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"Their spears upon the cedar hung,
Their javelins to the wind were flung,
They bent no more the forest bow,
They arm'd not with the warrior band."

Sandusky river, near where the town of Lower Sandusky now stands. From time beyond memory and tradition, the Wyandotts and Iroquois had been engaged in a war of relentless extermination. This war had commenced earlier, and was still in progress in 1534, when Cartier landed on the Canada shore. The Wyandotts had been driven from their ancient homes on the banks of the St. Lawrence, to the country west of Lake Superior, where they found refuge among the Sioux. From this point their warriors made predatory excursions into the territory of their ancient enemies, and as often had them returned. The Wyandott tradi||tion of this neutral nation represents them as having separated themselves from the parent stock (Wyandott) and fled for safety into the western country, soon after the war with the Iroquois commenced. Here they established themselves, and professed strict neutrality and friendship for all the belligerent nations. They built two forts in their territory, one of which they appropri

THAT which is beautiful and redeeming in the character or customs of the aboriginal inhabitants of this continent, should be collected and carefully treasured up. Their vices have been detested by all who have written and talked upon their national and individual character; and it is true that there is but little about them to admire. Yet, from the mass of evil, here and there may be found a bright quality, a beautiful tradition, or a noble characteristic, which creates in the mind of the civilized and enlightened, enraptured admiration. The primitive origin of this race of men is hid in the impenetrable shades of the past. But notwith-ated to the Iroquois, and the other to the Wyandotts standing this fact, it is a pleasing task to pick up their traditions, examine their customs and habits, learn their religion, and contrast their many peculiarities with those of the oriental nations, from whom, it is probable, they descended. There are, however, more discrepancies between them and eastern nations than there are correspondencies. One theory which has been adopted by the antiquary is a descent from the ancient Israelites. Be this theory true or false, we do not pretend to say, nor do we say that any theory which has been adopted is true.

and their allies. To these the discomfited could fly, as the Israelite to the city of refuge, and while within these sacred inclosures, or on this ground of common peace and neutrality, feel safe and assured of protection. Father Segard, on coming into the country, two centuries since, found them still in the possession of this sanctuary of peace, living uninterrupted, and having the confidence of the belligerent nations. The causes which led to this singular separation and peculiar organization among a savage people, is a matter of curiosity. And how it acquired the consent of such

to these, tradition furnishes no data. The traditionary history of this singular people is rather meagre, and hence scarcely more than the bare fact that they existed is known. It is probable that they had their origin in the dreams, and conjuring, and juggling tricks of some of their prophets, and that superstition lent its aid to secure the favor of the warring nations. Be the cause of their origin what it may, among savage nations it was a beautiful institution-a place where all could meet upon the common ground of friendship, and know that they were in the midst of a nation of peace-makers.

Between some of the nations of this continent and|| warlike and blood-thirsty tribes, is equally curious. As the Israelites there are customs which bear a distant resemblance. The Jewish nation was composed of twelve tribes; the Wyandott nation is made up of seven. And it is true, that amidst the multitude of changes which have taken place in the history of that people, they have always maintained this distinctive feature of their national character. The Iroquois nation was originally composed of five distinct tribes. Subsequently, they adopted and incorporated into the parent nation the Tuscaroras, which constituted that confederation known in the history of our first settlements as the Six Nations. The law of marriage and descent among the Wyandotts is peculiar. It is unlawful for the members of the same tribe to intermarry. The man is compelled to marry a woman belonging to some other tribe; and the descendants always belong to the tribe of the mother. While in that nation, I was pointed to a man who was the last member of his tribe, and at his death the tribe of which he was a member would become extinct.

The existence of a neutral nation among the warlike tribes of this continent, is what will not readily be received by those who have become acquainted with their character, and learned the history of their wars. The tradition of such a nation exists among all the northern Indian nations, and has been partially attested by the first French Catholic missionaries who visited the country. The place of their residence was the

After having existed in this peculiar form for a long period, it is represented that an intestine fued sprung up among them, one party embracing the cause of the Iroquois, and the other of the Wyandotts, which terminated their existence. This was an unhappy fate. Such a people merited a different end. Happy would it have been if they could have maintained the same character of national peace-makers, and have come down, as such, even to this our day.

