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tion of us. They have been promptly awakened: You have appeared to them more terrible than ever. Lately they crossed the Inn, and invaded the territory of our allies. Lately they presumed to carry the war into the heart of our country. Now, defeated and dismayed, they fly in disorder. Already my advanced-guard has passed the Inn-before a month is elapsed we shall be at Vienna." At Ratisbon also he issued a decree April 24. for sequestrating the estates of those princes and counts of the empire, and members of the equestrian order, who ought, by virtue of the act of the Confederation of the Rhine, to have renounced the service of other powers than the confederated states and their allies, and to have established their residence withinthe confederated or allied states, but had not conformed to these provisions. One half of the estates thus confiscated was to be applied to the princes of the confederation, as an indemnity for the expences of the war, and to indemnify their subjects, on account of requisitions, expences, and other incidental losses; the other half was for Buonaparte, in aid of the war expences, and to reward the officers and soldiers of his army.

The Austrian loss, according to their own accounts, was not a fifth part of what the French represented it. The whole, they said, amounted to about 9600 prisoners, 6000 killed and wounded, and about 88 pieces of cannon. On the other hand, they estimated the loss of the French at four eagles, four pieces of cannon, and 10,000 men, killed, wounded, or taken. The French affirmed that they had lost only 1200 killed, and 4000 wounded. Here both accounts may be sufficiently accurate, if, as is probable, the Austrians include the

troops of the confederacy; their own loss they no doubt diminished, nearly as much as the French bulletins exaggerated it. Unquestionably they had suffered severely. They were driven out of Bavaria; the French were enabled to detach Wrede and Lefebvre against the Tyrol and the Palatinate; and Prince Charles was cut off from his communication with the Inn and Vienna. "This battle," said Buonaparte, after the action of Echmuhl,"will have the same consequences as that of Jena: we shall be in the enemy's capital before his own army." During this, which may be called the first act of the campaign, he exerted himself with indefatigable activity, being for several days continually on horseback, with only the interval of two hours at night, all that he allowed himself for sleep. He did not expose himself in battle, and in this he acted wisely, knowing of how much more importance his safety was than his personal example in the field. There was a report one day that his leg was broken; the fact was, that a spent ball grazed the heel of his boot, but without injuring him.

Successful, however, as the Corsican had been thus far, even to the extent of his wishes, he betrayed his apprehension at the altered system of the Austrians, by the manner in which he gave his insolent anger vent. "Austria," said he in his bulletin, “has raised numerous armies, divided into corps like the French; her troops are moving by forced marches, to imitate the French; her generals are publishing bulletins, proclamations, general orders, all in imitation of the French. But the ass is not ennobled to a lion because he is covered with a lion's skin; the long ears betray the ignobler beast." Then, after calling the Austrian manifesto, which

he said was drawn up by Gentz, a ridiculous performance, he indulged the natural vulgarity of his mind in personal insults towards the emperor. "From Vienna," said he, " he went to Schaerding, a position extremely well adapted for a sovereign who neither wishes to be in his capital to govern his dominions, nor in the field, where he is known to be merely an incumbrance and a dead weight. When he was informed of the result of the battle of Echmuhl, he judged it prudent to leave the banks of the Inn, and return into the interior of his dominions." The Austrians had magazines at Schaerding, and Hiller, with three corps, had taken up a position at Old Otling, to protect that place and Brannau, and keep up the communication with the Tyrol. Bessieres attacked him on the day of the battle of Ratisbon, but was repulsed. On the same day Massena was detached from Ratisbon to the same point. He passed Strauling and Passau, re-established the bridge over the Inn, which the Aus trians had destroyed, and winning a passage which was feebly defended, took possession of Schaerding, where the Austrians had previously set fire to the magazines, and in consequence burnt half the town. Bessieres also crossed the Inn, and adApril 28. vanced to Burghausen, where he was joined by Lasnes the same day. Oudinot, with his corps, entered Ried on the 1st of May, where he found eight sets of military ovens, and 200,000 rations of flour: half as much was found at Wels. Buonaparte passed through Ried on the 2d, and reached Lambach the same evening, where the bridge, which had been destroyed, was speedily restored. On the 3d Massena arrived at Lintz. The

Archduke Lewis and Hiller were at this time before Traun, and being threatened in the rear by Lasnes, retreated to Ebersberg. There they had other enemies to encounter, for Bessieres and Oudinot had formed a junction with Mas- May 3. sena in that quarter.

The French came up with the Austrian rear-guard as they were crossing the bridge, pursued them, drove cannon, waggons, and some hundred men into the river, and made prisoners some three thousand men, who had been left to defend the town. Claparede, who commanded the advanced guard, continuing the pursuit, halted when he found the enemy occupying a strong position. Bessieres passed the bridge with the cavalry, of which he had the command, and Massena ordered the main body of the army to support them. The archduke and Hiller, now on the point of being attacked by superior num. bers, set fire to the town. It was built of wood, and the flames spread in all directions; they reached the bridge also, and Claparede was cut off from the support of the main body. The Austrians attempted to profit by this advantage, but with little effect; continued disasters seera to have disheartened them, and their efforts must have been feeble or ill directed to have proved so unsuccess. ful; for Claparede is said, with only four pieces of cannon and 7000 men, to have withstood 30,000 men for three hours, and three times to have repulsed them with the bayonet. Allowing for French exaggeration, it is beyond a doubt that his situation was extremely perilous, and that the Austrians, if they had acted well, must have destroyed his whole corps. News of his danger was communicated to Buonaparte, who immediately dis

patched the divisions of Nansoutz and Molitor to his assistance, but they did not arrive till after the action was over. After three hours the fire was so far got under that a passage was opened, and Claparede was reinforced both with horse and foot. The Austrians retreated with the utmost rapidity. They lost 7500 prisoners; 800 of their troops were burnt in the castle: their whole loss is estimated at 12,000. They reached Enns that night, burnt the bridge there, and continued their retreat, or rather their flight, on the road to Vienna. The French say that 300 of Claparede's corps were killed, and 700 wounded; the Austrian account makes their own loss 4000, that of the enemy 3000.

