
army, [14]; ordnance supply of
arms to the Spanish government,
[165]; reduction of the yeomanry;
promotion in the marines, [166]; the
budget, intended issue of exche-
quer bills, the Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer, [167]; Mr. W. Williams,
[169]; Mr. Goulburn, Sir J. Reid's
remarks on the honourable conduct
of the American merchants, repeal of
the Corn-laws, Mr. Villiers, [170];
Sir William Molesworth, majority
against the motion, 205, Colonel Seale's
motion relative to bonded corn, [172];
carried on a division of 127 to 92, but
thrown out on the second reading;
augmentation of the allowance to the
Duke of Sussex, Mr. Gillon, objec.
tions of Lord J. Russell, [173]; mo-
tion negatived; Mr. Hume's motion
for suspending the allowance of the
Duke of Cumberland, rejected; Lord
Lord Canterbury's claim for compen
sation, rejected, [174]; the Danish
claimants, [175]; Mr. Creswell's
motion, [176]; carried by a majority
of 115 to 81, [177]; Mr. Gillon's mo-
tion for a repeal of the Soap Duties,
negatived, [178]; abolition of grand
juries, Mr. Pryme, Sir R. Peel, Bill
lost by a majority of 196 to 25; courts
of quarter session, Lord J. Russell,
[180]; imprisonment for debt, The
Lord Chancellor, [181]; recovery of
tenements; custody of infants, Mr.
Serjeant Talfourd, [182]; Sir E.
Sugden, bill lost on second reading
in the House of Lords; copyright,
[183]; the Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer, [184]; Lord J. Russell's
opposition to the bill, [186]; Lord
Brougham; Registration of Electors
Bill, Lords amendments; oaths ad-
ministration, Lord Denman, [187];
bill thrown out by a majority of 32
to 16; appointment of magistrates,
Earl of Harewood, [188]; the Lord
Chancellor, [189]; the Duke of
Wellington, Lord Holland, Lord
Wharncliffe, [190]; Earl of Had-
dington, Lord Lyndhurst; appoint-
ment of sheriffs, Ireland, [191];
Earl of Mulgrave, Lord Brougham,
[192]; Lord Plunkett, Lord Abin-
ger, Marquess Clanricarde, [193];
Marquess of Londonderry's motion
on the Irish magistracy, Earl of
Mulgrave, [194]; operation of the
new Poor-law, committee appointed,
Mr. Fielden's motion for a repeal re-
jected by a majority of 292; the

Dudley dietary, the Bishop of
Exeter; [198]; Lord Radnor, Lord
Brougham, [199]; hand-loom wea-
vers, Mr. Fielden, [203]; Glasgow
cotton-spinners, Lord Brougham,
Mr. Wakley, Mr. O'Connell, [207];
the Chancellor of the Exchequer,
committee appointed, [208]; factory
children, Lord Ashley, Sir R. Peel,
[209]; Mr. Fox Maule, Mr. O'Con-
nell, [210]; Lord J. Russell, Mr.
Hume, [211]; Beer Bill, Lord
Brougham, Duke of Wellington,
Lord F. Egerton, the Chancellor of
the Exchequer, [212]; report of
the pension list committee, [213];
John Thom, alias Sir W. Courteney;
debate concerning, Sir E. Knatch-
bull, Lord J. Russell, Sir H. Vi-
vian, altercation relative to the ap -
pointment of the committee, [219];
Lord Howick, [220]; Mr. E. L.
Bulwer, Mr. Praed; re-appointment
of the committee on church lands,
[221]; opposed by Mr. Liddell,
Mr. Hume, [222]; Mr. Goulburn,
Sir R. Peel, [223]; Pluralities aboli-
tion; Act empowering clergymen to
be members of Joint Stock Com-
panies, [224]; Church of Scotland,
Earl of Aberdeen, [225]; Lord Mel-
bourne, [226]; continuance of the
bishopric of Sodor and Man; Church
Discipline Bill, Bishop of Exeter,
[227]; Archbishop of Canterbury,
Bill withdrawn, [228]; annual grant
to Dissenters objected to by radical
members; national education, Lord
Brougham, [229]; present state of
schools, [230]; explanation of the
system, [231]; Mr. Slaney's plan;
Mr. Wyse's motion for an address to
the Queen; Mr. Hume, Mr. Colqu
houn, [232]; Mr. Slaney, Lord John
Russell, [233]; motion negatived,
[234], attacks upon Lord Durham,
[2631; Lord Chandos motion, Lord
John Russell, [264]; Mr. Hume, Sir
R. Peel, [266]; Lord Palmerston,
[267]; appointment of Mr. Turton,
Earl of Winchelsea, Lord Melbourne,
Lord Wharncliffe, [268]; Sir E. Sug-
den's observations on the special
council; Lord Brougham's attack on
Lord Durham, [269]; Lord Glenelg,
Lord Melbourne, [270]; second read-
ing of the Indemnity Bill, [271];
Lord Brougham's speech, [272];
Lord Glenelg's reply, [274]; the Lord
Chancellor, [276]; Lord Lyndhurst,
[277]; Lord Melbourne, [2791;

