
No. 22 (1 June) L. Lange, Kleine Schriften I (H. Genz), gives a good idea of Lange's wide activity.F. Bender, Griech. Literatur (K. Sittl) shows an acquaintance with the principal recent literature of the subject.-J. H. H. Schmidt, Synony.nik der griech. Sprache iv (Ad. Matthias), concludes an adequate foundation for Greek 'synonymik.'-H. Hollander, Ueberlieferung der Homer. Hymnen (A. Gemoll), careful and excellent work. M. R. Cagnat, Cours élémentaire d'épigraphie latine (H.Hagen), such a practical manual is rarely met with.

No. 23 (8 June): Les Musées d'Athènes, publication de C. Rhomaïdès et P. Cavaddias (A. Trendelenburg), excellent phototypes, brief texts, interesting matter, low price a most welcome work.-Homeri Hymni etc. ed. E. Abel (A. Gemoll), one of the best of the Schenkl series.-E. Brey, De Septem fabulae stasimo ii, is made an occasion by J. Oberdick for arguing at length in favour of Paley's date of our Homer.-J. Schedl baur, zur Textkritik von Lykurgs Leocratea (H. Lewy) 37 emendations, of which 3 instructive, the rest erroneous.-Ae. Bährens, Fragg. poetarum Romanorum (J. M. Stowasser), a great advance on L. Müller's last work.-Meisser Taciti Historiarum liber ii (E. Wolff), careful, praiseworthy and up to the level of modern research.-C. Wey. man, Die Figur der Litotes (J. H. Schmalz), work of the best and most sedulous description.

No. 24 (15 June): L. v. Urlichs Archäologische Analekten (P. W.), brief but rich in fine observations and combinations.-A. S. Miodoński, De enuntiatis subjecto carentibus apud Hdt. (W. Gemoll), carries conviction.-C. Schmelzer Sophocles O. C. (Fr. Schubert), full of errors.-J. Riehemann, De litis instrumentis in Dem. orat. adv. Neaeram (J. Kohm), rightly maintains that the 'instrumenta' are genuine. -F. Striller, De Stoicorum studiis rhetoricis (R. Volkmann), interesting and instructive.-G. Thilo Vergili carmina (W. Gebhardi) I.

No. 25 (22 June): J. H. Hansen De Metallis Atticis I (B. Büchsenschütz), the next part of this work may contain something of more importance than this. Xen's. Kyropädie erkl. v. Hertlein. 4 Aufl. v. W. Nitsche (W. Vollbrecht), the revision of this standard edition is not consistent.-H. Viezl, De Dem. in Androtionem et Timocratem oratt. (J. Kohm), the first part contains nothing new; the second is not always convincing.-Thilo Vergili Carmina (W. Gebhardi) concluded, is recommended to scholars; while the text by itself would be better for schools than Ribbeck's.-J. S. Speijer, Lanx satura, rightly maintains that Orcus' is a god and not also a place the rest doubtful.-V. Hintner, Meridies (H. Ziemer) defends the old derivation, medidies' convincingly.


No. 26 (29 June): V. Urbanitzky, Elektrizität u. Magnetismus im Altertum (C. P. Schmidt); a model piece of work.-A. Holder, Herodoti hist. lib. v. (W. Gemoll) attributes too much importance to Pr.-Chr. Cron, Platons Gorgias, 4A. (K. J. Liebhold), a useful school-edition.-L. Friedländer, Martial (E. Hübner) I., descriptive review.-M. Hertz, Gellius, ed. min., 'exhibeo Noctes Atticas multo emendatiores quam in priore factum est' sums it up.

No. 27 (6 July), J. Toepffer, Quaestiones Pisistrateae, (Holm), shows discernment and learning but is not always convincing.-Rud. Schoell, Procli Commentar. in rempublicam Platonis (R. Reitzenstein) contains many satisfactory emendations.-C. Walther, Imitationis Thucydideae vestigia in Demosth. oratt. (J. Kohm) denies the imitation very learnedly, but who believes in it?-E. M. Schranka, Der Stoiker Epiktet (Kvuszewski), useful if the mistakes are discounted. -L. Friedländer, Martial (E. Hübner) concluded.

