[blocks in formation]




1. A remedy for poi- Cross Section of Strata show-an'ti-slav'er-y (-slavĕr-I), a. Opposed to slavery. 2. Whatever ing Anticline. ub Axial Plane. tends to prevent or counteract evil. anti-friction (-frĭk'shun), a. Tending to lessen friction; as, an antifriction metal. An-tig'o-ne (an-tĭg'ô-uê), n. Gr. Myth. A faithful daughter of Edipus and Jocasta. She performs

cientness. 2. Ancient times, esp. those before the Middle Ages. 3. A relic, monument, etc., of ancient times; usually in pl. an/ti-sep'tic (an'ti-septik), a. 1. Tending to prevent putrefaction, pus formation, etc. 2. Using, or pertaining to the use of, antiseptics; as, antiseptic surgery. — n. An antiseptic substance. an-tith'e-sis (an-tith'ê-sis), .; pl. -SES (-sēz). 1. An opposition or contrast of words or ideas. 2. Opposition; contrast; an opposite. an/ti-thet'ic (an'tĭ-thetik), anʼti-thet'i-cal (-I-kǎl), a. [+] Of or pertaining to antithesis; opposing contrasted.thet'i-cal-ly, adv. [8]. substances formed in the blood of auimals, either naturally or by inoculation, and having the power of neutralizing some specific poison, esp. a specific poison produced in the body by bacteria, and hence conferring immunity, or conducing toward recovery, from the disease caused by the bacteria. Antitoxins are used in diphtheria, lockjaw, and some other diseases. Cf. SERUM. an'ti-trade' (an'tĭ-trad'), n. An upper tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind, beyond which, in the north temperate and the south temperate zones, it becomes a surface wind.

funeral rites over the body of her brother Poly-an'ti-tox'in (ǎn'tĭ-tõk'sin), n. Any of certain nices against the command of her uncle, Creon. an/ti-im-pe'ri-al-ism (ǎu/tĭI-Im-pē'ri-al-Iz'm), n. Opposition to imperialism;-applied esp., in the U. S., after the Spanish-American war (1898) to the attitude or principles of those opposing territorial expansion. anti-mo-ny(ănti-mô-n!), n. An element of metallic appearance, tin-white in color, hard and brittle, used chiefly in alloys to give hardness and the property of expanding on solidification. an'ti-pa-thet'ic (an'tĭ-pa-thět/ĭk), a. [+] Naturally contrary; marked by antipathy. an-tip’a-thy (ăn-tip-thi), n. ; pl. -THIES (-thřz). 1. Contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled aversion; repugnance. 2. Contrariety in nature; incompatibility.

an-tit'ra-gus (ăn-tĭtꞌrá-gés), n. Anat. A certain prominence of the external ear.

ant'ler (ǎnt/ler), n. The entire horn, or any branch of the horn, of an animal of the deer family. See HORN.ant'lered (-lêrd), a.

ant lion. Any of various insects the larva of which digs a pit, lying in which it catches insects, esp. ants, that fall in.

The posterior opening of the

Syn. Dislike, antagonism, hostility; aversion, disgust, repugnance, detestation, abhorrence, loathing. ANTIPATHY, AVERSION, REPUGNANCE, DISGUST agree in the idea of intense dislike. Antipathy implies an instinctive or constitutional dislike, sometimes manifested in an involuntary A word which is the shrinking or recoil from its object; as, an antip-an'to-nym (ǎn'to-nim), n. athy to snakes. Aversion (to) expresses a settled opposite, in meaning, of another word in the same distaste usually exhibited in a voluntary avoid- language; contrasted with synonym; as, joy is ance of its object; as, an aversion to society. Re- an antonym of sorrow. pugnance adds the idea of antagonism or opposi- a'nus (a'nus), n. tion; as, repugnance to forms and ceremonies. alimentary canal. Disgust is repugnance to what is offensive to one's taste or feelings; as, disgust at meanness. an’vil (ăn′vil), n. A block, usually of iron faced anti-phlo-gis'tic (an'tĭ-fio-jis'tĭk), a. with steel, on which metal is shaped, as by hammering. acting inflammation. anxiety (Ăng-ziề-ti), n.; an’tl-phon(ănti-fòn), ”. 1. A musical response, pl.-TIES (-tiz). Anxious state as in a chant. 2. A piece of devotional verse or or condition; painful uneasiprose responsively sung as a part of the liturgy. ness about a future or unceran-tipo-dal (ăn-tipb-dřl), a 1. Pertaining to tain event.-Syn. See CARE. the antipodes; opposite on the globe. 2. Diamet-anx'ious (ank'shus), a. [4] rically opposite.


an’ti-pode (ănti-pod), n. One of the antipodes; a direct opposite.

