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Div. No. 282, Rochester, N. Y.

Div. No. 282, Rochester, N. Y., has become one of the older locals of the Association. The local was organized in the summer of 1902, over 12 years ago. Among her charter members was President John J. O'Dea, the subject of the above picture. Div. No. 282 has obtained extensive advantages in employment to the members. When first organized wages in Rochester ranged from 13 to 16 cents per hour. During the life of the local wages have advanced nearly 100 per cent.

Working conditions

have been correspondingly improved and today the Rochester membership are enjoying very satisfactory employment. The local has advanced in magnitude in proportion to benefits. Beginning with approximately 600 members. the local today embraces a membership of approximately 1,200. In speaking of President O'Dea, our Rochester correspondent cites that he has served nine consecutive years on the Division executive board, although this is his first term as president of the local and chairman of the board. President O'Dea, like his predecessor, ex-President C. H. McCrossen, is a man of exceptional executive ability and has been one of the leading advisers of the Association since its inception.


Div. No. 282, Rochester, N. Y.

Like President O'Dea of the Rochester local, Business Agent J. J. O'Sullivan was one of the first to enter the movement to organize the street railway men of Rochester. He early became one of the counsellors of the local and served seven consecutive years as an executive board member. At present, in addition to business agent, Bro. O'Sullivan is also financial secretary. He has long since become a recognized, devoted exponent of trade unionism. He is now serving his second year as business agent. His genial fellowship and good will and his intense sympathetic nature have contributed much to his success as a representative of the members of his Division. Business Agent O'Sullivan, like President O'Dea, has represented the Rochester local in various International conventions, where his legislative wisdom has contributed in shaping the laws of the International Association. He is also active in the local labor movement of Rochester



The American Federation of Labor convened in her thirty-fourth annual convention on Monday, Nov. 9, 1914. The convention this year was held in Philadelphia, Pa. The convention was called to order at ten o'clock a. m. by President Samuel Gompers.

The Credentials Committee reported present 358 delegates, representing 92 international and national unions, 22 state branches, 70 central bodies, 18 local trade and federal labor unions and 7 fraternal delegates. Aside from these there were many alternate delegates and hundreds of visiting delegates from various trade and labor unions throughout the country with their wives and friends. In fact, the convention brought to Philadelphia over 6,000 people and the convention hall was crowded to its utmost during the various sessions and hundreds were unable to gain admittance, but enjoyed themselves in visiting various points of interest, historical and otherwise, for which the great city of Philadelphia is famous.

The convention was held in Horticultural Hall.

Upon calling the convention to order in informal session, Chairman Gompers introduced His Honor, Mayor Blankenburg, who, on behalf of Philadelphia, extended an address of welcome to the delegates and visitors.

In part Mayor Blankenburg said:

"It is almost impossible to do anything without organization, and if the organization is builded upon the rock of principle it will be successful in its undertakings. And I take it, ladies and gentlemen-and I am glad to see some women here, because I believe they are as much interested in the welfare of humanity, and even more so than the men-I take it your organization is builded upon the same foundation. I have always been a believer in organization; I am a believer today more than ever, and I know that your organization, the American Federation of Labor, is trying to do its very best to uplift labor, to see that labor gets proper remuneration for its services, and at the same time that labor will never, never permit anything to occur that will disturb the great forces for which our government has been organized.

"You are one of the greatest powers, my friends, you members of the American Federation of Labor, and one of the greatest forces for national wealth and national well-being. When I think of the number of men that are working under your banner, more than two millions, I always feel like shaking hands with one and all, if it were possible, because it is in your power to make this country greater even than it is today. You are an army, an army of eace. Compare this army with the vast rmies that are today devastating the fields of Europe, and there you will see where

the true life of a nation comes in. This army of peace will conquer, and what it conquers will endure longer than the armies of war on the other side of the ocean.

"I did not come to make a speech, and I shall have to leave as soon as I get through, for the old man is kept very busy. I want again to extend to you, ladies and gentlemen, the most heartfelt welcome possible to the city of Philadelphia. I was never more pleased to sign an ordinance than that appropriating $25,000 to celebrate your assembling here in Philadelphia. I was so much pleased that I sent for my friend, Mr. Leonard Kraft, and a few of his friends, and in their presence signed the ordinance, then handed him the pen. The pen is not worth $25,000, but the memories will always remain with Mr. Kraft and his family. To further show our appreciation of your having selected this city for your meeting, the City Hall will be illuminated every evening while you are here. I assure you we do not do that for everybody."