No. 28 (18 July, J. C. Morgenthau, Bilder auf griech. Vasen I. (W-r), praiseworthy.-A. Rzach,

Homeri Ilias, ii. (F. Week), a long and unfavourable review.-P. Uhle, De Oratt. Demostheni falso addictarum scriptt. ii. (H. Lewy) contains a certain amount of probability.-A. Kopp, De Ammoni Eranii all. distinctionibus synonym. (K. Zacher), an addition to science.

No. 29-30 (20 July): E. Hesselmeyer, Die Ur. sprünge der Stadt Pergamos (E. Fabricius), in the main right, but contains many errors.-E. Schneider, Dialectorum Italicarum exempla (W. Deecke) a selection carefully and cleverly done.-M. Zöller, Röm. Staats u. Rechtsaltertümer (F. Ammann), a compendium is wanted, but whether this book will satisfy the need is doubtful.-Fr. Slameczka, Demosthenes von der Gesandtschaft (R. Busse), clear and copious, but his results in detail are hardly certain.J. Müller, Tacitus II. (W. Wartenberg) establishes & claim on our gratitude.-F. Boelte, De artium scriptoribus Latinis (J. Golling) seems convincing.—J. Mähly, Zur kritik lateinischer Texte, a noteworthy contribution to Latin criticism.-J. Huemer, Virgilii grammatici opera (G. Schult"), a firm foundation for further research.

No. 31 (3 Aug): A. Böckh, Encyklopädie u. Methodologie der philolog. Wissenschaften, 2 Aufl. (H. Heller) still very valuable.-H. Weil, Aeschylus (J. Oberdick) I, deserves to become the standard edition. Heinsch, Comment. Euripidearum spec. is reviewed by K. Busche in detail.-J.. Sommerbrodt, Lucian (Nils Nilen) has not made the best use of his materials and opportunity.

No. 32-33 (17 Aug.): H. Weil, Aeschylus II. (J. Oberdick) continued.-Bauer-Wecklein, Euripides' Herakliden (L. Tachau), a handy edition for beginners. Th. Zielinski Die Märchenkomödie in Athen (K. Zacher), a long and on the whole not unfavourable review.-E. A. Junghahn, Studien zu Thukydides (S. Widmann), too polemical.-Fr. Cramer, De perfectivi conjunctivi usu potentiali (G. Landgraf), a valuable contribution to our knowledge of old Latin.-Curschmann Horatiana (P. Dettweiler), a tilt against windmills.— Deppe, Kriegszüge des Tiberius (F. Violet), amounts to little.-Gertz, Senecae dialogi (W. Gemoll), an advance.

No. 34 (24 Aug.): Weil, Aeschylus (Oberdick) coneluded. Chr. Ziegler Euripides' Iphig. bei d. Tauriern (Wecklein), contains what is most necessary.-Poppo-Stahl, Thucydides I. (J. Steup), a service to Thu.-W. Deecke, Dic italischen Sprachen (H. Ziemer), very condensed but excellent.-G. M. Richardson, De dum partic. (G. Landgraf) shows acquaintance with the literature of the history of Latin.


No. 35 (31 Aug.): A. Schneider, Der troisc he sagenkreis, and J. Vogel Scenen euripideischer Tragödien (P. Weizsäcker) I.-C. Forsman, De Aristarcho lex. Apolloniani fonte (F. Roellig), deserves attention. H. Meusel, Lex. Caesarianum IV. favourably reviewed by A. Neitzert.-A. Kiessling, Horatius II. Satiren. (E. Rosenberg), has some strong lights-and some strong shadows.-H. Planer, De haud et haudquaquam (G. Landgraf) does us a praiseworthy service.

