
those of the General Government, are destructive to constitutional liberty, and threaten an overthrow of our existing form of local and Federal Government, and tend to the establishment of a permanent centralized despotism in Congress and the national Executive; and that we denounce as a vicious offshoot of the centralizing tendencies of the General Government the frequent attempts of the agents of the Federal Administration to interfere in local political affairs.

3. That we are in favor of a tariff for revenue j that under the pretext of raising a revenue within the past ten years the national Congress has established and continues that enormous robbery of the masses for the enrichment of the few known as the protection tariff system, which has swept our commerce from the seas and fettered and oppressed every agricultural pursuit, a system of which the conventions of the Republican party equivocally and haltingly speak in their platform, but which that party perpetuates in Congress, and from which the people may hope for no relief but by the restoration of Democratic rule.

4. That by corruption and profligacy the present Administration have squandered a large portion of the national domain and enormous sums from the national Treasury; that it is no answer to this complaint that they have reduced the proportions of the national debt, as a wise and economical use of the immense revenue, which is raised by an unprecedented tax, would have produced a much greater reduction of the debt, and should have been accomplished; but the Democratic party opposes oppressive taxation for the mere sake of a speedy payment of the debt, believing that by wisdom and justice in the adjustment of taxes and economy in expenditure the national debt may be paid with sufficient rapidity, with but a light burden upon the industry and resources of the people; and that we are opposed to all forms of national repudiation, either of the debt or the pensions and bounties of the soldiers.

5. That as the late amendments to the Constitution have been declared by the properly

constituted authority to be a part of the fundamental law of the land, they are binding on the people, and that the Democratic party now, as in the past, know no higher law than the Constitution; that the time-honored principle of the strict construction of the Constitution, applied by its powers and accepted by the wisest statesmen and jurists of the country, should be observed in, all legislation by Congress relative to the Constitution and its amendments; that the Democratic party is opposed to the withdrawal of civil or politicalrights from any class of the people, and that we demand the removal of all political disqualifications.

6. That the defalcations, embezzlements, and corruptions of the national Administration, and the prostitution of legislation to the demands of unscrupulous lobbyistsand greedy monopolists, are a national scandal and disgrace, and the most dangerous blow to the public credit, and an intolerable outrage on the tax-payers of the country.

7. That, as the representatives of a Constitution-loving, law-abiding party, we deprecate and denounce every outbreak of lawlessness and violence, whether committed at the North or South, and that the acts of Congress which authorize the employment of the standing Army to garrison the places where elections are to be held, and to constitute a local police in the States, and which empowers the officers of the Federal Administration to interpose military force for the purpose of overawing political conventions of the people, are subversive of free government and a perpetual menace to public liberty.

8. That while the people of this country hope they may extend the blessings of our form of government over the entire continent, the course pursued by the national Administration in its efforts to annex San Domingo was an unjustifiable usurpation, and a wicked attempt to lay hold of the faith of this people in their high destiny for unworthy purposes of personal gain.

9. Favors the Fox and Wisconsin rivers improvement.

10. Asks for support of the people.



Republican, May 15, 1873.

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Indorse the administration of President Grant and favor his renomination; pledge support for the Republican nominee, eulogize President Grant, and favor Henry Wilson for Vice President.

6. That we request and enjoin upon our delegates to the Philadelphia convention that they represent to that honorable body the importance and justice of paying loyal citizens the claims now before the commissioners, and that they may hereafter be submitted under act of Congress passed May 3, 1871.

Democratic, June 22, 1873.

1. That in the opinion of this convention, under existing circumstances, the National Democratic convention ought not to make nominations in opposition to the nominations recently made at Cincinnati.


* Republican, May 18, 1878.

The resolutions adopted indorse President Grant's administration, and instruct for him for renomination; extend to Powell Clayton

* Press telegraphic report.

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a hearty sympathy in the assaults which the enemies of the Republican party have made upon him in the United States Senate and elsewhere, and express unshaken confidence in his honesty, ability, patriotism, and fidelity to the great Republican party.

2. Declares that to him more than to any other man in the State are we indebted for the peace and tranquillity we now enjoy.

3. Indorses the administration of Governor Hadley, pledging him the confidence and support of the true Republicans of Arkansas in the execution of the laws and in carrying forward the great works of reform inaugurated by the Republican party.

