[blocks in formation]

Gauls, the, probably instructed by Pythagoras, 429, et seq.
Genius the works of, eternal, 404; exposed to envy, 433
Greek colonies in Italy, their flourishing condition, 399
Grief, lines on, 440


Hegemon, his love for his cousin Praxinoe, 374; his verses
addressed to her on her marriage with another, ib.
Hephaestion, Iambics written by, 404; his probable cha-
racter considered, 405

Hereditary power, its evils, 423

Hermippos, accuses Aspasia of impiety, 421

Herodotus, his opinion as to the cause of the rise of the
Nile, controverted, 390

Hesiod, unpoetical, 369

Historians, their duties considered, 412

History, the study of, preferable to that of philosophy, 407;
rules for writing, 413

Homer, an Asiatic, 364; not mentioned by the earlier
Milesian writers, 386; remarks on the versification of the
Iliad and Odyssea, 387; the authorship of the poems
ascribed to, discussed, 387


"Iliad," the, superior to the "Prometheus," 363
Inscription (poetical on a plinth in the garden of Mnestheus
at Lampsacos, 433

Ionia, more beautiful than Attica, 361

Iphigenia and Agamemnon, Dialogue between the shades
of, 477

Kisses, lines on, 420



Lampsacos, the place of refuge of Anaxagoras, 425; its
government, 432

Life, lines on, 391

Love, transient character of that felt by men, 375; a pre-
dominant affection of the soul, 378; often united with
religion, ib.; always makes us better, 379; power pos-
sessed by those who feel it, 383; lines on,
server of the world, 438; poetical "Address" to, and the
the pre-
"Reply,"444; lines to, 445; lines on, 451
Love-poetry, the best writers of, never loved, 368
Lovers, lines on, 445

Lysicles, his account of his travels in Thrace, 376

Lysimachus, one of the leaders of the Samians, his cha-
racter, 401

Lysis, lines on, 420

Lycoris, introduced to Aspasia by Pericles, 395; her opinion
of his speeches, ib.

Madness, lines on, 400
Massilia, its history, 427


Mathematicians, defective in conversation and oratory, 397
Megara and Euboea, the speech of Pericles on the defection
of, 392; conquered by Pericles in person, 393
Metaphors, their use and abuse, 413

Melanthos, unhappy story of him and his friend Sosogines,

Meton, the geometrician, ridiculed by Aristophanes, 389;
his character, 397

Miletus, more beautiful than Athens, 361; people of, un-
grateful to the Athenians, 400; Ode to, 411
Mimnermus, specimen of his poetry, 372; remarks on his
style, 373; lines by, 395

Mnasylos, presents Agapenthe with a nightingale, 378;
verses on the occasion, ib.


Monuments, absurd, erected in the temples in Thrace, 376
Music, effect of, 396; lines on, ib.

Musicians, inferior in intellectual power, 396
Mutinas, epigram on, 399

Myrtis, the instructress of Pindar, 370, 375; verses by,
ib., 376


Niconöe, the prize of Beauty awarded to, 442; lines on, 443
Novel, the modern, 411


Olive trees, their appearance, 361

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

further, to be made, ib.

Paralos, the son of Pericles, his death, 452

Parrenos, the best painter in Athens, 396; his opinion of
music, ib.

Parthenon, completion of the, 406

Passion, terrible effects of, exhibited in the story of Sosogines
and Melanthos, 441

Peace, probable effects of a long continuance of, 424
Pericles, sends his cousin Alcibiades to assist Aspasia in
the theatre, 362; his first interview with Aspasia, 364;
his proffer of love to her, 365; accepted, ib.; his verses
addressed to her, 366; his eloquence, 374; traits in his
character, 377; his character of Pisistratus, 379; his
dispute with Anaxagoras on Love, Religion, and Power,
ib.; his advice to young men, ib.; characteristics of
his eloquence, 380; his opinions on sculpture, 381; and
painting, 382; Anaxagoras's opinion of, 385; his opinion
as to the authorship of the poems ascribed to Homer, 387;
his project of a uniformity of weights and measures ridi-
culed by Aristophanes, 389; his speech on proposing a
statue to Cimon, 391; his speech on the banishment of
Cimon, ib.; on the defection of Euboea and Megara, 392;
his lines on Music, 396; his speech on the war between
Samos and Miletus, ib.; his reasons for not preserving his
speeches, 397; his enjoyment of a joke, ib.; his oration
to the soldiers round Samos, 399; subdues Samos, 400;
his punishment of those Samians who favoured the
Persians, 402; his ideas as to the real facts attending the
foundation of Rome, 409; his rules for writing history,
413; his reply to the accusation of Cleon, 414; his first
speech to the Athenians, 418; his second speech, ib.;
oration on the approach of the Lacedemonians to Athens,
419; loses the favour of the people, 421; his defence of
Anaxagoras, ib.; of Aspasia, 422; resolves not to trans-
mit his power hereditarily, 423; refuses to accept the
supreme power, 424; effect of power on, 433; attacked
by the pestilence, 434; his apology for obtaining the
banishment of Cimon, 435; procures the repeal of a law
he had himself obtained, 437; his advice to Alcibiades,
438; rebukes his rashness at Potidæa, 442; the death of
his sons, 452; is again attacked by the fever, ib.; his
Perilla, verses to, 407
review of his past life, and farewell to Aspasia, 453; his
death, 454