Buonaparte slept at Enns on the 4th, and employed the next day in re-establishing the bridge. Lasnes,

who crossed at Steyer, arrived at Molck on the 6th, and found in the cellars of the abbey there several thousand bottles of wine, which were served out to the army: great magazines of every kind had been found since the passage of the Inn. Prince Lewis and Hiller were at this time at St Polten. Two-thirds of the remains of their army crossed the Danube at Crems, and were pursued to Mantein, where they obtained a respite by breaking the bridge; the other third made for Vienna. On the 8th Buonaparte's head-quarters were at St Polten. On the 10th, at nine in the morning, he appeared, with the corps of Marshal Lasnes, before Vi. enna, at the same hour, on the same day, and exactly one month after the Austrians had commenced their de plorable compaign, by crossing the river Inn.



Capture of Vienna. Passage of the Danube by the French. Battle of


FORTY ORTY years ago, Vienna was considered to be well fortified, having a rampart, twelve strong bastions, ten ravelins, deep and wide square ditches, and outworks of proportionate strength. Maria Theresa was advised by her son to dismantle it: "I am an old woman," that great empress used to say, " and I almost remember when this city was besieged by the Turks; unless the capital had then been capable of withstanding a blockade till it was relieved by John Sobieski, the Ottoman hordes would have ravaged our hereditary dominions, and overrun the empire. Twice I have myself seen this capital almost the frontier of my dominions. Let Joseph act as he will when I am dead, but while I live Vienna shall not be dismantled."

The older works are said to have been built with the money obtained from England as the ransom of Richard Cœur de Lion, so villainously made prisoner. Those which existed at this time, were supposed to be kept up only for the sake of keeping the city itself in subjection, at a time when all fear of the Turks was past, and Austria had no apprehensions from any European power. The cir

cumference was about four miles, for it was the work of an hour to walk round the ramparts. By the enumeration of 1796, there were found to be 1397 houses within the walls; the suburbs at the same time contained 5102. The markets and shops were in the city. The whole population is estimated at 270,000. Between the suburbs and the walls, a space had been left all round of five or six hundred paces, that the works might command an open range; this interval gave great advantage to a besieging army. Intrenchments had been thrown up to cover the suburbs. An old inscription on one of the towers said, "Happy is that city which, amid the tranquillity of peace, holds itself in readiness for war :-God's protection and the courage of the emperor and the people defend the walls of Vienna.” Alas, the age was over in which Vienna could boast the courage either of its prince or its inhabitants!

Four days before the appearance of the French, the Archduke Maximilian arrived to take the command of the city. He had collected ten battalions of militia, and as many of regular troops, amounting together

to 15,000, and he ordered registers to be opened for inscribing the names of those who were willing to defend the capital. Buonaparte affirms that only thirty persons delivered in their names, all the rest refused with indignation; and then he praises the people of Vienna for their good sense. The Austrians, with far greater probability, say that a great number enrolled themselves. After the capitulation it is not unlikely that the list was destroyed, lest those whose names appeared there should be fixed upon to pay heavier contributions. Be this as it may, the French bulle tin affords sufficient proof of the hostile disposition of the people. General Couroux traversed the suburbs without opposition, but when General Tharreau appeared upon the esplanade before the walls, he was received by a discharge of cannon and musketry, which slightly wounded him, Buonaparte had now taken up his head-quarters at Schoenbrunn, the favourite palace of the emperor, of which he had once before made himself master; from hence he sent a summons to the archduke, telling him, that if he ventured to defend the city longer, it should be reduced by a bombardment in six-and-thirty hours. The officer who entered the city with the flag of truce was maltreated, and even wounded, by the mob; this outrage is said in the bulletin, (forgetful of its former assertion, that only thirty persons had enrolled themselves for the defence of Vienna,) to have been committed by some butchers and a few hundred satellites of the archduke. It is added, that the archduke himself ordered the fellow who had wounded the French officer to be mounted on the officer's horse, and led through the city in triumph surrounded by the

militia. The archduke is represented as a hot-headed presumptuous young man, who declared that he would bury himself under the ruins of the city, and distributed all the arms which were in the arsenal among the rabble. He is said also to have ordered bombs and howitzers to be fired upon the suburbs, when none but the inhabitants could be injured; and the bulletins asserted, that, in consequence of his determination to prolong a hopeless resistance, those who were for surrendering attacked his partisans, and Vienna presented the dreadful spectacle of an intestine war. So much of this is palpably false, that it may well be doubted whether there is the slightest foundation in truth for any part; nor would it be here repeated, but as another specimen of the official falsehoods circulated by the French government, and of the mean malignity with which Buonaparte, in the true spirit of a savage, reviles all who resist him.

General Andreossy, who had been made governor of Vienna on its former capture, was reappointed to that station. He established in each of the eight districts or wards into which the suburbs are divided, a municipality, a national guard, and a committee of provisions, and he ordered a deputation to wait upon the Emperor of France, to represent to him the state of the city, and solicit his generosity. Buonaparte replied, by assuring them of his protection, and reproaching the Emperor Francis for what he styled his inhuman conduct in delivering up his capital to all the calamities of war. "That emperor," he said," instead of being the king and father of his subjects, had evinced himself their enemy and tyrant. Nevertheless, Vienna should be treated with the same indulgence and fa

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