an-tipo-des (ăn-tip′đ-děz), n. pl. In senses 2&3 sometimes erroneously used as a sing. 1. Those who live on the diametrically opposite side of the globe. 2. The regions or country of the antipodes. 3. The direct opposite or contrary.

an/ti-quan-an (ănti-kwari-ăn), a. Of or pert.
to antiquaries or antiquities. n. An antiquary.
anti-qua-ry (ănti-kwa-ri), đ Antiquarian.
n.; pl. -RIES (-riz). A student of antiquities.
an'ti-quate (-kwat), v. t. [1] To make old, an-
tique, or out of date.

anti-quat'ed (-kwāt'ěd), p. a. [4] Grown old;
hence, bygone; old-fashioned.-Syn. See OLD.
an-tique' (ǎn-tēk′), a. [4] 1. Old; belonging to
antiquity, esp. to ancient Greece or Rome. 2. Old,
as respects the present time; antiquated;_old-
fashioned. Syn. Ancient. See OLD. n. 1. In
general, anything very old; esp., a relic or object
of ancient art. 2. Print. See TYPE.
an-tiq'ui-ty (-tik'wI-ti), n.; pl. -TIES (-tiz).
1. Quality of being old or ancient; oldness; an-

1. Disquieted over a possi

Anvil. a Horn; b, c
Holes for Set Chisels,
Swage Blocks, etc.

ble or impending ill; concerned or solicitous, esp. as to a future or unknown thing; as, an anxious mind; anrious about one's health. 2. Accompanied with or causing anxiety; worrying; as, anxious toil. 3. Earnestly desirous; as, anxious to please. anx'ious-ly, adv. [8] -anx'ious-ness, n. [8]. an'y (en'ĭ), a. & pron. One indifferently out of a number; one (or, as pl., some) indiscriminately of whatever kind or quantity. adv. To any extent; in any degree; at all.

an'y-bod-y (-bŏd-Ĭ), n. & pron. Any person. an'y-how (-hou), adv. & conj. In any way or

manner whatever; at any rate; in any event.

an'y-thing (-thing), n. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; a thing of any kind. anything but, not at all or in any respect; as, impudence is anything but funny.- a. like, in any respect; at all; as, I cannot give anything like the whole story.

an'y-way (-wā), adv. & conj. Anywise; at all; in

any case.

an'y-where (-hwâr), adv. In any place.
an'y-wise (-wiz), adv. In any wise, or way; at all.
Numbers refer

chair; go; sing, ink; then, thin; nature, verdure; yet; zh=z in azure.


a-or'ta (ā-ôr'ta), n. The great artery which carries the blood from the heart to all the body except the lungs.

a-pace' (d-pās), adv. At a quick pace; quick; fast. A-pa'che (-pa'cha; -pach'e), n. Any of a group of warlike Indians, orig. of New Mexico and Arizona. ap'a-nage. Var. of APPANAGE.

[blocks in formation]

oracles. He was also god of healing, and later was
identified with the sun god
Helios. See ARTEMIS.
a-pol'o-get'ic (a-pol't-jět!-
Ik), a-polo-get'i-cal (-I-
kal), a. [4] Defending by
discourse; of the nature of
an apology.--i-cal-ly, adv.
who makes an apology.
a-pol'o-gize (-jiz), v. i. [1]
To make an apology.
ap'o-logue (ǎpô-lõg), n. A
fictitious story intended to
convey a moral truth.

a-part' (a-pärt'), adv. 1. Separately as to space or
company; aside; as, he sat apart on a hill. 2. Sepa-a-pol'o-gist (-jĭst), n. One
rately as to purpose, use, character, etc.; independ-
ently; as, to set apart money for books. 3. Aside;
away; as, jesting apart. 4. In two or more parts;
asunder; as, to take a watch apart.

a-part'ment (-měnt), n. 1. A suite, or set, of
rooms. 2. A room in a building.- Syn. See ROOM.
ap/a-thet'ic (ap'a-thět'Ik), a. [4] Void of feel-a-pol'o-gy (a-põlõ-jI), n.;
ing; passionless; indifferent.--i-cal-ly, adv. [8].
ap'a-thy (ap'a-thĭ), n.; pl. -THIES (-thĭz).
1. Want of feeling; lack of passion, emotion, or
excitement. 2. Indifference to what ordinarily
stirs the feelings or activities.

ape (ap), n. 1. Any monkey, esp. one of the larger
tailless Old World forms. 2. An imitator; mimic.
-v. t. [1] To mimic. - Syn. See IMITATE.
a-peak' (ā-pēk'), adr.& a. Naut. In a vertical line.
a-pe'ri-ent (-pē'rĭ-ěnt), a. [4] Med. Laxative.
-n. An aperient medicine or food.