Peristera, a friend of Cleone, visits Aspasia, 377
Pestilence, commencement of the, at Athens, 434; its con-
sequences, ib., et seq.

Persia, wisdom of its laws and usages, 407; the custom there
of keeping boys apart from their father till the fifth year,
reprobated, 407

Philosophers, their attention to Alcibiades, 377; their evil
influence on the manners of the people, 436
Philosophy, its true province, 426

Phrynicus, his tragedy on the devastation of Miletus, 390;
now lost, ib., note

Pyrrha, lines to, 440

Pindar, profited by the instruction of Myrtis and Corinna,
370; his grandiloquence, ib.; criticised, 371; his death, ib.
Pisistratus, his character, 378

Poets, powers of great, 364; when truly praised, 370; their
confidence in their immortality, 404; requisites of, 405
Poetry, of lovers, 361; schools of, absurd, 375; its true
attributes, 376; the most ancient Greek, notice of, 386;
various measures of, ib.; Greek, remarks on some im-
perfections in, 392; affectation in, 416; requisites of, 426;
Politeness, in itself a power, 377; its advantages, 380
misused in celebrating deeds of violence, 441
Politicians, must not deviate from the path they set out in,


Polus, his Comedy, 384; interrupted, ib. ; his opinion of the
Athenians, ib.; his behaviour at dinner, ib.; Epigram on,

Potidæa, the siege of, 442; surrender, 446

Power, a predominant affection of the soul, 378; stands
widely apart from love and religion, ib.; never makes us
better, 379; may be a blessing to its possessor, ib.
Progression of souls not unreasonable, 428
"Prometheus" of Eschylus represented in the theatre of
Athens, 362; not equal to the "Iliad," 363
Propylæa, its magnificence, 393

Proxenos, a native of Massilia, introduced by Anaxagoras to
Aspasia, 425; his opinions on poetry, 433

Pythagoras, sketch of his career, 426, 428; his doctrines,
428, 429; attempt to prove that he is identical with
Samotes the lawgiver of the Gauls, in a letter from Psyllos
to Pisander of Elea, 429, et seq.


Reason strengthens Religion, but weakens Devotion, 444
Relics of sculpture, barbarian practice of collecting, in use
with travellers, 440 and note

Religion, a predominant affection of the soul, 378; often
united with Love, ib.; makes us better, 379; influence
of, 382; abused by its professors, 403; necessary to men,
Repeal of the law which denied the freedom of Athens to
children not born of an Athenian mother, procured by
Pericles, 437 and note

Republics, small, beneficial to larger states, 380; envious
of their greatest citizens, 399
Rivals, their uses, 380

Rome, account of its foundation, 408-410


Sabines, probable facts attending their connection with
Rome, 409, 410

Samians, declare war against the Milesians, 396; speech of
Pericles on the occasion, ib.; punishment of those who
favoured the Persian party, 402

Samos, preparations for attacking, 398; subdued by Pericles,

400; character of the leaders in, 401; an hereditary
aristocracy proposed in, 402; abuses discovered in the
service of the temples in, 403; other abuses, ib.
Samotes, the lawgiver of the Gauls, probably identical
with Pythagoras, 429, et seq.