4. Repudiates and denounces Brooks, Rice, and Hodges, who are attempting to disrupt the party of the State; denounces the action of Rice and the minority of the State central committee on the 6th of April as revolutionary and done for the purpose of accomplishing the disintegration of the Republican party, and indorses the course pursued by the majority of the State central committee as wise, patriotic, and just.

5. Declares to those Republicans who are following after the strange gods set up at Cincinnati, in the words of Horace Greeley during the late rebellion: "Erring brothers, depart in peace."

6. Republicans of the State who have been led astray by unscrupulous and designing demagogues are cordially invited to return to the Republican ranks.

Democratic, June 33, 1872.

1. Declares the necessity of union and harmony among the Opposition.

2. That the chairman of each Democratic Conservative county executive committee be requested to put into operation the amendment of the enforcement act of Congress in regard to the appointment of supervisors of registration in each voting precinct of their respective counties.

3. That the delegates appointed to the Baltimore convention, to meet July 9, be instructed to vote for the ratification of the nomination of Greeley and Brown as candidates for President and Vice President of the United States in the ensuing election.

4. That we indorse the Cincinnati platform of political principles, and the platform of principles adopted by the Reform Republican party in their convention of May 22, 1872, at Little Rock.

5. That it would be unwise and inexpedient for the Democratic party to nominate a State ticket at the ensuing election, and we declare against it.

6. That the State Democratic central executive committee be, and hereby is, authorized to act with the Reform committees of all Reform Republican organizations in this State opposed to the present Administration, in the conduct of the ensuing canvass. We pledge ourselves to oppose the election of all independent candidates for any of said offices, running against the regular nominees of the Liberal Republican convention.

Republican, (Other Wing,) May 33, 1873.

Whereas the ring which controls the State government has inflicted on the people the worst government ever tolerated by a people: they have robbed the people of the benefit of the ballot by fraudulent registration, ballotbox stuffing, &c, increased taxation and our State indebtedness to millions, without any corresponding benefit to the State; have prostituted the courts of the State until they have become the engines of oppression, &c.: Therefore be it resolved

1. That we are in favor of universal suffrage, universal amnesty, and honest men for office; in favor of honest elections, reduction of taxes, reform in the courts; opposed to the enormous appointing power of the Government; opposed to the corrupt management of the finances; in favor of civil as against military government, and unqualifiedly condemn the use of the military in times of peace to carry elections against the choice of a majority of the legal electors; oppose the repudiation of any honest debt; but equally determined to shield the State against all pretended debts imposed upon our people by fraudulent issues of loan and railroad borids; reiterate relentless adherence to the republicanism that all men are entitled to equal civil and political equality, and favor the removal of all civil and political disabilities; and

Whereas a large number of persons indicted in the Federal courts in this State for a most flagrant violation of the election laws, and President Grant, upon the application and in the interests of such indicted criminals and their successors, suspended honest and efficient officers for no other reason than that they would vigorously enforce the law, and allowed and permitted such indicted criminals to designate the name of the marshal to select the jury by which they were to be tried and the attorney to prosecute them for such offenses, whereby the criminals were turned loose without punishment, and the law trampled under foot, and frauds and crime encouraged, and has seen fit to take sides with and support and sustain the corrupt State-house ring in their iniquities against the people; and

Whereas it is now evident that President Grant will receive the nomination for President by the convention of officeholders to be held in Philadelphia: Therefore, be it resolved

2. That we emphaticallycondemn the course of the President in his intermeddling with Arkansas affairs in the interest of crime and disorder, and decline to send delegates to the Philadelphia convention.

Whereas Horace Greeley and Gratz Brown are now before the American people as Republican candidates for President and Vice President, upon a platform which we heartily approve, and that they are men of unquestioned ability, integrity, and patriotism, and have for many years been the earnest and consistent advocates and champions of republicanism and universal freedom: Therefore be it resolved

3. That we cordially indorse the nomination of the said Horace Greeley and Gratz Brown, and the platform upon which they stand, and pledge ourselves to cooperate with the friends of civil government and reform throughout the land in securing their election.


Republican, April 35, 1873.