No. 36 (7 Sep.); Schneider, troischer sagenkreis, indispensable; and J. Vogel, Scenen euripid. Tragödien, cautious and welcome (P. Weizsäcker, conclusion). Pauly-C. Wotke, Homeri Odysseae epitome (P. Cauer) an advance on Pauly.-O. Perthes, Die platonische Schrift Menexenus (K. J. Liebhold), careful and cautious, but not of course final.-P. Dettweiler, Symbolae ad collocationem verborum (G. Landgraf), instructive.

Rivista di Philologia e d'Istruzione Classica, ed. Comparetti, Müller and Flechia. (Turin. 1887). Fascicolo 7-8 contains (1) On the Catalogue of the Nereids in IIesiod's Theogony, by V. Puntoni. Sug

gestions on the best mode of filling the list with fifty names without retaining lines 252-254. (2) On the VI. Pythian and II. Isthmian Odes, by G. Fraccaroli. Chiefly a literary study, accompanied by two verse-translations in the original metres. (3) On the Ecclesiazusae and Plato's Republic, by B. Chiappelli. Contending that the equality of women with men was Plato's doctrine, ridiculed by Aristophanes, and that the opening pages of Rep. V. are an answer to the comedy. (4) De Timaei Historici Vita, by G. M. Columba. Contending that Timaeus was born at Syracuse, not at Tauromenium, and that he was born not earlier than 340 B. C. and was exiled not later than 317 B.C. (5) Notices of some translations, abstracts of periodicals and obituary of German scholars.

Fascicolo 9-10 consists chiefly of a Rassegna Critica by E. Cocchia, a miscellaneous collection of criticisms on recent books, among which Seelmann's Aussprache des Latein occupies the most space. A few brief reviews follow, one of which (by G. Morosi) calls attention to what is apparently a singularly interesting work. This is Racconti Greci di Roccaforte, collected by E. Capialbi and L. Bruzzano (Monteleone, 1886). The present notice is of the second part, the notice of the first having appeared early last year, and it unfortunately gives no account of the book, which seems to be a collection of Calabrian tales of Greek origin in a dialect which is very largely infused with Greek.

Fascicolo 11-12 contains (1) On the offering of raiment in Attic funeral rites, by F. M. Pasanisi,

calling attention to the early Greek belief in a life beyond the grave, which began nine days after interment. (2) On the letter of Alexander the Great to Aristotle De Mirabilibus Indiae by R. Sabbadini, pointing out that there are two Latin versions of the letter, one of which (sometimes attributed to Corn. Nepos) is certainly very old and contains some curious Latin, as semisopor, bestiosus, impingere aliquem poena. (3) Notices of a number of German books, giving an account of their contents, almost always with high praise. (4) Index to vol. xv.

Kuhn's Zeitschrift, xxix. 3 and 4 :—

L. v. Schröder. 'Aróλλwv is identical with Sk. saparyenya 'who is to be honoured,' an epithet of Agni in the Rigveda. The attributes of Agni and Apollo are shewn to be identical.-W. Schulze. (1) faxov in Homer sometimes must, always can be, aorist. We should write not ἐν πρώτοισ ̓ ἰάχων but ἐν πρώτοισι Ραχών, μέγα FFάχον &c. the root being sugh, in Anglo-Sax. swōgan to roar. (2) ov is also aor. in meaning, from rt. avis in àFio-beσbai, audio (aviz dio) &c.-Miscellen. by W. Schulze. The most interesting are apeos àλктîра (≈ 485) not connected with aλégw but i. q. Latin ultor volctor. — àμvlov (7. 444) σaußviov. Lat. sanguen. 8. 705, read OKETO (not σxero) for σe-oke-To Sk. sa-çc-athindrance. νηλεές ήμαρ not from ἔλεος but ἀλέξομαι. ἀλέγεω = n-legein, weakest form of prepos. v.F. Solmsen concludes his account of a in combination with liquids and nasals in Greek.




