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Manch. Stat. Soc., 1881-82
The silver question and the gold
4th ed., 8vo. 1894
The disturbance in the standard of
2nd ed., 8vo. 1896
Barham (Charles). Remarks on the
abstract of the parish registers of
Tavistock, Devon.

Stat. Jl., vol. 4, 1841
Barker (George Fisher Russell) and
Daughlish (Milverton Godfrey).
Historical and political handbook.
8vo. 1886
Bernard (Frederick A. P.). The metric
system of weights and measures.
Revised edition.
8vo. 1872
Barnes (W.). Reports of the delegates,
W. Barnes, E. M. Snow and E.
Young, to the International Statis-
tical Congress held at St. Petersburg
in August, 1872.

Con. Int. Stat., 1875
Barnett (George E.). State banks
since the passage of the National
Bank Act.



J. Hopkins Univ., vol. 20, 1902
A trial bibliography of American
trade union publications.
Id., vol. 22, 1904
Barois (J.). L'irrigation en Egypte.
La. 8vo. 1887
Barrett (Rosa M.). Foreign legislation
for destitute and neglected children.
Stat. Soc. Irel., 2 parts, 1891-96
Treatment of juvenile offenders,
with statistics of their numbers.
(Howard Medal Essay).

Stat. J., vol. 63, 1900
Barrett (William) and McCann
(Hugh J.). The law of the labourers
and the labourers' question [Ireland].
8vo. 1906

Barrington (Richard M.). The prices
of some agricultural produce and
cost of farm labour for the past
fifty years. Stat. Soc. Irel., 1886-87
- The drought of 1887, and some of
its effects upon Irish agriculture.
Id., 1887-88

Barrington (Richard M.) (contd.).
Notes on the prices of Irish agricul-
tural produce.
Id., 1892-93
Barrister. See [BYLES (Rt. Hon. Sir
J. B.)].

Barron (Sir Henry). Turkish finance,
1867; Taxation of Turkey, 1869.

2 parts in 1 vol., la. 8vo. 1867-70
Eight reports on the manufactures
and commerce of Belgium.

8vo. 1867-83
Bartholemew (J. G.). Atlas of the
world's commerce.
Fol. 1906
Barry (Sir David). On the statistics of
epidemic cholera in Great Britain
between November, 1831, and De-
cember, 1832.

Stat. Soc. (Proceedings), 1834-35
Bartlett (James Herbert). The manu-
facture, consumption and produc-
tion of iron, steel and coal, in
Canada, with notes on manufacture
of iron, and on the iron trade in
other countries.
8vo. 1885.
Bartley (Sir George C. T.). The schools
for the people; containing the his-
tory, development, and present work-
ing of each description of English
school for the industrial and poorer
8vo. 1871.
Barton (John). The influence of sub-
division of the soil on the moral and
physical well-being of the people of
England and Wales.

Stat. Jl., vol. 13, 1850
Bascome (E.). History of epidemic
pestilences from the earliest ages,
1495 years before the birth of our
Saviour, to 1848; with researches
into their nature, causes, and pro-
8vo. 1851
Baskerville (Beatrice C.). The Polish
Jew his social and economic value.
8vo. 1906
Bastable (Charles Francis). Irish
export trade in butter, with special
reference to the regulations of the
corn market. Stat. Soc. Irel., 1880-82
Some economic conditions of indus-
trial development, with special refer-
ence to the case of Ireland.


Id., 1883-84
- Considerations on the proposed
alteration in the gold coinage of the
United Kingdom.

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Monetary reform.

Id., 1883-84

Id., 1885

Considerations on the industrial
remuneration conference. Id., 1885
Theory of international trade, with
some of its applications to economic
Sm. 8vo. 1887

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Bateman (Sir Alfred Edmund) (contd.). Customs tariffs. Id., vol. 48, 1885 Possibility and method of making more comparable the foreign trade returns of the various countries. I. S. I., vol. 2, 1887 - Rapport de la comparabilité de la statistique commerciale.

Id., 1887-88

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Id., 1890-91

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What is seen and what is not seen, or political economy in one lesson. Translated by W. B. Hodgson. 12mo. 1859. Harmonies of political economy. Translated from the French; with a notice of the life and writings of the author, by P. J. Stirling.

2 vols., 8vo. 1860-70 Economic sophisms. Translated from the 5th edit. of the French by P. J. Stirling, LL.D. 8vo. 1873 - Popular fallacies regarding trade and foreign duties, being the "Sophismes économiques' of F. Bastiat adapted by E. R. Pearce Edgcumbe. 3rd ed., 12mo. 1888 Essays on political economy. Translated from the French.

