

Limestone and sand - gravel and clay
Are under our feet; · dig*, dig* away,
Iron and lead copper and tin

Silver and gold, — dig* deeper in.

Flint for our glass

clay for our bricks

Slate for our roofs, sharpen the picks.

Brimstone for matches salt for our food

Coal for our firing, - better than wood.
Diamonds bright

emeralds and rubies

Will not be found* by idlers and boobies.
Dig*, dig* away who would be* poor?

Hard work, I say*, is the true Koh-i-noor(1).

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(1) Koh-i-noor, nom d'un fameux diamant rapporté de l'Inde par

les Anglais.


I lay in sorrow, deep distressed :
My grief a proud man heard*;

His looks were cold, he gave* me gold,
But not a kindly word.

My sorrow passed;

I paid him back

The gold he gave* to me;

Then stood* erect and spoke* my thanks,
And blessed his charity.

I lay* in want, in grief and pain:

A poor man passed my way;

He bound* my head, he gave* me bread,

He watched me night and day.

How shall I pay* him back again

For all he did* to me?

Oh! gold is great, but greater far
Is heavenly sympathy.

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Sorrow, tristesse
Thanks, remerci-

Watch (to), veiller
Want, besoin


(1) Dans prayeth, il y a deux syllabes; la seconde est formée par la terminaison poétique eth (pour s), employée aussi dans le langage biblique.


Quick! close the casements

shut the doors

And o'er the crackling faggots throw*
Another log or two;

Hark! how the sullen north wind roars,

As rushing o'er the drifted snow
It sweeps the valley through!

The night is bleak.

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My friends, draw* near

The blazing hearth; around it flings*
A welcome warm and free;

Fill ev'ry glass another year

Is close at hand, perchance it brings*
Good luck to you and me.

Fill, neighbours, fill a truce to care,
To gloomy musings on the past -
New days are on your track;

You're twelve months older than you were,
Be wiser then! time flies* so fast
'Tis useless looking back.

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My friends! cheer up

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a brimming glass,
A bright new year! and health to all!
Fill bumpers neighbours, fill!
Improve (1) the moments as they pass,
Seek* not past troubles to recall,
Nor look for future ill.



A French gentleman, walking about a card-room, approached one of the tables where the parties happened to have scored two each; and understanding* very little English, he addressed one of the gentlemen thus: "How is the game?" - The latter very naturally replied: We are two to two." The Frenchman did not quite understand* the reply and turning to the next table where the parties were also two each, he repeated his question, and was answered: "We are two to two too" "Toutoutou, and toutoutoutou!" exclaimed the Frenchman, and he turned away in a rage, thinking* they were laughing (2) at him.

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Little bird, with bosom (1) red,
Welcome to my humble shed;
Daily near my table steal*
While I pick my scanty meal*.
Doubt not, little though there be,
But I'll cast* a crumb to thee;
Well rewarded if I spy

Pleasure in thy glancing eye;

See* thee, when thou'st ate* thy fill,
Plume thy breast, and wipe thy bill.
Come*, my feather'd friend, again,
Well thou know'st* the broken* pane,
Ask of me thy daily store,
Ever welcome to my door.

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