Prometheus Vinctus, with notes by M. G. Glazebrook. 12mo. pp. 38. 107. Rivingtons. 28. 6d.

Aristophanes. The Knights. With introduction and notes by W. W. Merry. 12mo. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 38.

Cicero. Pro A. Cluentio Oratio. With explanatory and critical notes by W. Yorke Fausset. Post 8vo. pp. 350. London, Rivingtons. 63.

Cato Major et Laelius.

With an introduction and commentary by Professor Austin Stickney. 12mo. New York. 58.

Demosthenes. Orations against Philip. With introductions and notes by Evelyn Abbott and P. E. Matheson. 12mo. 80. 64 pp. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 3s.

Homer. Odyssey. Done into English verse by William Morris. (2 vols.) Vol. 2. 4to. pp. 450. Boards. Reeves and Turner. 128.

Lysias. Epitaphios. Edited with introduction and notes by F. J. Snell. 12mo. 43. 40 pp. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 28.


Mahaffy (J. P.) Greek life and thought, from the age of Alexander to the Roman Conquest. 8vo. pp. xxxviii. 600. Macmillan. 12s. 6d. St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, with a Critical and Grammatical Commentary by C. J. Ellicott, D.D. 8vo. xxiv. 334 pp. London. Longmans. 10s. 6d.

Plato. The Apology. With introduction and notes by St. George Stock. 12mo. 68. 51 pp. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 28.

Pliny. Select Letters. With notes for use of schools, by the late Constantine E. Prichard and Edward R. Bernard. New edition. 12mo. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 3s.

Sargent (John Young). Easy passages for translation into Latin. 7th edition. 12mo. pp. 170. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 2s. 6d.

Virgil in English Verse, Eclogues and Aeneíd i.—vi. by the Right Hon. Sir Charles Bowen. pp. 11. 305. Murray. 128.

Xenophon. Anabasis. Book I. and II. with notes and vocabulary. 12mo. London, Rivingtons. 1s. each.


Abhandlungen, Breslauer philologische. Band 2 Heft 2. 8vo. Breslau. Köbner. Mk. 80. Cohn (L.) Zu den Paroemiographen. Mittheilungen aus Handschriften. 86 pp.

Arbois de Jubainville (H. d'.) Exemples de noms de fundi formés à l'aide de Gentilices romains et du suffixe 'acus.' (Extr. Bibl. de l'école des chartes.) 8vo. 15 pp.

Barwinski (B.) Quaestiones ad Dracontium et Orestis tragoediam pertinentes. Quaestio I. De genere

dicendi. 8vo. 109 pp. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. 2 Mk.

Birt (Th.) De Romae urbis nomine sive de robore romano. 4to. 17 pp. Marburg. Elwert. 1 Mk.

Brugmann (O.) Ueber den Gebrauch des condicionalen NI in der älteren Latinität. Nicolai-Gymn. zu Leipzig. 34 S.

Brochard (V.) Les Sceptiques Grecs. 8vo. 432 pp. Paris. F. Alcan. 8 frcs.

Busche (C.) Observationes criticae in Euripidis Troades. 8vo. 48 pp. Göttingen. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. 80 Pf.

Chaignet (A. E.) Histoire de la Psychologie des Grecs. Tome I. Histoire de la Psychologie des Grecs avant et après Aristote. 8vo. xxii. 426 pp. Paris. Hachette and Co. 7 fr. 50. Cicero. Orationes selectae XVIII. Ex recognitione Halmis. Pars. I. Orationes pro S. Roscio Amerino, in Q. Caecilium, in Verrem. Lib. IV. et V., de imperio Cn. Pompei, in L. Catilinam continens. 8vo. 204 pp. Berlin. Weidmann. 1 Mk. Corpus inscriptionum atticarum consilio et auctoritate academiae litterarum regiae borussicae editum. Vol. quarti supplementa complexi partis I. fasc. 2; supplementorum Vol. I. partem 2 continens. Fol. pp. 57-132. Berlin. G. Reimer. 7 Mk. Dissertationes philologicae Halenses.

