
there. Think what you would have to bear for the sake, perhaps, of a pretty face, but of a person incapable of being a companion or comfort, and whom you would be ashamed to see beside your own family. Or, supposing your own affections untouched, what right have you to trifle with the feelings of a poor girl, and raise expectations you cannot and ought not to fulfil? You are too kind, when once you reflect, to inflict such pain, you, who cannot help being loved. Come away while it is time; come home, and have the merit of self-sacrifice. If your fancy is smitten, it will recover in its proper sphere. If it costs you pain, you know to whom you have always hitherto turned in your vexations. Dear Arthur, do not ruin yourself; only come back to me. Write at once; I cannot bear the


'Your most affectionate sister,


She made two copies of this letter; one she directed to 'The Hon. Arthur Martindale, Grenadier Guards, Winchester;' the other, Post-office, Wrangerton.' In rather more than a week she was answered:

MY DEAR THEODORA,-You judged rightly that I am no man to trifle, or to raise expectations which I did not mean to fulfil. My wife and I are at Matlock for a few days before joining at Winchester.

'Your affectionate brother,



She's less of a bride than a bairn,
She's ta'en like a colt from the heather,
With sense and discretion to learn.

A chiel maun be patient and steady
That yokes with a mate in her teens.
Woo'd and Married and A'.

GENTLEMAN stood waiting at the door of a house not far from the Winchester barracks.

'Is my brother at home, James?' as the servant gave a start of surprise and recognition.

No, sir; he is not in the house, but Mrs.-; will you walk in I hope I see you better, sir.'

'Much better, thank you. Did you say Mrs. Martindale was at home?'

'Yes, sir, Mr. Arthur will soon be here. Wont you walk in ?'

'Is she in the drawing-room?"

'No, I do not think so, sir. She went upstairs when she came in.'

'Very well. I'll send up my card,' said he, entering, and the man as he took it, said, with emphasis, and a pleading look, 'She is a very nice young lady, sir,' then opened a room door.

He suddenly announced, 'Mr. Martindale,' and that gentleman unexpectedly found himself in the presence of a young girl, who rose in such confusion that he could not look at her as he shook her by the hand, saying, 'Is Arthur near home?'

'Yes-no-yes; at least, he'll come soon,' was the reply, as if she hardly knew what her words were.

'Were you going out?' he asked, seeing a bonnet on the sofa.

'No, thank you ;-at least I mean, I'm just come in. He went to speak to some one, and I came to finish my letter. He'll soon come,' said she, with the rapid ill-assured manner of a school-girl receiving her mamma's visitors.

'Don't let me interrupt you,' said he, taking up a book.

"O no, no, thank you,' cried she,.in a tremor lest she should have been uncivil. 'I didn't mean-I've plenty of time. "Tis only to my home, and they have had one by the early post.' He smiled, saying, 'You are a good correspondent.'

'Oh! I must write.


"Your sister?'

'Yes, only a year older. gether.'

Annette and I were never apart

We always did everything to

He ventured to look up, and saw a bright dew on a soft, shady pair of dark eyes, a sweet quivering smile on a very pretty mouth, and a glow of pure bright deep pink on a most delicately fair skin, contrasted with braids of dark brown hair. She was rather above the ordinary height, slender, and graceful, and the childish beauty of the form of face and features, surprised him; but to his mind the chief grace was the shy, sweet tenderness, happy and bright, but tremulous with the recent pain of the parting from home. With a kindly impulse, he said, 'You must tell me your name, Arthur has not mentioned it.'

'Violet ;' and as he did not appear at once to catch its un

usual sound, she repeated, 'Violet Helen; we most of us have strange names.'

'Violet Helen,' he repeated, with an intonation as if struck, not unpleasingly, by the second name. 'Well,' that is the case in our family. My sister has an uncommon name.' 'Theodora,' said Violet, pausing, as if too timid to enquire further.

'Have you only this one sister?' he said.

'Six, and one brother,' said she, in a tone of exulting fond


A short silence, and then the joyful exclamation, 'There he is!' and she sprang to the door, leaving it open, as her fresh young voice announced, full of gratulation, Here's your brother.'

Guileless and unconscious of evil, poor child! thought the brother; but I wonder how Arthur likes the news.

Arthur entered, a fine-looking young man, of three-andtwenty, dark, bright complexioned, tall, and robust. He showed not the least consciousness of having offended, and his bride smiled freely as if at rest from all embarrassment now that she had her protector.

'Well, John,' was his greeting, warmly spoken, 'You here? You look better. How is the cough?'

'Better, thank you.'

'I see I need not introduce you,' said Arthur, laying his hand on the arm of his blushing Violet, who shrank up to him gave a short laugh; 'Have you been here long?'

as he

'Only about five minutes.'

