
had the merit of making an able attempt to revive the principles of Leibnitz, and distinguished himself in the application of philosophy. E. Platner also inclined to the ideas of Leibnitz, but with a more sceptical turn of mind and greater acuteness; and added some valuable inquiries into Anthropology and Physiology. The tendency to a system of mere Eudæmonism which had been remarked in Wolf's theory, betrayed itself in the modified form it assumed under the hands of Platner: according to whom happiness, or well-being, is the end of each and all living beings, and good is that which agrees with the happiness of individuals, and of all; Virtue being free-will directed towards the attainment of what is truly good.

Christian Garve made morality consist in the fulfilment of those laws which are obligatory on mankind at large, in all their various relations: such are the several principles of Virtue, Propriety, Benevolence, and Order. The revision of Philosophy, by Chph. Meiners, belongs to this period; and the controversy between J. C. Lossius, and the more meinen Deutschen Synonymik, 6 Th. Halle, 1795; 2te Aufl. 1820. Fortgesetzt von MAASS (XI-XII B). Vermischte Schriften, Halle, 1784, 8vo. Neueste vermischte Schriften, Halle, 1788, 8vo. Philosophisches Magazin, Halle, 1788-92; 4 Bde. 8vo. Philosophisches Archiv, 2 Bde. 1792-95, 8vo. See NICOLAI, Gedächtnisschrift auf J. A. EBERHARD, Berl. 1810, 8vo.

1 Born at Leipsic, 1744; died there, professor of Medicine and Philosophy, 1818.

E. PLATNER, Philosoph. Aphorismen, Leipzig, 1776-82, 2 Th. 8vo.; neue umgearbeitete Aufl. 1793-1800. Anthropologie für Aerzte und Weltweise, Leipz. 1772, 8vo. Neue Anthropologie, 1 B. Leipz. 1790, 8vo. Gespräche über den Atheismus. Leipz. 1781, 8vo. Lehrbuch der Logik und Metaphysik, Leipz. 1795, 8vo. For his life and charater see the Memoir published by his son in the Literary Journal of Jena, No. 38, 1819. 2 Born at Breslau, 1742; died, 1798.

CHR. GARVE, Abh. über die Verbindung der Moral und der Politik, Bresl. 1768. Betrachtungen über de allgem. Grundsätze der Sittenlehre, Bresl. 1798, 8vo. Versuche über verschiedne Gegenstände der Moral, etc., 2te Aufl. 1821, 8vo. Ueber das Daseyn Gottes, Bresl. 1802. 3 Born 1747; died 1810.

CHPH. MEINERS, Revision der Philosophie, 1 Th. Gött. u. Gotha, 1772, 8vo. Abriss der Psychologie, 1773. Grundriss der Seelenlehre, Leipz. 1786. Untersuchungen über die Denk- und Willenskräfte, Gotting. 1806, 2 Th. 8vo. Verm. Philos. Schriften, Leipz. 1775-76, 3 Th. 8vo., with several other works on Psychology and Ethics.

4 JOH. CHRIST. LOSSIUS, Physische Ursachen des Wahren, Gotha,

profoundly thinking J. N. Tetens, on the question whether Truth be or be not objective. The former derived the highest law of Thought from certain vibrations of the nervous system. To these we must add the popular Manuals of J. H. Feder,2 and J. A. H. Ulrich (§ 356, note).

Nevertheless, we may observe that the German nation always displayed its characteristic depth of research, and a regard for the sacred interests of mankind. Of this the pious C. F. Gellert3 is a sufficient proof; whose writings and lectures equally contributed to preserve a sense of religion and moral duty among his contemporaries.

382. In the place of Metaphysics, in Germany as in Great Britain, a species of empirical Psychology had acquired astonishing credit and influence. Tetens (mentioned in preceding section), particularly distinguished himself, by prosecuting the inquiries of Locke respecting the origin of knowledge, with great acuteness of intellect, and without any taint of materialism. He prosecuted investigations into the fundamental faculties of the soul; made it his object to 1775, 8vo. Unterricht der gesunden Vernunft, Gotha, 1777, 2 Th. 8vo. Neues philos. allgem. Reallexicon, Erf. 1803-7, 4 B. 8vo. 1 Born at Tettenbüll, 1736; died 1805.

JOH. NIC. TETENS, Philosophische Versuche über die menschliche Natur und ihre Entwickelung, Leips. 1776-77, 2 B. 8vo. Gedanken über einige Ursachen, warum in der Metaphysik nur wenige ausgemachte Wahrheiten sind, Bützow u. Wismar, 1760, 8vo. Ueber die allgem. speculative Philosophie, Bützow, 1775, 8vo. (anonym.)