MODERN criticism discloses that which it would fain conceal, but conceals that which it professes to disclose; it is, therefore, read by the discerning, not to discover the merits of an author, but the motives of his critic.

* General Cass' lecture before the Historical Society of Michigan.



IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY DISCIPLINE. It was my privilege on a recent occasion to enter an ancient temple in this city, of which I could say, our fathers worshiped in this mountain. Both the placement of his promises, all of which are conditional, and and the pastor are connected with my most holy and expect our prayers to be answered in the conversion of consecrated associations, and have often deepened my our children, while we are verily guilty before God of realizations of the unchangeableness of God's covenant, neglecting to exercise that authority with which he has and the consequent safety of all those who are identi- invested us, for the training up of holy families? If I fied with it. The subject presented to our attention am not mistaken, there is too much faith without works was quite in harmony with the train of thought indu- in the hearts of God's people. It is much easier to beced by surrounding objects, "This day is salvation lieve that God will convert our children in answer to come to this house." When the Lord Jesus visits a our fervent prayers added to our faithful instructions, habitation he brings salvation to it. He dwelt particu- than to subdue the stubborn, obstinate will in the unlarly on the blessings resulting from this salvation, and tiring contest for mastery, by judicious but unflinching urged them as inducements to a cordial reception of discipline. The spirit of the age is one of insubordithe Savior into our hearts and families, on the evident nation. Satan appears to have no very serious objecdecline of vital piety in the families of God's people,||tion to all the forms of religious instruction, and all the and some of the causes of it. If our houses are not sanctifying influences which are brought to bear upon visited by Christ, and his salvation is not brought to the youthful mind. Transformed into an angel of light, them, as in former days, it becomes us to inquire why he may even suggest to the parental heart as a quietus the visitations of his mercy do not gladden our hearts. to all its fears, "I will be a God to thee, and to thy Various reasons for the Savior's absence were assigned, seed after thee." So long as he keeps the undisturbed but that which appeared to my own mind the most possession of this stronghold, an unsubdued will, his prominent, as I conceive it to be most destructive to interest is secure. Our children enjoy every privilege every holy influence in the family, was the growing but that of faithful discipline; for this they suffer loss. disregard of parental authority and domestic insubordi- The want of this, like the absence of power in a wellnation. This is the axe laid at the root of family relig- contrived machine, renders all the parts, combined or ion, and where this insubordination exists the fruits of single, useless. I have sometimes thought that parents the Spirit will be looked for in vain. Perhaps some of of the present day were too indolent or too feeble to your readers will turn from this article with disgust, exercise family government. But I am sure that if half feeling that enough has been said and written on the the breath spent in repeating commands or coaxing to worn-out topic of family discipline. It is true that obedience, or reasoning about the propriety of the thing enough had been written on this subject when the holy required, were used in the application of the rod accordman of old wrote, as he was moved by the Holy Spirit, ing to divine appointment, until submission and a the condition of God's covenant with Abraham, in prompt compliance with a command once given were which the family organization is so distinctly recognized, gained, there would be a great saving of time, of strength, "For I know him, that he will command his children and broken-hearted parents. We used to hear of paand his household after him, and they shall keep the rents breaking their children before they reached a cerway of the Lord." But, if God's people are dull of tain period-after which the child understood that the hearing, or forgetful of what they do hear, or neglect will of the parent was to be implicitly obeyed, and all to practice what they do know, it becomes us to raise contests were easily settled. This breaking or subdu our voice, and to reiterate again and again the terms of ing the will was considered a most important event in the covenant, and to define more clearly the position the history of the child. The process was conducted which we and our families must occupy in order to give with coolness, patience, and much prayer to God for to the Savior such a cordial reception into our houses his blessing, while it was pursued with an inflexible as would invite the visitations of his mercy. firmness. The result could not but be happy. After There is something very peculiar in the family organ- this the rod was seldom, if ever, called for. The great ization; it is the oldest organization in the world. God question had been settled, and was not to be again disis its author; he formed it in paradise, and it is the only turbed. These living "epistles were known and read vestige of the happiness of Eden which has come down || of all men,", as the children of believing parents, whose to us, and will last to the end of time. For a long time the family and the Church were one: all the accessions to the latter were from the former, in which it had its origin; and in all God's gracious dispensations towards man he recognizes this blessed relation of parent and child. He deals with man as a social being clothed with responsibilities, and enjoying privileges, the faithful discharge of the one securing the possession of the other; and the neglect of the one involving the forfeiture of the other. Has this view of this most in

