
What did he say that Christ declared?

What did he say few should believe?

What had those done who believed the words of Christ?
What does this mean?

What is meant by "setting to his seal that God is true?"
Who did John say spoke the word of truth?
How had God given the Spirit to his Son?
What had God given to his beloved Son?
What has he who believeth on the Son?

What is said of him who believeth not the Son?

How was the Spirit of God given to John and to the Prophets

To whom is it given?

Is enough given to all?

In whom only is the entire Spirit of God?

What does John warn his disciples to beware of?

What does he tell them?

Does John still speak to us?

What does he say to us?

How many years have passed since then?

Has any other way to be saved been found?

If we are wise, what shall we do?

If I receive the truth of salvation in Christ, what shall I have given me ?

XXXI.-page 132.

Did Jesus himself baptize?

When He left Judea, where did He go?

In what place had John the Baptist fixed his ministry?

Who was ruler of the place?

Was this Herod, like his father, a wicked man?

What had he done?

What did the Baptist say to this?

Was Herod angry?

What did he do?

Who had a quarrel against John?

Whose wife was Herodias?

What would she have done to John if she could?

Why could she not?

What did Herod know of John?

What did Herod do?

What does all this show?

What did Herod know?

Why did Herod fear John?

Why did Herod fear to put him to death?

What sin above all, did Herod add to his other sins?

Could Herod shut out John's warning?

Though Herod did many things when he heard John gladly, what would he not do?

What question should we each one put here to our own hearts? When is it useless to hear good preachers, and to do many things we believe to be right?

What can we not do?

How much must we love God?

Unless we so love God as to hate all sin that we know to be sin, what is our religion?

What did Christ give for us?

What must we give him in return?

XXXII.-page 135.

When the passover was ended, what did the Lord Jesus do?

Through what country did his

way lie?

Near what place did Sychar, a city of Samaria, lie ?
What people were divided into two kingdoms?

When did this division happen?

What were the names given to these two kingdoms?
Which of the tribes of Israel dwelt in Judea?

Which of them in Israel?

Whose children were the people of both these nations?

What was the name of the capital, or chief town, of Judea?
What was the name of the chief town of Israel?

What happened to both these cities?

What happened to the people in both the lands? and who were the kings who were their enemies?

In what part of the Old Testament do you find this?

What great difference was there made between the people of Judea and the people of Israel?

Who did the king of Assyria send to live in the land of Israel? What is written about this strange people?

When the king of Assyria heard this, what did he do?

What did they hear from the priest thus sent them ?

Did they rightly learn the true religion?

What were these strange people called?

As time went on, what did they think they were?

Is it likely that a few of the real Israelites had been left in the land?


When the Jews, who had come back to Judea, built up again the temple at Jerusalem, what did the Samaritans do?

Why did the Jews hate them?

What did the Samaritans know?

What did they look for?

What was the nearest road from Jerusalem to Galilee?

Did our Lord take the longer road?

Why did our Lord go through Samaria?

What was the work He had come to do?

What is written of this journey?

What time of the day is what is here called the sixth hour?

How was Jesus like ourselves?

While He sat to rest on Jacob's old well, what happened?

What did Jesus say to the woman?

What did she answer?

What did the Lord say to this?

Instead of giving him a little water to drink, what had she reminded him of?

What did Jesus see?

What would have made her eagerly ask from him the living waters that were to wash away her sins, and give life to her soul?

Did she understand him?

What did she say to him?

What was the answer of Jesus?

Did she ask him for this water?

What did our Lord mean by living water?

How do we know this?

What did she know very well?

But what did she not yet know?

To make her feel this new want, what did Jesus say to her?

What was the woman's answer?

What did Jesus tell her of her past and present life?

What did she at once see?

Was her heart yet touched?

How did she show this?

What did she say Jesus was?

What question did she put before him?

Instead of attending to this question, or to the disputes between the Jews and Samaritans, what did the Lord Jesus say to her? Why was the dispute of little consequence?

What was the only thing to be really anxious about?

How did He lead her thoughts to this great question, of whether she had the true religion?

Why was salvation of the Jews?

What hour was fast coming?

What worshippers doth the Father seek?

What is God?

Therefore how must He be worshipped?

What did the Lord Jesus, then standing by the well, foresee was fast coming?

Did the woman deny our Lord's words?

What did they put her in mind of?

What did she say?

What was the solemn answer of the Lord Jesus?

What was the simple hope in the Messiah, of this sinful woman, to whom the Lord spoke so much more plainly than He did to the proud Pharisees?

Who returned at this time?

At what did the disciples wonder?

How did they show their reverence for him?

What seems to have followed the last solemn words of Jesus?
What did the woman do?

XXXIII.-page 142.

The Saviour was thirsty, had the woman of Samaria given him to drink?

She had forgotten his need, did he forget her's?

What had He taught her?

How did she shew her gladness?

What had cheered the faint and weary Saviour?

How did He show this?

What did his disciples say?

What was the answer of Jesus?

What was his meaning?

Is Jacob's well still to be seen ?

What is to be seen from the place?

What lay stretched out before Jesus and his disciples?

What could they see?

What did Jesus say when He saw crowds of people coming to hear him?

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What was the difference between the harvest of grain and the harvest of men's souls?

In which were the disciples to labour?

How should they be rewarded?

What saying was to be made true?

In whose labours were the disciples to enter?
What does this mean?

Who would reap the fruit of their labours?

Shall this always be?

What must we pray for?

Must we labour too?

Can we all help in this work?

By whom has much precious seed been sown?

How have they sown good seed?

Where has much good seed been sown?

What do the sick often think?

Has it been true that he could no longer be useful in sowing good seed?

When the Christian sick man has entered into his rest, what will happen?

What should this reconcile us to?

XXXIV. -page 146.

What did the woman when she got back to the town?
What happened?

Why did many of the Samaritans believe?

Is it likely she told them all the Lord Jesus had said?
What showed them that she told the truth?

What did the Samaritans beg Jesus to do?

Why did many more believe?

What did they say?

What do we see in this?

What did the Samaritans become?

What were they ready to do?

This happened long ago, what has been going on in heaven ever since?

After two days where did Jesus go?

Since He went to Galilee, why did He not go to his own city, Nazareth?

What saying is proved often true among ourselves?

Why was it best for the people of Nazareth that He should not go to them now?

Why did the Galileans receive him?

What does the word fame mean?
Where did Jesus teach the people?

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