
Corona a luminous phaenomenon, 101.
varieties of, 102.

Corpse Candles, 316.

Cumulus or Stackencloud, 9.
Cumulostratus or Twaincloud, 20.

Curlcloud, plate i. fig. i. 5.

is of a netlike form at times, 6.

is linear, filiform, or comoid, ibid.

is always an electric conductor, 7.

the everchanging figure of, indicates unhealthy weather, and
disturbed electricity, 8.

various remarks on, 41 et alibi.

Cymoid Cirrus, a stormy sign, 145.


Daycloud, a name of the Stackencloud or Cumulus, 9.

[blocks in formation]

Fables, ancient, often meteorological, that of Phoebus and Pythen, 60.
Fallcloud, 12 and sequel.

causes Mists and Fogs of different sorts, ibid.
all Fogs are not of this modification, 13.

called Abendwolke or Nightcloud, 12, note.

Fetch Lights, 316.

Flora, Calendar of, Supplement.

Floras, the Six principal, 154.


Grele et Gresil, or Snow or Sleet, 86.


Halo, classification of the different sorts of, 98 and sequel.

different from a Corona, 101.

causes of, 105.

[blocks in formation]

see Prognosticks.

Iodine for the cure of Goitres, Calendar of Flora, July 31, 1822.


Kalendar, superstitions respecting particular days in, 272 and sequel.
of Flora Fauna and Pomona during 17 years, 353 and sequel.


Lambe Dr. his opinion of animal food and water, 189.

Light, curious electric, about plants, 354.

Lightning, of two kinds, 215, note.

silent, 216.

[blocks in formation]

Meteors, description of, 114 and sequel.

have long tails, ibid.

prevail much in August, see Calendar.

Miraculous cures falsely ascribed to atmospherical changes, 176.
Moon, superstitions respecting, 267.

ancient fable of the Man in, explained, 269.

prognosticks from the, 150 et alibi.

influence of, 161.


Nautical Almanacks and Ephemerides, hint as to a certain useful appen

dage to, 185, note.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Paraselene, 203.

Parhelion, 102.


Paroxysms of disorders dependent on the Moon, 249, note.

Paul's, St., Day, verses on, 278.

Plane Trees, 194.

Plants, ancient verses describing their flowering in honour of particular

saints, 280.

times of their flowering, ubique in the Calendar of Flora, &c.
being the Supplement to this work.

Primaveral Flora, what? 155. See Flora.

Prognosticks of the weather, 128 and sequel.

of the seasons, 153 and sequel.

of Rain from, animals, 130.

from plants, 141.

from the sky and clouds, 143.
of fair weather, 151.



Abendwolke or Fallcloud, 12, note.
Action of clouds on each other, 89.
Aerolites, 125.

Alternating colours of Stars, 86, note.

ANIMALS show signs of the weather, 130.

by instinct and not by observation, ibid.
Virgil's opinion of, ibid.

Antares and other Red Stars, ibid.

Ants, carrying about their eggs a sign of Rain, 137.

Aratus quoted, 128 and alibi.

Atmospherical changes not the cause of sudden cures, 176, note.
Diseases and Epidemicks, ibid.

Superstitions and Antiquities, ibid.
Electricity, 209.

Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights, 218.

at Hartfield, 219.


Balloons indicate the succession of currents in the air, 202.
Bells rung on All Soul's Day, 304.

distant sound of, portends Rain, see Prognosticks.

Bertholon, l'Abbé, his idea of the electrical office performed by Scud
and other flying clouds, 48, note.

Cats, atmospherical diseases among, 193.

Changes of weather, 128.

of colour in clouds, 88.

Cirrocumulus or Sondercloud, 15.

Cirrose Crown, 33.

Cirrus or Curlcloud, 5.

Cirrostratus or Wanecloud, 17.

Clouds, M. Howard's theory of, 1.

Aristotle's notion of their causes, 2.

Nomenclature of, and their new English names, 5 and sequel.

their colours, 84 and 88.

their elevation at different times, 90.

their structure and buoyancy, 95.

Ideas of De Luc and Saussure of, 96.

of the subdivisions of their modifications, 40 and sequel.

Cock, figure of, used for Vanes on steeples, 265.

Cockcrowing, superstitions concerning, 264.
Colour of Starlight, 86, note.

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