

Accounts and reports of public service
corporations, 323

Addyston Pipe case, 261, 264, 548, 550
Administration and the Courts, see
Judicial Review, Justice Field,
Justice Marshall

Administration of justice, defects in,

94, IOI

Administrative and legislative power
compared, 378 ff., 438

Administrative determination of Fed-
eral Government, 387 ff.
Administrative functions and labor
laws, 414, 415, 479, 480
Administrative law, 325 ff.; usurpation
in, 551

Agreements to fix price, 37
Andrews, J. B., 413

Anti-trust law, Federal, 38, 46-47, 140,
243, 267, 280 ff. See also Sherman
Law. State anti-trust laws, 40, 41,
140, 187, 235 ff.; operation of, 44 ff.
British anti-trust law, 267, 268, 270 ff.
Assumption of risks, 466

Australia, Constitution of, 125, 126;
minimum wage law of, 431
Ayres, A. U., 191

Banks, regulation of, 145; charters of,
209. See also Alexander Hamilton
Barbour, Justice, on police power of
states, 119

Blue Sky" laws, 191 ff.
Bounties, 57, 516
Bowman, H. M., 197

Boycott, 265, 266, 485, 491 ff., 494, 617.

See also Carpenter, Justice Harlan,
Judge Taft, Law of, 485 ff.
Bradley, Justice, on congressional power
over corporations, 210

Brandeis, L. D., on trust regulation, 602
British minimum wage legislation, 433
Brooks, T. J., 623

Brown, Justice, on police power, 113
Bruce, A. A., 293

Buck Stove case, 283, 487-490
Bureaucratic control, 35. See Cen-

Burgess, J. W., on police power, 103,

Business, affected with a public inter-
est, 285 ff., 293 ff., 344 ff.; difference
between public and private, 284;
and government, 33, 35, 69; enter-
prise and the law, 38; regulation of,
24, 26, 28 ff., 69, 140, 157 ff., 498 ff.;
size of business unit, 33. See also Anti-
trust legislation, Congress, laissez-
faire, Sherman law, Inspection laws

Calvert, T. H., 547

Carpenter, Judge, on boycotts, 486
Cattle legislation, 142, 168

Centralization, 26; Federal centraliza-
tion, 26, 42, 209 ff., 498, 547 ff., 551 ff.
Charles River Bridge case, 21, 24
Charter of public service corporations,
317, 359

Charters of corporations, 7, 16 ff., 179
ff., 212, 213, 173

Class legislation, 302

Clifford, Justice, on power of courts
over State legislation, 505
Combinations, 197 ff., 267 ff., 576 ff.,
580, 588. See Anti-trust law, Trusts,
Monopoly, Competition. Methods of,
261 ff. See also Judge Cooley, Dicey,
Justice Hughes

Commission, authority of, 315 ff.;
power of, 317 ff., 343, 378 ff.; organ-
ization of, 311 ff.; operation of,
346 ff.; industrial, 415, 467 ff.; tax,
60; public utilities, 308 ff.; Railroad,
41, 336; government by, 61, 552, 332;
nature of commissions' power, 378 ff.;
criticism of, 47, 48, 324 ff., 332 ff.;
and judicial functions, 328 ff.,
379 ff.,
394 ff., 403 ff.; and legislative func-
tions, 379 ff. See also Fuller, Chief

Common law, 92, 285; and decent, 68;
and corporations, 186; on conspiracy,
270 ff., 278; individualism in, 95
Commons, J. R., 467
Commonwealth v. Alger, 118
Communism, 50

Competition, 7, 8, 46, 262-265, 578, 579,
582. See also Monopoly, Trust
Congress, power to pass national in-
corporation law, 213 ff.; power to
regulate state corporations, 218, 501;
power over corporations, 208 ff.;
power over manufactures, 547
Conspiracy, 270 ff.

Constitution, 82, 83; and property, 1, 4,
5,51,52, 53 ff., 73 ff., 82, 123, 128 ff., 293,
452; and social reform, 137 ff., 418 ff.,
452 ff., 503 ff.; and democracy, 78 ff.;
and labor legislation, 418 ff., 452; and
regulation of business, 498; of states,
52, 54, 82, 83. See also Police power
Constitutionality of housing schemes,

519 ff.; of compulsory compensation
acts, 452 ff. See also Police power
Constitutional limitations on labor legis-
lation, 418 ff.; on federal regulation,
498 ff. See also Police power
Constitutional rights, 51 ff. See also
Property, Fourteenth Amendment
Contract, freedom of, 142, 143, 157 ff.,
434, 435; impairing obligation of,
16 ff., 157 ff. See also Dartmouth
College case; Justice Field
Contract labor, 418 ff. See Police
power, 430 ff.
Cook, W. W., 103