Duke of Wellington, [280]; minis-
ters annul the entire ordinance, [281];
question as to the legality of Sir J.
Colborne's ordinances, [282]; Lord
Brougham declines to give an opinion
thereon, [283]; Lord Melbourne
withdraws the explanatory clause,
Bill read a third time, Lord Denman,
[284]; Lord John Russell brings the
subject before the House of Com-
mons, [287]; Lord Stanley's speech,
[289]; Mr. Leader, [291]; Mr.
Hawes, Sir W. Follett, [293]; the
Attorney-General, [296]; Sir E. Sug-
den, [297]; third reading, Mr.
Leader, Dr. Lushington, bill passed;
commercial relations, Lord Lynd-
hurst, [299]; Duke of Wellington,
[300]; "The Black Act," [301];
Mr. Ward moves for a committee,
[303]; Sir J. C. Hobhouse, [305];
Sir C. Grey, [306]; Sir J. Carnac,
Mr. Ward withdraws his motion,
[307]; Prorogation of Parliament,
the Speaker's address, the Queen's
speech, [308]; Sir R. Inglis's com-
memoration of the events of the
session, [309]
Patents, List of, 359



Peel, Sir Robert, dinner to at Mer-
chant Taylor's Hall, [116].
Penance performed by a woman,
PERU: Chilian expeditions, [497];
success on the Buenos Ayres frontier,
[499]; loss of Lima and Callao, [500]
Poetry, 380

Poisoning by a sea-snake, 3

Poor Law, New, unpopularity of, [197];
Report, [199]; Mr. Tufnell's report
for Kent and East Sussex, [201]; Mr.
Stevens' report for some of the north-
ern counties, [202]

PORTUGAL: State of the Finances,
[444]; offer of the Lisbon Bank,
[445]; street riots in Lisbon, [446];
91; new administration, inaugura-
tion of the new constitution, [447]
Miguelite guerillas, Remechido, his
capture and death; elections for the
Cortes, [448]; birth of the duke of
Oporto; the duke of Terceira re-
stored to favour, [449]

Postage, proposed reduction of, [312]
Precursor Society, institution of [313]
sulting from profuse grants of public
land; contract between the British
North American colonies and the
United States. [340]
Prize fight, fatal one, 40
Prize-fighters, sentenced, 112

Promotions, 185
PRUSSIA:- Commercial league, [472];
Archbishop of Cologne; Archbishop
of Posen; railway regulations, [473]

PUBLIC DOCUMENTS-Extracts of pa-
pers relative to the affairs of Lower
Canada, 297; despatch from Lord
Glenelg to the Earl of Gosford, 298;
from the Earl of Gosford to Lord
Glenelg, 302; Lord Durham's ordi-
nance, 304; and proclamation, 307;
despatch to Lord Glenelg, 309; In-
demnity Act, 310; and proclamation,
311; proclamation of the President
of the United States, 317; proclama-
tion of the King of Hanover, 319;
treaty of commerce between Austria
and Great Britain, 32b; Prussian
commercial union treaty, 323; Mes-
sage of the President of the United
States, 336

[ocr errors]

Public expenditure, 240 476 4 1923

Railway accidents, 22, 40, 109, 150,
156, 159

Registration Act, conviction under the,

Reversion of annuity, 65-

Review at Woolwich, 108; in Hyde
Park, 110

Riches accumulated by a convict at
Sydney, New South Wales, 110-
Riot-Election of churchwarden. 49
Robbery (alleged), of 12,0007. in sove-
reigns, 77, 93, 117

ROME:Address of the Pope concern-
ing the Archbishops of Cologne and
Posen, [474]

Royal Exchange, sale of materials, 50,


[blocks in formation]

Singular depravity-selling a child, 117
Sinking of earth in a mine, 148
Small v. Attwood, decision in the House
of Lords of this cause, 46, 47, 90
Soult, Marshal, his reception in London,
[137]; visit to the manufacturing
districts, 115

SPAIN: Ófalia administration, [419];
financial statement; claims of the
Infant Don Francisco, to a seat in the
senate, rejected; Espartero's procla-
mation, [421]; proceedings of the
Carlists; Basilio Garcia crosses the
Ebro, and enters Castile, followed by
Ulibarri, who is superseded by Par-
dinas; Garcia defeated; defeat of the
Carlists in Toledo by General Flinter,
[422]; Tallada defeated, and after-
wards executed; Garcia, beaten by
General Flinter at Val de Penas, re-
tires, and takes possession of Alma-
den, [423]; Cabrera takes Morella;
temporary occupation of Saragossa by
Cabanero; Negri defeated by Latre,
[424]; and by Espartero; appearance
of Muniagorri in the Basque pro-
vinces, retires to Bayonne; state of
parties at Don Carlos camp, [425];
Garcia harasses La Mancha, defeated
by Pardinas at Bejai; discontent of
the Navarese, Don Carlos quits Es-
tella, [426]; battle of Penecerrado,
Espartero defeats the Carlists under
Guergue, Marotto appointed to the
command of the Carlists; siege of
of Morella by Oraa, his failure,
[427]; Espartero quarrels with the
ministry, repasses the Ebro, [428];
battle of Maella, defeat and death of
Pardinas, horrible reprisals of Ca-
brera; and at Valencia, Murcia, Ali-
cant, and Saragossa, [429]; marriage
of Don Carlos; proceedings of the
Cortes; new loan, [430]; close of the
session, the Queen Regent's speech;
feebleness of the ministry, [431];
resignation; provincial deputation,
and reply of the Queen; appointment
of General Van Halen to the army
of the centre, [432]; new ministry;
Quiroga declares Madrid in a state of
siege, [433]; reassembling of the
Cortes, speech of the Queen Regent,
[434]; committee on the address,
[436]; the Duke de Frias defends his
policy, [437]; resignation of the mi-
nistry; convention of prime minis-
ters, [438]; dissensions of Espartero
and Narvaez; Espartero's letter to
the Queen, [440;] insurrection at Se-
ville, fomented by Cordova and Nar.

