British Books in Print, Volumer 1-4J. Whitaker, 1985 |
Last Paradise PowellHickman D8 312 ll Oxf in Asia Pbs pbk 9 95 Oxf U | 3809 |
Last Steam Locomotives in West Germany Stephenson D4 112 | 3815 |
LATIN 1 | 3816 |
Laurence Michael J Foxworth Thomas G Passengers sC8 624 | 3834 |
Last Peacock Massie IC8 192 n e pbk 2 95 R Clark 11 | 3835 |
Their Lovehate Relationship with the United States Rangel | 3838 |
Latent Image Formation in Silver Halides Physics of Baldereschi M8 328 III | 3840 |
Law Individual and the Cooperlan D8 200 pbk 3 95 Butterworth 10 | 3841 |
Last of the Lairds Galt Ed Gordonlan A D8 192 n e 5 50 Scot Academic | 4742 |
7 95 Severn Ho Publrs 4 | 4747 |
Law J Haggith J W Ed Practical Aspects of Nonionizing Radiation Protection | 4750 |
Lauder Rosemary Anne Vanished Houses of North Devon D6 | 4753 |
MOver | 4760 |
Lauder Rosemary Anne Villages of North Devon C8 60 III | 4762 |
16 9 | 4766 |
Law and Politics of Abortion Ed Schneider Vinovskis R8 320 12 75 Lexington | 4767 |
Laurence Rebecca Thomas Hippopotamus Pott4 28 28col | 3851 |
Ninety Years of Cinema Entertainment | 3860 |
Latin America British Policy and the Independence of 180428 Kaufmann M8 | 3864 |
Lau W Wang Elements of Nuclear Reactor Engineering M8 248 70ill 53 00 | 3866 |
Last Sunrise I Met Her on a Rainy Day AND Deary | 3870 |
Latent Variable Models Introduction to Everitt D8 150 Mon on Appl Probability | 3871 |
An Annotated Bibliography M8 xxi220 | 3874 |
Last Supper GregoryO B C8 24 Col ill Read About it S pbk 0 50 Wheaton | 3876 |
Latin America Women at Work and Change in Nash June | 3880 |
A History of Politicoecclesiastical Relations | 3882 |
Law in the Republic of Ireland Introduction to Grimes Horgan R8 350 | 3898 |
Law and Social Change in British History Ed Guy Beale D8 194 Studs in Hist | 3900 |
A Bibliography Ed Findlay M8 320 Art Reference | 3902 |
Essays in the Sociology of Law GreenL C M8 502 19 25 | 3906 |
Colombia Costa Rica Venezuela Peeler IC8 260 | 3908 |
Latin Antiquity Literary Language and Its Public in Late Auerbach | 3912 |
LawInternational See International | 3915 |
Laud B B Electromagnetics IM8 326 III 9 35 Wiley Eastern 12 | 3919 |
Latin America in the Postimport Substitution Era Baer Samuelson SC4 168 | 3921 |
Private International | 3924 |
Current BooksPamphletsSerials | 3926 |
Reader for Latin Beginners Halifax D8 96 17ill pbk 2 00 Centaur | 3929 |
Last Pirate Joma F4 32 Col ill 4 50 Methuen Chi Bks 10 | 3937 |
Their Structure and Outlook in | 3942 |
Latin Texts of the Welsh Laws Emanuel R8 565 Hist Law S 14 | 3944 |
Tr fr Latin sC8 464 r e of Roman Readings Classics S pbk 3 95 Penguin | 3957 |
Latin Literature Creative Imitation and Ed WestDavid WoodmanTony | 3964 |
Latin Translation Book Elementary Hillard Botting D8 200 n | 3967 |
n e | 3970 |
Law and Practice Relating to Pollution Control in the Member States of | 3974 |
Lauretis Teresa De Heath S Cinematic Apparatus D8 224 III | 3979 |
Law Confidence in the Dworkin D8 20 Inaug Lect pbk 1 00 Univ Southampton | 3983 |
Laurey Joy Joy and Joan sC8 224 pbk 2 25 Star Bks 2 85 0 352 31455 9 | 3987 |
LavrovPeterand the Russian Revolutionary Movement Pomper D8 xx250 17 75 | 3988 |