Vol. VIII. 8vo. iii. 292 pp. Halle. Niemeyer. 7 Mk. (I.-VIII. Mk. 62.)

Dittenberger (W.) De sacris Rhodiorum II. Halle. 16 S. Eberhard. Eberhardi Bethuniensis Graecismus ad fidem librorum manu scriptorum recensuit, lectionum varietatem adjecit, indices locupletissimos et imaginem codicis Melicensis photolithographicam addidit J. Wrobel. 8vo. xx. 317 pp. Breslau. Köbner. 9 Mk.


Elfis (A.) Aristotelis doctrina de mente humana ex commentariorum graecorum sententiis eruta. Pars I. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis et Joannis Grammatici Philoponi commentationes continens. 47 pp. Bonn. Strauss. 2 Mk. Epicurea edidit H. Usener. 8vo. lxxviii. 445 pp. Leipzig. Teubner. 16 Mk.

Faltin (G.) Ueber den Ursprung des zweiten punischen Krieges. Gymn. zu Neu-Ruppin. 20 S. Feldmann (J.) Observationes ad L. A. Senecam criticae. Gymn. zu Ostrowo. 26 S.

Fritzsche (F. V.) Coniectanea. II. De numeris dochmiacis, fasc. 8 Rostock. 8 S. Gehrke (A.) Vorstufen christlicher Weltanschauung im Altertum. Gymn. zu Rudolstadt. 34 S. Gehrmann (A.) Incunabula incrementaque proprie. tatum sermonis Valerii Maximi. I. Gymn. zu Rössel. 24 S.

Geppert (P.) Zum Monumentum Ancyranum. Gymn. zum Grauen Kloster in Berlin. 18 S.

Grumme (A.) Ciceronis orationis Murenianae dis positio. 8vo. 16 pp. Gera. Kanitz. 40 Pf. Gruppe (0.) Die griechischen Culte und Mythen in ihren Beziehungen zu den orientalischen Religionen. Band I. Einleitung. 8vo. xviii. 706 pp. Leipzig. Teubner. 16 Mk.

Hagen (M.) Quaestiones criticae de bello Mutinensi. 8vo. 53 pp. Marburg. Elwert. 1 Mk. 20. Handbuch der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft herausg. von Iwan Müller. Halbband VI. (complete Vol. IV. part I.) Bauer (A.) Griechische Kriegsaltertümer. Müller (I.) Griechische Privataltertümer. Pp. 226-480. Beck. Nordlingen. Mk 7. Herzog (E.) Geschichte und System der römischen Staatsverfassung. Vol. II. Die Kaiserzeit von der Diktatur Casars bis zum Regierungsantritt Diocletians. Part I. Geschichtliche Uebersicht. xxii. 602 pp. Leipzig. Teubner. 10 Mk. Homer. Odysee. Erklärt von J. U. Faesi. Band 4. Gesang. XVIII.-XXIV. 7. Aufl. besorgt von Dr. J. Renner. 8vo. 232 pp. Berlin. Weidmann. 1 Mk. 80. Horace. Oeuvres traduites en vers français par Aug. de Bors. Illustrations de Paul Avril. 16mo. 457 pp. Paris.


Hoyer (R.) Alkibiades Vater und Sohn in der Rhetorenschule. Gymn, zu Kreuznach. 20 S.

Hülsen (Ch.) Ein Monument des vatikanischen Museums. Progymn. zu Grosz-Lichterfelde. 12 S. mit 1 Tafel.

Hultsch (F.) Scholien zur Sphaerik des Theodosius. mit 22 Fig. (Extract from Abhandlungen der k. Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften). Roy. 8vo. 66 pp. Leipzig. Hirzel. 3 Mk. 60.