ap'er-ture (ǎp'ĕr-tür), n. An opening; gap; hole.
-Syn. See ORIFICE.

a'pex (ā'pēks), n., pl. E. APEXES (-pěk-sěz), L. API-
CES (ǎp'I-sēz). The tip, point, or angular summit
of anything.

a-phel'ion (a-fel'yŭn), n.; L. pl. APHELIA (-ya).
That point of a planet's or comet's orbit which is
farthest from the sun;-opposed to perihelion.
a'phid (a'fid; ǎf'ĭd), n. A plant louse.
a'phis (a'fis), n.; pl. APHIDES (ǎf'ĭ-dēz). An aphid.
aph'o-rism (ǎf'ô-rĭz'm), n. A pithy, compendious
sentence stating a general doctrine or truth.
Loosely, a maxim.

Aph/ro-di'te (ǎf'rð-di'tê), n. Gr. Relig. The god-
dess of love and beauty, identified by the Romans
with Venus. See HEPHÆSTUS.

a'pi-a-ry (a'pĭ-a-ri), n.; pl. -RIES (-rĭz). Place
where bees are kept; a collection of hives or colo-
nies of bees kept for their honey.
ap'i-ces (ǎp'ĭ-sez), n., Lat. pl. of APEX.
a/pi-culture (a'pĭ-kültür), n. Rearing of bees.
a-piece' (a-pēs), adv. To or for each by itself;
each; as the share of each.

A'pis (ā'pĭs), n. A sacred bull worshiped by the
ancient Egyptians. A new Apis was believed to be
born on the death of the old.

ap'ish (āp'ĭsh), a. [4] Having the qualities of an ape; prone to servile imitation; hence, fantastically silly or affected.

Apollo of the Belve


pl. -GIES (-jIz). 1. Something said or written by way of defense or justification. 2. An acknowledgment intended as an atonement for an improper or injurious remark or act. 3. What serves as an excuse for the absence of something; a makeshift. Syn. Explanation, justification, excuse. - APOLOGY, EXCUSE. An apology implies that one has been, at least apparently, in the wrong; it may offer palliating circumstances, or frankly acknowledge error and express regret. An apology is in place when one has been guilty of a breach of propriety or decorum, and may involve humiliation. An excuse explains or extenuates neglect, error, or misdoing; as, he made an apology for his remarks, his excuse being that he was misinformed. ap'oph-thegm (ǎp'o-them). Var. of APOTHEGM. ap'o-plec'tic (-plěk'tĭk), a. Of the nature of, relating to, affected with, inclined to, or symptomatic of, apoplexy. -n. An apoplectic person. ap'o-plex'y (-plěk'sĭ), n. Med. Sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion, usually due to effusion of blood or serum into the brain or spinal cord. a-port' (a-port), adv. Naut. On or toward the port, or left, side; said esp. of the helm. a-pos'ta-sy (a-pos'ta-si), n., pl. -TASIES (-sĬz). Abandonment of what one has voluntarily professed; a total desertion from one's faith, principles, party, or, esp., from one's religion. a-pos'tate (-tat), n. One who has apostatized. a. Pertaining to, or characterized by, apostasy. a-pos'ta-tize (-ta-tiz), v. i. To commit apostasy. a-pos'tle (á-pòs''l), n. 1. One of the 12 disciples of Christ, sent forth to preach the gospel; also, any of various others sent forth by Christ or sent forth soon after His death to preach the gospel. 2. The first Christian missionary in any region; also, one who initiates any great moral reform, or first advocates any important belief or system. a-pos'tle-ship, n. Office or position of apostle. ap'os-tol'ic (ap'os-tolik), ap'os-tol'i-cal (-ĭ-kăl), a. 1. Of or pertaining to an apostle, or the apostles, their times, or their spirit. 2. Papal.

a-poc'a-lypse (a-põk'ȧ-lĭps), n. 1. [cap.] The last book of the New Testament; Revelation. 2. Anything viewed as a revelation; a disclosure. a-poc/a-lyp'tic (ȧ-pok'ȧ-lĭp'tĭk), a. Of or pertain-a-pos'tro-phe (a-pos'tro-fe), n. 1. Act of suding to an apocalypse or the Apocalypse. a-poc'ry-pha (-ri-fa), n. pl., but often erroneously used as sing. with pl. -PHAS (-faz). Writings or statements of doubtful authorship or authority. Esp.: [cap.] Certain writings not part of the Hebrew Bible and rejected by Protestants as not inspired sources of doctrine or not reliable history. a-poc'ry-phal (-făl), a. [4] 1. Of or like the Apocrypha. 2. Not canonical; fictitious; false. ap'o-gee (ap'o-jē), n. 1. Astron. That point in the moon's orbit which is farthest from the earth; opposed to perigee. 2. The farthest or highest point; culmination.

