
Vol. 39, p. 2.


Income, excess prof

its, etc., taxes.

and the joint resolution approved December seventeenth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, entitled "Joint resolution extending the provisions of the Act entitled 'An Act to increase the internal revenue, and for other purposes,' approved October twenty-second, nineteen hundred and fourteen, to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and sixteen," to denote the payment of internal revenue tax, and which have not been used, if presented prior to January first, nineteen hundred and eighteen.

INCOME TAX, EXCESS-PROFITS TAX, AND SO FORTH: For expenses Assessment and col- of the assessment and collection of the taxes provided by the Act

lection expenses. Vol. 39, p. 1000.

Vol. 39, p. 756.

approved March third, nineteen hundred and seventeen, entitled "An Act to provide increased revenue to defray the expenses of the increased appropriations for the Army and Navy and the extensions of fortifications, and for other purposes," and by the Act entitled "An Act to increase the revenue, and for other purposes," approved September eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, including the employment of agents, inspectors, attorneys, deputy collectors, experts, clerks, messengers, and janitors, to be appointed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, and for supplies, equipment, mechanical devices, telegraph and telephone service, and rent of quarters in the District of Columbia, and the several collection districts, fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen, $2,000,000: Provided, That not more than $175,000 of Columbia Dis this sum may be used for personal services, supplies, equipment, and mechanical devices in the District of Columbia: Provided further, That not to exceed $10,000 (which shall be available immediately) may be used for rent of quarters in the District of Columbia for such bureaus or divisions of the Treasury Department as the Secretary may determine to move out of the Treasury Building to accommodate the Bureau of Internal Revenue.


trict of


W. H. Baldwin.
Payment to.


Contingent expenses, Independent Treasury.

For payment to W. H. Baldwin for damages done to his automobile while it was being used by officers of the Internal-Revenue Service in raiding illicit distilleries, $500.


Independent Treasury: For contingent expenses under the requireR. S., sec. 3653, p. 719. ments of section thirty-six hundred and fifty-three of the Revised Statutes, including the same objects specified under this head in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $75,000.

Recoinage of minor coins.

Distinctive paper for securities.

John Brodie. Payment to. Vol. 39, p. 1471.

Recoinage of minor coins: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the recoinage of worn and uncurrent minor coins of the United States now in the Treasury or hereafter received, and to reimburse the Treasurer of the United States for the difference between the nominal or face value of such coin and the amount the same will produce in new coin, $7,500.

Distinctive paper for United States securities: For distinctive paper for United States securities, twenty-one million nine hundred thousand sheets, including transportation, traveling, mill, and other necessary expenses, salaries of not exceeding one register, two assistant registers, five counters, five watchmen, and one skilled laborer, and expenses of officer detailed from the Treasury, $96,579.

For payment to John Brodie, of San Francisco, California, in accordance with private Act Numbered One hundred and sixtyeight, approved February eighth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, on account of personal injuries received by him while loading the United States Army transport Sherman, $1,000.


Public buildings.

Mount Clemens,

Mount Clemens, Michigan, post office: Authority is granted to Mich. pay Frank N. Vannater the sum of $4.50 out of any moneys heretofore appropriated and remaining unexpended on the books of the Treasury Department for the construction of the post-office building at Mount Clemens, Michigan, the same representing an expense incurred by him prior to the abrogation of his contract by the Govern


New Haven, Connecticut, Post Office: For completion under limit of cost established in the Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, $200,000, or so much thereof, together with the sum of $100,000 appropriated in the Act approved July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, as may be realized from the sale of the old post office and customhouse building and the site thereof.

New Haven, Conn.


Bay, Fla.,

Tampa Bay, Florida, quarantine station: For removal of old quarantine station. ballast dock at the United States quarantine station, Tampa Bay, Florida, $416: Provided, That the work shall be performed under the supervision and direction of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury.

Woodstock, Illinois, post office: For continuation (site), $5,000. Operating supplies: For operating supplies for public buildings, including the same objects specified under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $50,000.


For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the authorized work of the Coast Guard, as follows:


Woodstock, III.
Operating supplies.

Coast Guard.


Pay, etc., officers and

For pay and allowances prescribed by law for commissioned enlisted men. officers, warrant officers, petty officers, and other enlisted men, active and retired, temporary and substitute surfmen, not exceeding twenty-one cadets and cadet engineers and one civilian instructor, $94,000;

For rations or commutation thereof for warrant officers, petty officers, and other enlisted men, $12,000;

For outfits, ship chandlery, and engineers' stores for the same, $40,000;

For actual traveling expenses or mileage, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, for officers, and actual traveling expenses for other persons traveling on duty under orders from the Treasury Department, $5,000;

For compensation for special services, $1,800;


Outfits, stores, etc.

Traveling expenses.

Special services.

For contingent expenses, including supplies and provisions for Contingent expenses. houses of refuge and for shipwrecked persons succored by the Coast Guard, wharfage, towage, freight, storage, repairs to station apparatus, advertising, surveys, medals, stationery, labor, newspapers and periodicals for statistical purposes, and all other necessary expenses which are not included under any other heading, $15,000; In all, $167,800.

For repairs to Coast Guard cutters, $25,000.


Repairs to cutters.

Engraving and printing.