3rd ed., 8vo. 1899 4th ed. 12mo. n.d. Baston (Thomas). Observations on trade and a publick spirit. 8vo. 1732 Basutoland. Census, April, 1891. MSS. sheets. Bateman (Sir Alfred Edmund). Wine production in France.

Stat. Jl.. vol. 47, 1884


Id., vol. 4, 1889 - Comparability of trade statistics of various countries.

Id., Vols. 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 1889-1902 -La statistique commerciale internationale. Id., vol. 9, 1895-96 Organisation et développement de l'Office du Travail en Angleterre. Id., vol. 9, 1895-96 New publications of the Board of Trade, including those connected with international statistics.

Id., vols. 12-13, 1900-03 - and Fountain (H.). The import and export statistics of various countries. Id., vol. 15, 1905-06 Bateman (John). The great landowners of Great Britain and Ireland. A list of all owners of 3,000 acres and upwards, worth 3,000l. a year; also, 1,300 owners of 2,000 acres and upwards, their acreage and income from land.

4th ed., 8vo. 1883 Bates (Arthur H.). Irish linen laws, and proposed amendments thereof. Stat. Soc., Irel., 1880-82 Extent to which the principles advocated in Bentham's letters on usury have still to be adopted in the laws of England and of foreign countries. Id., 1880-82 Bates (Frank Greene). Rhode Island and the formation of the Union.

Col. Univ. Stud., vol. 10, 1898-99 Baths and Wash-houses for the Labouring Classes, 1852. See CAPE (G. A.).


Bath (William Pulteney, Earl of). Inquiry into the conduct of our domestic affairs from 1721 . . . in which our national debts, the sinking fund are particularly considered. 2nd ed., 8vo. 1734 Battersby (T. S. Frank). Amalgamation; being some considerations on proposed changes in the relations of the legal professions in Ireland.

Stat. Soc. Irel., 1885-86 The financial crisis in the United States, 1893-94. Id., 1893-94 Battye (Thomas). Tracts on parochial abuses of the city of Manchester. Svo. 1796-97

Baudeau (Nicolas). Lettres d'un citoyen á un magistrat sur les vingtièmes et les autres impôts.

12mo. 1768 Baudrillart (Henri Joseph Léon). Les populations agricoles de la France. La Normandie (passé et présent). 8vo. 1880. Bauer (Etienne). Les industries insalubres. Rapports sur leurs dangers et les moyens de les prévenir [by various authors.]

8vo. 1903 Le travail de nuit des femmes dans l'industrie. Rapports sur son importance et sa réglementation légale [by various authors].

Svo. 1903 Baumhauer (M. M. von). Report on penal legislation of Belgium, France, Holland, and Saxony.

Cong. Int. Stat. 1860-61

Statistics of Holland.

Id. 1860-61

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Id. 1867-69 Compte-rendu, 7e session du Congrès Int. de Statistique (La Haye, 1869]. Id. 1869-71 Aperçu comparatif des mesures, poids, et monnaies dans les differents pays. Id. 1869-71 Travaux statistiques des Pays-Bas. Id. 1869-71

- Mémoire sur la construction ou les calculs de tables de survie et de mortalité. 4to. 1876-78

Bavaria. See GERMANY. Baxter (A. B.). Banking in Australasia from a London official's point of view, with some remarks on mortgage and finance companies. 8vo. 1883 Baxter (Robert). The panic of 1866, with its lessons on the Currency Act. 12mo. 1866 On the principles which regulate the rate of interest, and on the currency laws. Stat. Jl., vol. 39, 1876 Baxter (Robert Dudley). Railway extension and its results.

Id., vol. 29, 1866 - National income. The United Kingdom. 8vo. 1868 - The taxation of the United Kingdom. 8vo. 1869 - English parties and conservatism. 8vo. 1870 8vo. 1871

National debts. Local government and taxation and Mr. Goschen's report [on the increase of local taxation]. 8vo. 1874

Beal (James). Free trade in land: an inquiry into the social and commercial influence of the laws of succession and the system of entails.

12mo. 1855 Bear (William E.). The relations of landlord and tenant in England and Scotland. 8vo. 1876 - The British farmer and his competitors, etc.

A study of small holdings.

8vo. 1888

sm. 8vo. 1893 Beard (Austin). The office of justice of the peace in England.