||teresting subject been sufficiently appreciated? Do we not provoke the Lord by our presumption rather than honor him by our faith, when we plead for the fulfill

faith and works reciprocally acting on and through each other, brought forth the peaceable fruits of righteousness. But we have fallen on evil times. There is a fearful decline of family religion; and without a change, the Church will, ere long, receive her largest and richest accessions from the world, rather than from those who have been dedicated to God at the altars of the Church. Earthly good, in some of its varied forms, has filled the parental eye, and the heirs of the covenant are sacrificed to this Moloch.-Mother's Magazine.






THERE's a breath in the air, like love's balmiest sigh
Stealing softly from valley and hill;

THE characteristic endowments of women, are not of a commanding and imposing nature, such as man may boast of, and which enable him to contend with difficulties and dangers, to which, both personally and mentally, he is liable. The perfection of the female character is attained by the cultivation of endowments completely opposed to these, but equally suited to the nature of their duties. They consist in purity of mind, simplicity and frankness of heart, benevolence, prompt-She wakes-from the skies to the caves of the deep,

ing to active charity, lively and warm affections, inducing a habit of forbearance, and the practice of selfdenial, which the comfort or good of their human ties may demand. These, when confirmed and supported by a devout spirit towards God, give a mild but steady lustre to female existence, equally adorning it in the character of daughter, wife, or mother. But when these gifts of nature remain uncultivated, or are improperly directed by any unfavorable circumstances in early life, we must expect to find them degenerated into weaknesses, or to have given place to their opposite defects: simplicity and frankness changed into cunning; benevolence crushed into selfishness, or exercised without discretion and judgment; irritability of temper instead of meekness and forbearance, and a stronger inclination to gratify self than to consult the wishes and the feelings of others; in morality, no steadiness, expediency governing rather than sincerity of heart and integrity of mind; and in religion, either enthusiasm or coldness and indifference.

Sincerity is composed of simplicity of intention, and of truth in thought and word. A woman truly sincere will say neither more nor less than she means and thinks; she is undesigning, and therefore has no cause to mislead by her words; and though her prudence may sometimes restrain her speech, it never urges her to the practice of disingenuity. Sincerity is essential to our comfort in all our earthly connections; without it there can be no reliance or confidence, no safety; nor can there be any certainty that other virtues have a firm footing in those who are evidently devoid of sincerity. Insincerity is the poison of every good quality and feeling, and can serve as nourishment only to base and unworthy desires. There are many causes which conspire to render duplicity not an uncommon failing

in women. A sense of weakness, timidity of disposition, and a defective judgment, often lead them to employ a subterfuge rather than open dealing, in the attainment of any petty wishes and objects. Some of the usages of society have also a disingenuous tendency, and they who aspire to the reputation of politeness, not unfrequently practice, to its utmost extent, this licensed disingenuity, although forfeiting the higher claim to sincerity. Such characters do no good to themselves, and, fortunately, but little harm to others; they gain no credit for their professions of friendship or good will, nor secure to themselves any friendship more sincere than that which they profess; for who can value those they believe to be hollow in heart, and to whom they apply the epithet of "people of the world?"

