
Communicable Diseases-Reporting of Cases of Quarantine-Disinfection. (Reg. Bd. of H., May 1, 1912.)

RULE 1. The following diseases are hereby declared to be communicable or dangerous to the public health within the meaning of the statute, and shall be reported by heads of families and physicians to the health officer, viz:

Typhoid (enteric) fever.

Typhus (ship) fever.

Smallpox (variola, varioloid).

Chicken pox (varicella).

Measles (rubeola, morbilli).

Scarlet fever (scarlatina, canker-rach).

Whooping cough (pertussis).

Diphtheria (croup, membranous croup).

Cholera (Asiatic cholera, epidemic cholera).

Yellow fever.

Bubonic plague.

Mumps (epidemic parotitis).

German measles (rötheln).


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Poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis).

RULE 2. Each health officer upon receiving notice of any case of smallpox, varioloid, cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, diphtheria, croup, membranous croup, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, mumps, chicken pox, typhoid fever, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, or German measles, as provided by law, shall immediately post a plain and distinct notice giving the name of the disease, upon the house, tenement, or premises where such disease is reported to exist. He shall also serve a quarantine notice upon the head of the family in which the disease is reported to be, except in case of typhoid fever, according to one of the forms hereinafter prescribed. Such notice shall be for full "quarantine" in cases of smallpox, varioloid, cholera, yellow fever, diphtheria, croup, membranous croup, scarlet fever, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, poliomyelitis, and typhus fever, and for "modified quarantine” in cases of measles, whooping cough, mumps, chicken pox, and German measles. RULE 3. Each health officer, when notified of the presence of either of the aforesaid diseases as specified, excepting mumps and typhoid fever, shall notify, as soon as practicable and in writing, the teacher, superintendent, or head of any public, parochial, or private school, or college, where any member of the family attends as pupil or teacher. Such teacher or other person shall forbid further attendance at school of any member of such family, as pupil or teacher, until notified by the health officer in writing that such teacher or pupil can safely return. Each health officer, upon receiving notice of any of the aforementioned diseases as specified, excepting mumps and typhoid fever, shall notify the librarian of each public library in his town, giving the name of the disease and the name and address of the family in which the disease exists. Librarians receiving such notice shall not allow any books or periodicals to taken by such family after such notice, and they shall not allow any books then

held by any member of a family where there is contagious disease to be returned to their libraries until disinfected under the direction of the health officer.

RULE 4. No member of any family under "full quarantine" shall leave the house or premises during the existence of such quarantine, except by written permission of the health officer, and then only at such times and under such circumstances as he shall prescribe. No member of any family under "modified quarantine," who does not give satisfactory evidence of having had the disease then existing in such family, shall leave the house and premises, during the existence of such quarantine, except upon written permission of the health officer.

RULE 5. No house or premises shall be released from quarantine until all persons and things liable to infection shall have been disinfected and rendered harmless, and a written notice to that effect shall have been issued to the head of the family, signed by the health officer.

RULE 6. All physicians and nurses attending cases of smallpox, varioloid, diphtheria, croup, membranous croup, or scarlet fever shall carefully and thoroughly cleanse and disinfect themselves and their clothing before leaving the house or premises.

RULE 7. Whenever any of the diseases mentioned in rule 1 appear in any town or city the health officer of such town or city shall personally investigate the origin of the disease. In case he shall find evidence that the disease was imported to his town or city from some other town or city in this State, he shall immediately notify the health officer of such other town or city giving him his reasons for suspecting the disease was brought from such other town or city; he shall also notify the secretary of the State board of health of all the facts in such cases.

RULE 8. The health officer of each city and town shall take all due precautions the end that his quarantine is respected, and he shall promptly report any violation of quarantine to a prosecuting officer, together with all the facts in the case. He shall personally superintend the disinfection and cleaning of houses and premises when the quarantine is terminated.

RULE 9. Health officers shall immediately notify the secretary of the State board of health by telegraph or telephone whenever smallpox, varioloid, cholera, or yellow fever appears in their towns or cities. They shall immediately notify said secre tary by mail upon blanks furnished for the purpose whenever diphtheria, croup, membranous croup, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, measles, mumps, whooping cough, cerebrospinal meningitis, continued fever, erysipelas, tuberculosis, chickenpox, typho-malarial fever, typhus fever, poliomyelitis, or German measles appears in their towns or cities. During the continuance of any of these diseases in their towns or cities health officers shall make weekly reports to the secretary of the State board of health, giving the number of new cases and the number of deaths occurring from each of these diseases during that week.

RULE 10. Health officers shall furnish to all physicians practicing in their respective towns and cities once each year, and as often as needed, blanks for reporting contagious diseases. All physicians shall report to the health officer of their respective towns and cities, upon blanks furnished them for this purpose, each case of all the diseases mentioned in rule 9.

RULE 11. Health officers shall notify the secretary of the State board of healt whenever they have exhausted their supply of blanks, either those which are used by physicians in making reports to health officers or those used by health officers in reporting to the secretary of the State board.

RULE 12. All quarantine notices issued by health officers shall be signed as issue!, and shall be in form according to one of the following blanks:


"For use in cases of measles, whooping cough, mumps, chickenpox, and German measles.

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"To...... cases of ........ having been reported in your family, you will see that all persons in your household who now have this disease are safely isolated from all other members of your household and all other persons. Furthermore, you are hereby forbidden to allow any member of your family who can not be shown to have had the above-mentioned disease to attend any school, public, parochial, or private, any church or other place of amusement, or any public gathering of any kind. You will carefully observe the above quarantine under penalty of the law until such time as the quarantine shall be terminated by a written notice signed by the health officer.