Kock (Th.) Flores Italici. 16mo. 177 pp. Leipzig. Teubner. Mk. 2 40.

Lange (L.) Kleine Schriften aus dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft. 2 Vols. 8vo. xl. 429 & 641 pp. Göttingen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 15 Mk.

Lautensach. Verbalflexion der attischen Inschriften. Gymn. Ernestinum zu Gotha. 26 S.

Müller (F.) Historisch-etymologische Studien über mathematische Terminologie. Luisen-Gymn. zu Berlin. 32 S.

Mangold (B) La ville Homérique. Franz. Gymn. in Berlin. 20 S.

Marquardt (I.) Mommsen (Th.) Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer. Band 3. Abth. 1. 8vo. Leipzig. Hirzel. 15 Mk. (i.-iii. 1., iv.-vii. 100 Mk.) Römisches Staatsrecht von Th. Mommsen. Band 3. Abth. 1 (xviii. 832 pp.)

Maschke (M.) Der Freiheitsprozess im klassichen Altertum insbesondere der Prozess um Verginia. 8vo. xii. 191 pp. Berlin. Gaertner.

Maué (Dr. H. C.) Der Praefectus fabrum. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des römischen Beamtenthums und des Collegialwesens während der Kaiserzeit. Mit einem Anhang enth. die Inschriften 8vo. xii. 190 pp. Halle. Niemeyer. 5 Mk.

Omont (H.) Fac-similes de Manuscrits Grecs des xve et xvie siècles. 4to. 15, 50 plates. Paris. Picard. 12 fr. 50 c.

Opuscula Philologica. Mindre Afhandlinger udgivne af det philologisk-historiske Samfund. 8vo. 271 pp. Kjobenhavn. Klein. 5 kr.

Petri (F.) De enuntiatorum condicionalum apud Aristophanem formis et usu. 8vo. 62 pp. Berlin. Mayer & Müller. 1 Mk. 20.

Richter (R.) Materialien zur Begriffsbestimmung des Orbis terrarum. Köln. Gymn. zu Leipzig. 8. 40 S. Rothenberg (A.) Die häusliche und öffentliche Erziehung bei den Römern. Gymn. zu Prenzlau. 16 S. Schmid (W.) Der Atticismus in seinen Hauptvertretern von Dionysius von Halikarnass bis auf den zweiten Philostratus. Band i. 8vo. xix. 432 pp. Stuttgart. Kohlhammer, 6 Mk.

(L.) Quaestionis de Pindaricorum carminum chronologia supplementum alterum. Marburg. 10 S. Schubert (R.) Geschichte des Agathokles. 8vo. vi. 210 pp. Breslau. Köbner. 5 Mk.

Serre (Contre-Amiral). Études sur l'histoire militaire et maritime des Grecs et des Romains. 12mo. xii. 270 pp. Paris. Baudoin, 3 frs.

Sotiriadis (G.) Zur Kritik des Johannes von Antiochia (Extr Jahr. f. klass. Phil.) 8vo. 127 pp. Leipzig. Teubner. 3 Mk. 20.

Stahl (J. M.) De hyporchemate amoebaeo quod est in Euripidis Cyclope. Münster. 13 S.

Steiger (H.) De versuum paconicorum et dochmiacorum apud poetas graecos usu ac ratione. Part ii. 4to. 30 pp. Leipzig. Fock. Mk. 1 (i. & ii. 2 Mk. 50). Stern (E.) Xenophon's Hellenika und die Bootische Geschichtsüberlieferung. 8vo. 71 pp. Dorpat. Karow. 1 Mk. 80.

Studemund (W). Menandri et Philistionis comparatio cum appendicibus. Breslau. 41 S.

Tannery (P.) Pour l'histoire de la science Hellène. De Thales à Empedocle. 8vo. vii. 397 pp. Paris. Alcan. 7 frcs. 50.

Tümpel (K.) Bemerkungen zu einigen Fragen der griechischen Religionsgeschichte. Gymn. zu Neustettin. 23 S.

