
as far as we durft! and indeed we were almoft paft coming back, for had we gone a little farther, we had not been here to bring the News to thee.

Chr. But what have you met, with? faid Chriftian.

Men. Why we were almoft in the Valley Pfal. 44. 29. of the Shadow of Death, but that by good Pfal. 107. 19. Hap we looked before us, and faw the

Danger before we came to it.

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Chr. But what have you feen? faid


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Men. Seen! Why the Valley itfelf, which is as dark as Pitch: We alfo faw there the Hobgoblins, Satyrs, and Dragons of the Pit: We heard alfo in that Valley a continual Howling and Yelling, as of People under unutterable Mifery, who there fat bound in Affliction and Irons; over that Valley hangs the discouraging Clouds of Confufion: Death alfo doth always ch. 10. 22. Job 3.5. fpread his Wings over it. In a Word, it is every whit dreadful being utterly without Order.

Chr. Then faid Chriftian, I perceive not yet, by what you have faid, but that this Jer. 2. 6. is my Way to the defired Hayen.

Men. Be it thy Way, we will not choose it for ours.

So they parted, and Chriftian went on his Way, but ftill with his Sword drawn in his Hand, for fear leaft he should be affaulted.

I faw then in my Dream, fo far as this Valley reached, there was on the RightHand a very deep Ditch: That Ditch is Pfal. 63. 14.


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it, into which the Blind have led the Blind in all Ages, and have both there miferably perifhed. Again, behold, on the Left Hand, there was a very dangerous Quag, into which, if even a good Man falls, he finds no Bottom for his Foot to ftand on Into that Quag King David once did fall, and had, no doubt, therein been fmothered, had not he that is able plucked him out.

The Path-way was here alfo exceeding narrow, and therefore good Chriftian was the more put to it; for when he fought, in the Dark to fhun the Ditch on the one Hand, he was ready to tip over into the Mire on the other: Alfo when he fought to escape the Mire, without great Carefulness he would be ready to fall into the Ditch. Thus he went on, and I heard him here figh bitterly: For befides the Danger mentioned above, the Path-way was here fo dark, that oftimes, when he lift up his Foot, to fet forward, he knew not where, or upon what, he should fet Sit next.

About the Midft of this Valley, I perceived the Mouth of Hell to be, and it ftood alfo hard by the Way-fide: Now, thought Chriftian, what fhall I do? And ever and anon the Flame and Smoke would come out in fuch Abundance, with Sparks

Poor Man! where art thou now?Thy Day is Night:
Good Man be not caft down, thou yet art right.
Thy Way to Heaven lies by the Gates of Hell:
Chear up, bold out, with thee it shall go well.

The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

Sparks and hideous Noifes, (Things that cared not for Chriftian's Sword, as did Apollyon before) that he was forced to put up his Sword, and betake himself to another Weapon, called All Prayer: So Ephef. 6. 18. he cried, in my Hearing, O Lord I befeech Pial. 116. 3. thee, deliver my Soul. Thus he went



a great while, yet ftill the Flames would be reaching towards him: Alfo he heard. doleful Voices, and Rufhings to and fro, fo that fometimes he thought he fhould be torn to Pieces, or trodden down like Mire in the Streets. This frightful Sight was feen, and thefe dreadful * Noifes * Chriftian were heard by him for feveral Miles to- put to a Stand, gether: And coming to a Place, where he but for a thought he heard a Company of Fiends coming forward to meet him, he ftopt, and began to mufe what he had beft to do: Sometimes he had half a Thought to go back; then again he thought he might be Half-way through the Valley: He remembered alfo, how he had already vanquifhed many a Danger; and that the Danger of going back might be much more than for to go forward, so he refolved to goon: Yet the Fiends feemed to come nearer and nearer: But when they were come even almost at him, he cried out with a moft vehement Voice, I will walk in the Strength of the Lord God: So they gave back, and came no farther.

One Thing I would not let flip: I took Notice that now poor Chriftian was fo confounded, that he did not know his own Voice: And thus I perceived it. Juft when he was come over against the



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