'And you are come to stay?'

'Thank you, if you can take me in for a day or two.'

'That we can. There is a tolerable spare room, and James will find a place for Brown. I am glad to see you looking so much better. Have you got rid of the pain in

your side?' 'Entirely, thank you, for the last few weeks.'

'How is my mother?'

Very well. She enjoyed the voyage extremely.' 'She wont concoct another Tour?'

'I don't think so,' said John, gravely.

"There has she,' indicating his wife, been thinking it her duty to read the old Italian one, which I never opened in my life. I declare it would take a dictionary to understand a page. She is scared at the variety of tongues, and feels as if she was in Babel.'

John was thinking that if he did not know this rattling talk to be a form of embarrassment, he should take it for effrontery.

'Shall I go and see about the room? half-whispered Violet. Yes, do; and he opened the door for her, exclaiming, almost before she was fairly gone, 'There! you want no more explanation.'

'She is very lovely!' said John, in a tone full of cordial. admiration.

'Isn't she?' continued Arthur, triumphantly. 'Such an out of the way style ;-the dark eyes and hair, with that exquisite complexion, ivory fairness, the form of her face the perfect oval-what you so seldom see-and her figure, just the right height, tall and taper! I don't believe she could be awkward if she was to try. She'll beat every creature hollow, especially in a few years' time when she's a little more formed.'

'She is very young?

'Sixteen on our wedding-day.

That's the beauty of it. If

she had been a day older it would have been a different thing. Not that they could have spoilt her, nature, and no mistake.'

"How did your acquaintance begin?'

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she is a thoroughbred by

'This way,' said Arthur, leaning back, and twirling a chair on one of its legs for a pivot. Fitzhugh would have me come down for a fortnight's fishing to Wrangerton. There's but one inn there fit to put a dog to sleep in, and when we got there we found the house turned out of window for a ball, all the partitions down on the first floor, and we driven into holes to be regaled with distant fiddle-squeak. So Fitzhugh's Irish blood was up for a dance, and I thought I might as well give in to it, for the floor shook so that there was no taking a cigar in peace. So you see the stars ordained it, and it is of no use making a row about one's destiny,' concluded Arthur, in a sleepy voice, ceasing to spin the chair.

"That was your first introduction?'

'Ay. After that, one was meeting the Mosses for ever; indeed, we had to call on the old fellow to get leave for fishing in that water of Lord St. Erme's. He has a very pretty sort of little place out of the town close to the park, and-and somehow the weather was too bright for any sport, and the stream led by their garden.'

'I perceive,' said John.

'Well, I saw I was in for it, and had nothing for it but to go through with it. Anything for a quiet life.'

'A new mode of securing it,' said John, indignant at his nonchalance.

'There you don't display your wonted sagacity,' returned Arthur coolly. You little know what I have gone through

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on your account. If you had been sound-winded, you would have saved me no end of persecution.'

'You have not avoided speculation as it is,' John could not help saying.

I beg to observe that you are mistaken. Old Moss is as cunning a fox as ever lived; but I saw his game, and without my own good-will he might have whistled for me. I saw what he was up to, and let him know it, but as I was always determined that when I married it should be to please myself, not my aunt, I let things take their course and saved the row at home.'

'I am sure she knew nothing of this.'

'She Bless you, poor child. She is as innocent as a lamb, and only thinks me all the heroes in the world.'

'She did not know my father was ignorant of it?' 'Not she. She does not know it to this day.' John sat thinking; Arthur twirled the chair, then said, 'That is the fact. I suppose my aunt had a nice story for you.'

'It agreed in the main with yours.'

'I was unlucky,' said Arthur, 'I meant to have brought her home before my aunt and Theodora had any news of it. I could have got round them that way, but somehow Theodora got scent of it, and wrote me a furious letter, full of denunciation— two of them-they hunted me everywhere, so I saw it was no use going there.'

'She is much hurt at your letter. I can see that she is, though she tries to hide her feelings. She was looking quite pale when we came home, and I can hardly bear to see the struggle to look composed when you are mentioned.'

This evidently produced some compunction, but Arthur tried to get rid of it. 'I am sure there was nothing to take to heart in it was there, John?'

'I don't know. She had burnt it without letting any one see it; and it was only through my aunt that we learnt that she had received it.'

'Well! her temper is up, and I am sorry for it,' said Arthur. 'I forget what I said. I dare say it was no more than she deserved. I got one of these remonstrances of hers at Wrangerton, on the day before, and another followed me a couple of days after to Matlock, so I could not have that going on for ever, and wrote off to put a stop to it. But what does his lordship say?'

'Do you wish him to forgive or not?' said his brother, nearly out of patience.

'Of course I knew he would; he can't leave us with nothing

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