denly breaking off in a discourse and addressing, in the second person, some person or thing, absent or present. 2. Gram. Omission of a letter or letters from a word. 3. The mark ['] used: a To indicate an omission of one or more letters or figures. b To denote the possessive case, as in child's, children's. c Inwriting one form of the plural of letters and figures; as, two a's and three 7's. d To mark the close of a quotation. See QUOTATION MARK. a-pos'tro-phize (-fiz), v. t. & i. [1] 1. To address by or in apostrophe. 2. To contract by, or mark with, an apostrophe ['] or apostrophes.

a-poth'e-ca-ry (-poth'ê-ka-ri), n. ; pl. -RIES (-rĭz). One who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes. - apothecaries' weight, a

A-pol'lo (à-põlō), n. Gr. Relig. The god of manly youth and beauty, of poetry, music, and āle, senate, câre, am, account, ärm, ask, ṣofā; ēve, event, end, recent, maker; ice, ill;


system of weights used for compounding medical prescriptions. See TROY, a.

ap'o-thegm (ǎp'ô-thěm), n. A short, pithy, and instructive saying; a sententious precept or maxim. ap/o-the'o-sis (ǎp'o-the'ô-sIs; á-poth'ê-ō'sis), n.; pl. -OSES (-sez). 1. Deification. 2. Exaltation, as of a person or an ideal.

ap-pall' (a-pôl'), v. t. To overcome, depress, or discourage with fear or horror; dismay. ap-pall'ing, p. a. [4] Such as to appall. ap'pa-nage, or ap'a- (ǎp'd-naj), n. 1. Provision inade by a sovereign or prince for the younger members of his family, as by a grant of lands; locsely, any property appropriated to or by a person as his perquisite. 2. That which belongs by custom or right; a natural endowment. ap/pa-ra'tus (-rā'tus), n.; pl. -RATUS; -RATUSES (-tus-ěz). 1. Things provided as means to an end. 2. A set of implements or utensils for a given work; any complex instrument or appliance for a specific action or operation; machinery; mechanism. ap-par'el (a-părěl), n. Dress; garb; raiment.-v. l. To equip 2. To clothe

ap-par'ent (a-pâr'ěnt; ǎ-păr'-), a. [4] 1. Open to view; visible. 2. Clear or manifest to the understanding; plain, evident; obvious. 3. Appearing as actual to the eye or mind (distinguished from, but not necessarily opposed to, actual, true, or real); seeming. ap-par'ent-ly, adv. [8]. ap/pa-ri'tion (ǎp/a-rish'un), n. 1. Act of becoming apparent; appearance. 2. The thing appearing; visible object; form. 3. A preternatural or unexpected appearance; ghost; specter; phantom. Syn. See GHOST.

ap-peal' (ǎ-pēl'), v. t. Law. To take an appeal of. -v. i. 1. Law. To make or take an appeal. 2. To call on another to decide a matter controverted, to vindicate one's rights, conduct, taste, etc. Hence: To call on one for aid or sympathy;- with to. n. 1. Law. A proceeding by which a cause is brought to a superior court for reëxamination; also, right of taking such proceeding. 2. A call on a person, a faculty of mind, or any kind of authority, for proof or decision in one's favor; a call for help or a favor; entreaty.-ap-peal'ing-ly, adv. [8]. ap-pear' (-pēr'), v. i. 1. To come or be in sight; become visible; as, "God said, Let... the dry land appear" (Gen. i. 9). 2. To attend before some authority or tribunal, either in person or by attorney, to answer a charge, plead a cause, etc.; as, he must appear in court. 3. To come before the public; as, the actor will appear in a new play; his book appeared last year. 4. To become visible or clear to the mind; be obvious or manifest; as, his kindness appears in his acts. 5. To seem; look; as, he appears wise. Syn. See SEEM.

ap-pear'ance (-ăns), n. 1. Act of appearing. 2. Semblance; external show. 3. Manner of appearing; look; aspect; air. 4. A thing seen; phenomenon; apparition.

Syn. APPEARANCE, ASPECT. Appearance refers to the outward look or semblance; aspect, to a particular or significant phase of appearance; as, the sky, which already had a gloomy appearance, suddenly assumed a threatening aspect.

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or noun, in distinction from a proper name or noun. 2. The word by which a person or thing is called; appellation; descriptive name. a. 1. Of or pertaining to a common name; denominative; naming. 2. Gram. Common, as opposed to proper. appel-lee' (ape-le'), n. Law. The person against whom an appeal is taken.

ap-pend' (ă-pend'), v. t. J. To hang or attach, as by a string, so as to suspend; as, a seal appended to a record. 2. To add as accessory; annex; as, notes appended to a chapter. Syn. See ATTACH. ap-pend'age (-pen/daj), n. Something appended to a principal or greater thing; an appurtenance; a subordinate part.