Law and Economic Development in the Soviet Union Ed Maggs IM8 293 | 3989 |
Latin Literature from the Middle of the Fourth to the End of the Seventeenth | 3990 |
Latin Unseens Advanced Ed Bowen Anthony D8 66 pbk 3 | 3993 |
Wienational | 3998 |
Latin Literature of the Fourth Century Ed Binns D8 240 Greek Latin Studs | 3999 |
THE | 4000 |
Latin Unseens Book New Gosling C8 164 Ip 6 95 G Bell 5 69 0 7135 1516 3 | 4013 |
Laubin Reginald Laubin Gladys Indian Dances of North America C4 xxxviii | 4015 |
Parole M8 163 | 4020 |
An Anthology Ed Kaiser | 4021 |
Lacandan Mayas of the Mexican Rain Forest Perera | 4030 |
Tr fr French T D Cuthbert sC8 24 1ill pbk 0 50 Kawabata P 7 | 4039 |
Late Call WilsonAngus | 4044 |
Latini Brunetto Tesoro Ed BaldwinSpurgeon | 4048 |
Law A Ed See RamsayAllan FergussonRobert Poems | 4049 |
Latner A Lr See CantarowA TrumperM Clinical Biochemistry | 4054 |
Latin America Comes of Age Knight Thomas J D8 325 20 50 Scarecrow | 4058 |
Biography of Sawai Man Singhji Maharaja of Jaipur Crewe | 4062 |
Lavenham Walk Around Dymond C8 17 19ill 3r e pbk 0 60 Suffolk | 4073 |
Rethinking the Relationship MooreMichael S | 4075 |
LawInstitutions and the Global Environment Ed Hargrove D8 xvii394 8 | 4076 |
5v C4 pbk 9 00 Nat Extension Coll 2 | 4081 |
Latin America Consumer Markets in D4 350 3r e P Hackett 95 00 Euromonitor | 4084 |
Law Alan G Sahney Badri N Theory of Approximation with Applications | 4093 |
Latin American Experiments in Neoconservative Economics Foxley | 4094 |
The Cultural Context of the Gospel | 4097 |
Laubscher B J F Pagan Soul D8 207 6ill 2 95 Spearman 11 75 0 85435 382 8 | 4098 |
Vietman Experience Ed Trooboff M8 xiv272 | 4112 |
Social Construction of Scientific Facts | 4117 |
Law Courts of Mediaeval England Harding Alan D8 224 Historical | 4118 |
Last Main Line AbbottR D R8 20 34ill 2r e 0 35 Leics Museums 73 | 4119 |
Laszlo Ervin Kurtzman J Western Europe and the New International Economic | 4123 |
Secular Church HamiltonBernard D8 x410 | 4126 |
Later Chinese Porcelain Jenyns R8 128 III some col 4r e Mon on Pottery | 4127 |
Last Supper and Lords Supper MarshallI Howard | 4137 |
in | 4138 |
Lavender Story of Festing D8 112 38ill 3col pbk 2 95 Sutton Libs Arts | 4140 |
Colonial Experience in Malawi and Zimbabwe | 4152 |
Latin America Inflation and Stabilization in Thorp Whitehead D8 297 29 50 | 4153 |
Nottinghamshire Hearth Taxes | 4154 |
Law Know Your Janner | 4168 |
Law Data Bases | 4171 |
Latour Henri Fantin Druick Hoog R8 350 204ill 24col pbk 25 50 | 4177 |
pbk 1 65 Thames | 4185 |
Or the Future Foretold D8 265 n e pbk 5 95 | 4188 |
Latourette Aileen Maitland Sara Weddings and Funerals | 4190 |
The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition | 4192 |
Lautsch John C American Standard Handbook of Software Business | 4195 |
An Introductory Analysis Hirsch M8 xv275 | 4196 |
Latin Common Entrance Aids to BlackA W D8 56 lp 0 25 W E Baxter | 4197 |
Laud Peter Keeping Your Own Poultry D8 128 18ill Selfsufficient Living S | 4202 |
T Abbott Joe Programmer Workbenches D4 122 | 4203 |
19d 7tabs 16M pbk 10 95 Camb U P 7 | 4211 |
Law of Arbitration RussellFrancis R8 lviii602 20r e A Walton M Vitoria 55 00 | 4213 |
Last Mandarin Becker | 4214 |