Die Aithiopenländer des Andromedamythos. Studien zur Rhodischen Colonisation. (Extr. Jahrb. für class. Philologie 8vo. Pp. 129-220. Leipzig. Teubner. 2 Mk. 40. Vahlen (J.) De quibusdam orationis ornatac methodis apud poetas graecos et latinos. Berlin. 8 S. In Euripidis Electram coniectanea. Berlin. 13 S. Voigt (M.) Ueber die Bankiers, die Buchführung und

die Literalobligation der Römer. (Extr. Abhandl. der k. Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften). Roy. 8vo. 66 pp. Leipzig, Hirzel. 3 Mk. Weissbrodt (W.) De versionibus Scripturae Sacrae latinis. I. Braunsberg. 18 S.

Wilisch (E.) Bettrage zur inneren Geschichte des alten Korinth. Gymn. zu Zittau. 34 S.

Wrede (F.) De praepositione eis. Gymn. an Aposteln zu Köln. 15 S.

Zinzor (A). Der Vaterbegriff bei den römischen Gottheiten. Gymn. zu Pyritz. 18 S.


(Continued from page 314.)


UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP.-Kennicott (Hebrew), Senior D. S. Margoliouth, M.A., New College (Winchester). Junior: T. Walker, Wadham (Trin. Coll. Dublin). Pusey and Ellerton (Hebrew): J. F. Stenning, Wadham (Merchant Taylors); C. J. Burney, S. John's (Merchant Taylors). Prox Acc.: H. B. Lindsell, Trinity (Harrow).


EXETER. Cl. Exh.: R. F. C. de Winton, Marlborough; J. N. Newland Smith, S. Paul's.

ALL SOULS'.-Fellow (Law): R. A. Shepherd, Trinity (Sedbergh).

MAGDALEN.-Demies (Nat. Sci.): R. W. Ꭲ. Günther, Univ. Coll. School; C. E. Stainer, S. Paul's; A. J. H. Mowbray, Radley.


UNIVERSITY PRIZES.-Smith's Prizes: A. E. H. Love, S. John's (Wolverhampton); A. Berry, King's (Croydon, Univ. Coll. School, and Univ. Coll. London). Balfour Biological Student: W. Bateson, S. John's (Rugby).


ST. JOHN'S.-Fellows (Cl.): E. J. Rapson, Hereford; J. L. A. Paton, Shrewsbury; (Math.) W. C. Fletcher, Kingswood.

PETERHOUSE.-Scholars (Math.): A. E. Daniels, Leicester; R. T. Robinson, Univ. Coll. Bangor ; (Cl.) N. C. Craig, Bedford.


OXFORD (all Classical).-Merton: exam. begius, Jan. 10; prob. number of scholarships, two or three, one exh.; names to be given in by Jan. 10. S. John's: exam. begins, Jan. 10; prob. number of scholarships, two; names to be given in by Jan. 10. Jesus: exam. begins, Jan. 10; prob. number of scholarships, two; names to be given in by Jan. 10. Pembroke: exam. begins, Jan. 10; prob. number of scholarships, two; names to be given in by Jan. 10.