Sappho, her poems criticised, 373; lines by, 415; remarks
on her poetry, 416

Sculpture, proper materials for, 380; advances made in, in
the time of Pericles, 381

Sewer, vast, at Rome, period of its construction unknown,

[blocks in formation]

Sparta, how to be humbled, 380
Speeches of Pericles, on proposing a statue to Cimon, 391;
the banishment of Cimon, ib.; on the defection of Eubœa
and Megara, 392; on the war between Samos and Miletus,
396; to the soldiers round Samos, 399; in reply to the
accusation of Cleone, 414; the first delivered by him to
the Athenians, on the declaration of Corinth and Lace-
dæmon against Athens, 418; the second, ib.; on the ap-
proach of the Lacedæmonians to Athens, 419
Study, its fit uses,


Tanagra, the birthplace of Corinna, 368; hospitality of the
inhabitants, ib.; Corinna's Ode on, 372

Teres, a Thracian prince, 376 and note; absurd position of

his statue, ib.

Theatre at Athens, the, described, 362; courtesy of the spec-
tators to strangers in, ib.; adventure of Aspasia in, ib.
Thraseas, his interview with Cleone, 382; his disparagement
of Apollo, ib.

Thucydides visits Pericles and Aspasia, 412; his history,
413; his style commended, ib.; chooses the Peloponnesian
war as the subject of his History, 416; his style cri-
ticised, ib.

Transmigration of souls, unreasonable, 428
Trilogies, objections to, 369
Tyrants, best mode of treating them, 399
Tyrrhenians, the, their character, 409, 410


Venus, worshipped as the Goddess of Fortune, 381; golden
statues of, ib.


War, lines on, 398; should be superseded by arbitra-
tions, ib.; its folly, 400

Wisdom of ancient nations, 407

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



Absent is she thou lovest? be it so; (182) 650
According to eternal laws (39) 623

Again, my soul, sustain the mournful page! (On reading in
a newspaper the death of a mother and three children.)
(101) 636

Against the rocking mast I stand, (90) 634

Ah! could I think there's nought of ill (70) 626

Ah what avails the sceptred race, (102) 636


Fate! I have askt few things of thee, (221) 656

"Fear God!" says Percival: and when you hear (262) 663
Fear not my frequent verse may raise (To a lady coming of
age.) (222) 656

First bring me Raffael, who alone hath seen (155) 647
Flow, precious tears! thus shall my rival know (21) 621
Forster! whose zeal hath seized each written page (To
John Forster.) (319) 675

Ah yes! the hour is come (On the Decease of Mrs. Rosen- Forster! you who never wore (A Mask on a Ring.) (280) hagen.) (205) 653

Alas, how soon the hours are over (283) 665

A little cornet of dragoons, (267) 664

All poets dream, and some do nothing more. (132) 643

All tender thoughts that e'er possest (17) 621

Along this coast I led the vacant Hours (54) 624


From heaven descend two gifts alone; (59) 625

From immemorial time (The Nightingale and the Rose)
(82) 631

From leaves unopen'd yet, those eyes she lifts, (170) 649
From yonder wood mark blue-eyed Eve proceed: (87) 633

Altho' with Earth and Heaven you deal (To Andrew Crosse.) From you, lanthe, little troubles pass (24) 621
(296) 668

An English boy, whose travels lay (245) 661

A provident and wakeful fear (114) 638

Art thou afraid the adorer's prayer (37) 622

As he who baskt in sunshine loves to go (217) 655

Ask me not, a voice severe (15) 620

As round the parting ray the busy motes (73) 626

A still serene soft day; enough of sun (To a Bride, Feb. 17,
1846.) (318) 674

A time will come when absence, grief, and years, (46) 623
Aurelius, Sire of Hungrinesses! (Old Style.) (241) 660
Away my verse; and never fear, (9) 620


Baronial apostolic sir! (To the Right Rev. Father in God
Henry Lord Bishop of Exeter, (265) 664

Barry your spirit long ago (To Barry Cornwall.) (306) 671
Beauty! thou arbitress of weal or woe (223) 656

Beauty's pure native gems, ye quivering hairs! (149) 646
Behold what homage to his idol paid (With Petrarca's
Sonnets.) (3) 619

Beloved the last! beloved the most! (36) 622
Bethink we what can mean (Christmas Holly.) (171) 649
Boastfully call we all the world our own: (117) 639

Borgia, thou once wert almost too august (On seeing a hair of
Lucretia Borgia.) (191) 651

By that dejected city Arno runs (To my daughter.) (294) 668


Circe, who bore the diadem (29) 622

Child of a day, thou knowest not (105) 637

[blocks in formation]

Have I, this moment, led thee from the beach (47) 624
Happy may be the land (To Andrew Jackson.) (288) 666
Here, ever since you went abroad, (63) 625
Hark! 'tis the laugh of Spring: she comes, (84) 633