LatinComparative Grammar of Greek and Buck M8 xvi405 26 25 Univ Chicago | 4215 |
Latourette Kenneth Scott Christianity in a Revolutionary Age 5v ea M8 n | 4220 |
Exploranda Latina WilsonW Michael | 4223 |
Last Survivor and Other Stories McCarthy D8 60 pbk 1 95 | 4225 |
Late Sittings Polak C8 107 3 50 Justice of the Peace 56 N 0 900500 27 1 | 4226 |
Last Tales Dinesen IC8 352 n e 2 50 Univ Chicago P 12 | 4232 |
History of Colonial Spanish America and Brazil Lockhart | 4237 |
Laver Kenneth R Structural Engineering for Architects SC4 540 Ill 37 50 | 4239 |
25 Masterworks CooperDouglas Imp4 60 38ill 25col 9 75 | 4261 |
Laszlo Ervin Wilbur James B Ed Human Values and the Mind of | 4272 |
Laszlo Ervin etc Objectives of the New International Order M8 288 18 30 | 4286 |
Laurie A P Painters Methods and Materials IC8 250 III pbk 4 75 | 4287 |
Late Victorian Roses Beales sD8 32 15col ill Cotmancolor S pbk 1 00 Jarrold | 4288 |
Laver Mary Smith Margaret Arthritic Cook Book M8 128 | 4292 |
Laszlo Ervin etc Obstacles to the New International Economic Order M8 170 | 4299 |
Law National and International Superior Orders in GreenL C M8 394 19 75 | 4306 |
LawNatural and Politic Elements of Hobbes Ed TonniesFerdinand D8 xxxvi236 | 4319 |
11r e 14 50 Butterworth 4 | 4330 |
Latin Dictionary Ed Wilson Alastair sC8 336 n e Teach Yourself S pbk 2 95 | 4331 |
Laszlo Ervin etc Ed Regional and Interregional Cooperation | 4332 |
8 95 Harvill P 10 | 4338 |
Laver Murray Computers and Social Change D8 125 Computer Sci Texts S | 4339 |
LatinEnglish Dictionary Ed SmithSir William LockwoodSir John See Editor | 4346 |
Play Dinner Morum D8 Acting e pbk 3 00 French | 4349 |
Latow Roberta Three Rivers | 4352 |
Historical Background | 4356 |
Latrobe Benjamin Henry Engineering Drawings Ed Stapleton B H Imp4 272 156ill | 4358 |
Harper | 4366 |
LatinEnglish EnglishLatin Dictionary Englishmans Pocket Ed Woodhouse sC8 496 | 4369 |
Workshop Proceedings | 4370 |
Selections from | 4374 |
and thics in D | 4376 |
Experimental and Clinical Studies | 4378 |
pbk 8 50 | 4382 |
Law for journalists Essential McNae D8 200 9r e W Greenwood T Welsh | 4383 |
Lateglacial of Northwest Europe Studies in the Lowe suR8 215 46ill 32 00 | 4385 |
Study of the ArchaicHan Shift Dobson M8 162 21 25 | 4391 |
Laverack Michael Stuart Dando Janet Lecture Notes on Invertebrate Zoology | 4393 |
Law David B etc Atlas of Paedodontics C4 425 800ill 2r e J M Davis 38 00 | 4395 |
Launer Robert L Wilkinson G N Ed Robustness in Statistics M8 xvi296 | 4398 |
Laurie Bruce Ed See CantorMilton LaurieBruce Ed | 4399 |
Laverghetta Thomas S Handbook of Microwave Testing D8 518 41 00 Artech | 4400 |
Laurie Peter Data Bases M8 176 pbk 8 95 Chap H 6 | 4411 |
LateLate in the Evening Mitchell Gladys M8 400 Large Print | 4419 |
Latin America Economic Liberalism in the Cone of Congdon C8 130 11tabs | 4420 |
Professional | 4426 |
Diplomacy and Reality Berle M8 144 n e 22 50 Greenwood | 4427 |
Law Dennis L Minedland Rehabilitation D4 31 00 Van Nost Reinhold 10 | 4428 |
Under 18 D8 24 2r e | 4436 |
n e Coronet Bks pbk 1 95 Hodder 12 | 4440 |
Last of Danus Children Rush D8 256 6 95 Allen U 10 | 4441 |
Law for Migrant Welfare Workers WhiteMargaret M8 102 12 50 Allen | 4442 |