1. That we have a firm and abiding faith in the principles of the Republican party, and point with pride to its achievements, believing that the party which brought order out of chaos, saved and preserved the nation, is alone worthy of administering its affairs in the future.

2. That we fully and heartily indorse the wise, patriotic, just, and economical administration of U. S. Grant as President of the United States, and that our delegates to the national convention are hereby instructed to use all honorable means to secure his renomination, he being the unanimous choice of the Republican party of the State of California.

3. That the delegates from California to the national convention at Philadelphia be instructed to vote as a unit for the candidate for Vice President.

4. Indorses the administration of Governor Newton Booth.

Democratic, June 25, 1872.

1. That the best interests of the nation require a change in the administration of the Government, and all good citizens should disregard the prejudices and differences of the past, and unite in one grand effort to restore the Government to its original purity.

2. That we earnestly condemn and protest against the machinations, tyranny, extravagances, and corruptions of the administration of U. S. Grant, which, for lobbying schemes and building up monopolies, has no parallel in the history of our country.

3. That we fully recognize the patriotism and pure motives of the Liberal Reform Republicans, and trust that such action may be taken at the Baltimore convention as will result in the hearty cooperation of all parties opposed to the present Administration, and that we recommend to the consideration of the National Democratic convention the principles enunciated in the platform of the Cincinnati convention.

4 and 5. Pledge support to nominees of Baltimore convention and leave delegates uninstructed.


R,epxiblicaii, January 34:, 1872.

1. We again express our cordial adherence to the doctrines and principles of the Republican party as manifested in our former statements and in the national platforms, and we reflect with increasing pride upon its wonderful work. It proved that a free Government, based on the will and affection of a free people, is the strongest known form of government. It suppressed a great rebellion, freed

millions of laborers, established equal rights, perfected the national Constitution, and justified the Declaration of Independence. By its great reduction of the Army and Navy the party proved that it had neither desire nor expectation of war. Having incurred a great debt for the best reason a nation ever gave, it resolutely began an immediate reduction of that debt. Yet having cut down expenses it has been yearly cutting down taxation. Notwithstanding the marvelous sacrifices of men and money, the nation has steadily grown in wealth and population.

2. During the existing Administration the debt has been reduced nearly three hundred million dollars; peace and order have made great progress in the lately rebellious regions; a new policy toward the Indians has been adopted, marked by firmness, justice, and good faith; the rights of all, especially the poor and friendless of whatever race or where ever found, have been scrupulously protected; a self-respecting yet peaceable policy has been pursued toward all the world, and our controversy with Great Britain has been treated in a manner greatly creditable to both nations.

3. That we have undiminished confidence in the patriotism, integrity, and ability of President Grant, and for great and good work done in the country's behalf we heartily thank him and his Cabinet and the two Houses of Congress.

4. The future must be as honorable as the past to deserve and keep its lead of the world. The Republican party must be free to examine and criticise, and utterly without fear, favor, or partiality, in attacking all fraud, dishonor, and corruption, legislative, executive, or judicial, in the nation or State. We demand economy, industry, and honesty in our political affairs, and rejoice at the brightening prospect of a thorough reform of the civil service. For the President's efforts and pledges in this matter we tender him our cordial thanks, and therein we pledge him an enthusiastic, unwavering support.

5. In national affairs we urge, first, a large reduction of taxation; second, constant study and labor to bring about a resumption of specie payment, that the evil of a depreciated paper currency may be removed and the best possible measure of value furnished us; third, retaining a tariff sufficient to raise the needed revenue, we would have it carefully adjusted to favor American industry, working rather to interests widely extended than to merely local and limited pursuits; fourth, aperfected system of national banks, with abundant security to the bill-holder, and inflexible and peremptory laws for prompt redemption; fifth, the abolition of the franking privilege; sixth, that public lands shall no more be granted to corporations, but given in limited quantities to actual settlers.

6. Adverts to the State Republican record.

7. Commends the General Assembly for correcting election frauds.

8. Denounces lobby abuses.

9. That it is the duty of the State to be vigilant in the protection of the rights and interests of the people against the encroachment of power

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fill corporations, and especially in holding corporations strictly to the responsibilities and duties contemplated in their charters.