Cooley, Judge, on combinations, 272
Cooley, M. E., 362

Corporations, 5, 7, 25, 33, 42, 183,
186 ff., 502; abuse of charter, 179 ff.;
interlocking, 197 ff.; directorates,
197 ff.; contracts of, 201 ff.; regula-
tion of, by Congress, 208 ff., 213, 218,
501; regulating securities of, 191 ff.;
foreign, 175, 189, 190; tax on, 164,
165; laws of N. J., 185; Del., 180;
W. Va., 182; Nevada, 180; laws, uni-
form, 184 ff., 191; charter a contract,
7 ff., 16 ff.; national control of,
208 ff., 218. See also Dartmouth
College case; Contract; Hamilton
Cotton Compress case, 262
Courts, and interpretation of law, 87 ff.;
and property, 73 ff., 128 ff., 137 ff.;
and pensions, 511 ff.; and executive
power, 115 ff.; and interpretation of
Constitution, 115 ff.; and labor legis-
lation, 302 ff., 403 ff.; and commis-
sions, see Judicial Review

Dartmouth College case, 5, 7 ff., 74
Day, Justice, on police power, 152

[blocks in formation]

Farmers and Merchants National Bank
vs. Dearing, 209

Farmers, combinations of, 623 ff.
Federal power to regulate commerce,

Federal Trade Commission, 568 ff., 584;
act, 635. See also Law, H. K. Smith,
Stetson, Towne, Vinson

Fellow Servant Rule, 466
Field, Justice, on impairing obligation
of contract, 23; on police power, 129;
in Munn v. Illinois, 296 ff.; an ad-
ministrative determination, 389
Fletcher v. Peck, 20

Fourteenth Amendment, 5, 6, 54, 120,
122, 125, 504, 522, 525 ff.
Franchise, public service corporation,
317 ff.

Freedom of speech and press, 496
Freund, E., 418; on police power, 104,


Friedman, H. J., 378

Fuller, Chief Justice, on nature of the
power of commissions, 379

Gambling contracts, 70 ff.; legislation,


Game laws, 168

Gary, E. H., on Sherman law, 580
Gas Company cases, 526

Gompers, S., on labor combinations,

Goodnow, F. J., 503

Government control, 25; and centrali-
zation, 26 ff.; regulation of prices, 32;
regulation of size of business unit, 33;

regulation, 34, 37, 42, 43, 53 ff. See
Commissions, Police power, Regu-

Grain rate law, 171

Granger cases, 22, 425, 526

Hadley, A. T., 1; on railroads, 336
Hall, J. P., 498

Hamilton, Alexander, on trading corpo-
rations, 212; on the bank charter, 212
Harlan, Justice, on police power, 124,
150, 151, 152; in Standard Oil case,
253 ff.; on boycott, 486
Hastings, W. G., on police power, 105
Health legislation, 62-64
Hepburn Act, 42, 43 ff.

Hoar, Senator, on Sherman law, 256
Holcombe, A. N., 430

Holden v. Hardy, 113, 123, 124
Holding companies, 241 ff., 262
Holmes, Justice, on Northern Securities

case, 46; on legislative power, 117;
on constitutionality of statutes, 123;
on police power, 152; on distinction
between legislative and judicial func-
tions, 379

Housing of working classes, 518 ff.
Hughes, Justice, on police power, 151;
on combinations, 261

Immigration Commission, 553
Individualism, 50, 51, 94, 153, 154; of
common law, 95. See Laissez faire
Industrial Commission, 415, 467 ff.
Inspection laws, 167

Inspection of public service corpora-
tions, 356

Insurance Companies, regulation of, 145
Interlocking corporations, 197 ff.
International Harvester Corporation,
144, 203

Interstate Commerce Commission, 39,
167 ff.; corporations engaged in, 219;
power to regulate, 211, 215, 220, 500;
law, 25, 38, 39; cases, 167

[blocks in formation]

Labor, combinations of, 485, 608 ff.,
618-619. See also Gompers; legis-
lation, 139 ff., 302, 413 ff.; constitu-
tional limitations on, 418 ff.

Lacombe, Judge, opinion in Tobacco

case, 45

Laidler, H. W., 485

Laissez faire, 25, 285, 291; as a rule of
action, 325 ff., 344

Land-tenure, 2; for public purposes, 55
Law, flexibility of, 92 ff., 100; in books
and law in action, 84 ff.; unconstitu-
tional, 87, 88; uncertainty of, 574;
diversity of, in the states, 49, 63, 64;
defects in administration of, 94
Legislation, 49 ff.; affecting private
property, 53, 61, 157 ff.; modern eco-
nomic, 168; uniformity in states, 66,
72; in interest of debtor class, 69;
rigidity in, 100; not reviewable,
408; on corporations, 179 ff., 184 ff.;
on public utilities, 308; power of, 438
Licensing trades, 71. See also Police

Liquor and cigarette legislation, 141, 168
Lodge, H. C., on Dartmouth College
case, 10-14
Lord, J. W., 445

Low, Seth, testimony before Senate
Committee on Interstate Commerce,

Magna Charta, 298, 328 ff.