Law Donald Concise Herbal Encyclopaedia D8 256 46ill 8col | 4445 |
Lathe Small Using the MasonLeonard Charlish D8 112 III 4 50 | 4453 |
Later Creeley | 4454 |
Law Donald Guide to Alternative Medicine C8 244 30ill n | 4461 |
Lattice Defects and Their Interactions Ed Hasiguti M8 1152 III 172 50 Gordon | 4463 |
Model Allied | 4468 |
Lattice Energies and Thermochemistry of Hexahalometallate IV Complexes | 4471 |
Towards a Theory of Scientific Growth | 4472 |
Law for Pilots and Their Crews Essential Price Norman D D8 154 | 4473 |
Lauries Song Rand sC8 169 Sweet Dreams S pbk 1 25 Bantam | 4479 |
Law for Teachers Essential HarrisonGeoffrey BloyDuncan D8 176 pbk 10 95 | 4489 |
III 47 70 World Scientific Pub Co Singapore 10 83 9971 950 70 7 | 4491 |
Large Print e 2 95 Chivers P 8 | 4492 |
Laughter of Carthage Moorcock | 4501 |
n i pbk 1 75 Penguin 9 | 4513 |
Last Poems and Two Plays Yeats IC8 72 facsim of 1939e 7 50 Irish U P 12 | 4514 |
A Text Book of Creativity Bono sC8 264 n e pbk 2 50 | 4521 |
LatinEnglishEnglishLatin Dictionary Langenscheidts Universal F16 454 p 1 60 | 4522 |
Law and Economics Research in See Research in Law and Economics | 4525 |
Law Development and the Ethiopian Revolution Brietzke M8 600 29 50 Bucknell | 4530 |
Law and Force in American Foreign Policy Hoyt | 4531 |
Law Frank W See History and Traditions of the Moorfields Eye Hospital | 4535 |
Law Dictionary Mozley Whiteley C8 x362 9r e J B Saunders pbk 4 95 | 4537 |
Lauglo Jon Ed Universities National Development and Education D4 66 spiral | 4541 |
LatinEnglish EnglishLatin Standard Dictionary Cassells Ed SimpsonD P M8 902 | 4558 |
Law Dictionary AngloScandinavian Ed AndersonRalph James Bushman D8 138 | 4574 |
Law and Society Friedman | 4575 |
Lathen Emma Murder without Icing C8 208 n e pbk 1 75 Penguin 6 | 4579 |
Lateral Thinking Use of Bono sC8 144 n e pbk 1 95 Penguin 12 | 4583 |
Political Dimensions Foxley Whitehead | 4587 |
pbk 2 75 | 4590 |
Laszlo Mravik North Italian Fifteenth Century Paintings SM4 60 48col ill 5 75 | 4591 |
Functional Asymmetry in the Intact Brain Bryden M8 336 I 32 50 | 4611 |
Law and Society in England Roshier Teff | 4617 |
LawyersNative Americans and Legal Practice Medcalf | 4622 |
Latin America Economic Survey of Economic Commission for Latin America | 4625 |
Lattice Gauge Theory Advances in Duke Owens M8 452 III 53 65 World | 4629 |
Law and International Resource Conflicts Fawcett Parry D8 268 25 00 | 4630 |
Lauraceae Americanae Monographicae Descripsit Mez D8 viii556 3ill n e 20 00 | 4633 |
Laudate Pueri Pesti M8 35 Music S pbk 3 75 Penn State U P 66 | 4643 |
Laude A Ed See DoyleSir Arthur Conan Study in Scarlet | 4650 |
in the South African War 18991902 Dooner IC8 446 n e of 1903e 18 00 | 4652 |
Latcham Jack See BirchDerek W Latcham Jack | 4657 |
Last of the Confederate Privateers Hay Hay D8 192 10ill 7M 4 95 P Harris | 4659 |
Laterality and Psychopathology Ed Gruzelier Henry IM8 x648 117figs 128tabs | 4661 |
Lateralization in the Nervous System Ed Hamad M8 xlviii537 55 00 Academic | 4668 |
Laumann EO See Heinz J P Laumann E | 4674 |
Latin for Today GrayM D Jenkins T See Author entry | 4675 |
Lattice Theory Ed Huhn Schmidt M6 462 25ill 1tab 55 00 NorthHolland | 4676 |