Inflammation of the

ap-pen'di-ces (a-pěn'dĭ-sēz), n., of APPENDIX. ap-pen/di-ci'tis (-si'tis), n. vermiform appendix.

ap-pen'dix (a-pen'dĭks), n.; pl. E. -DIXES (-dĭksěz), L.-DICES (-di-sez). 1. Matter added to a book but not necessarily essential to its completeness, as a body of notes. 2. Anat. An outgrowth; appendage; esp., the vermiform appendix. ap/per-tain' (ăp/ĕr-tān'), v. i. To belong or pertain by right, nature, appointment, or custom; relate. ap'pe-tite (ap'e-tit), n. 1. An inherent or habitual desire or propensity for some personal gratification of body or mind; craving; longing; as, an appetite for knowledge. 2. Desire for, or relish of, food or drink; hunger.

ap'pe-tiz/er (-tizer), n. That which stimulates appetite.

ap'pe-tiz/ing (-tiz/Ing), p. a. [4] Exciting appetite. ap-plaud' (-plôd'), v. i. To express approbation loudly, emphatically, or significantly.-v. t. 1. To show approval of by clapping the hands, acclamation, etc. 2. To praise; approve; extol; magnify. ap-plause' (-plôz'), n. Act of applauding; public approbation; acclaim; commendation. ap-plau'sive (-plô'sĭv), a. Expressing applause. ap'ple (ap/l), n. 1. The pome fruit of any of certain trees of a family including the quince, pear, etc. 2. A tree that bears apples. See TREE, Illust. Apple of Discord. Gr. Myth. A golden apple inscribed, "for the beauty," which Eris threw among the gods at the marriage of Peleus and Thetis. See PARIS, 1.

ap-pli'ance (a-pli'ăns), n. 1. Act of applying. 2. Thing applied; device. Syn. See DEVICE. appli-ca-bil'i-ty (ǎp/lĭ-ka-bĭlĭ-ti), n. The quality of being applicable; pertinence. ap'pli-ca-ble (ǎp′lĭ-ka-b'l), a. [4] Capable of being applied; fit, suitable, or right to be applied. ap'pli-cant (-kănt), n. One who applies for something.

appli-ca'tion (-ka'shun), n. 1. Act of applying: as: a A laying on; as, the application of ointment to a sore. b Employment; use; as, the application of mathematics to navigation. c Assiduous attention; as, application to one's work. d Request; as, an application for a position. 2. A thing applied; a means; as, applications for the cure of lameness. 3. Capacity or fact of being practically applied or used; relevancy; as, the rule has no application to this case.

ap-peas'a-ble (ă-pēz'ȧ-b'l), a. Capable of being ap-ap-plied' (ǎ-plid'), p. a. Put to use; pursued for peased.

ap-pease'(-pez'), v. t. [1] To make quiet; calm; pacify. Syn. Conciliate, propitiate, assuage, allay. ap-pel'lant (ǎ-pěl'ănt), a. Appealing. -N. One who appeals.

some end outside of its own domain; -- said of various sciences, and distinguished from pure.

I appli'qué' (à/plē/kā'), a. [F.] Put on, as patterns on textiles; also, done or made in this way; as, appliqué work.

ap-pellate (-at), a. Pertaining to, or taking cog-ap-ply' (-pli'), v. t. [2] 1. To place in contact; put

nizance of, appeals; as, an appellate court. ap/pel-la'tion (Xp/e-la'shun), n. 1. Act of calling by a name. 2. An appellative.

ap-pel'la-tive (ă-pěl'à-tĭv), n. 1. A common name

or adjust (one thing to another); with to; as, to apply salve to a burn. 2. To use for a particular purpose, or in a particular case; devote; as, to apply money to the payment of debts. 3. To use as

chair; go; sing, ink; then, thin; nature, verdure; yet; zhz in azure. Numbers refer

[blocks in formation]

ble of apprehending, or quick to apprehend; apt; discerning. 2. Anticipative; fearful.ap/prehen'sive-ly, adv. [8]--hen'sive-ness, n. [8]. ap-pren'tice (ă-pren'tis), n. Que bound to serve another for a certain time in consideration of instruction in an art or trade, and formerly, usually, of maintenance.- v. t. [1] To bind or indentur as an apprentice.

