| Robert Wittie - 1681 - 184 sider
...latisfie. Then did the Divine Power sis Power exert it felf beyond all reach of Nature, advanctd. and raifed him from the Dead, and fet him at his own right Hand, triumphing thereby over Death and Hell, that au Mankind that would believe on him , and manifeft it... | |
 | Thomas Gregory - 1708 - 368 sider
...Hand of God, Angels and Authorities, and Porters being madefubjeft unto him. And St. Paul, God rais'd him from the Dead, and fet him at his own Right Hand in the Heavenly Places, far above all Principalities, and Powers, and Might and Dominion, and every Name that is nam'd , not only... | |
 | Benjamin Farrow - 1708 - 272 sider
...tbiae Enemies thy feotttool. And thus the Apoftle tells us, Eph. i. 20. &c. That be batbfet Vim V bis own right Hand in the Heavenly Places, far above all Principality, and Power, and Mighty and Dominion, and every Name that is named, not only in ibis World, but alfo in that which it... | |
 | William Beveridge - 1710 - 804 sider
...Authorities and Powers being made fubjett unto him. Eph. i. 20, zi, ii. Which he wrought in Chrijt when he raifed him from the dead, and fet him at his own right...the heavenly places, far above all Principality, and Power, wd Alight t and Dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this World, but alfo in... | |
 | William Beveridge (bp. of st. Asaph.) - 1710 - 408 sider
...Authorhiet and Powers being made fubjett unto him. Eph. i. 20, II, 22. Which he wrought in Chrifl when he raifed him from the dead, and fet him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above alt Pri»' and rower, and Might) and Dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this... | |
 | John Pearson (bp. of Chester.) - 1715 - 426 sider
...and things under the earth. And this obedience and fubmiflion was and is due unto him, becaufe God raifed him from the dead, and fet him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principalities and powers, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named not only... | |
 | Basil Kennett - 1726 - 218 sider
...hand of GOD, from henceforth ex felting till his Enemies bs made his Foot fool *. » Heb. x. 1 3, GQD hath raifed Him from the Dead, and fet Him at his own right hand in Heavenly Places, far above all Principalities and Powers, and Might, and Dominion, and every Name that... | |
 | George Hickes - 1727 - 478 sider
...22. where his Sovereignty over the Church is thus delcribed .- which be wrought in Cbrift, when he raifed him from the dead, and fet him at his own right hand in heavenly places, far above all Principality and Power, and Might, ani Dominion, and every Name that... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 sider
...GLORY ? The LORD of HOSTS, he is the King of Glory. 20. Which he wrought in Cbr/'ft when he RAISED him from the DEAD, and fet him at his own right Hand in the heavenly Places. Chap. iv. S. Wherefore he faith, when he ASCENDED upon high, he led Captivity... | |
 | Richard Lucas - 1735 - 486 sider
...his mighty power, which be wrought in Chrift, when he raijed him fuller difcovery of it, if I can. from the dead, and fet him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, &c. Eph. i. 17, 18, 19, 20.. For the latter thus: that ye might be filled with... | |
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