Law and Society Essays in Ed Mungham Bankowski M8 216 pbk 9 95 | 4679 |
Law and Justice in Tokugawa Japan Ed Wigmore See Editor entry | 4683 |
First Concepts and Distributive Lattices Gratzer M8 xv212 58ill | 4684 |
Laumer Keith Galactic Odyssey IC8 160 6 95 Dobson 10 | 4685 |
D Ed Cohesive Properties of Semiconductors Under Laser irradiation | 4687 |
Latin Primer Revised KennedyB H D8 2 95 Longman | 4689 |
Introduction to Research and Theory Kidder | 4692 |
Law and Lawyers of Pickwick Lockwood M8 n e of 1893e 35 95 Haskell | 4699 |
Latchem Colin Educational Development System for Northern Ireland D8 168 | 4702 |
Lauder Robert E Loneliness is for Loving C8 144 III pbk 2 | 4705 |
Laurikietis Rae See Adams Carol LaurikietisRae | 4707 |
Laterallyloaded Piles Design of Elson D4 86 45ill 50 00 Construction | 4710 |
Lauder Rosemary Anne Exmoor in the Old Days C8 120 150ill | 4715 |
Pope and the Duce KentPeter | 4720 |
Latin Prose Composition Bradleys Arnold Ed MountfordJ F D8 454 pbk 6 95 | 4723 |
Laterite and Landscape McFarlane M8 xiii 151 25 00 Academic P 1 | 4727 |
Lattice Theory Contributions to Ed Huhn Schmidt M8 782 63figs 67 50 | 4733 |
Latin American Policy of Warren G Harding Grieb M8 230 6 00 Texas Christian | 4736 |
Outer Space Fawcett D8 174 16 00 | 4738 |
Puffin Island D6 66 III some col | 4739 |
Including Books and Serials on Law and Its Related | 4773 |
Law and Power in International Relations Fawcett D8 144 Stud in Internat | 4778 |
Development Approach Williams Edward J M8 480 | 4802 |
Lauritzen Christian Ed See KeepPieter A Van Lauritzen Christian Ed | 4804 |
Last Term at Malory Towers Blyton | 4806 |
Lathrop Elsie L Where Shakespeare Set His Stage M8 n e of 1906e 44 95 | 4807 |
7 95 H Hamilton 4 | 4823 |
Lauder Rosemary Anne etc Unknown Devon D8 104 73ill pbk 1 95 Bossiney | 4826 |
Lathen Levi Developing a Comprehensive Special Education Service Delivery | 4832 |
Latin America Educational Innovations in Cummings Lemke | 4838 |
Latin American Politics and Development Ed Wiarda Kline M8 672 2r | 4841 |
M8 326 pbk 15 75 Univ P of America 10 | 4844 |
Athlete in American Literature Higgs M8 216 21 00 Univ P | 4845 |
Bros U | 4850 |
Law Bookselling and Publishing Commemorating 175 Years | 4852 |
German Tanks 194445 Auerbach sC4 64 120ill pbk 3 95 | 4859 |
Implementation of Title VI of | 4860 |
alon | 4865 |
Last Years of Sir Thomas Malory FieldP J C D8 24 pbk 2 00 J Rylands | 4866 |
Last Word on the Texas Instruments994A Schreiber Schreiber M6 247 | 4872 |
Henry Starr Shirley IC8 208 pbk 4 95 Univ Nebraska | 4873 |
Guide for I B M Users sM6 184 | 4876 |
Launceston Bank for Savings 18351970 Beever IM8 231 5 50 Melbourne U | 4880 |
suR8 xii 180 6figs 29tabs Nat Resources the Environment | 4882 |
Lattimore Richmond Ed See Grene David Lattimore Richmond Ed | 4886 |
suR8 xii 180 6figs 29tabs Nat Resources the Environment | 4889 |
Lathework Oates F8 128 III Q A S pbk 2 95 Newnes Tech | 4906 |
14 50 | 4910 |
Lathi B P SignalsSystems and Communication sR8 607 d tabs 51 15 Wiley | 4914 |
Cuban and Mexican Immigrants in the United States Portes | 4916 |
Law Dictionary Concise Osborn | 4921 |
Latvian Grammar of Modern Ed Fennell Gelsen 3v R8 1370 | 4924 |
Heaven | 4932 |