relative or suitable to some person or thing; as, to | ap/pre-hen'sive (ăp'rê-hĕn'sĭv), a. [4] 1. Capaapply the testimony to the case. 4. To fix closely; engage and employ diligently, or with attention;as, "Apply thine heart unto instruction" (Prov. xxiii. 12). v. i. 1. To have connection (with) or relevancy (to); to have some agreement or analogy; as, the argument does not apply in this case. 2. To make request; have recourse (to) with a view to gain something; as, to apply to a friend for money. ap-point' (ǎ-point), v.t. 1. To fix firmly; establish; as, "he appointed the foundations of the earth" (Prov. viii. 29). 2. To fix by a decree, order, resolve, decision, or mutual agreement; constitute; ordain; as, they appointed a time for meeting. 3. To assign, designate, or set apart, by authority; as, this is the appointed place; he has been appointed postmaster. 4. To furnish in all points;

usually in p. p.; as, a well-appointed army. Syn. See FURNISH. v. i. To ordain; determine. ap-point'ee' (ă-poin'tē'), n. A person appointed. ap-poin❜tive (ǎ-poin'tĭv), a. That is filled by appointment; as, an appointive position.

ap-pren'tice-ship, n. Service or state of an ap-
prentice; time during which an apprentice serves.
ap-prise' (ă-priz′), v. t. [1] To give notice; in-
form; acquaint; advise.
ap-prize', v. t. [1] 1. To appraise. 2. To apprise.
ap-proach' (a-prōch'), v. i. & t. To come or go
near; draw nigh; approximate; also, to make ad-
vances to. n. 1. Act of approaching. 2. pl.
Maneuvers toward securing personal relations;
advances; as, to make approaches to the rich or
powerful. 3. A way by which a place can be ap-
proached; access. - ap-proach'a-ble, «. [8].
appro-ba’tion (ăprô-bāshăn), 2. Act of ap-

proving; approval; commendation. Syn. See


ap'pro-ba-tive (ǎpꞌrô-bâ-tĭv), a. Approving; expressing approbation.

ap-point'ment (a-point'měnt), n. 1. Act of appointing; as: a Stipulation; esp., an engagement for a meeting. b Designation of a person to hold an office, discharge a trust, etc. 2. That which is appointed or is the result of appointing: a Agree-ap-pro'pri-ate (ă-prō'prĭ-ât), a. [4] Set apart for ment; compact. b An office, station, or position; an assigned duty or service. c Equipment; furniture; outfit; - usually in pl.; as, the beautiful appointments of his house.-Syn. See OFFICE. ap-por'tion (ă-pōr′shăn), v. t. To assign in just proportion; portion out; allot. Syn. See ALLOT. ap-por'tion-ment (-měnt), n. Act of apportioning; that which is apportioned. ap/po-site (ǎp'o-zit), a. [4] Very applicable; well adapted.-ly, adv. [8]- -ness, n. [8]. ap/po-si'tion (ap'ô-zĭsh'un), n. 1. Juxtaposition. 2. Gram. The setting of a word or phrase beside another or in a parallel construction without a connective, as in "John, the apostle "; also, the relation so established; as, a noun in apposition (to another noun).

ap-prais'al (~-prāz'ăl), n. Act of appraising; also,
the value fixed in appraising.

ap-praise' (ă-prāz), v. t. [1] 1. To set a value on;
estimate the worth of, esp. officially. 2. To esti-
mate; conjecture. — ap-prais'er (-er), n. [8].
ap-pre'ci-a-ble (-prē'shi-a-b'l), a. [4] Capable of
being appreciated; perceptible.--a-bly, adr. [8].
ap-pre'ci-ate (-at), v. t. [1] 1. To value; estimate
justly; recognize or feel the worth of; esteem duly;
as, to appreciate a friend, kindness, etc. 2. To raise
the value of; - opposed to depreciate. 3. To be
sensible of; distinguish; as, the blind cannot ap-
preciate colors. v. i. To rise in value. — Syn.


a particular use or person. Hence: Belonging pe-
culiarly; suitable; fit; proper.- Syn. See FIT.-
(-at), v. l. [1] 1. To take to one's self or to claim
in exclusion of others; as, no one may appropriate
a common benefit. 2. To assign to a specific per-
son or use; as, to appropriate money for a battle-
ship. --ly, adv. [8] - -ness, n. [8].
ap-pro/pri-a'tion (-a'shun), n. 1. Act of appro-
priating. 2. That which is appropriated: esp.,
money set apart by formal action to a specific use.
ap-prov'al (-proovꞌăl), n. Act of approving; ap-
probation; sanction. -Syn. See ADMIRATION.
ap-prove' (ǎ-prōov'), v. t. [1] 1. To make proof
of; demonstrate; as, he now had an opportunity to
approve his courage. 2. To sanction officially;
ratify; confirm. 3. To regard as good; com-
mend. v. i. To pass or have a favorable opinion
(of); judge favorably. ap-prov'ing, p. a.
ap-prox'i-mate (ă-prõk'sI-mat), a. 1. Approach-
ing; proximate; resembling nearly. 2. Near to cor-
rectness; nearly exact.- ·(-māt), v. t. [1] 1. To
carry or advance near to; cause to approach. 2. To
come near to, approach. — v. i. To approach.
ap-prox'i-mate-ly, adv. [8].

