
feet of the Priests, presenting his son, whose distress was visible, and needed no words to express it. All were grieved, but especially the Priests, who put up their prayers for him before the throne of mercy; and Germanus, causing the youth to sit down, gently passed his healing hand over the leg which was contracted; the limb recovered its strength and soundness by the power of his touch, the withered nerves were restored, and the youth was, in the presence of all the people, delivered whole to his father."

"And had this miracle any effect in converting the people from their error?" asked Edward.

"Yes; Bede proceeds to tell us," continued Mr. Trevilly, "that the multitude was amazed at the miracle, and the Catholic faith was firmly planted in the minds of all. The spreaders of the heresy were expelled the island, and the faith in those parts continued long after pure and untainted."*

"Did S. Germain return to the Continent, as soon as he had brought back the people to the true faith again?” asked Charles.

"Not until he had accomplished some other good works, for the good of the British Church," said Mr. Trevilly.

"What were these, sir?" asked Charles.

"The most important was, his inducing the Britons to found monasteries, which were the only schools of learning in those days. In accomplishing this object, the two Christian teachers who I told you came with him on his second visit, Dubricius and Iltutus, were of the greatest service. Dubricius was elected Bishop of Llandaff. Iltutus had a college of pupils, at a place called from him Llanyltad or S. Iltad, in Glamorganshire. Another famous place of education was founded by S. Germain in North Wales, called the Monastery of Bangor-Iscoed, near Malpas and Wrexham. Open the Atlas, Charles, and see if you can find these places."

"Here they are, sir," exclaimed Charles, after just casting his eye over the map of North Wales. "They are situated on the river Dee, not very far from Chester; but Bangor appears to be a long way off in the map, sir, in Caernarvonshire, close to the Menai Straits." "Yes; there are two Bangors," said Mr. Trevilly; "the one you have pointed out in Caernarvonshire, is the see of a Bishop, and was formerly called Bangor Vaur, or the Great Bangor."

"Was S. Germain the first person who ever founded a monastery?" asked Edward.

"No; the monastic system had its origin in the East," replied Mr. Trevilly," and is said by some writers to have been brought into the West by the great S. Athanasius. S. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, and S. Martin, Bishop of Tours, lived at this time, and

Bede's Eccles. Hist., b. 1, c. 21.

+ Bishop Stillingfleet is of opinion that Dubricius was made Archbishop over all the Britons in these parts. See Stilling. Antiq. British Churches.

both very zealously promoted the building of monasteries in Italy and France."

"Was the monastery at Bangor a large one, sir? asked Edward.

"Why yes," replied Mr. Trevilly, "if the accounts which have come to us about it are correct; it must, one would think, have been what Speed says it was, the first monastery in the world. The monks are said to have been divided into seven companies, each consisting of no less than three hundred persons. They lived all by their hand labour, and had their different rulers, all probably acting under one acknowledged head."*

"What a monster monastery," exclaimed Anderson-" seven times three hundred monks-two thousand one hundred! Do you really think there were so many, sir?”

"All we can judge by,” replied Mr. Trevilly, "are the accounts which have come down to us. I have no doubt the number was very great, as we are told that at a later period, twelve hundred were put to death by Ethelfred, King of Northumberland."

"What a bloodthirsty, wicked man he must have been," exclaimed Edward; "but what led to such a deed, sir?"

"We must not anticipate events," said Mr. Trevilly; "I will allude to it again in its proper place, and you may then see what led on the heathen prince to commit this dreadful massacre."

"If you please, sir," said Collings," I wish to ask you a ques tion about this vast number of monks all living together?" "Well, what is your question, Collings?"

"Why, I want to know, sir, why so many men shut themselves up in a monastery, and what use they were, and what good they did?"