G H etc Postyield Fracture Mechanics M8 xviii491 | 4939 |
009 | 4944 |
Current Practice | 4948 |
Last of the Wild Horses Harbury R4 160 125ill 95col 16 95 Sidg J 10 | 4954 |
Law Due Process of Denning | 4956 |
Latin America Epic of Crow | 4961 |
Then and Now | 4978 |
Pergamon | 4981 |
Latin America Essays in Understanding Silvert | 4986 |
Law of Arbitration GillWilliam H D8 xxv174 3r e E A Marshall | 4992 |
The Structure of Conflict Needler | 4995 |
AntiRicardian Tradition Paglin D8 183 n i 14 00 | 4998 |
Last of the Wine Renault sC8 n e pbk 2 50 New Eng Lib 12 | 5006 |
Law and Practice in Matrimonial Causes Passingham | 5012 |
pbk 5 50 Inst for the Study of Human Issues 6 79 0 915980 82 7 | 5016 |
Law Causation in the HartH L A Honore Tony | 5022 |
A Case Study in Global Role Expansion | 5025 |
Study of the Boer People and the Afrikaner Nation Patterson | 5028 |
Last Official Sex Maniacs Joke Book Ed Wilde sC8 208 I | 5039 |
European Challenge Ed Pearce D8 243 | 5041 |
LawLand See Land | 5042 |
Law and Structures of Social Action Carlston M8 xii288 n e 32 50 Greenwood | 5044 |
Last Trick ColeTamasin | 5045 |
Latin American Relations with the World 18261976 Smith Gordon Connell | 5049 |
Later Collected Verse Service R8 490 4 95 Benn 2 | 5051 |
Weidenfeld | 5054 |
Law Learning the WilliamsGlanville L D8 viii241 11r e pbk 3 95 Stevens | 5058 |
Lau Edwin James Performance Improvement of Virtual Memory | 5071 |
Study of Edward VI Chapman Hester W | 5072 |
Laue Atlas Preuss 9 x 9 432 I 110 90 Halsted P 11 74 0 470 69685 0 | 5075 |
Latin America External Debt and Development Strategy in Jorge | 5079 |
Captain Cooks Lost Diary Innes | 5081 |
Latin America Food Politics and Society in Ed Super Wright | 5090 |
LawLegal Change and Ambiguity Sources of WatsonAlan IC8 164 n e 12 95 | 5093 |
Latchkey Children Launay IC8 240 n e 7 95 Firecrest Pub 3 86 0 85997 621 1 | 5094 |
Lathrop Norma Jean Herbs sD4 160 pbk 4 95 H P Bks U S 7 | 5112 |
P U S 1 | 5117 |
Lauer Hans E Aggression and Repression in the Individual and Society | 5118 |
Law Economics and Philosophy with Applications to the Law of Torts | 5121 |
Law Liberty and Psychiatry Szasz D8 301 11 95 Routledge 9 74 0 7100 7922 2 | 5124 |
Launchbury Keith Nature Photography D6 144 75ill 40col Photographers | 5130 |
Latin Greecethe Hospitallers and the Crusades Luttrell M8 322 | 5146 |
Latimer Henry C Preparing Art and Camera Copy for Printing | 5155 |
Robinson James M Cobb John B M8 xii | 5158 |
Play Leonard D8 36 pbk 1 00 Evans | 5160 |
Comments and Recommendations | 5164 |
Latimer Henry C Production Planning and Repro Mechanicals for Offset Printing | 5165 |
Late Awakening HerbertNan C8 288 n e Linford Romance Lib pbk 4 | 5174 |
Latimer John Maria Marten Ed SlaterMontagu C8 55 pbk 1 | 5175 |
Law and Teachers Today AdamsNeil M8 286 2r e 9 95 Hutchinson Educ | 5177 |
Law and Management of Water Resources and Supply Wisdom Skeet | 5180 |
Law of Banking in Scotland Burns Campbell B D8 344 2r e pbk 16 00 | 5181 |
Different Modes of Bargaining Among | 5187 |
n e pbk 6 95 | 5189 |
Didaskalos Conference Report C8 pbk 0 30 | 5192 |
Law and Modern Society Atiyah C8 166 n e Opus Bks | 5194 |
Realities of Ageing CoxHarold ID6 374 31 00 PrenticeHall 6 | 5195 |