For a voice has gone forth through the earth and the

And creation is stirred with the thrill.

That summons has passed in its power:

She has thrown off the shroud of her moldering sleep,
And her pulses again all exultingly leap
To the call of her wakening hour.

How the earth is all changed! her whole face seems

With the gladness of beauty and love;
Like a distant reflection of glory, just shed
Through the skies, from the bright worlds above.
The air is with soft, mingling melodies filled,

Newly waked from long slumbering strings;
The song of the bird, by the bleak winter stilled,
And the murmur of founts, that the north breath had

And the hum of new life, on glad wings.

And the wide brightening forest, that gloomily flung
Its grey arms 'gainst a desolate sky;*

While the voice of the storm through its sullen glades

Like a hollow and wailing cry.

How graceful it bends in its richly robed pride,
As if courting the light's yellow play;
How deep are the shadows it flings far and wide
O'er the streams, whose bright waters rejoicingly glide
Through its depths, in their beauty, away.

But while nature thus springs to such glorious birth,
Triumphant o'er ruin and death-

Through the vast, human world, wakening spirit of

O, send'st thou thy strong healing breath?
Thou, who callest decay into health's mantling bloom,
Can thy smile the dark cells of the soul re-illume?
Hath conscious life part in thy sway?

Or rekindle the hopes that have set in the tomb?
Or thy voice stir its slumbering clay?
Yet why the vain questioning? Not without power
Thou comest, o'er the sad world of thought;
For a language is set in the hues of the flower,

With the teaching of angels fraught.
It speaks of a summons, yet louder than thine
When death shall the keys of his empire resign,
On the dark reign of time, that shall break
And the re-quickened dust to a beauty divine,

From the earth and the ocean awake.

"And the woods against a stormy sky,
Their giant branches tost."


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contemporaries, age has unnerved the wing, and low-
ered the flight of their muses. In our own country,
were we to judge from the number of living poets, we
should consider the Ars Poetica as in a state of rapid
advancement. The American poets are for the most
part young, and some, it is to be confessed, manifest
extreme juvenility in their compositions.
The poetry,
then, which has been heretofore exhibited to the Amer-
ican public should be regarded rather as the early blos-
soms of genius-as the promise of future achievement,
than as specimens of our real excellence. We now
proceed to speak of some of the obstacles to the ad-

THE present age has been productive of grand devel-
opments, and important changes. We have seen "de-
cay's effacing fingers" blasting the fairest hopes of
map, and the genius of revolution striding fearfully
among the nations. The venerable institutions of
centuries, and the ephemeral creations of yesterday
have alike fallen, and billow has succeeded billow upon
the ever-varying ocean of human affairs with the most
fearful rapidity. Amidst the fluctuations of the age-vancement of poetry in the United States.
amidst downfall and innovation, we are pleased to
know that there is one cause which has been steadily
progressing the cause of literature. It is not our pur-
pose, in this article, to note the cause of this gratifying
state of things, nor yet to dwell upon the present con-
dition of literature in general; but to offer a few re-
marks on one of its departments, and to consider the
obstacles to the advancement of that department in the
United States.