Mails, use of, for control of corporations,
503; fraud order, 557 ff.
Maltbie, M. R., 403

Manufacture, control of, by Congress,

Manufacturers' Association, 614
Marbury v. Madison, 115
Marine regulations, 172

Marshall, Chief Justice, on police power,
115; on administrative functions, 390.
See Dartmouth College case
McKenna, Justice on police power, 151
Mechanics' lien, 70
Miller, S. T., 221

Miller, Justice, on judicial functions,
331; on purposes of taxation, 504,

Mines, control of, by State, 293 ff.
Minimum wage, 30 ff., 430 ff., 440-444
Minnesota rate cases, 528
Mogul Steamship Company case, 233
Monopolies, 33, 34, 36, 273; case of the,

221 ff., 273 ff.; early English, 222,

223; development of English deci-
sions on, 224 ff.; development of
U. S. decisions on, 234 ff.; state deci-
sions on, 235 ff.; holding companies
and, 241; present problem of, 277;
modern law of, 275; common law of,
270-278; defined, 251, 257. See also
Trusts, Anti-trust laws, Sherman law
Montague, G. H., 38
Moorehead, J. R., 588
Morawetz, V., 208

Mortgager, legislation on, 69
Mowry, D. E., 179

Munn v. Illinois, 130, 296, 423, 547

National incorporation of trading com-
panies, 211 ff.
Navigation law, 169

Nebraska rate cases, 533

Negligence, law of, 445, 453; contribu-
tory, 465

Negotiable instruments act, 68, 69
Negro segregation law, 169
Nevada corporation laws, 180 ff.
New Jersey corporation law, 179-182;
employers' liability commission, 462
New York laws pertaining to security
issues, 192 ff.

New York vs. Miln, 119

New Zealand minimum wage board,
431 ff.

Northern Securities case, 46, 130, 133,
134, 262, 549. See also Justice Holmes
Nuisances, 70. See also Police power

Ogden v. Saunders, 21
Oleomargarine, 169
Orton, J. F., 7

Peckham, Justice, on police power, 152;
on unreasonable restraint, 249
Pensions, old age and sickness, 508 ff.
Pierce, F., 551

Pilot and harbor control, 172
Police power, 29, 61, 62, 63 ff., 70, 103 ff.,
459; definitions, 103-104, 113, 122;
history of, 103 ff.; nature of, 109 ff.;
rule of reason and, 113 ff.; limits of,
126, 153, 154; social reform and,
126 ff.; and property guarantees,
128 ff.; U. S. Supreme Court and,
137 ff.; U. S. Supreme Court bulwark
of, 153 ff.; over business, 288, 289,
300, 301 ff.; and compulsory compen-
sation, 458 ff.; cannot be bartered
away, 22; legislation, 157, 167. See

also Justice Barbour, Burgess, Justice
Brown, Justice Day, Justice Field,
Freund, Justice Holmes, Hastings,
Justice Hughes, Justice Marshall,
Justice McKenna, Justice Peckham,
Justice Shaw, Justice Story
Pond, O. L., 394
Pound, Roscoe, 84
Powell, T. R., 387
Prigg v. Commonwealth, 119
Prohibition, 64, 65

Property, changing conceptions of, 1 ff.;
rights, 1, 5, 6, 7, 50 ff., 78, 79, 128, 129,
130, 157, 293, 294; in colonies, 2;
common law and, 55, 66; descent of,
68; legal basis of, 50, 51 ff.; legal
power and remedies as to, 161 ff.;
the courts and, 73 ff.; administrative
determination affecting property,
388 ff.; burdened with public interest,
294, 344; and public opinion, 78, 81,
82; limitations on, 52, 54 ff., 61 ff.,
65 ff., 294 ff. See also Public service,
Corporations, Police power, Shaw
Publicity, 36; in corporate affairs, 572,
573 ff.

Public improvements, 146

Public purpose, 53 ff.; extension of,
523; what is, 505 ff. See Eminent


Public service corporations, 47, 144,
338 ff.; commissions, 308 ff., 336 ff.,
344 ff.; regulating, 158, 159.
also Public utilities, Taney
Public utilities, 284 ff.; test of difference
between public and private business,
284 ff., 294, 295, 296, 300; regulation
of, 308 ff., 344 ff., 403; permit for,
359 ff.; reasonable charge for service,
362 ff.; definition, 337. See also
Public service

Pure food act, 64, 72, 140

Railroads, legislation pertaining to, 41,
42, 143, 169 ff.; state aid, 75; rela-
tion to other public utilities, 339;
rates, 143, 320, 525 ff., 382; manage-
ment, 143, 320; commissions, 336;
tax, 173; Pullman and refrigerator
tax, 174; Hepburn act, 42, 43 ff.
See also Public service, Public util-
ities, Hadley

Regulation of business, 142, 143, 285 ff.,
294 ff., 324 ff., 332 ff.; of security
issues, 191; of public service, 308 ff.,
320; of prices, 32; of rates, 143, 144,

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