives, and even to third persons, who have the charge of the children, of one-half of the amount of the salaries due to mobilised sailors, in the absence of any assignment. 24. Décret du 18 novembre 1914, faisant entrer en ligne de compte pour la détermination du montant de l'allocation viagère la durée pendant laquelle les assurés de la loi des retraites ouvrières et paysannes auront été mobilisés. (Journal officiel du 19 novembre, 1914; Dalloz II., 104.)

Decree of 18th November, 1914, stipulating that the period during which persons who are insured in pursuance of the Act with respect to old age pensions for workmen and peasants have been mobilised, shall be taken into account in the calculation of the amount of the life annuity.

25. Circulaire ministérielle du 22 novembre 1914, relative aux suppléments de ration à attribuer aux marins travaillant la nuit dans les ateliers des constructions navales. (Journal officiel du 24 novembre 1914; Dalloz. II., 112.)

Ministerial Circular Letter of 22nd November, 1914, relating to the supplementary rations for naval workers employed at night in naval arsenals.

In accordance with the provisions of §§3 and 6 of the Order of 16th November, 1909, I have decided that sailors from Naval crews, who are placed at the disposal of the Directors of naval arsenals (or of some other authority or other department of the dockyard) for the purpose of hastening the completion of work already begun and who work during the night, shall receive the following supplementary rations :-(i.) staff working for 8 hours during the night wine 25 centilitres, bread 250 grammes, fresh meat 160 grammes; (ii.) staff working in shifts, but for not less than 4 hours between the evening and morning bell wine 25 centilitres, bread 100 grammes, fresh meat 50 grammes. The said rations shall be distributed in the middle of the night.

26. Décret du 24 novembre 1914, fixant les conditions à remplir par les fonds de chômage municipaux et départementaux pour bénéficier des subventions du fonds national de chômage. (Journal officiel du 25 novembre 1914; Dalloz II., 118.)

Decree of 24th November, 1914, to fix the conditions with which the Municipal and Departmental Unemployment Funds shall comply in order to benefit by subventions from the National Unemployment Fund.


1. The Unemployment Funds established by Departments and Communes shall receive assistance from the National Unemployment Fund if they comply with the conditions stipulated in the present Decree.

Such subventions shall only be granted provided the population of the Commune, or of the group of Communes, for which the Unemployment Fund has been established, numbers 10,000 inhabitants.

The regulations of the Unemployment Funds shall be subject to the sanction of the Minister for Labour and Social Welfare.

2. Only those unemployed persons shall be entitled to benefit by the subvention who can prove that, for an appreciable time directly preceding the general mobilisation, they followed a trade from which they drew a regular wage and which has been suspended by the war.

The following shall not be granted any assistance :-(i.) Those who, without valid reason, decline employment offered them; (ii.) those in receipt of assistance granted to the families of persons in military service in pursuance of the Act of 5th August, 1914, or who benefit by the Aid Fund, created by the Act of 14th July, 1905,* for the aged, infirm and incurable.

3. A Committee nominated by the Prefect or by the Mayor (according as to whether the particular Unemployment Fund is Departmental or Communal) and comprising among its members an equal number of employers and workers, shall decide whether an application for assistance shall be granted.

The said Committee shall be in uninterrupted communication with Labour Exchanges for the purpose of procuring opportunities for work for the unemployed.

4. The assistance granted shall not exceed 1.25 fr. per day for every unemployed head of a family, nor 0.50 fr. for every further member of the same family who is unemployed or who is dependent on the said head of the family. Any child under the age of 16 years who does not work for wages or whose wage is less than 0.50 fr. per day shall be considered dependent on the head of the family.

Should the total amount of the assistance granted to one and the same family exceed 2·50 frs. per day, the amount in excess shall not be taken into

* Text G.B. IV., p. 339, No. 1.

consideration when fixing the amount of the State subvention, nor shall the assistance granted for days which are not working days be taken into consideration.

