
Here the circles B are tangent to the circle A at the points of division. Furthermore, considering areas, and taking r as the radius of A, we have A = r2, and

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

At the close of plane geometry teachers may find it helpful to have the class make a list of the propositions that are actually used in proving other propositions, and to have it appear what ones are proved by them. This forms a kind of genealogical tree that serves to fix the parent propositions in mind. Such a work may also be carried on at the close of each book, if desired. It should be understood, however, that certain propositions are used in the exercises, even though they are not referred to in subsequent propositions, so that their omission must not be construed to mean that they are not important.

An exercise of distinctly less value is the classification of the definitions. For example, the classification of polygons or of quadrilaterals, once so popular in textbook making, has generally been abandoned as tending to create or perpetuate unnecessary terms. Such work is therefore not recommended.



There have been numerous suggestions with respect to solid geometry, to the effect that it should be more closely connected with plane geometry. The attempt has been made, notably by Méray in France and de Paolis in Italy, to treat the corresponding propositions of plane and solid geometry together; as, for example, those relating to parallelograms and parallelepipeds, and those relating to plane and spherical triangles. Whatever the merits of this plan, it is not feasible in America at present, partly because of the nature of the college-entrance requirements. While it is true that to a boy or girl a solid is more concrete than a plane, it is not true that a geometric solid is more concrete than a geometric plane. Just as the world developed its solid geometry, as a science, long after it had developed its plane geometry, so the human mind grasps the ideas of plane figures earlier than those of the geometric solid.

There is, however, every reason for referring to the corresponding proposition of plane geometry when any given proposition of solid geometry is under consideration, and frequent references of this kind will be made in speaking of the propositions in this and the two succeeding chapters. Such reference has value in the apperception of the various laws of solid geometry, and it also adds an interest to the subject and creates some

approach to power in the discovery of new facts in relation to figures of three dimensions.

The introduction to solid geometry should be made slowly. The pupil has been accustomed to seeing only plane figures, and therefore the drawing of a solid figure in the flat is confusing. The best way for the teacher to anticipate this difficulty is to have a few pieces of cardboard, a few knitting needles filed to sharp points, a pine board about a foot square, and some small corks. With the cardboard he can illustrate planes, whether alone, intersecting obliquely or at right angles, or parallel, and he can easily illustrate the figures given in the textbook in use. There are models of this kind for sale, but the simple ones made in a few seconds by the teacher or the pupil have much more meaning. The knitting needles may be stuck in the board to illustrate perpendicular or oblique lines, and if two or more are to meet in a point, they may be held together by sticking them in one of the small corks. Such homely apparatus, costing almost nothing, to be put together in class, seems much more real and is much more satisfactory than the German models.1

An extensive use of models is, however, unwise. The pupil must learn very early how to visualize a solid from the flat outline picture, just as a builder or a mechanic learns to read his working drawings. To have a model for each proposition, or even to have a photograph or a stereoscopic picture, is a very poor educational policy. A textbook may properly illustrate a few propositions by photographic aids, but after that the pupil should use

1 These may be purchased through the Leipziger Lehrmittelanstalt, Leipzig, Germany, which will send catalogues to intending


the kind of figures that he must meet in his mathematical work. A child should not be kept in a perambulator all his life, he must learn to walk if he is to be strong and grow to maturity; and it is so with a pupil in the use of models in solid geometry.1

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The case is somewhat similar with respect to colored crayons. They have their value and their proper place, but they also have their strict limitations. It is difficult to keep their use within bounds; pupils come to use them to make pleasing pictures, and teachers unconsciously fall into the same habit. The value of colored crayons is twofold: (1) they sometimes make two planes stand out more clearly, or they serve to differentiate some line that is under consideration from others that are not; (2) they enable a class to follow a demonstration more easily by hearing of "the red plane perpendicular to the blue one," instead of "the plane MN perpendicular to the plane PQ." But it should always be borne in mind that in practical work we do not have colored ink or colored pencils commonly at hand, nor do we generally have colored crayons. Pupils should therefore become accustomed to the pencil and the white crayon as the regulation tools, and in general they should use them. The figures may not be as striking, but they are more quickly made and they are more practical.

The definition of "plane" has already been discussed in Chapter XII, and the other definitions of Book VI are not of enough interest to call for special remark. The axioms are the same as in plane geometry, but there is

1 An excellent set of stereoscopic views of the figures of solid geometry, prepared by E. M. Langley of Bedford, England, is published by Underwood & Underwood, New York. Such a set may properly have place in a school library or in a classroom in geometry, to be used when it seems advantageous.

at least one postulate that needs to be added, although it would be possible to state various analogues of the postulates of plane geometry if we cared unnecessarily to enlarge the number.

The most important postulate of solid geometry is as follows: One plane, and only one, can be passed through two intersecting straight lines. This is easily illustrated, as in most textbooks, as also are three important corollaries derived from it:

1. A straight line and a point not in the line determine a plane. Of course this may be made the postulate, as may also the next one, the postulate being placed among the corollaries, but the arrangement here adopted is probably the most satisfactory for educational purposes.

2. Three points not in a straight line determine a plane. The common question as to why a three-legged stool stands firmly, while a four-legged table often does not, will add some interest at this point.

3. Two parallel lines determine a plane. This requires a slight but informal proof to show that it properly follows as a corollary from the postulate, but a single sentence suffices.

While studying this book questions of the following nature may arise with an advanced class, or may be suggested to those who have had higher algebra:

How many straight lines are in general (that is, at the most) determined by n points in space? Two points determine 1 line, a third point adds (in general, in all these cases) 2 more, a fourth point adds 3 more, and an nth point n-1 more. Hence the maximum is n(n-1), which the pupil 1+2+3++ (n-1), or


will understand if he has studied arithmetical progression.

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