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A Summary showing the principal authorities, with their origin, services and powers.

With 24 pages of writing paper for Notes.

Fcp. 8vo, 2s. 6d. net.

"This handbook will be of great use to others besides the foreign visitors, interested in public health administration, for whom it is intended. It presents a conspectus of London public health administration in very handy and simple form. The first ten pages or so are occupied with a list of the authorities and a summary (but adequate) account of their origin. This is followed by a tabular arrangement of the various forms of service, and opposite to each is placed a short account of the principal legislation and the authorities concerned. The services are grouped into (1) Administration principally affecting the normal individual, from birth to death; (2) administration principally affecting the dwelling; (3) administration of the food supply; (4) administration of the very poor; (5) administration of the sick. This useful table is followed by a chronological list of the Acts of Parliament concerned and by an excellent index.”—Morning Post.

"Even the Londoner himself, whether a member of any of the local bodies or not, will find it interesting and helpful. Chapter one, pleasantly and interestingly written, will show him from what small beginnings the great public administration has grown, and chapter two, which shows the works to be done, by whom they are done, and the powers under which they are carried out, will convey to him better than anything else the diversity of the problem of keeping him in health, and the methods adopted to attain that object. As a reference and guide book Dr. Wanklyn's is probably unique, and should admirably fulfil the purpose for which it is intended."-Medical Officer.

London Public Health Administration-cont.

". . . An admirable guide to the intricate working of Public Health Administration in London, and in addition to being of service to strangers who wish to investigate the subject-the object for which the book is primarily written-it also serves to bring before the notice of all who may see it the enormous number of agencies already at work and the frequent Acts of Parliament which seem necessary for their evolution.

"It is called a Summary, and such it is. The information is given in tabulated form, and in the most concise terms. The introductory chapter, brief though it is, is of peculiar interest, and all will be interested to read it."-Middlesex Hospital Journal.

"This is a useful little handbook. The authorities are such a chaos to the uninformed that the average person never attempts to make himself acquainted with the subject. With this book he will be able to get on the track of any question he desires. For instance, if he wish to know what authorities deal with the milk supply he need only turn to the index, and under 'milk' he will find a list of the Acts of Parliament containing regulations on the matter and a brief account of the powers vested in the various local authorities."-The Clarion.


. . . The book should be of the greatest use to more than foreign visitors; the mass of information it contains is arranged in tabulated form so that information concerning any matter is found easily and quickly. A most valuable book of reference for all whose work brings them in contact with Public Health Authorities and legislation."Nursing Notes.

"The object of this admirable little work is to show in a convenient form the principal authorities who are charged with preservation of the health of London, with their origin, their services, and their powers. It is invaluable for any one who is engaged in municipal work or provisionaly concerned with any of the services with which it deals.”—The Globe.




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