Lasworth Earl James Reference Sources in Science and Technology D8 305 | 5196 |
24 50 Professional Bks 11 | 5198 |
Latimer Mercy Richardson Robert C8 176 8 95 Gollancz 8 | 5203 |
Law John Money and Trade Considered D8 vi120 n i | 5207 |
Late Babylonian Texts in the Ashmolean Museum Ed McEwan R4 136 figs | 5208 |
Latin America George Canning and the Independence of Bethell | 5211 |
Systems M8 225 | 5215 |
Late Baroque and Rococo Architecture Schulz M4 416 514ill n e 25 00 | 5216 |
Law and Morality CooperLouis Blom | 5218 |
Law of Child Care Slomnicka D8 384 12 95 Macd E 3 | 5220 |
Latin Hendricks D8 323 n e Made Simple Bks pbk 3 95 Heinemann 3 | 5225 |
Later Life Families Brubaker M8 144 pbk 7 95 Sage Pubns 3 | 5227 |
Latin America Growth and Culture of Worcester Schaeffer | 5229 |
Law End of? OHagan | 5233 |
An Intensive Course Moreland IM8 400 pbk 12 75 Univ California | 5235 |
Law Limits of Allott D8 xxii322 pbk 11 95 Butterworth 7 | 5237 |
Toward a Historical Typology of Biblical Hebrew Prose | 5246 |
Competing Equalities Galanter M8 590 | 5259 |
Laszlo Bruno Ed See Stulman Julius Laszlo Bruno Ed | 5261 |
11th16th Centuries Grierson D8 392 III 20 00 | 5270 |
LatinAmerican Research at the University of Texas Seventyfive Years | 5274 |
Governing the Hearth Grossberg | 5283 |
Latin America Agrarian Reform | 5287 |
A Study of Race | 5294 |
Internat Lib of Soc 15 95 Routledge 3 | 5298 |
From the Rediscovery | 5299 |
Lauterpacht Elihu Ed See Annual Digest and Reports of Public International | 5309 |
A Selected Bibliography Ed Felkenes Becker D8 vii329 r | 5311 |
The Law of Government Agencies Reigel | 5312 |
Late Bourgeois World Gordimer | 5316 |
Later Mohist LogicEthics and Science Graham Angus Charles | 5317 |
Legal Framework Bradley Clark IC4 320 pbk 4 95 | 5318 |
IN 21 | 5324 |
Legally Yours Montague sC4 160 Ill 2r e pbk 5 95 | 5331 |
Later on Prince D8 64 pbk 3 95 Anvil P Poetry 11 | 5332 |
Latham Earl J F Kennedy and Presidential Power M8 296 College S pbk 8 30 | 5344 |
Lau H T Chinese Chess C8 248 170d 11 50 Tuttle Tokyo 9 85 0 8048 1495 3 | 5350 |
Latham Gary P See Locke Edwin A Latham Gary | 5352 |
At 20 | 5363 |
Law and Practice of Legal Aid Stoddart D8 256 6ill pbk 12 00 | 5368 |
151 | 5370 |
Lavik J Doors Windows and Shingles of Bergen C4 112 Ill some col 22 50 | 5373 |
Lying Down Together BallMilner S M8 224 | 5380 |
Laurence Dan H Quinn Martin Ed See Shaw George Bernard On Dickens | 5381 |
Latin America Human Condition in Wolf Hansen M8 380 36ill 1M pbk 6 95 | 5397 |
Ed RobertsRoger R24 64 abr e pbk 0 95 MowbrayOxford 9 | 5399 |
Latest Country Houses 194583 RobinsonJohn Martin C4 256 III 15 00 Bodley | 5409 |
Latin American Revolution Regis Debray and the Huberman Sweezy D8 138 | 5410 |
Latest Country Talk Peel D8 192 III 8 50 Hale 11 | 5421 |
Laurence Desmond Roger Bacharach Alfred Louis Ed Evaluation of Drug | 5423 |
Strategies for the 1980s | 5427 |
Law and the Legal Process Swigert | 5430 |
Contemporary Issues Fyfe | 5431 |
III 3BC n e Lions S pbk 1 50 Armada Bks 3 | 5439 |
The Impact of the International Economy | 5445 |
Nomos Shipp D8 29 pbk 4 50 Sydney U P 10 | 5446 |
A Computational Approach M8 220 figs ch | 5454 |
H M S | 5456 |