CAMBRIDGE.-Trinity: exam. begins, Dec. 7; prob. number of scholarships, about twenty, and exh.; subjects, cl. math. mor. sci. and nat. sci.; S. John's: exam. begins, Dec. 8; prob. number of scholarships, ten, and exh.; subjects, cl. Hebrew, and Sanskrit; names to be given in by Dec. 1. S. John's: exam. begins, Dec. 13; subjects, math. and nat. sci. ; names to be given in by Dec. 1. King's: exam. begins, Dec. 8; prob. number of scholarships, four Eton; two open, and exh.; subjects, cl. math. nat. sci and hist.; names to be given in by Dec. 3. Caius: exam. begins, Dec. 10; prob. number of scholarships, six or more, and exh.; subjects, cl. math. and nat. sci. ; names to be given in by Dec. 1. Christ's: exam. begins, Jan. 3; prob. number of scholarships about seven or eight; subjects, cl. math. and nat. sci. Emmanuel : exam. begins, Jan. 3; prob. number of scholarships, five; subjects, cl. and math.; names to be given in by Dec. 30. Queen's exam. begins, Jan. 12; prob. number of scholarships, six; subjects, cl. and math. ; name to be given in by Jan. 6. Clare exam. begins, Mar. 14; prob. number of scholarships, six; subjects, cl. math. and nat. sci.; names to be given in by Mar. 10. Trin. Hall: exam. begins, Mar. 15; prob. number of scholarships, six; subjects, cl. and math.; names to be given in by Mar. 8. Magdalene: exam. begins, Mar. 15; prob. number of scholarships, three; subjects, cl. and math.; names to be given in by Mar. 10.


[blocks in formation]

aywvolérns, functions of the, 2976.

ἀίζηλος (ἀίδηλος), 366.

Διον, 3223.

αἰσυμνήτης, 36α.

Aithiopenländer des Andromedamythos, Tümpel's, 318-19.

Akarnania, Ambrakia, &c., Oberhummer's, 279.
Album Paléographique, 145 foll.

Alcaic metre, 92b.

Alciphron's Epistles quoted, 108b. ἀλεγέω, 3226.

Alexander's Empire, Mahaffy's, 203-4.

Alexandria, discovery of an early Christian cemetery near (Times, 4 May), 177.

Allen and Greenough's Latin Grammar, 1256.

Allen's (F. A.) theory on the origin of the Epic metre, 92a.

alta Prochyta in Vergil, 1696.

altaria='offerings,' 2956.

Altgriechischer Versbau, Usener's, 162-3.

Amiatinus codex, 84a.

ἄμμες, ἄμμι, ἄμμε, 356., 37.

ἄμνιον (Od. iii. 444), 3228.

ἄμυδις and άλλυδις, 356.


simul, 87a.

ἀμύμων, 36α.

ἀνεμίζω, 109.

Antioch, ancient remains at, 81a.

Anti-Pelagian Treatises of S. Augustine, three, Woods and Johnston's, 235.

-ao and awv, the genitive terminations, 37a., 91a. ἀπειλήτην (Οd. xi. 313), 36α.

ἄποινα, ἀποινᾶν (ep. Homeric ποινή), 219α.b. Apocalypse, Vischer's hypothesis of the, 2126. Völter's analysis of the, ib.

ἀποκήρυξις, 165α.

̓Απόλλων, 3226.

Apollonius Rhodius, his use of the word yλupides, 2446.

the Kríveis of, the possible original of Cato's Origines, 7a.

[See also under 'Greek Writers.']

Apostolical Constitutions, 3026.

Appendix Vergiliana, Max Sonntag's, 306-7.

Appian Maced, xi. 7, 8, compared with Livy xlii. 17,


Apsyrtus, 243a.

ἀπυέσθω (ep. ἠπύω), 92α.

Aquae Sulis, 299a.

Aratus' poem founded on Eudoxus' daivóμeva, 2726. arbiter, etymology of, 87a.

Arcadian inscriptions, Homeric words found in,


Archaeological Institute and Association publications, 298a.

Archaeology and Criticism &c., Essays in Biblical, by Oxonians, 194 foll., 268-9.

Reports on, 25, 80, 117, 171, 209, 248, 285, 314.

[See also under 'British Museum,' 'Excavations,' 'Summaries.']

Archaic Fibulae with Incised Designs, 1156.

Greek Vase in the British Museum, 315-16.
Greek Metre, experiments in, 168.

Archer-Hind (R. D.) on the late Master of Trinity as a Platonic Scholar, 33 foll.

Archiv für lateinische lexikographie, an appeal in behalf of, 227-8.

[See also under 'Summaries.']

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