2 Born, 1740; died a Privy-Councillor of Justice at Hanover, 1821. JOH. GE. HEINR. FEDER'S Institutiones Log. et Metaph. Fcf. 1777. Grundriss der philos. WW. Coburg, 1767, und G. A. TITTEL'S Erläu terungen dazu, 1785, 8vo. Grundsätze der Logik und Metaphysik, Götting. 1794, 8vo. Untersuchungen über den menschlichen Willen, dessen Naturtriebe, Veränderungen, etc., Gotting. und Lemgo, 1799— 93, 4 Th. 8vo.; 2te Aufl. 1783, sqq. with several other works. Ueber das moral. Gefuhl, Copenh. 1792, 8vo. J. G. H. FEDER'S Leben, Natur und Grundsätze (Autobiographie, von seinem Sohn herausgegeben). Leipzig, 1825, 8vo.

3 Born at Haynichen, 1715; died professor of moral philosophy at Leipsic, 1769.

CHR. FRCHGOTT GELLERT, Discours sur la Nature, et l'étendue et l'utilité de la Morale, Berl. 1764, 8vo. Moral. Vorlesungen, herausg. von A. SCHLEGEL und HEYER, 2 B., Leipz. 1770, 8vo. CHr. Garve, Ammerkungen über Gellerts Moral, seine Schriften überh. und seinen Charakter, Leipz. 1770, 8vo. Gellerts sämmtl. Schriften, Leipz. 1769 -70, 7 Th. 8vo.

substantiate the proofs of an objective Truth, and to refute the scepticism of Hume; and thus eventually fell into the same path which was pursued by Kant. He attracted, however, little attention in his day. We may here place the anthropological researches of C. F. Irwing, J. H. Campe Dietr. Tiedemann,3 Platner, Garve (see preceding section), C. Ph. Moritz, J. J. Engel, Fr. Joach. Eschenburg, of the able critic J. G. E. Lessing, and the theologian J. G. Von Herder, a man of comprehensive mind, besides many other writers on Esthetics, some of whom followed the principles promulgated in Great Britain (by Hutcheson, Gerard, Hume, Home, Burke, etc.); while others adopted the French 1 Born at Berlin, 1728; died 1801.

CARL FRANZ V. IRWING, Erfahrungen und Untersuchungen über den Menschen, Berl. 1778, 4 Th. 8vo.

2 Born at Teersen in Brunswick, 1746; died, 1818.

Empfindungs- und Erkenntnisskraft der menschl. Seele, 1776, 8vo. Ueber Empfindung und Empfindelei, Hamb. 1779. Sammlung einiger Erziehungsschriften, Hamb. 1777, 2 Th. 8vo. Theophron, Hamb. 1783, Braunschw, 1790, u. öfter.

3 Born 1749; died a professor at Marburg, 1806.

Untersuchungen über die Menschen, Leips. 1777-78, 3 Th. 8vo. Handbuch der Psychologie, herausgegeben von WACHLER, Leips. 1804,


✦ Born at Hameln, 1757; died, 1793. Aussichten zu einer Experimentalseelenlehre, 1782, 8vo. Magaz. zur Erfahrungsseelenlehre, 10 Th. 1793-95; und Selbstcharakteristik in Anton Reiser, 1785-90. Abh. über die bildende Nachahmung des Schönen, Braunschw. 1788, 8vo. Grundlinien zu einer vollständ. Theorie der schönen Kunste (besides several other works).

5 Born at Parchim, 1741; died, 1802. Besides several treatises on Esthetics; Der Philosoph fur die Welt, Leipz. 1775-77, 2 Th. 8vo.; neue Ausg. 1801, sqq.; and in his works, Berl. 1801, sqq. 6 B. 6 Born at Hamburg, 1743; died, 1820. Entwurf einer Theorie und Litteratur des schönen Wissenschaften, Berl. 1713, 8vo. 4te Aufl. 1817, 8vo.

7 Born at Kamenz, 1729; died, 1781. Various Essays on Esthetics and Criticism, aud: Die Erziehung d. Menschengeschlechts. Sämmtl. Schriften, Berl. 1771-91. 30 B. 8vo.

The author of

8 Born at Morungen, 1744; died at Weimar, 1803. various works on Phil., Hist., and the Fine Arts, particularly: Ideen zur Philos. der Gesch. der Menschheit (translated into English, under the title of Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of Man, by T. CHURCHILL, 4to. Lond. 1800, reprinted 2 vols. 8vo. 1803); Preisschrift über den Ursprung der Sprache seit, 1772-89. Adrastea; Kalligone; Terpsichore, etc.

theories, particularly that of Batteux, (see section 378); and others again attempted paths of their own. The influence of Philosophy became more perceptible; not only as affecting the sciences immediately connected with it, such as the Mathematics, Physics, Natural History, and Medicine; but as operating on certain subordinate branches of science, to that time neglected; such as Education (treated after Rousseau by Basedow, Campe, Reswitz); the theory of Language (by Herder after Harris' and Monboddo); and the History of Mankind (zealously investigated by Meiners, Isaac Iselin, and Herder. The last attacked the jejune system of the pretended discovery prevalent in his time, seconded by his ingenious contemporary J. G. Hamann, as well as by Jacobi (of whom presently), and by Matthias Claudius (the messenger of Wandsbeck). Among these, C. Th. Ant. Maria Von Dalberg also deserves a place.