It will be observed by the last paragraph quoted above from the address of Mayor Blankenburg that in the reception of the convention of the American Federation of Labor, the city of Philadelphia exceeded the greeting extended to any former convention of labor by taking the initiative and appropriating $25,000 for the entertainment of the convention, delegates and visiting friends. This may be recorded as the most material recognition ever extended by a municipality to the American trade union movement in any general greeting. Formal acknowledgments of the prestige of organized labor at conventions, extended through some representative of the municipal government, measuring in various degrees of hospitality to extend only to the limit of greetings and expressions of cordiality more or less sincere, have marked the welcome of conventions in the past. But it remained for old Philadelphia, the "City of Brotherly Love," to initiate this substantial cordiality and material expression. It is the first time that the people, as a whole, of any community, through their municipal government, have made an appropriation for the entertainment of organized labor. In this one act the administration of Mayor Blankenburg has erected for itself an illustrious monument that will be perpetuated in the undying gratitude of the hosts of trade unionism.

At the close of a response to the genial welcome of Philadelphia's Mayor, Chairman Gompers presented to the convention President George H. Ulrich of the Philadelphia Central Labor Union, who extended a hearty greeting on behalf of the organization he represented to the conventionites. In his reference to the inception of the American Federation of Labor, President Ulrich said:

"There could be no more fitting place for the American Federation of Labor to hold its annual convention than in this particular city, because it was in this city

that the American Federation of Labor, under that title, was first permanently started. It is true that in the 80's the various craft unions were having disputes with the Knights of Labor, principally on the question of trade autonomy, and that they formed a loose federation known as the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, but it was not until after the convention of that body in Philadelphia on May 15, 1886, which made certain demands on the Knights of Labor, which demands were rejected by the Richmond convention of the Knights of Labor, that the American Federation of Labor was permanently and solidly organized in the shape in which it now is. Once since then the city of Philadelphia has had the pleasure of entertaining a convention of the American Federation of Labor, in 1892, when the delegates, much fewer in numbers than they are now, assembled in Independence Hall.

"At this, the Thirty-fourth Annual Convention of the American Federation of Labor, I cannot help but remind you of the fact that Philadelphia is noted as a labor center and as an organized labor center, even though it has a tendency to go from the extreme of solid organization to the extreme of little organization. I cannot help but remind you that in 1910 this city demonstrated to the organized workers of the world that it did have a labor heart and a labor will, when 150,000 trade unionists, out of sympathy for the street car men who were then striking for improved conditions in this city, went out on a gigantic sympathetic strike. This was the first large general strike of organized labor in the United States, and showed of what stuff our working men and women are made of, and it had its effect, because the employers of labor as a body are not at all anxious to try conclusions with us again."

President Joseph Richie of the Building Trades Council of Philadelphia, in his address of welcome, dwelt upon the progress of organization in Philadelphia even in the face of the depression of the times and showed that within the last year the movement had established 14 new local unions and added to the membership of the various other locals.

The final address of welcome was delivered by President James H. Maurer of the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor, who welcomed the delegates on behalf of that organization.

At the close of the addresses of welcome, Chairman Gompers introduced Chairman Frank Feeney of the Committee on Convention Arrangements and Entertainment, the committee being of the Philadelphia Central Labor Union. Chairman Feeney explained the program of entertainment that had been prepared, included within which was the great labor parade, something of the dimensions of which can be understood when it is explained that some 4,000 musicians

supplied the music.

A telegram was read from Governorelect Martin Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania, in which he wished the convention and the cause it represents success.

At the close of the informal ceremony, the convention was formally called to order and convention officers appointed: Sergeant at Arms, I. W. Bisberg, Cigarmakers' Union, Philadelphia; Messenger, M. J. McDermott, Carpenters' Union, Philadelphia; Assistant Secretary, Walter Faries, Typo, graphical Union, Philadelphia.

Among the greetings cabled to the convention was a pathetic telegram from the German trade union movement, addressed from Amsterdam, reading:

"Fraternal greetings, good wishes to convention. Hope for speedy end of war and return of workers to continue fight for common ideals."

(Signed) "Legien-Oudegeest." Vice-President Duncan called attention to the fact that the signers of the above cablegram were compelled to travel to Amterdam, a neutral country, to transmit it. A telegram from Hon. W. B. Wilson, Secretary of Labor, read:

"Convey to the delegates present my sincere greetings and best wishes for a successful convention."