The most formidable obstacle is the utilitarian character of the age. And especially, in a land like ours, where the ratio of capital to labor is so great, is it natural to suppose that men will be engaged in active employments, having for their object some tangible advantage. Hence, the cry of all classes is for "utility, visible, tangible utility." Enterprise and speculation are the engrossing topics of the day. In the language of a fine writer, Rev. Dr. Peck, of New York, "DolIt has been remarked, and we think with truth, that lars and cents are with us the unit of value, and what"while poetry is declining in one quarter, it is advanc-ever study cannot be thus estimated, is too frequenting in another." History seems to confirm this asser-ly shoved out of the account. Now this we all know tion. The Tempean vales and Parnassian hills of to be the besetting sin of our country-it is the reclassic Greece, so long vocal with the sweetest strains proach from abroad that rests upon us-it is the snare of the lyre, have been silent for two thousand years. at home that entangles us, and it is a position as false The same blue skies still canopy that land-its inhabi- as it is dangerous." Forgetting the effects of moral tants still cherish the love of country-they have but causes on national character, we seem to found our of late kindled their beacon-fires upon a thousand hills, country's glory, on her enterprise, her commerce, the and have dared to be freesettlement of her western wilds, and her varied clime and productions. In the opinion of too many of our modern "Jack Cades," the squatter who has removed his log cabin farthest from the verge of civilization has done more to advance his country's glory and interest, than the most elegant essayist, or the most sublime poet. "The true glory of a nation," says a beautiful writer, "consists not in the extent of its territory, the pomp of its forests, the majesty of its rivers, the height of its mountains, and the beauty of its sky, but in the extent of its mental power, the majesty of its intellect, the height and depth and purity of its moral nature."

"Their ears have drunk the woodland strains
Heard by old poets, and their veins
Swell with the blood of demi-gods,
That slumber 'neath their country's sods;
There nature molds as nobly now
As e'er of old, the human brow,
And copies still the martial form

That braved Platea's battle storm!"

Yet there the inspiration of poetry is no longer felt; while our own hills and prairies, for ought we know, hitherto slumbering in the most unbroken silence, are echoing from peak to peak, and from vale to vale, the melody of undying song. Italy, the land of the Mantuan bard, and in later times of Dante and Boccacio, is now as mute as her own sculptured marbles, and no longer charms us with the magic of her verse. In England the decline of poetry has been the general cry for many years. The minstrel of the north has sung his "last lay," and sleeps in his voiceless grave, amid the barren plains and bleak hills of that land over whose scenery he has shed such an unfading effulgence and around whose martial deeds he has entwined the ever-green of immortality. Childe Harold's "pilgrim age" is o'er, and he now reposes in the vaults of his haughty line. The author of the Course of Time, the opening buds of whose genius gave promise of an abundant harvest, has been snatched away by early But, first, we would premise a brief remark concerndeath; and Felicia Hemans has sunk "like a starlet to|ing the meaning of the term utility. A more extendher rest." Of the English poets who survive their || ed application is due to that term than is commonly

It is a melancholy fact, that this hankering after a utility, in some degree tangible and immediate, has begotten a spirit decidedly hostile to the arts and sciences. As among the Goths and Vandals of other days, to call a man "a Roman," was regarded as a sign of contempt; so in our day, to be a man of books, is with too many a token of a craven and effeminate spirit. Against no department of literature are there stronger prejudices than against poetry. Poetry and nonsense are regarded by many as convertible terms. The question here suggests itself, "Is poetry of any positive utility or not?" We answer in the affirmative, and shall, before leaving this point, refute some of the objections urged against it, and point out its many and important uses.

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physical or moral, which subserves human happiness, whether that cause be manifest or obscure, and its effects immediate or remote.

assigned to it. It is applicable to every cause, either || been many epochs in the world's existence, of which no history is extant; and even where historic records are found they afford scant materials for judging of the characteristics of the times when they were composed. But poetry, though its legends be apocryphal, or fictitious, always embodies the spirit of its peculiar age and nation, and, hence, is of the utmost importance in clear

remarks may be illustrated by many obvious cases. In the first stages of society, "when life itself was an eclogue," the poetry partook of the simplicity of the times. In after days, when the Grecian and Roman, the African and the Oriental warriors met upon the red plain of battle,

"In all the pomp and circumstance of glorious war," the poetry was tinged with the martial spirit. During the reign of chivalry, when the Christian world, marshaled by an enthusiastic anchorite, rushed to the rescue of the holy sepulchre from the grasp of the infidel, the synchronous poetry was marvelous and romantic in a high degree.