10. While recognizing the fundamental principles which have brought unparalleled success to our country, and believing that only a Republic should exist on this continent, we would urge upon our Representatives in Congress to keep before them the great ideas of liberty and freedom which have been so identified with our great party of progress from its birth; and we would earnestly desire to extend all sympathy and aid, consistent with our ability, to other nations and peoples struggling to be free.

11. Indorses Governor Jewell's administration.

Democratic, February 6, 1873.

Resolved, That the Democrats of Connecticut regard emancipation, equality of civil rights, and enfranchisement as established facts now embodied in the Constitution, and deserving the support of good citizens of all parties.

2. That a true and lasting peace can come only from such profound reconciliation as enfranchisement has brought to the State of Missouri; nor can those governments be pure or great in which tax-payers have no active part. We therefore demand, with equal suffrage for all, a complete amnesty for all; that the intellect and experience of every State may be welcomed to active service for the common welfare.

3. That no form of taxation is just or wise which puts needless burdens upon the people. "We demand a general reform of the tariff, so that those duties shall be removed which, in addition to the revenue yielded to the Treasury, involve an increase in the price of domestic products and consequent tax for the benefit of favored interests.

4. That the shameless abuse of Government patronage for the control of conventions and elections, whether in the interest of an individual, faction, or of a party, with its corruption and demoralization of political life, demands a thorough and genuine reform of the public. Those who would suppress investigation forget that they owe a higher duty to the country than to any party; we honor those Senators whose courageous course has compelled the disclosure of gross misdeeds, and they deserve the thanks and support of all good citizens.

5. That local self-government, with impartial suffrage, will guard the rights of ail citizens more securely than any centralized authority. It is time to stop the growing encroachments of the executive power, the use of coercion or bribery to ratify a treaty, the packing of a Supreme Court to relieve rich corporations, the seating of members of Congress not elected by the people, the resort of unconstitutional laws to cure the Ku Klux disorder. We demand for the individual the largest liberty consistent with public order, for the State self-government, and for the nation a return to the methods of peace and the limitation of power.

6. That it is alike the duty of honest men of all parties to expose corruption, denounce the usurpation of power, and work for reforms necessary for the public welfare. The times demand the uprising of honest citizens to sweep from power men who prostitute their official positions to selfish interests.

7. That we repudiate with scorn the oftrepeated slander of our opponents, that the Democracy of Connecticut are in favor of repudiating any portion of the national debt, even so much as has been fastened on us by extravagance and fraud, and that we are for paying that debt to its last dollar.

8. That the Democratic party, remembering the example of their fathers in the expression of their sympathy for the struggling republics of South America, as well as the oppressed Greeks, and grateful for the aid which the founders of our own Republic received from the countrymen of La Fayette, Montgomery, Steuben, and Pulaski, feel impelled by these considerations, as well as by our obligations to our common humanity, to lift up our voices in behalf of the suffering Cubans, now desperately struggling for relief from their oppressors, who set at naught all the usages of civilized warfare in their savage butchery of captive men, women, and children.

9. That we are in favor of a liberal system of free schools, and protest against all interference by the General Government with institutions so purely local and concerning so deeply and tenderly the ties which bind them to our homes and to the State.

10. Eulogizes ex-Governor English.

11. Indorses R. D. Hubbard for Governor.

Labor Reform, January 3, 1873.

Whereas by the divine decree the condition of productive labor is made the condition of man and the only basis of all prosperity and wealth; and whereas the burdens of maintaining the Government in all its various departments rests upon those engaged in productive labor; and whereas the interests of the productive classes have long been practically held to be of secondary importance by the legislative powers, in contravention of the organic law of this State that all men when they form a social compact are equal in rights, and that no man or set of men are entitled to exclusive public emoluments or privileges from the community: Resolved,

1. That the two prominent political parties having taken their pledge to the wealth producing classes, having persistently disregarded our interests, have thereby proved themselves to be unworthy of our support. It therefore becomes our duty in order to preserve and maintain the rights and interests of labor, and to prevent the disintegration and ruin of that social and political system established and reestablished by the blood of martyred patriots, to form and maintain apolitical organization under the name of the Labor Reform party of Connecticut.