5. The following deductions shall be made from the assistance given :(i.) Sums paid to unemployed persons, or to those dependent upon them, by employers, unemployment funds, mutual benefit societies or benevolent institutions; (ii.) sums received by them in pursuance of the Act of 5th April, 1910, * with respect to old age pensions for workmen and peasants, or of the Act of 14th July, 1913, relating to assistance for large families.

6. The State subvention shall be fixed at 33 per cent. of the amount of the assistance granted in accordance with the provisions of §§4 and 5.

By way of exception, the Minister for Labour may also sanction, for account of the State subvention, the granting of assistance in the form of tickets of a fixed value, entitling the holder to certain goods or to a meal.

7. The books of the Unemployment Funds shall be kept in such a manner as to render the compilation of unemployment statistics possible, and so that it may subsequently be ascertained whether the provisions of the present Decree have been observed.

The said books shall at all times be held at the disposal of the persons appointed by the Departmental Prefect.

8. In accordance with an Order to be issued to that effect by the Minister for Labour, a summary of the business transacted during each month shall be sent the following month to the Minister for Labour through the Prefect, who shall examine and, if need be, correct the said statement.


The provisions of the present Decree shall be submitted for sanction by the Chambers.

IO. The Prime Minister, the Ministers for Labour, for the Interior and for Finance are charged with the execution of this Decree.

27. Décret du 30 novembre 1914, suspendant, en ce qui concerne le ministère de la marine, pendant la durée de la guerre, le fonctionnement des conseils d'enquête, conseils de discipline et commissions d'enquête. (Journal officiel du 4 décembre 1914; Dalloz II., 125.)

Decree of 30th November, 1914, to suspend for the duration of the war, in so far as it concerns the Ministry of Marine, the working of the Boards of Inquiry, the Boards for Disciplinary Offences and the Committees of Inquiry.

28. Circulaire ministérielle du 5 décembre 1914, relative à l'indemnité de travail à allouer aux marins mis à la disposition des directions de l'arsenal. (Journal officiel du 6 décembre 1914; Dalloz II., 147.)

Ministerial Circular Letter of 5th December, 1914, relating to the pay of naval men who are placed at the disposal of the Arsenal Directors.

29. Circulaire ministérielle du 7 décembre 1914, relative à l'application du décret du 24 novembre 1914, concernant les conditions à remplir par les fonds départementaux et communaux pour bénéficier des subventions du fonds national de chômage. (Journal officiel du 8 décembre 1914; Dalloz

II., 165.)

Ministerial Circular Letter of 7th December, 1914, relating to the administration of the Decree of 24th November, 1914, concerning the conditions to be observed by the Departmental and Communal Funds in order to benefit by the subventions from the National Unemployment Fund.

* Text E.B. V., p. 361.

30. Arrêté ministériel du 14 décembre 1914, règlementant la situation des femmes ou, à défaut, des orphelins des agents et ouvriers des chemins de fer de l'Etat décédés sous les drapeaux. (Journal officiel du 18 décembre 1914; Dalloz II., 205.)

Ministerial Decree of 14th December, 1914, to regulate the position of the wives, or failing them, of the orphans of State railway employees and workers who die whilst on active service with the Colours.

(Until the cessation of hostilities they shall receive one-half the amount of the civil pay or wages.)

31. Instruction ministérielle du 24 décembre 1914, pour l'application de la législation sur les allocations et majorations dues aux familles nécessiteuses dont les soutiens sont sous les drapeaux. (Journal officiel des 26-27 décembre 1914; Dalloz II., 242.)

Ministerial Order of 24th December, 1914, for the administration of the legislation relating to the allowances and additional allowances due to necessitous families whose breadwinners are on active service with the Colours.

VI. Italy

1. R. decreto 30 agosto 1914 concernente la temporanea sospensione del divieto del lavoro notturno delle donne e dei fanciulli. (Bollettino dell'Ufficio del Lavoro, Nuova Serie, II., 190.)

Royal Decree relating to the temporary suspension of the prohibition of nightwork for women and children. Dated 30th August, 1914.