It has been gravely asserted that the tendency of poetry is "to incapacitate man for the emergencies and duties of life, and to debase the heart." These are the arguments by which the fair fabric of poesy is to being up and interpreting contemporaneous history. Our demolished-these are the proofs that poetry is not only without utility, but positively injurious. The first objection, concerning its tendency to incapacitate man for the duties and trials of life, may be briefly and easily met. What was it that roused the sinking courage of the Spartans against their enemies, the Messenians? The moving elegies of Tyrtaeus kindled anew the expiring embers of love of country which led them to the battle plain, and girt their brows with the laurel crown. Who sang more harmoniously in ancient days than Alcaeus? Yet he was "ferox bello;" and there is no character in all antiquity, which, for a spirit of patriotic devotion, heroic self-sacrifice, and glowing ardor, more demands the gush of sympathy and admiration. Whom, in modern times, has the muse of history to celebrate braver than Sir Philip Sydney-more profound in thought than the author of Paradise Lost, and more instructive than Coleridge and Montgomery? The objection concerning its tendency to debase the heart may be likewise answered. In the Psalms of David, and the writings of the holy prophets, truths the most solemn and interesting, and sentiments the most religious and devotional are delivered in the highest order of poetry. We admit that poetry, like all other good things, is liable to perversion; and in common with all friends of virtue and literature, we lament its destructive influence, when contaminated with impurity, misanthropy, and infidelity. But its perversion forms no argument against it, when undegraded from its proper sphere. Dr. Channing has said, “In its legitimate efforts, it has the same tendency with Christianity, to spiritualize our nature; and even when its fires are dimmed by misanthropy and impurity, it cannot wholly forget its true vocation." We thus see that the tendency of poetry is neither to incapacitate the mind, nor debase the heart. It may be made greatly instrumental in advancing human happiness. Man cannot always live in the great world of business and action; he must have his hours of meditation, "when mind and body are freed from the yoke of service, and the course of thought takes a higher turn than the dusty track of common life." To fill up these "intervals between the acts of life," when the divinity stirs within, and the soul in its dreams, leaving these mortal shores, soars to its native heaven, is the peculiar office of the muse. Then the power, the inspiration of poetry is felt. Its influence spreads over the baser metal of our alloy, and directs our aspirations upward to virtue and to heaven.

As a final proof of the utility of poetry, we shall view it in another very important light-its connection with individual and national character. There have

Having thus considered the objections to poetry, and its utility, we proceed to speak of another obstacle to its advancement in the United States-the precocity of our writers. It is natural to a young and gifted mind, animate with hope, and unprepared for failure, to weave golden visions of the future, and to be dazzled by the halo of poetical fame. The practice, too, so prevalent, of puffing every production of the least merit, and the ill-judged praise of partial friends, have been peculiarly hurtful and unfortunate. Allured by a love of fame, and persuaded by indiscreet commendations, our poets venture too soon into the arena. Instead of being contented with hopping from twig to twig, while they are yet unfledged, they must needs be careering over the whole landscape, caroling their brain-sick fancies, and "airy nothings," until at last, by luckily falling into the talons of the eagle, they are spared from farther disgrace to themselves, and the noble art they profess. Imagination and hope tell them they will redeem their country's glory. Already they see their names emblazoned on history's proudest page, and enshrined in rich and deathless melody-already

"We give in charge

Their names to the sweet lyre. Th' historic muse,
Proud of her treasure, marches with it down
To latest times; and Sculpture, in her turn,
Gives bond, in stone and ever-during brass,
To guard them, and immortalize her trust !"
We incline to the opinion that their claims to immor-
tality should be tried by the ordeal of fire.

A third obstacle, and the last we shall mention, to the advancement of American poetry, is that spirit of imitation which has always been so prevalent among our poets. Hence it is that our poetry abounds in figures and descriptions, borrowed from the history and scenery of other lands, all which are not only highly destructive of that nationality which should be stamped upon our literature, but absurd and ridiculous in the extreme. It would be deemed very absurd for a painter to introduce an elephant or a white bear into a Vir

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