Here, where precipitate Spring, with one light bound (83)

Heron of grave career! whose lordly croaks (179) 650
How many voices gaily sing, (206) 653
He who sees rising from some open down (157) 647
Humblest among the vernal train, (136) 644


Ianthe! you are call'd to cross the sea! (26) 621

I can not tell, not I, why she (23) 621

I can not very plainly tell (To Miss Power.) (304) 670

I come to visit thee again, (104) 637

Idle and light are many things you see (275) 665

I draw with trembling hand, my doubtful lot; (Twelfth
Night.) (5) 620

Children while childhood lasts, one day (For the Album If hatred of the calm and good, (248) 661

of the Duchess de Guiche.) (176) 649

Clap, clap the double nightcap on (256) 663
Clifton! in vain thy varied scenes invite, (14) 620
Come back, ye smiles, that late forsook (2) 619

Come Sleep! but mind ye! if you come without (251) 662
Comfort thee, O thou mourner, yet awhile! (To the Sister
of Elia.) (314) 673

Conceal not Time's misdeeds, but on my brow (To a
Painter.) (317) 674

Conon was he whose piercing eyes (On hair falling off after
an illness.) (154) 646

Could but the dream of night return by day (31) 622


Darling shell, where hast thou been, (8) 620

If in the summer-time, O guest, (Another Urn at Thoresby
Park.) (107) 637

If mutable is she I love, (30) 622

If that old hermit laid to rest (To Miss Isabella Percy.) 301 (670)

If you please we'll hear another, (130) 643

I held her hand, the pledge of bliss, (65) 625

I hope indeed ere long (33) 622

I know not whether I am proud, (With an Album.) (196)

I leave, and unreluctant, the repast: (Siddons and her
Maid.) (277) 665

I leave for you to disunite (Flowers sent in Bay-leaves.) (257)

I leave thee, beauteous Italy! no more (156) 647

Dauber! if thou shouldst ever stray (On a Portrait.) (282) I leave with unreverted eye the towers (202) 653


Deep forests hide the stoutest oaks; (252) 662
Did I then ask of you why one so wise (128) 642
Does it become a girl so wise, (268) 664

Does your voice never fail you in singing a song (255) 663
"Do you remember me? or are you proud?" (184) 650
Dull is my verse: not even thou (76) 626


Each year bears something from us as it flies, (274) 665
Egg strikes on egg and breaks it; true; (237) 660
Everything tells me you are near; (119) 639

I love to hear that men are bound (34) 622

I love to wander, both in deed and thought, (Guidone and
Lucia.) (124) 640

"I'm half in love," he who with smiles hath said (258) 663
In age the memory, as the eye itself, (172) 649
In Clementina's artless mien (89) 634

In Czartoryski I commend (To Czartoryski, attending on
foot the funeral of the Poet Menincivicz.) (299) 669
Indweller of a peaceful vale, (To Southey, 1833.) (305) 670
In his own image the Creator made (193) 651

I never knew but one who died for love, (A Mother's Tale.)
(224) 657

In poetry there is but one supreme, (On Shakspeare.) (162) 648

In spring and summer winds may blow, (147) 645

In wrath a youth was heard to say, (276) 665

I often ask upon whose arm she leans, (44) 623
I pen these lines upon that cypher'd cover (199) 652

I prais'd thee, Michelet, whom I saw (To Michelet on his
**People.") (310) 672

Ipsley when hurried by malignant fate (Written in Wales.) (195) 635

I rais'd my eyes to Pallas, and she laught, (234) 659

I remember the time ere his ternples were grey, (200) 663

I sadden while I view again (45) 623

Is it no dream that I am he (61) 625

Is it not better at an early hour (284) 665

It often comes into my head (22) 621

It seems whenever we are idle, (232) 659

I've never seen a book of late (279) 665

I very much indeed approve (New style) (242) 660

I wander o'er the sandy heath (86) 633

I will invite that merry priest (Pievano Arlotto.) (253) 662

I will not call her fair, (127) 642

I would give something, O Apollo ! (281) 665

I would invoke you once again, (85) 633


[blocks in formation]

Pæstum ! thy roses long ago, (On receiving a monthly rose.)
(219) 656

Pass me: I only am the rind (Written on the first leaf of an
Album.) (227) 659

Past ruin'd Ilion Helen lives, (18) 621

Plants the most beauteous love the water's brink, (272) 664
Pleasant it is to wink and sniff the fumes (249) 662
Pleasure! why thus desert the heart (10) 620

