
Way. Hang him, hang him, faid Mr. Heady. A forry Scrub, faid Mr. High-mind. My Heart rifeth against him, faid Mr. Enmity. He is a Rogue, faid Mr. Lyar. Hanging is too good for him, faid Mr. Cruelty. Let us dispatch him out of the Way, faid Mr. Hate-light. Then said Mr. Implacable, Might I have all the World given me, I could not be reconciled to him, therefore let us forthwith bring him in + They conguilty of Death, and fo they did; thereclude to bring fore he was prefently condemned to be bim in Guilty had from the Place where he was, to the of Death. Place from whence he came, and there to be put to the moft cruel Death that could invented.

Death of

They therefore brought him out, to do with him according to their Law; The cruel and first they scourged him, then they buffeted him, then they lanced his Flesh with Knives; after that they ftoned him with Stones, then pricked him with their Swords; and laft of all, they burnt him to Afhes at the Stake. Thus came Faithful to his End..

Chariot and Herfes take away Faithful.

Now I faw, that there ftood behind the Multitude a Chariot and a Couple of Horfes waiting for Faithful, who (fo foon as his Adverfaries had difpatched him) was taken up into it, and ftraightway was carried up through the Clouds with Sound of

Brave Faithful Bravely done in Word and Deed!
Judge, Witneffes, and Fury have, instead
Of overcoming thee, but shewn their Rage;
When they are dead, thoul't live from Age to Age.

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of Trumpet, the nearest Way to the Coleftial Gate. But as for Chriftian he had Chriftia fome refpit, and was remanded back to fill a PriPrifon; fo he there remained for a space: Soner. But he that over-rules all Things, having the Power of their Rage in his own Hand, fo wrought it about, that Christan for that Time efcaped them, and went his Way.

And as he went he fung, faying;

+ Well Faithful, thou haft faithfully profeft + The Song Unto thy Lord, with whom thou shalt be bleft; that Christian When Faithlefs ones, with all their vain made of Faith Delights, ful after his Death.

Are crying out under their Hellish Plights:
Sing, Faithful, fing, and let thy Name

For though they kill'd thee, thou art yet alive,

Now I faw in my Dream that Chriftian went not forth alone; for there was one whose Name was Hopeful, (being fo made + Chriftian by the beholding of Chriftian and Faith- has another ful in their Words and Behaviour, in Companion. their Sufferings at the Fair) who joined himself unto him, and entering into a Brotherly Covenant, told him that he would be his Companion. Thus one died to bear Teftimony to the Truth, and another rifes out of his Ashes to be a Companion with Chriftian in his Pilgrimage. This $ There are § Hopeful alfo told Chriftian, that there more of the were many more of the Men in the Fair Fair will fol that would take their Time, and follow low. after.


Men in the

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So I faw, that quickly after they were got out of the Fair they overtook one that was going before them, whofe Name * They over- was * By-ends, fo they faid to him, What take By-ends. Countryman, Sir? and how far go you this Way? He told them, that he came from the Town of Fair-fpeech, and he was going to the Coeleftial City, but told them not his Name.

Prov. 26. 25.

By-ends loth to tell his Name.

From Fair-fpeech, faid Chriftian! is there any Good that lives there?

By ends. Yes, faid By-ends, I hope. Chr. Pray, Sir, what may I call you? By ends. I am a Stranger to you, and you to me: If you be going this Way, I fhall be glad of your Company: If not, I

must be content.

Chr. This Town of Fair-fpeech, faid Christian, I have heard of, and, as I remember, they fay it is a wealthy Place.

By ends. Yes, I will affure you that it is, and I have very many rich Kindred there.

Chr. Pray who are your Kindred there, if a Man may be fo bold?

By-ends. Almoft the whole Town: And in particular my Lord Turn-about, my Lord Time-ferver, my Lord, Fair-fpeech, (from whole Ancestors that Town firft took its Name :) Alfo Mr. Smooth-man, Mr. Facing-both-ways, Mr. Any-thing, and the Parfon of our Parish, Mr. Two-tongues, was my Mother's own Brother by Father's Side: And, to tell you the Truth, I am become a Gentleman of good Quality, yet my Great Grandfather was but a Waterman, looking one Way and rowing another, and


I got

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