"You have asked three questions," said Mr. Trevilly; "however, I will answer them as well and briefly as I can. The reason why they retired from the world was, that they might escape from its distractions, and spend a greater portion of their time in prayer, fasting, and spiritual exercises. And this partly answers your other questions; for of course, if they were sanctifying their own souls, and praying for their brethren in the world, they were of much use, and did much good. But other most important benefits resulted from the foundation of these religious houses. They were the rallying points and fortifications, as it were, of Christianity in turbulent and semi-barbarous times; where persecuted Christians might fly for protection and consolation, and where the weary traveller might find a lodging, and the destitute poor a hospitable board. They were also schools and seminaries of sound and useful learning. The clergy were therefore generally selected by the bishops, from those who had been educated in these houses. Above all, within their walls was preserved inviolate the Word of *Bede, Eçc. Hist. B. ii. c. ii.

GOD; So that, humanly speaking, we are indebted to them for the Holy Bible, which it is our privilege, as English Churchmen, to possess, and which the Church teaches us to pray, that we may have grace so to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest, that by patience and comfort of GoD's Holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life given us in JESUS CHRIST."

"Are there any monasteries now, sir?" asked Edward.

"Not in connection with the Church of England," replied Mr. Trevilly.


"Don't you think it would be a good thing if there were, sir," said Edward; as they seem to have done so much good in former days?"

"Yes," said Mr. Trevilly, "I think it might be of use if there were to be some asylum provided for those who desire to seclude themselves from the snares and temptations of the world, and pass their lives in religious retirement and works of charity. I agree with Archbishop Leighton in this respect, who said he thought that the great and fatal error of the Reformation was, that more of those houses and of that course of life was not preserved; so that the Reformed Churches had neither places of education, nor retreat for men of mortified tempers."* Our poet Wordsworth, speaking of the inhabitants of these ancient holy homes, writes,

'How beautiful your presence, how benign,

Servants of GOD! who not a thought will share
With the vain world; who, outwardly as bare
As winter trees, yield no fallacious sign

That the firm soul is clothed with fruit divine.'"

"And what became of the good S. Germain, sir? did he remain in England, and become the head of the great monastery of Bangor?" asked Edward.


No," replied Mr. Trevilly; "he returned to Gaul after he had fulfilled the object of his mission to England, and died on a visit to Italy, A.D. 448. His memory is still preserved in the name of Llanarman, S. Germain's, in Denbighshire."

"There a town called S. Germain's in Cornwall also," said Charles. "Is that also in commemoration of S. Germain ?"

"Yes," said Mr. Trevilly; "and this little town was for a short time, under the Saxons, made a Bishop's see."

"The Saxons, were they Christians ?" exclaimed Edward. "I thought they were united with the Picts and the heathen army, which was overthrown by the Britons under S. Germain."


They were heathen at that time," said Mr. Trevilly, "but were * See Middleton's Life of Archbishop Leighton, p. 24, ed. 1819.

afterwards converted. However, we shall not at present have time to enter on the history of their conversion. We must leave that, and the circumstances connected with it, for our next conversation."


Acts xx. 28.

YES! I have loved thee, Holy Church of GOD!
By His most precious Blood redeemed-His Spouse,
Thy Bridegroom CHRIST-His Body, Who as Head
Doth rule-His fulness, Who fills all in all.
Yes! I have loved thee, and I love thee still!
Though Faith and Love have well-nigh waxed cold;
For thee would shed my life, would cast away
All that on earth mine heart doth cherish most.
For in thy Rosom was I born to God;

While yet an outcast from my FATHER'S Home,
With hideous taint and guilt of sin defiled,
An exile, child of wrath, a loathsome thing
Before His Eyes Who deems the heavens unclean.
Within thy Bosom was I born to God.

It was no work of man, a wondrous change
Wrought in those waters by the Spirit of grace;
HE took me in His Arms, He laid His Hands
Upon mine infant head, and blessed me there.
And as from forth the western porch I came
Heaven's future heir, a new-born child of God,
One guardian Angel, holy, bright, and pure,
With hovering wing came down, and on me cast
A look of lovingness, as one on whom

A SAVIOUR'S Blood was sprinkled, not in vain.
Yes, I have loved thee! for in childhood's hour
'Twas in thy courts I learned my lips to move
In holiest accents, heaven-taught prayer, and praise,
And meek confession: in thine hallowed shrine
Heard Heaven's Ambassador his high message give
Of pardon free to lowly penitents.