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"SEC. 5452. Entering town when infected; taking or communicating infectious diseases, penalty.-A person who, knowing himself to be infected with smallpox or other infectious or contagious disease dangerous to the public health, comes into a town in this State from another town within or without the State, without previously obtaining consent of the health officer in the town which he enters, or a person who knowingly. and voluntarily communicates or receives the infection of smallpox or other infectious or contagious disease without the consent or approbation of the local board of health shall be fined not more than $200.”—Extract from public statutes.


For use in cases of smallpox. varioloid, typhus fever, cholera, diphtheria, croup, membranous croup, scarlet fever, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, poliomyelitis, and yellow fever.


having been reported to me as being in your family, you will see that all persons and things now on the premises or in the house occupied by you are at once isolated from all other persons and things. You will allow no communication between any person now on the premises or in the house occupied by you and any other person whatever, articles of food and drink and such fuel and clothing as are necessary for the comfort and health of those persons under quarantine excepted. Papers and letters may be received, and such pails, cans, bottles, or boxes of metal as are necessary for the conveyance of the above may be given out, all in the manner and under the conditions prescribed by the health officer.

"And further exception is hereby made so that all drugs, food, and other articles necessary to the proper treatment of the sick may be received by you, and the attending physicians may enter and leave your premises at pleasure, provided such measures are used as to prevent carrying the infection outside.

No other person whatever shall enter or leave your premises during the existence of this quarantine, except as permitted, in writing, by the health officer. "You will carefully observe the above quarantine, under penalty of the law, until such time as the quarantine shall be terminated by a written notice signed by the health officer.

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RULE 13. Each case of typhoid fever shall be placarded with the name of the disease. All nurses and other attendants on cases of typhoid fever shall disinfect all discharges from the body of the patient before the same are removed from the sick room. They shall disinfect all linen and eating utensils also before they are removed from the sick room; and they shall thoroughly cleanse and disinfect their own person before handling food or drink. They shall exclude as far as possible flies and other insects from the sick room and especially from the discharges and soiled linen.

RULE 14. The sale or removal of milk, milk products, or farm produce from premises under full quarantine is prohibited. If, however, the dairy or building where such milk, milk products, or produce are produced or stored, are decided by the health officer to be a safe distance from the house under quarantine, and if no person, utensil, or water from such house comes in contact with such dairy products or produce, said health officer may give permission in writing for the sale or removal of such dairy products or produce under such restrictions as he deems safe. No milk, milk products, or produce which have been exposed to infection shall be sold or removed from infected premises under any circumstances.

RULE 15. No person suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis shall attend any school, public or private, as pupil or teacher, nor shall any such person be employed in any such school.

RULE 16. After the death or removal of any person sick with pulmonary tubercu losis from any apartments or dwelling, such apartments or dwelling shall be dis infected by the health officer before further occupancy by any human being.

RULE 17. All cats, dogs, and other pet animals on premises quarantined for sma!!pox, scarlet fever, or diphtheria shall be thoroughly washed with soap and water and disinfected with standard solution No. 3 before such premises are released ir m quarantine.

RULE 18. Disinfection of premises after an infectious disease shall be done by the local board of health, and under the supervision of the health officer at the expense of the town or city.

RULE 19. No letter or other mail matter coming from premises under full quarantine shall be placed in any post office, or letter box, or given to any letter carrier. Any postmaster or other postal employee who has reason to suspect that any such mail matter is in his possession shall immediately notify the health officer of the town, who shall disinfect such mail matter without delay.




Nuisances Toilet Facilities for Workmen—Garbage and Rubbish. (Ord. 25831, Aug. 31, 1912.)

SECTION 1. The owner or contractor of any building in course of erection or remodeling must provide toilet accommodations for the workmen employed on such bilding; said toilet must be connected to the sewer just inside of basement wall and supplied with water and kept clean. In case where it is impossible to connect with a sewer on account of having no sewer in the street or alley, then said owner or contractor shall provide a temporary vault not less than 6 feet deep, and said vault must be disinfected once a day by covering the contents with fresh earth and air-slacked lime not less than 3 inches in depth. On the completion of said work the old vault must be removed and the premises left in a sanitary condition. The use of said vault shall be not to exceed 90 days on any premises.

SEC. 2. The contractor for any street work, such as grading, paving, or the opening of a new street, construction of railroads or any other kind of work where a number of men are employed, must provide toilet accommodations for the men in their employ. This may be done by using the manhole in any street in which a sewer has been laid, or providing a temporary vault as provided in section 1 of this ordnance.

SEC. 3. No person or persons shall commit a nuisance in any park, street, or alley, lot, building, dock, or any other place by depositing human or animal feces, except manure when used in the ordinary manner for fertilizer, but such manure shall be covered with earth within 6 days after being used.

SEC. 4. No person or persons shall dump or deposit any kind of rubbish or garbage, such as brush, tin cans, old lumber, or other refuse, in any park, playground, street, alley, lot, building, back yard, dock, water front, or other place.

SEC. 5. Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the municipal court, be punished by a fine of not more than $50 or by imprisonment in the city jail not more than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Foodstuffs-Protection of, from Flies-Kitchens, etc. (Ord. 25236, May 27, 1912.)

SECTION 1. That during the months of May, June, July, August, September, October, and November, all fruit, except citrus fruit, melons, bananas, and apples, that is offered for sale, or held for sale as human food, in any market or place in the city of Portland shall be effectively covered with netting or some other material that will completely and effectively protect such fruit from flies.

SEC. 2. That the kitchens of all restaurants and hotels, all candy factories, meat and fish markets, bakeries and grocery stores, and other similar places shall have effective screens at all openings for the purpose of excluding flies and other insects from such places.

SEC. 3. That any person who violates this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof in the municipal court, be punished by a fine not exceeding $50, or by imprisonment for not more than 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

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