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ap-prox/i-maʼtion (-mā'shun), n. 1. Act or result of approximating. 2. An approach to a correct estimate, or conception, etc., or to a given quantity, quality, etc.

ap-pur'te-nance (ǎ-pûr'tê-năns), n.

ap-pre/ci-a'tion (-a'shun), n. Act of appreciating;
as: a A valuation; estimate; esp., due recognition
of worth. b A rise in value.
ap-pre'ci-a-tive (ă-prē'shĭ-â-tĭv), a. [4] Having
or showing appreciation.
appre-hend’ (ấp/re-hěnd”), v.

1. To arrest. 2. To become conscious or sensible of as existing; to anticipate, esp. with fear; as, he apprehends danger in every sound. 3. To lay hold of with the understanding; interpret the meaning of; as, to apprehend the truth in a parable. v. i. 1. To think, believe, or be of opinion; understand; suppose. 2. To be apprehensive; fear.

ap pre-hen'si-ble (-hen'sĭ-b'l), a. [4] That may
be apprehended or conceived.
ap/pre-hen'sion (-hen'shun), n. 1. Act of appre-
hending. 2. Opinion; conception. 3. The fac-
ulty by which ideas are conceived; understanding.

That which appertains to something; adjunct; something incident to a principal or more important thing.Syn. See APPENDAGE. ap-pur'te-nant (-nănt), a. Annexed to some more important thing; accessory; incident. a'pri-cot (a'prĭ-kōt; ǎp/rĭ-), n. The oval, orangecolored fruit of a certain tree of the plum family, intermediate in flavor between a peach and a plum; also, the tree. A'pril (a'prĭl), n.

The fourth month. April fool. One who is sportively imposed upon on the first day of April, called "All Fools' Day" a'pron (a'prun), n. 1. An article of dress worn on the fore part of the body as a covering or to protect the clothes. 2. Something suggestive of an apron in shape or use. ap'ro-pos' (ap/ro-põ′), adv. & a. [4] 1. Oppor tunely; opportune; seasonable. 2. To the purpose; suitably.

ale, senate, câre, ăm, account, ärm, åsk, sofi; ēve, êvent, ĕnd, recent, makēr; ice, ill;


apse (aps), n.; pl. APSES (ap'sěz). Arch. A projecting part of a building, esp. of a church, usually semicircular in plan. apt (apt), a. [3] 1. Fit or suited; suitable: appropriate; as, au apt expression; apt words. 2. Having a habitual tendency (see the Syn., below). 3. Ready; quick to learn; expert; as, an apt pupil. Syn. APT, LIKELY, LIABLE, SUBJECT. An impulsive person is apt, or havitually inclined, to blunder; an angry dog is likely to, or in all probability will, bite; being placed at a disadvantage by circumstances and exposed to probable harm, an engineer is liable to accident; children are liable to be imposed upon; an epileptic is subject, or constantly liable, to fits.

apt'i-tude (ǎp'ti-tūd), n. 1. Natural or acquired capacity for a particular purpose, or tendency to a particular action or effect; as, an aptitude for commanding. 2. General fitness; adaptation; as, the aptitude of an expression to an idea to be conveyed. 3. Readiness in learning; aptness; as, he has an aptitude for science.

apt'ly (ǎpt/li), adv. In an apt manner. apt'ness, n. Quality or state of being apt. la'qua (a'kwa), n. [L.] Water. - aqua fortis (fôr'tis), nitric acid.a. regia (re'ji-a), Chem., mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, which will dissolve gold or platinum.-a. vita (vi'tē), formerly, alcohol; hence, brandy or other ardent spirit.

a'qua-ma-rine (-ma-ren'),n. A transparent beryl, typically bluish green, used as a gem. a-qua'ri-um (a-kwā'rĭ-um), n. pl. E. -RIUMS (-umz), L. -RIA (-a). 1. An artificial pond, or a vessel of water, in which living aquatic animals or plants are kept. 2. A place for the care and exhibition of such aquatic collections.

