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Copyright, 1895,


University Press:



"CHURCH HARMONIES, NEW AND OLD," the common plan of classification of hymns by topics has been disregarded, and the book arranged solely with reference to the natural association of hymns with tunes. All suggestions as to subject and scriptural allusion, as well as all information concerning authorship and source of hymns and tunes, have been included in the indexes, the scope and detail of which should be carefully noted by all who intend to use the book.

Hymns set to new or unfamiliar music have, as far as possible, been put within sight of a familiar tune of the same metre. It is hoped, however, that no congregation will be content to use only familiar tunes. If our people will study and sing in their homes the hymns which are to form a part of their Sabbath worship, and if, also, they will hold special praise services or congregational rehearsals, the entire body of song in this book will be found available for use by the average congregation. It is to be said, however, that the present work is especially adapted to congregations which have no opportunity for special preparation; for, not only is the familiar at hand, but, wherever necessary, tunes have been so transposed that, leaving the accompanying parts to the organ, the melody may be sung in unison, a practice strongly to be commended.

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For the convenience of worshippers, three Orders of Service have been included. In these simplicity, as well as fitness, has been studied. It is believed that the musical part of the more elaborate of them may be sung by the congregation assisted by the choir; or may, indeed, with a little practice, be rendered by congregations without the assistance of a choir.

The Profession of Faith is introduced in connection with the Orders of Service; but no definite suggestion is made as to its place in the service, since usage in the matter is so various.

The Editors make grateful acknowledgment to Rev. Richard Eddy, D. D., for valuable counsel, and for the use of his library of Universalist hymnals; to Rev. Charles H. Leonard D. D., Dean of the Divinity School of Tufts College, for many general suggestions and for his special contribution of the Homiletical Index; to Mr. Flint M. Bissell, who has bestowed much care and skill upon the work of verifying the authorship and copyright-ownership of hymns, and has given great and valuable assistance in the preparation of the indexes; and to the following-named firms and individuals, who have kindly

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