The Skeleton Keys In 1v D16 53 18ill r e of Spectacle | 5457 |
Law Morality and the Abrahams | 5458 |
Latham A M C Sir Walter Raleigh D8 44 Fr Writers Their Work S pbk 1 50 | 5472 |
Latin America and the Caribbean United States Investment in Ramsaran R8 212 | 5477 |
Laurence Edward Duty of a Steward to His Lord M8 232 d M n e of 1727e | 5479 |
II 3CDE 5 95 Bodley Head 10 | 5486 |
Lauer Quentin Reading of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit | 5507 |
Law and the Life Insurance Contract Greider Beadles | 5512 |
Last Voyage of Odysseus Carey | 5517 |
Last One Home is a Green Pig Hurd F4 64 II 2AB I Can Read S bds 4 95 | 5528 |
Lavine P G See MeterMargaret Van LavineP | 5529 |
Later Stone Age in Southernmost Africa Deacon D4 441 Ill figs | 5531 |
Last One is a Rotten Egg Kessler D8 64 Col ill I Can Read S bds 4 95 Worlds | 5536 |
Laurence Frank Hemingway and the Movies D8 329 81ill n | 5538 |
Later Years of Metropolitan Steam Casserley 8½ x 82 96 III 6 95 | 5539 |
A History JohnsonD R | 5542 |
Study in Ethics and Jurisprudence Lamont | 5544 |
Latin American Serials | 5545 |
An Autobiography as Told to Fredrik Barth Barth IC8 200 | 5548 |
A Bibliography Ed Snyder M8 187 | 5557 |
Last Walk Home Page | 5568 |
Lavington F English Capital Market D8 ix297 n i of 1921e 25 00 | 5572 |
Latin American Studies Bibliographic Guide | 5576 |
A Refutation of Legal Positivism Detmold D8 302 | 5577 |
Latin American Studies in the Nonwestern World and Eastern Europe Sable | 5588 |
Latin America and the New International Economic Order Lozoya Estevez | 5589 |
Latin America and the West Indies Directory of Libraries and Special Collections | 5595 |
An Introduction Sandler D8 400 | 5599 |
Last Waltz Zaroulis | 5601 |
Latin American Literature Modern Ed Foster David William Foster V R | 5603 |
Latin America and the World Recession Ed Duran M8 162 tabs 22 50 | 5607 |
Last Orders and Other Stories Aldiss | 5615 |
8 95 MacmillanLondon 9 | 5628 |
Lavipour Farid G Ed See SauvantKarl P LavipourFarid G Ed | 5640 |
A Clarke | 5643 |
n e pbk 2 95 Pan Bks 10 | 5655 |
Laverick R etc Mono Portable Televisions | 5660 |
n e 6 95 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 9 | 5665 |
Latin American Military Aviation Andrade | 5667 |
Introduction to Transcendental | 5672 |
Latin America Ideology and Social Change in Ed Nash Juneetc M8 312 19 00 | 5681 |
Sex in Utopian | 5687 |
Law Peter R Ed Bargecarrying Vessels and Barges D4 12 pbk 4 00 | 5694 |
Laurence Godfrey F Bathford Past and Present | 5698 |
Late Roman Pottery Hayes John W | 5699 |
Law and Order Stent C4 72 54ill 6 95 Batsford 4 | 5704 |
Study in the Use and Abuse of Alcohol Crowe D8 24 | 5708 |
Heretical Reflections on Todays Values | 5716 |
Structuralism and After IM8 314 16 95 Methuen | 5718 |
1 | 5725 |
Law and Practice Relating to Oil Pollution from Ships Abecassis | 5732 |
Last Spring in Paris Herlin M8 336 8 95 Deutsch 3 | 5735 |
Justice without Trial Skolnick M8 320 | 5754 |
Law and Practice Relating to Pollution Control in the Member States of | 5755 |
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Lavrin Janko Ibsen and His Creation M8 n e of 1921e 35 95 Haskell Ho Publrs | 5766 |
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