Pretty maiden! pretty maiden! (261) 663

Proud word you never spoke, but you will speak (69) 626

Julius, of three rare brothers, my fast friends, (To Julius Pursuits! alas, I now have none, (55) 624
Hare, with "Pericles and Aspasia.") (255) 666


Kind souls! who strive what pious hands shall bring (On a
Poet in a Welsh Church-yard.) (106) 637


Queen of the double sea, beloved of him (123) 640


Remain, ah not in youth alone, (60) 625
Remember you the guilty night," (52) 624

Leigh Hunt! thou stingy man Leigh Hunt! (To Leigh
Hunt, on an omission in his "Feast of the Poets.") Remind me not, thou grace of serious mien! (142) 645

(240) 660

Let me sit here and muse by thee (99) 635

Let this man smile, and that man sigh (137) 644

Lie, my fond heart at rest, (12) 620)

Life (priest and poet say) is but a dream; (180) 650
Little it interests me how (67) 626

Little volume, warm with wishes, (Sent with Poems.) (226)

Loneliest of hills! from crimes and cares removed, (Written
at Mr. Rawson's, Was-Water Lake.) (198) 652

Look thou yonder, look and tremble, (91) 634
Lord of the Celtic dells, (To Joseph Ablett.) (315) 673
Loved, when my love from all but thee had flown, (201) 653
Love is like Echo in the land of Tell, (218) 656


Many may yet recall the hours (186) 650

Many, well I know, there are (62) 625

Maria! I have said Adieu (97) 635

Metellus is a lover: one whose ear (246) 661

Michelet! time urges me down life's descent, (To Michelet,
on his "Priests, Women, and Families.") (309) 672
Mild is the parting year, and sweet (75) 626
Mine fall, and yet a tear of hers (28) 622
Mother, I cannot mind my wheel; (93) 634

My guest, I have not led you thro', 659

My hopes retire; my wishes as before (11) 620
My pretty Marte, my winter friend, (212) 655
My serious son! I see thee look (197) 652


Reprehend, if thou wilt, the vain phantasm, O Reason!
(161) 647

Retire, and timely, from the world, if ever (122) 640
Retired this hour from wondering crowds (43) 623
Rightly you say you do not know (183) 650


Satire! I never call'd thee very fair, (116) 638

Say ye that years roll on and ne'er return? (To the Comtesse de Molandè, about to marry the Duc de Luxembourg.) (290) 667

She I love (alas in vain!) (6) 520

She leads in solitude her youthful hours, (1) 619
Sighs must be grown less plentiful. (271) 664
Silent, you say, I 'm grown of late, (64) 625
Since in the terrace bower we sate (291) 668

Slaves-merchants, scalpers, cannibals, agree .. (Letter-
land.) (278) 665

Smiles soon abate; the boisterous throe (126) 642
Snappish and captious, ever prowling. (To II.) (269) 664
So late removed from him she swore, (74) 626

So, Kenyon, thou lover of frolic and laughter, (To John
Kenyon.) (312, 673

Something (ah! tell me what) there is (174) 649

Soon as Ianthe's lip I prest, 35) 622

Soon, O Ianthe! life is o'er, (20) 621

Sophia, pity Gunlaug's fate, (Gunlaug.) (81) 627

Sophy! before the fond adieu (To Lady Caldwell.) (168) 649

Stranger, these little flowers are sweet (On Mignionette.) (192) 651

Napier! take up anew thy pen, (To Major-General W. Struggling, and faint, and fainter didst thou wane (160) 647 Napier.) (307) 671

Neither the suns nor frosts of rolling years (133) 644
Never may storm thy peaceful bosom vex, (175) 649
Never, my boy, so blush and blink, (Suggested by Horace.)

(243) 661

No charm can stay, no medicine can assuage, (185) 650
No, Daisy! lift not upthy ear, (To a Spaniel) (189) 651
No doubt, thy little bosom beats (To E. F.) (188) 651
No, my own love of other years! (177) 650

No, Teresita, never say (To Lady Charles Beauclerk.) (293)

No, thou hast never griev'd but I griev'd too; (56) 625
Not the last struggles of the Sun, (111) 638
November! thou art come again (121) 640


O'erfoaming with rage (225) 659

Of late among the rocks I lay, (A sea-shell speaks.)