Col. Univ. Stud., vol. 20, 1904 Beaucaire (Vicomte Rorric de). Migration from rural districts and condition of agricultural population in Germany. Stat. J., vol. 49, 1886 Beaufort (A. F.). Statistical tables relating to Indian cotton, Indian spinning and weaving mills, their production and its distribution, with a list of the steam presses in the country. 8vo. 1889 Beaufort (Daniel Augustus). Memoir of a map of Ireland, illustrating the topography of that Kingdom, and containing a short account of its present state, civil and ecclesiastical. 4to. 1792 Beaujon (A.). Sur la question des "index numbers."

I. S. I., vol. 2, 1887 Beaulieu (Leroy). See LEROY-BEAU


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Beaurin-Gressier (L.). Incidence of taxation on the income of the individual in France.

Stat. Jl., vol. 58, 1895 Beauverger (Baron Edmond de). Les institutions civiles de la France considerées dans leurs principes, leur histoire, leurs analogies.

8vo. 1864 Beawes (Wyndham). Lex mercatoria rediviva; or the merchant's directory; containing an account of our trading companies and colonies, to which is added a state of the present general traffick of the whole world, etc. 2nd ed., fol., London, 1761

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[Another ed.]

4to. 1836 4to. 1841

Documents statistiques, 1850-67. Population, recrutement de l'armée, élections, situation financière de l'état, commerce, travaux publics. 13 vols. in 8, 4to. 1857-69 Statistique territoriale, basée sur les résultats des opérations cadastrales exécutées jusqu'à la fin de 1834. 1ere publication. 4to. 1839 Commission centrale de statistique. Bulletin. 4to. 1843-1904

Resumé de statistique générale.

La. 8vo. 1852

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Vols. 1, 2, la. 8vo. 1878

Annuaire statistique et historique

Sm. 8vo. 1855-66

belge. - Annuaire statistique de la Belgique. La. 8vo. 1870-1906 Catalogue de la bibliothèque de la Commission centrale de statistique. 2 vols., 8vo. 1902-04 - Belgium: its institutions, industries and commerce. Published for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 8vo. 1904

- Agriculture. Recensement général, 1846, 1856, 1866, 1880.

3 vols., 4to. & fol. 1850-85 Bulletin du Conseil supérieur d'agriculture. La. 8vo. 1871-83 - Rapport sur les écoles agricoles de Ruysselede et de Beernem.

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[blocks in formation]

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Relevé officiel du chiffre de la population par province, par arrondissement administratif et par commune au 31 decembre des années, 1886-92. 4to. 1887-1893 Colonies. See CONGO FREE STATE. Education. Rapport décennal sur la situation de l'instruction primaire, 1830-40. Précédé d'un exposé de la législation antérieure à 1830, et suivi du texte des lois, arrêtes, et circulaires de 1814 à 1840.

La. 8vo. 1842 Recensement des élèves des établissements d'instruction primaire et moyenne. Fol. 1873

Rapports sur la situation de l'instruction primaire. Périodes triennales, 1871-73 to 1885-87.

Fol. 1876-89 - Commission d'enquête scolaire. Recensement de la population des écoles officielles, 1883. Fol. 1884 Statistique générale de l'instruction publique, 1876-85. 4to. 1888 - Finance. Estat ou tarif des droits d'entrée et sortie sur les marchandises, manufactures et denrées, 1680. [Partly MS.] Fol. 1754 Observations de la cour des comptes, 1830-43.

9 nos. in 1 vol., fol. 1836-43 1859-60 to 1883. Fol. 1862-84 Budgets des recettes et des dépenses pour les exercices. Fol. 1850-1906 Compte général de l'administration des finances, 1857-85. Fol. 1860-85 - Comptes-rendus par les ministres sur la comptabilité de l'état, 1862-81. Fol. 1864-83 - Situation générale du trésor public. Fol. 1865-85 - Catalogue général des bibliothèques du ministère des finances.

8vo. 1872

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- Statistique générale des recettes et des dépenses, 1840-80.

3 vols., 1874-81 Négociations par la Chambre des Representants, rélatives à l'Union Monétaire. 8vo. 1885 Industries. Enquête sur l'industrie linière, 1840-41.

3 vols., 4to. 1841 - Industrie française. Rapport sur l'exposition de 1839.

8vo. 1841-42 Mines, usines minéralurgiques, machines à vapeur [1836-38 et], 1839-44. 2 vols., 4to. 1842-46

Recensement général de l'industrie,

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