There did I learn t' attune my tongue in Creeds
And fervent Litanies, with glad lips to say
"Our FATHER" while the storied window-pane
Bespoke of patriarchs, prophets, martyrs, saints,
Evangelists, apostles, and the deeds

Of a most noble army, while on earth

They toiled militant; one faithful band

With us who toil this day, their warfare o'er.

There did I learn the Saints' Communion-theme
Meet for an Angel's tongue. The holy dead
Lay round the while, mocking in peaceful sleep
The fitful unrest of this lower world.

Nor elsewhere, when the hallowed season came,
Fraught with fresh blessings from the dews of heaven,
With trembling lips again I sealed those vows,
Again renounced the Devil, world, and flesh;
Then on mine head a Bishop's hands were laid,
In token sure that God would deign to bless
His child and servant, and His seven-fold gifts
In large abundance, and for aye pour down.
Next, called to fullest rights and holiest feast,

G. R. P.

Heaven's perfect citizen, with thrilling awe,
'Twas at thine altar that I knelt and took
From consecrated hands that Bread and Wine,
Wherein Faith's piercing eye joys to discern
Of her dear LORD the Sacred Body and Blood,
Not in dim type and shadowy semblance given,
But truly present on that altar board.

Yes! I have loved thee, Holy Church of GOD!
And I will love thee still: for day by day
Within thy courts constant I love to dwell,
To find my SAVIOUR present: there t' outpour
My soul in prayer, to thrill with notes of praise.
And as each holy day of sacred feast

With order due returns, it shall be mine,

While Gon doth grant me health and strength below,
Prostrate before thine altar, there to plead

My SAVIOUR's merits, there with tears confess
My sinful nothingness, the filthy rags

Of mine own righteousness lay down, in joy
That CHRIST's own robe is offered there to all.
Then when disease shall rack my wasted frame,
The LORD my bed shall make, shall grant His peace,
Peace which the world can give nor take away;
And ringing in mine eager ear the voice

Of God's own Priest who looseth man from sin,
Spoken on earth, and not unheard in heaven,
Shall cheer my pathway through the gate of death.
Yes! I have loved thee, and will love thee still!
Though o'er thy reverend head insultingly
The base world tramples; though thy voice be dumb,
Thy mysteries rudely scanned, thy power to bind
Grown by disuse a by-word and a jest:

Though chains surrounding gall thy sacred form-
Such as would crush a system less divine-
Though to a tyrant's thraldom thou must bend
In mild submission, as thy Master stood

A prisoner meek at Pilate's judgment throne:
Yet will I love thee still! A brighter day
Will dawn upon thy darkness. He, thine Head,
Lo! ever with thee to the end of time,
Will up and wreak just vengeance on the foes
Who dare molest thy peaceful tyranny.
Yes! I will love thee! for more bright I deem
My part in thee, than earthly pomp and praise.
Princes of earth must fall: a day shall come
When, standing at the judgment-seat of Him
The Son of Man, thy LORD, thy King, thy Judge,
They who have dealt thee foulest scorn shall quail,
And suppliant pray thy pardon for their sin.

Yes! I have loved thee! and within thy courts,
When age hath borne me, like some hoary shock
Of corn, to my last home-my prayer shall be,
I may be worthy deemed my bones to lay,
Waiting the Resurrection of the Just,

There, 'neath thine altar-steps, where richest hues
Give back the glories of the Eastern sun,

And dye the pavement with their tints of love.
There may I rest in peace, and sleep in CHRIST,
My troubles o'er, by no rude hand disturbed
Of sacrilegious plunderer, deemed a saint
By those who know not in their carnal heart
What means a Christian's heritage in heaven.
Yes! I will love thee! and if e'er the soul
From blissful regions can look back to time,
And think upon the Church, once militant,

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