Upon standing committees appointed in the preliminary work of the convention Delegate Garrett F. Burns of the Amalgamated Association was appointed upon the Committee on Laws. Delegate P. J. McGrath was appointed a member of the Credentials Committee. Delegate Stanley Anderson, President of Division No. 26, Detroit, Mich., representing the Detroit Federation of Labor, served on the Committee on Education. G. E. B. Member P. J. Shea, delegate repreneting the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor, served upon the Committee on State Organizations.

International President W. D. Mahon served the convention upon the committee on A. F. of L. Office Building and Committee on International Relations.

Municipal Ownership Report Develops

In the November M. & C. was published in its entirety the report of President W. D. Mahon and Editor L. D. Bland, as commissioners, upon the relations of employment upon municipally owned and operated railways. The report was refererd to the convention Resolutions Committee. The committee made a recommendation upon the report to the convention, which was adopted as follows:

"Upon the subject-matter under the caption 'Municipal Owenrship' your committee reports upon the same in connection with the report submitted by W. D. Mahon and L. D. Bland.

"Upon the subject-matter under the caption 'Labor Conditions on European Municipally Owned Railroads,' the same being

a report submitted by W. D. Mahon and L. D. Bland, your committee desires to express appreciation for the work done by them, and for their valuable contribution to our knowledge relative to the conditions and differences existing between privately owned and publicly owned and operated street car systems.

"While not expressing any new or additional thought in connection with the present policy of the American Federation of Labor relative to municipal ownership, your committee cannot overlook the statements contained in this report which indicate that whether under private or public ownership, the only real improvement in the conditions of labor for street railway employes has been accomplished through trade union activity.

"Your committee recommends that wherever municipal ownership of public utilites is attempted the trade union movement emphaticaly insists that there shall be incorporated in the law creating the municipally owned utility an adequate provision guaranteeing the right of the workers to organize upon trade union lines, and their right to a voice in the regulations and determination of the wages, hours of labor and working conditions."

Upon the above subject, which created much interest in and outside of the convention throughout the coutnry and in various newspapers, President Mahon addressed the convention and emphatically explained his position and the intense importance of the subject to labor. In part he said:

"I understand that a convention of the mayors of various cities held in this city questions the wages and other matters referred to. The wages and conditions under municipal ownership to which we refer are absolute facts. They are submitted not as an attack upon municipal ownership, but as facts as we found them. What we are fighting for now in America is to establish the right of contract before municipal ownership does come, so that the men will not be discharged. Municipal slavery is as objectionable to us as slavery under private ownership. We want to give them the right to preserve their organizations and the right to make contracts when municipal ownership comes. That is our fight, and it is a very serious one. In Canadian cities and others we are denied the right of collective bargaining with our unions, and that is what we are fighting for.

"We want to protect the men and the only protection that they can have is through the right of collective bargaining and the establishment of wage and working contracts."

The enactment of the convention brings the question of the interest of employes in municipal ownership under pledged effort of the American labor movement to obtain for and serve the interest of wage earners in organization in such employment. It was an important enactment to this Association and gives the Association the right

to demand of the trade union movement its intercession in the conservation of the rights of the Association in any movement for municipalization.


Relative to the war in which many of the unions of the world are involved, the convention enacted a resolution as follows:


"Whereas, The world stands appalled by events in Europe which indicate a wanton disregard of advancing civilization and the temporary enthronement of savagery, condition made possible only by the domination of militarism, accentuated by the continuel presence of the outward evidences of the military power, with its attendant drain on the wealth of the nations for the purpose of maintaining at a point of mechanical efficiency the tremendous engines of destruction designed for use in war, thereby affording a perpetual tempation to the rulers to put into use these weapons against mankind; and,

"Whereas, The present exhibition of the potentiality of these modern armaments for the purposes of destruction is such as transcends any experience of humanity and outdoes the wildest dream of death deliberately brought about by human agency, with the attendant misery and suffering that have been thrust upon hundreds of thousands of peaceful, industrious and thrifty people who were entirely innocent of any thought of war; and,

"Whereas, This most impressive example must teach us but one lesson, the beauty and desirability of a peace that preserves order with honor, that conserves life and property and insures the pursuit of happiness, and that is the noblest end of man's endeavors; therefore, be it

"Resolved, That we pledge our support to any plan which has for its purpose the bringing about of the disarmament of all nations to the furthest extent consistent with the preservation of law and order throughout the world."

Will Assist in Defense of Indianapolis Injunction.