vaez, [441]; termination of the revolt,
[442]; new cabinet; Muniagorri
crosses the Bidassoa, [443]; state of
the war, [444]

Spring-heeled Jack, 23, 26

Steam-boat accidents, 38, 61, 91; "the
Victoria," 124

Steam-vessels on the Thames, important
decision concerning, 16
Stephens, Rev. Mr., his declamations
against the new Poor-law, [197];
apprehension of, 168

Stock, prices of, 269
Storms, 87, 90, 96, 109, 135, 151
Straw, average prices of, 270
Suffocation in a grave, 140
Suicides, 47, 48, 60, 80, 162
SWEDEN-Jewish disabilities removed

riots in Stockholm; treaties with
Norway, Russia, Greece, [475]
SWITZERLAND:-New Constitution of
Zurich; dissensions in the Canton of
Schweitz, [460]; dispute with France
relative to Louis Buonaparte, note
of the French Ambassador, [461];
Thurgau refuses to expel the Prince,
M. Molé's despatch to the Duke de
Montebello, [462]; adjournment of
the Diet, protest against the pre-
tensions of France; Louis Buona-
parte determines to retire from
Switzerland; military preparations,
[463]; Assembly and proceedings of
the Diet, [464]; answer to the de-
mand of France, [465]; departure of
Louis Buonaparte for England;
Prince Metternich's despatch to the
Austrian envoy; answer from the
authorities of Friburg to the English
minister relative to "the Pretender,"

Talleyrand, Prince, death, funeral and
will of, 78, 213

TEXAS: Proceedings of the legisla.
ture, [497]

Thames, championship of the, 155
Thames tunnel, irruption at the, 42
Thom, John, alias Sir W. Courteney,
history of, [217]; riot at Boughton,
84; death of Thom, 86; trial of his
followers, 123

Todmorden, riots at, 160
Trade of the United Kingdom, 253
Trades' Unions, general details of,
[203]; inaugural ceremonies, [204];
tyranny, constitution of, [205]; pro-
hibition of task work; strikes gene-
rally take place when trade is most
prosperous; trial and conviction of
the Glasgow cotton-spinners, [206], 6

TURKEY:-reforms of the Sultan: sana-
tory laws, [477]; embellishment of
the capital; commercial treaty with
Great Britain, [478]. See EGYPT,


UNITED STATES: President's mes-
sage, [482]; report of the Secretary
of the Treasury, [483]; the Cana-
dian rebellion; request of the Pre-
sident for an extension of the execu-
tive power, [484]; the affair of the
"Caroline;" debate in the Chamber
of Representatives, [485]; speech
of Mr. Rhett, [486]; Bill for the
Preservation of Neutrality, passes
the Senate, [487]; but is rejected by
the House of Representatives; a
second Bill passes both Houses;
Pre-emption Bill, [488]; the Sub-
treasury Bill passes the Senate, but
is thrown out by the House of Repre-
sentatives; resumption of payments
in specie, [489]; issue of Treasury
notes; elections; decline in popu-
larity of the Van Buren party, [490];
Maine boundary question, [491];
war with the Seminole Indians; re-
moval of the Cherokees; convention
with Russia relative to the north-
west coast, [492]; Texian Govern-
ment acknowledged; second Cana-
dian revolt; President's proclama.

tion, [493] See PUBLIC Docu-


URUGUAY:-civil war; success of Ge-
neral Riviera; the President abdi-
cates, [502]

Vesuvius, eruption of, 121
Vote by ballot, 142

Walking-match, great one, 26, 149
Water-spouts, 121, 140
Waterford, Marquess of:-Public-house
house patronized by him, 66; indict-
ment against, 119
Ways and Means, 249
Weather, state of the, 12, 17, 18, 20,

Wellesley, Marquess of, donation of the
East India Company to, 46

WEST INDIES:- Renewal of the anti-
slavery agitation, [344]; Bill for the
Amendment of Abolition of Slavery
Act, [345]; Sir W. Colebrook's abor-
tive plan for consolidating the legis-
latures of the Leeward Islands [360].
Working classes, disaffection among,

Worksop manor, sale of, 64
WURTEMBERG: Resolution of the
Chamber of Deputies relative to the
affairs of Hanover, [466].


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