
source ill adapted to fructification; and consequently Fruit Trees under such circumstances are generally found to be of a cold, aqueous, and unprolific nature.

On the contrary, when a soil is light, porous," and shallow, the Roots, meeting no obstruction, divide and form a great number of fibrils, which ranging horizontally, and being more exposed to the effect of the sun and air, incline a tree more to become fructiferous, than to an increase of wood or an extension of branches. And in such a situation, the greatest supply of food being appropriated to the production of fruit, the tree grows but little in size.

It is remarked by Hitt on this part of the subject: "I have made observations on the productions of most kinds of soil, and found the most healthy old Peach and Nectarine Trees growing on a brown-coloured loam, with a rock about a foot from the surface of the borders. From this I conclude, that it will be a good method to lay a floor of broad stones or planks under the Roots of Fruit Trees, where there is not a natural rock, which will prevent the Roots from sinking too much below the surface; for the tap or downright Roots may produce vigorous shoots, yet they are but seldom well furnished with blossom-buds. When all the Roots of a Tree are near the surface of the borders, it blossoms best, being well furnished with small branches, which are not so subject to suffer by the honey-dews as thicker ones."

Mr. Knight, in his Treatise on the Apple and Pear, says, "The strongest and most highly flavoured liquor which has hitherto been obtained from the Apple, is produced by a soil which consists of a shallow loam on a limestone basis."

Miller, speaking of Fruit Trees, says, "And it sometimes happens that the Roots of Trees are buried too deep in the ground, which, in a cold or moist soil, is one of the greatest disadvantages that can attend tender Fruits; for the sap, which is contained in the branches, being by the warmth of the air put strongly into motion early in the Spring, is exhausted in nourishing the blossoms, and a part of it perspired through the wood-branches, so that its strength is lost before the warmth can reach to the shoots, to put them into an equal motion in search of fresh nourishment to supply the expense of the branches, for want of which the blossoms fall off and decay. And the shoots seem to be at a stand until the further advance of the warmth do penetrate to the Roots, and set them in motion, when suddenly after, the Trees which before looked weak and decaying, do make prodigious progress in their shoots, and before the Summer is spent, are furnished with much stronger branches than those Trees which have the full advantage of sun and showers, and that are more fruitful and healthy; which must be certainly owing to the former observations, as also to their drawing in a great quantity of crude moisture, which, although productive of food, is yet unkindly for Fruit."

He also says, "Some authors who treat of the qualities of the earth, say that it ought to be of the same quality, three or four feet deep, for Trees, which, if they have not that depth, will languish and decay after they have been planted six years. But this is not true in fact: for most Trees will thrive very well if they have two feet depth of good earth, especially Fruit Trees, which produce the most generous Fruits when their Roots spread near the surface of the earth."

Whether we consider the effects here stated to be produced by the Roots being kept more within the influence of the sun and air, or by the peculiar nature of the food supplied by the soil in that situation, it operates in support of one and the same principle, viz. that it is necessary the Roots should be kept near the surface; for whether that which supplies the food of Plants be a red, a black, or a brown loam, or sand or clay, the proper quality of food to induce fructification, and produce the highest flavoured fruits, can only be furnished within a certain depth from the surface, or within the proper influence of the sun and air.

Mrs. Ibbetson has given a Theory which directly opposes those Practical Observations and Conclusions; when speaking of the Roots of Plants, she says, "The endeavours I have made to collect facts sufficient to prepare myself to give an exact account of the laws by which the Root is regulated, the powers which govern it in its exterior as well as interior form, the parts which compose, and the

mechanism which moves it, has at length given me courage sufficient to venture on my task, and if I do not thoroughly satisfy my readers, I shall still show many things perfectly unknown, and at a further time, I shall hope to add circumstances that may render it more complete and more worthy the attention of the public, at least I can promise that I shall advance nothing but what all may ascertain the truth of, nor enter into any detail that may not be proved to be just and true, by those who will take the trouble of seeking both in dissection and practical Gardening, that knowledge which constant labour and watching has procured


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I certainly do not possess the powers of examination, or perhaps of dissection, to justify any criticisms on Mrs. Ibbetson's representations of what she has seen; but as the connection, application, and use of the different parts as seen and described by her, are in a great measure conjectural, I may perhaps, without presumption, venture to offer a few remarks on her opinion of the process of nature. She says, "It is the Tap Root which always forms the leading shoot of the tree, and if it is cut, it will without doubt spoil that part, by forming two middle stems to the tree, at least I have generally found this to be the case; and as the beauty of the tree depends much on the perpendicular height of its single pillar, the custom they have in most nurseries of curtailing the Tap Root is a most vicious one."

She also says, "What is the use of the Tap Root? by shooting perpendicularly down to fix the tree firmly to the ground and keep it straight in that position."

This appears to me a conjecture, neither supported by the observations of nature, nor the principles of science..

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What person possessing the least knowledge of mechanics, could ever expect that a pole, with any substance fixed at its top, exposing a large surface to the winds, could remain straight in its perpendicular position when set in the earth, without + Both Mb horizontal fixtures Indeed the elm, one of the day tallest-growing trees, is seldom if ever found with Kath a Tap Root, but is supported straight in its per- but pendicular position wholly by horizontal or lateralould be retain Roots. The authoress proceeds, "Thus it is surrounded by radicles which perpetually pump up from every different soil as it proceeds in depth, what other Roots cannot attain, matter, which mixed with what the higher grounds bestow, serves to bring a variety to compound the different ingredients required for the various nourishment of the tree; probably minerals are wanted to form the juices of the bark; and I doubt not that the deep descent of the Tap Root is most necessary to the health and vigour of the tree. How improper then is the custom of cutting it, and curtailing also many of the other Roots, each of which has its appropriate branch, which will of course suffer in decay, for the dilapidations produced by the igno

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