2. That we recognize the platform of the National Labor Reform congress, adopted in St. Louis in 1870, as the basis of our national policy, the following being its cardinal principles: anational paper currency that shall be a full legal tender, based on the wealth of the nation and not on gold, and issued by the Government directly to the people at a low and uniform rate of interest; the convertibility and reconvertibility of the Government bonds into money, and the money into bonds at the option of the holder, at a rate of interest not above the average advance of the nation into wealth; that the public lands be held for actual settlers; the payment of the five-twenty bonds in lawful money 5 pledging our active cooperation in the useof all honorable means to secure the adoption of the principles set forth in the above resolution.

3. That we cordially approve the amendment to the national Constitution offered by Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, rendering the President of the United States ineligible to reelection.

4. That the rotten borough system of representation in this State is worse and more unequal than that of England before the passage of the reform bill of 1832, and we oppose and will endeavor to abolish this absurd outrage upon republican equality by using all the efforts in our power to secure a constitutional convention to revise the constitution and have representatives according to population and taxation.

5. Man's equal right to the soil cannot be rightfully abridged by law, because it is a right as necessary to the life of man as the right to the air we breathe.

6. That we call on our delegates to the national convention to adopt a national platform which shall look to legislation for the abolition of land monopoly.

7. That indictments under the common law for the purpose of preventing workingmen from protecting their interests by the same means that corporations and capitalists are allowed to protect theirs is an unwarrantable and partial exercise of judicial power worthy of the despotic ages.

8. That the interests of labor demand that a bureau of laborbe established by the Legislature of the State for the purpose of collecting statistics relative to the condition of the workingmen as affected by the laws and customs of society, and that the workingmen should be fairly represented in doing the work of the bureau.

9. That the refusal of the Legislature to exempt fifty dollars of wages from foreign attachment is an act of wrong and injustice toward the employes while exempting from attachment a much larger amount of the property of the capitalist.

10. That the employers who purchase the labor of the workmen for a consideration do not for the same consideration purchase the votes of the laborers, and any attempt on the part of the employer to control the vote or the political actionof the employe by coercion or intimidation, either directly or indirectly, is an innovation on the sacred rights of citizenship and a base attempt to corrupt the purity of the ballot-box, and should be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary.

11. That any system that permits convict labor to come into competition with the labor of honest men is a grievance that should not be allowed.

12. That justice to workingmen and small property-holders demand that legal provision be made for a more equitable assessment of the taxable property of this State.

13. That the recent attempt of executive and legislative authorities of this State to legalize a higher rate of interest on money is a direct attempt to impose additional burdens on labor and perpetuate an oppressive system of robbery and public plunder.

14. That the law of this State which imposes $100 fine and six months' imprisonment for using any means to intimidate any workman with intent to cause such workman to leave his employer is a law arbitrary and ex parte in its provisions, and made wholly in the interest of the capitalist.

15. That the law of this State whereby a bargain made in a foreign country with a man, a married woman, or a minor over 17 years of age, to labor in this State for the purpose of paying the expense of their passage to this country is made a lien on the wages of the immigrant after his or her arrival in this State is an extraordinary exercise of legislative power, devised wholly in the interest of capital.

16. That all persons in official positions who use the money of the tax-payers, without the sanction of law, for any purpose, and especially for the purpose of lobbying in our Legislative Assemblies, are thieves and robbers, and should receive the penalties due to their crimes; and all who receive such money, knowing it to be stolen, are themselves partakers of the crime.

17. That labor has a right to its share of the profits of its producing; that all legislation for the incorporation of capital should tend to that end.


Republican, May 9, 1873.

1. That the delegates of the Republican party of Delaware in convention assembled, reviewing the condition of the nation since the overthrow of the rebellion, and especially during the three years of the administration of President Grant, feel highly gratified that we are able, heartily and consistently, to congratulate our fellow-citizens upon the unexampled prosperity of the country, and upon the encouraging prospects of the great party whose patriotism and valor saved the country from disruption, whose fidelity has enabled the nation to garner the fruits of its great triumph, and whose statesmanship has done so much to repair the disasters, material and moral, which a great war involves.

2. That this Administration has justified the confidence of the people who placed it in power; that it has been true to every pledge of its platform; has restored peace and harmony; has consummated a complete reconstruction, until every State now answers to the roll-call in Congress; has diminished the

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