From the date of the present Decree, until further notice, the prohibition of night-work contained in §5 of the Act (uniform text) No. 818, of 10th November, 1907,* relating to work for women and children, amended by the Act No. 425 of 3rd July, 1910,† and No. 886 of 26th June, 1913, may be suspended in the following cases :

(1.) Where the suspension of the prohibition shall be recognised as necessary in regard to work to be carried out directly on behalf of the State or to other indispensable requirements of public interest.

(i.) In the event of force majeure, which causes an interruption in the working of an undertaking or in the management of an industry not to be foreseen and not recurring at regular intervals.

2. The suspension of the prohibition shall be sanctioned, within the meaning of the preceding paragraph :-By the Ministry for Agriculture, Industry and Commerce in the cases enumerated under (i.); by the Provincial Prefects after hearing the competent District Authority for Industrial and Labour Inspection (Circolo di ispezione dell' industria e del lavaro), where such an authority exists, in the cases enumerated under (ii.).

3. The present Decree shall be submitted to Parliament for the purpose of being converted into an Act.

*Text E.B. II., p. 578.

Text E.B. VI., p. 84.

2. R. decreto n. 1026, 22 settembre 1914, col quale sono aumentate, per l'esercizio finanziario 1914-15, le assegnazioni per le spese effettive straordinarie del Ministero dei lavori pubblici per accelerare la esecuzione delle opere pubbliche nelle Provincie in cui si manifesta il fenomeno della disoccupazione. (Bollettino dell'Ufficio del Lavora, Nuova Serie, II., 204.) Royal Decree No. 1026, to increase, for the financial year 1914-15, the Credits for the actual extraordinary expenditure of the Ministry for Public Works, for the purpose of hastening the performance of public works in those Provinces in which there is unemployment. Dated 22nd

September, 1914.

3. R. decreto n. 1028, 22 settembre 1914, col quale vengono autorizzate anticipazioni di fondi alla Cassa depositi e prestiti per metterla in grado di concedere alle Provincie ed ai Comuni mutui destinati alla pronta esecuzione di opere pubbliche. (Bollettino dell'Ufficio del Lavoro, Nuova Serie, II., 205.)

Royal Decree, No. 1028, authorising Deposit and Loan Funds to make loans, in order to enable them to grant loans to Provinces and Communes, for the purpose of the speedy carrying out of public works. Dated 22nd September, 1914.

4. R. decreto n. 1050, 3 ottobre 1914, concernente provvedimenti per sollecitare l'esecuzione di opere igieniche a sollievo della disoccupazione. (Bollettino dell'Ufficio del Lavoro 1914, Nuova Serie, II., 216.)

Royal Decree No. 1050, relating to steps to be taken in order to hasten the carrying out of sanitary work for the purpose of relieving unemployment. Dated 3rd October, 1914.

5. R. decreto 22 ottobre 1914, n. 1245, per nuova autorizzazione di spesa in aumento di quella stabilita per riparare i danni prodotti dall'eruzione del Vesuvio del 1906. (Documenti Camera dei Deputati 1914, N. 305, p. 12.)

Royal Decree No. 1245, relating to a new authorisation for the granting of increased credits for the purpose of repairing the damage caused by the eruption of Vesuvius during the year 1906. Dated 22nd October, 1914.

6. R. decreto n. 1244, 1 novembre 1914, col quale viene autorizzata la costruzione di ferrovie a cura diretta dello Stato. (Documenti Camera dei Deputati 1914, N. 305, p. 10.)

Royal Decree No. 1244, in pursuance of which the authorisation for the construction of railways shall be granted direct by the State. Dated 1st November, 1914.

VII. Switzerland


1. Bundesratsbeschluss betr. Arbeiteszeit beim Eisenbahnbetriebe. Vom 2. August 1914. (Schweizerisches Bundesblatt 1914, IV., 15.)

Federal Decree relating to working hours in railway undertakings. Dated 2nd August, 1914.

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