A-qua'ri-us (-us), n. Astron. a A constellation south of Pegasus, sometimes represented by the figure of a man pouring water from a vase. b The eleventh sign of the zodiac.

a-quat'ic (a-kwǎtik), a. Of or pertaining to water; growing in or frequenting water. n. 1. An aquatic animal or plant. 2. pl. Sports or exercises practiced in or on the water. aq'ue-duct (ak'wê-dukt), n. 1. Any conduit for water, esp. one for a large quantity of flowing water. 2. A structure for conveying a canal over

a river or hollow.

a'que-ons (a'kwê-us), a. [4] 1. Of, or of the nature of, water, or abounding with it; watery; as, an aqueous vapor. 2. Produced by water; as, an aqueous solution.

aq'ui-line (ǎk/wi-lin;-lin), a. [4] Curving; prominent, like the beak of an eagle;-esp. of the nose. Ar'ab (arab), n. 1. A Semite of the race which from the earliest known time has occupied the Arabian peninsula and is now widely spread in Asia and Africa. 2. A horse of Arabian breed. 3. STREET ARAB. a. Arabian. ar'a-besque' (-ȧ-běsk'), n. A kind of ornamentation consisting of a fantastic pattern of plants or fruits, foliage, etc., often with figures of men or animals (except in Moorish and Arabic art), and usually in combination with a geometric design. A-ra'bi-an (d-rā'bĭ-ăn), a. Of or pert. to Arabia or Arabs; Arabic.-n. A native of Arabia; Arab. Ar'a-bic (ar'a-bik), a. Arabian.n. The Semitic language of the Arabs.- Arabic numerals or figures, the nine digits, 1, 2, 3, etc., and the cipher 0. ar'a-ble (-b'l), a. [4] Fit for, or cultivated by, plowing or tillage.

A-rach'ne (d-rǎk'nē), n. Gr. Myth. A Lydian maiden turned into a spider by Minerva for competing with her in weaving and embroidery. a-rach'nid (-nid), n. Zool. Any of a class (Arachnida) of arthropods including the spiders, scorpions, eto.

[blocks in formation]

ar'ba-lest (är'ba-lěst) n. ar'ba-list (är'ba-list) ar'bi-ter (-bi-ter), n. 1. A


A kind of crossbow anciently used. See Illust.


having power to decide a dispute; arbitrator. 2. Any person having absolute power of judging and determining.

ar-bit'ra-ment (är-bit'ra-ment), n. Act of deciding as an arbiter; an arbitration. ar'bi-tra-ry (ärbi-tra-ri),a. [4] Exercised according to, or based on, one's own will or caprice; despotic or tyrannical; capricious; uncertain.-ar'bitra-ri-ly (-tra-ri-li), adv. [8]--ri-ness, n. [8]. ar'bi-trate (-trat), v. t. & i.[1] 1. To hear and decide, or to act, as arbitrator; hence, to decide; determine. 2. To submit to arbitration.

ar bi-tra'tion (-tra'shun), n. Act of arbitrating; esp., the hearing and determining of a cause in controversy by a person or persons either chosen by the parties involved in the controversy or appointed.

ar'bi-tra'tor (är bi-tra/ter), n. 1. A person chosen or appointed to settle a difference between parties in controversy; an arbiter. 2. One who has absolute power of deciding. = ARBITER, 2. ar'blast (-blåst). Var. of ARBA LEST.

ar'bor (-ber), n. [5] A kind of latticework formed

of, or covered with, vines, branches of trees, or other plants, for shade; a bower.

ar'bor, n. Mech. a A main shaft or beam. b A Arbor Day. A day in late April or early May, spindle or axle. appointed in most of the United States for planting trees and shrubs.

ar-bo're-al (är-bo'rê-al), a. 1. Of, pertaining to, or like, a tree or trees. 2. Attached to or frequenting trees.

ar bor vi'tæ, or ar bor-vi'ta (är bor-vi'tē), n. ar bu-tus (är'bu-tus; är-bu'tus), n. Short for trailAny of certain trees of the pine family. ing arbutus, a trailing plant of the heath family of the U. S., blossoming early; the Mayflower. arc (ärk), n. 1. Geom. A portion of a curved line. 2. An object of an arclike curvature. 3. Elec. A sustained luminous glow formed under certain conditions when a break is made in an electric circuit. It is used in various kinds of lights, called arc lights. v. i.; ARCKED or ARCED (ärkt); ARCKING OF ARC'ING (är'king). Elec. To form an electric arc.

ar-cade' (är-kad'), n. 1. Architecture. a A series

of arches with their columns or piers. b A long, arched building or gallery. 2. An arched or Covered way or avenue, as be

tween shops.


Ar-ca'di-a (-ka'dĭ-a), n. Also, Poetic, Ar'ca-dy
(är'ka-di). A mountainous district of Greece,
which was reputed to be inhabited by a simple,
contented, pastoral people. Fig., any region or
scene of simple pleasure and quiet.
Ar-ca'di-an (är-kā'dĭ-in), a. Of or pertaining to,
or characteristic of, Arcadia. Syn. See RURAL.
ar-ca'num (-ka'num), n.; L. pl. -CANA (-na). 1. A

chair; go; sing, ink; then, thin; nature, verdure; yet; zh-z in azure. Numbers refer

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