[blocks in formation]


The basket upon which thy fingers bend, (On seeing a lady | Unworthy are these poems of the lights (To Theodosia Gar-
sit for her portrait,) (303) 670

The blackest of grapes, with a footpath hard-by, (247) 661

The bough beneath me shakes and swings, (50) 624

The brightest mind, when sorrow sweeps across, (178) 650

The burden of an ancient rhyme (140) 645

row.) (295) 668


Various the roads of life; in one (173) 649

The covert walk, the mossy apple-trees, (Cottage left for Very true, the linnets sing (153) 646

London.) (250) 662

The day returns again (215) 655

The day returns, my natal day, (112) 678

The Devil, when he made believe (To B.) (230) 659

The dreamy rhymer's measured snore (To Macaulay.) (311)

The heart you cherish can not change; (13) 620
The leaves are falling; so am I; (214) 655

The Loves who many years held all my mind, (72) 626
The maid I love ne'er thought of me (131) 643
The place where soon I think to lie, (216) 655
The touch of Love dispels the gloom (4) 619
The vessel that rests here at last (115) 638
The wisest of us all, when woe (139) 645

There are some tears we would not wish to dry, (32) 622
There are some wishes that may start (79) 627

There are who teach us that the depths of thought (To
Southey.) (286) 666

There is, alas! a chill, a gloom, (163) 648

There is delight in singing, tho' none hear (To Robert
Browning) (313) 673

There may be many reasons why, (158) 647


Wert thou but blind, O Fortune, then perhaps (98) 635
We will not argue if you say, (Ianthe's Letter) (51) 624
Whatever England's fields display, (151) 646

What, of house and home bereft, (209) 654
When Helen first saw wrinkles in her face (113) 638
When sea-born Venus guided o'er (To one who said she
should love at first sight.) (159) 647

When the mimosas shall have made (118) 639

When we have panted past life's middle space (78) 627
Where alders rise up dark and dense (57) 625

Where is, ah where the citron bloom (To my Daughter in
Italy, at Christmas.) (300) 669

While the winds whistle round my cheerless room, (640) 623
Where Malvern's verdant ridges gleam (204) 653
Where three huge dogs are ramping yonder (211) 654
While you, my love, are by, (25) 621

Whiskered Furies! boy-stuffed blouses! (233) 659

Who are those men that pass us? men well-girt (To Mathew
and Wolff.) (308) 672

Who smites the wounded on his bed, (208) 654

There was a spinner in the days of old, (Prayer of the Bees Why have the Graces chosen me (228) 659
to Alciphron.) (165) 648

These are the sights I love to see: (27) 621

Those who have laid the harp aside (To Wordsworth.) (289)


Thou hast been very tender to the Moon, (Malvolio.) (195)


Thou hast not rais'd, Ianthe, such desire (7) 620
Thou in this wide cold church art laid, (109) 637
Thou pityest; and why hidest thou thy pity? (181) 650
Thou whom the wandering comets guide. (135) 644
Time past I thought it worth my while (273: 665

To gaze on you when life's last gleams decline, (On receiving
a portrait.) (148) 646

Tomorrow, brightest-eyed of Avon's train, (92) 634

To our past loves we oft return, (125) 642

To Rose and to Sophy (270) 664

Why, why repine, my pensive friend, (134) 644

Why, O true poet of the country! why (To an aged Poet.)
(316) 674

With frigid art our numbers flow (For an Urn in Thoresby

Will mortals never know each other's station (141) 645

Park. (100) 636

With rosy hand a little girl prest down (152) 646
Work on marble shall not be, (235) 660


Ye little household gods, that make (213) 655
Ye walls! sole witnesses of happy sighs, (49 624
Yes, in this chancel once we sat alone (108) 637
Yes; I write verses now and then, (187) 651
Yes, we shall meet (I knew we should) again, (48) 624

Tost in what corner hast thou lain? (On receiving a Book to Yesterday, at the sessions held in Buckingham, (263) 663
write in.) (144) 645

To write as your sweet mother does (169) 649

True, ah too true! the generous breast (190) 651
Turn, pretty blue eyes! wheresoever you shine 94) 634
Twenty years hence my eyes may grow (58) 625

Two cackling mothers hatch two separate broods (264) 664

[blocks in formation]

You hate amid the pomp of prayer (138) 644
You little pert and twittering pet, (96 635
You love me; but if I confess (166) 648
You may or you may not believe (244) 661
"You must give back," her mother said, (129) 642
You see the worst of love, but not the best, (38) 623
You smiled, you spoke, and I believed, (68) 626
You tell me I must come again (42) 623
Youth but by help of Memory can be sage: (231) 659
Youth is the virgin nurse of tender Hope, (80) 627

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