Psycho-Physiology of Mesmer.

383. We must now notice a man and a movement that have already exercised an important influence on the united sciences of psycho-physiology.

Frederic Anthony Mesmer was born at Weiler, near Stein on the Rhine, in the year 1734. He was educated for the medical profession, which he prosecuted at Vienna; where, in making some experiments connected with natural magnetism, he discovered, or rather re-discovered, the existence

1 Born at Salisbury, 1702; died, 1750.

2 Born at Bâle, 1728; died, 1782. Versuch uber die Geschichte der Menschheit, 1764, 8vo.

3 Born at Königsberg; died at Munster, 1788.

HAMANN'S Schriften, herausg. von FR. ROTH, 1—8 B., Berl. 1821, 8vo. (reviewed by HEGEL in the Jahrbücher der wiss. Kritik, 1829). For his correspondence with JACOBI, see the works of the latter. See also the Sibylline Leaves of the Magician of the North, published by D. FR. CRAMER, Leipz. 1819, 8vo.

4 Elector, Arch-Chancellor, and then Grand-Duke of Frankfort, and subsequently Archbishop of Ratisbon; born 1744; died 1817.

Betrachtungen über des Universum, Erf. 1776, 7te Aufl. 1821. Vom Verhaltniss zwischen Moral and Staatkunst, Erf. 1786, 4to. Gedanken von der Bestimmung des moral. Werths, Erf. 1787, 4to. Grundsätze der Esthetik, ebend. 1721, 4to. Vom Bewussteyn als allgem. Grunde der Weltweisheit, ebend. 1793, 8vo. u. a.

of a new force, which is at present a problem among the learned. Some, like Mesmer, have regarded it as a universally diffused power, similar to Attraction and Electricity, permeating and acting on all organized and unorganized bodies. Others have viewed it simply as a nervous fluid, which is the agent in producing the phenomena of natural and artificial somnambulism. Lastly, there exists a party who attribute all the phenomena in question to the power of the mind acting directly on the organization. This view seems somewhat countenanced by the recent discovery of new branches of the science, which have been styled NeuroHypnology and Electro-Biology.

On the subjects of Neuro-Hypnology, see BRAID's Book, recently published, and Dr. DARLING'S Electro-Biology, 8vo. Lond. 1852.

English Works on Mesmerism.

The Rev. C. H. TOWNSHEND'S Facts in Mesmerism, 8vo. London, 1844. Dr. GREGORY'S Letters to a Candid Enquirer on Animal Magnetism, 12mo. 1851.

The Rev. GEORGE SANDBY'S Mesmerism and its Opponents, 2nd edit. 12mo., Lond. 1848.

The ZOIST, a Journal of Cerebral Physiology and Mesmerism, published quarterly.

HADDOCK'S Somnolism and Psycheism, 1849.

I. C. COLQUHOUN's History of Magic, Witchcraft, and Animal Magnetism, 2 vols. London, 1852.

Dr. ASHBURNER, Facts in Clairvoyance, 8vo. London, 1848.

Early Magnetism in its Higher Relations to Humanity; as veiled in the Poets and Prophets. By Ovos Maloç, 8vo. Lond. 1846.

REICHENBACH (Baron) on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and the Chemical Affinities in their Relations to Vital Powers; with Notes, &c. by Jo. ASHBURNER, M.D., 8vo.

Dr. ESDAILE, Mesmerism in India, and its application to Surgery, 12mo. 1849.

Isis Revelata, by I. C. COLQUHOUN; 2 vols., Lond. 1836.

Dr. MAYO's Letters on the Truths contained in popular Superstitions. French Works on Mesmerism.

SALVERTE, Des Sciences Occultes; ou Essai sur la Magie, les Prodiges, et les Miracles, 8vo., second edition, Paris, 1843.

BRIERRE DE BOISMONT, Des Hallucinations, ou Histoire Raisonnée des Apparitions, des Visions, des Songes, de l'Extase, du Magnetisme, et du Somnambulisme, 8vo. Paris, 1845.

CHARDEL, Essai de Psychologie-Physiologique, ou explication des Relations de l'Ame avec le Corps; seconde edition, 8vo. Paris, 1838.

CHARDEL, Esquisse de la Nature Humaine expliquée par le Magnetisme Animal, 8vo. Paris, 1826.

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