An enactment of the convention of vast importance to the Amalgamated Association was in the adoption of a resolution introduced by International President W. D. Mahon under special permission of the convention, in which he cited the importance of a satisfactory decision in the pending Indianapolis injunction proceedings. The resolution, adopted as submitted by President Mahon, is as follows:

"Whereas, The Federal Court at Indianapolis, Ind., has granted a temporary injunction against the members of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, forbidding them the right of exercising their constitutional liberty as provided under the recent Clayton act passed by the United States Congress, which guarantees to the workers the right to suspend labor in order to protect their interest as wage workers without the intereference of injunction; and,

"Whereas, This temporary injunction may stand for an indefinite period, and the said association, through its attorneys has decided on and prepared an appeal to the higher court; and,

"Whereas, It may be necessary to carry this case to the Supreme Court of the United States in order to test the constitutionality of this law; therefore, be it

"Resolved, That the president and Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor are hereby instructed to cooperate with and give all the assistance possible to bring about and secure a satisfactory decision in this case in order to establish clearly and without question the constitutional right of the workers, and thereby bring an end to injunctions against wage workers struggling for their lives."

Over 300 resolutions were dealt with by the convention of a progressive nature. The work of the convention embraced two weeks, adjournment being taken on Saturday evening, Nov. 12.

Usual trade jurisdictions were discussed and dealt with in committee and on the floor of the convention. Important among these was the contention between the Carpenters and Sheet Metal Workers relative to sheet metal casing work, etc. Many of these questions were submitted to a committee for future adjustment and it is hopeful that the more important jurisdictional questions may be amicably solved. The convention adopted what it believed to be the best policy in each case.

The convention re-enacted its purpose in extending free text books for schools throughout the various states where it has not yet been adopted.

On recommendation of the Office Building Committee the convention enacted a resolution directing the Executive Council to provide for a suitable office building for the American Federation of Labor and its departments in Washington.

Delegate P. J. McGrath of the Amalgamated Association served the convention upon the Audit Committee. The auditors' report showed a treasurer's balance of $100.492.81.

The secretary's report showed that during the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1914, there had occurred 957 strikes in which were involved 131,324 members. Of that number 74,350 secured improved conditions.

The total cost of strikes to the various organizations was $4,389,510.14.

Total death benefits paid by all Associations of the A. F of L. paying death benefits was $2,157,241.27.

Certain of the International Unions pay. benefits upon deaths of the wives of members. During the year there were paid $57,to above I am enclosing a photo of one of 275 on the deaths of wives of members by the 9 organizations paying such benefits.

There were paid in sick benefits by 30 organizations paying such benefits, $1,031,098.13.

Three organizations report paying travelling benefits to members seeking employment. This item amounted to $54,404.90.

Three organizations report paying tool insurance for members. This sum aggregated $3,278.07.

Ten organizations report paying unemployed benefits, or benefits to members when unemployed. In this line of benefits $99,024.88 were paid.

This shows a payment of over $3,400,000 in benefits aside from strike benefits.

The aggregate paid-up membership of the American Federation of Labor for the year ending Sept. 30, 1914, was 2,020,671. The total membership for the previous year was 1,996,004. The year just closed is the first year that the American Federation of Labor ever exceeded the two million mark in paid-up membership.

The total number of national and international unions reported was 110, with 21,460 local unions, embracing a membership of 2,020,671. There are 647 city central bodies, 570 local trade and federal labor unions, 43 state federations and five department organizations, with 341 local department councils. Such is the strength of the American Federation of Labor as reported to the thirty-fourth annual convention.

Many addresses were made by fraternal delegates, showing the working conditions in foreign countries.

The election of officers resulted in the election of Samuel Gompers of the Cigar Makers as president; first vice president, James Duncan of the Granite Workers; second vice president, James O'Connell of the Machinists; third vice president, Dennis A. Hayes of the Glass Bottle Blowers; fourth vice president, Jos. F. Valentine of the Molders; fifth vice president, John R. Alpine of the Plumbers; sixth vice president, H. B. Perham of the Railway Telegraphers; seventh vice president, Frank Duffy of the Carpenters; eighth vice president, Wm. Green of the United Mine Workers; treasurer, John B. Lennon of the Tailors; secretary, Frank Morrison of the Printers; delegate to the Canadian Trades and Labor Congress, H. J. Conway of the Retail Clerks.

In consideration of the fact that the British Trades Congress deferred its time of convening to February, the delegates elected at the Seattle convention will hold over and represent the American Federation of Labor at that convention, at that time, to be held in Southampton or some other city to be designated by the British Trades Congress authorities.

The delegates to that Congress will be International President W. D. Mahon of the Amalgamated Association and International President Matthew Woll of the Piano Workers' Union.

San Francisco was elected as the next convention city, where the thirty-fourth convention will be held in November, 1915.

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