Additional work au

Vol. 39, p. 275,

The limitation in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal thorized. year nineteen hundred and seventeen as to the number of delivered amended sheets of United States currency to be executed is increased from Post, p. 348. ninety million to ninety-eight million and of internal-revenue stamps from eighty-four million nine hundred and nine thousand one hundred and sixty-six to eighty-eight million nine hundred and nine thousand one hundred and sixty-six.

[blocks in formation]

For salaries of all necessary employees other than plate printers and plate printers' assistants, including the same objects specified under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $60,500.

For wages of plate printers, at piece rates to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not to exceed the rates usually paid for such work, including the wages of printers' assistants, when employed, $183,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury.

For engravers' and printers' materials and other materials except distinctive paper, including the same objects specified under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $208,000.


For fuel, light, and water, $5,000.

For purveying depot, purchase of medical, surgical, and hospital supplies, $6,000.

For maintenance of marine hospitals, including subsistence, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under special heads, $20,000.

For medical examinations, care of seamen, care and treatment of all other persons entitled to relief, and miscellaneous expenses other than marine hospitals, which are not included under special heads, $15,000.

Quarantine Service: For maintenance and ordinary expenses, including the same objects specified under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $15,000.

Hereafter the cost of fumigation and disinfection shall be charged vessels from foreign ports at rates to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury.


New Orleans, Louisiana, Mint: For incidental and contingent expenses, $500. NEW YORK ASSAY OFFICE: For wages of workmen and other employees, $12,000.

For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery and repairs, wastage in the melting and refining department, and loss on sale of sweeps arising from the treatment of bullion, $25,000.


District Building: For fuel, light, power, repairs, laundry, mechanics, and labor, not to exceed $3,500, and miscellaneous supplies, $6,000.

Assessor's office: Assistant assessors, fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, $250.

Coroner's office: To pay the deputy coroner during the absence of the coroner, $110.

Public Utilities Commission: For incidental and all other general necessary expenses authorized by law, including the employment of expert services where necessary, $10,000.

Public Library: For maintenance, repairs, fuel, lighting, fitting up buildings, lunch-room equipment; purchase, exchange, and maintenance of bicycles and motor delivery vehicles; and other contingent

expenses, $1,430.

Contingent and miscellaneous expenses: For printing, checks, books, law books, books of reference, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $750. For an additional amount for maintenance, care, and repair of Maintenance, etc.

automobiles, motor cycles, and motor trucks, acquired for the District of Columbia, that are not otherwise provided for in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, including such personal services in connection therewith not otherwise authorized in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen as the commissioners shall in writing specially order, $2,645.

For purchase hase of enamel metal or other metal identification number tags for horse-drawn vehicles used for business purposes and motor vehicles in the District of Columbia, $775.

Motor vehicles.

Vehicle tags.

Vault surveys.

Benning Road via

Vol. 38, p. 1141.

For the employment of field party and incidental expenses in making survey and computation relative to vault privileges, $2,000. Benning Road and viaduct: For an additional amount for the dusen objects set forth in the appropriation contained in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, for constructing a suitable viaduct and bridge to carry Benning Road over the tracks of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, $35,000, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen.

The appropriation for Benning Road viaduct and bridge, contained in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, is continued available until the end of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen.

Bridges: The sum of $11,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the appropriation for the replacement of two trusses and floor of the M Street Bridge across Rock Creek, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, is made available for repairs to the east abutment, the placing of new handrails, and the renewal of the wood flooring of said bridge.

Electrical Department: For an additional amount for the purchase and installation of ten fire-alarm boxes, and purchase and erection of necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, posts, extra labor, and other necessary items, $500. PUBLIC SCHOOLS: For allowance to principals, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $1,000.


M Street Bridge.

Fire-alarm boxes, etc.

Public schools.

For longevity pay, including the same objects specified under this. Longevity. head in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $115.28.

For fuel, gas, and electric light and power, $64,608.50. For additional amount for the construction of an eight-room addition, including assembly hall, to the Petworth School, $15,000.

For additional amount for the construction and equipment of a foundry at the McKinley Manual Training School, $5,000.

COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF: For expenses attending the instruction of deaf and dumb persons admitted to the Columbia Institution for the Deaf from the District of Columbia, under section forty-eight hundred and sixty-four of the Revised Statutes, and as provided for in the Act approved March first, nineteen hundred and one, and under a contract to be entered into with the said institution by the commissioners, $2,175, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Metropolitan Police, Harbor Patrol: For fuel, construction, maintenance, repairs, and incidentals, $550.

Fire department: For fuel, $4,625.

Health department: The limitation on the amount to be expended for personal services from the appropriation for preventing the spread


Fuel, etc.

Petworth School.

McKinley Manual

Training School.

Deaf and dumb in


R. S., sec. 4864, p. 942.

Vol. 31, p. 844.

Harbor patrol.

Fire department.
Health department.

Motor vehicle.

Police court.

Municipal court.

Refund to Treasury from District credits.

of contagious diseases for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen is increased from $12,000 to $17,000.

For additional amount for maintenance of one motor vehicle for the sanitary and food inspection service, $150.

Police court: For miscellaneous expenses, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $715. Municipal court: For expenses of moving from present quarters and for complete equipment of new quarters, including furniture and fixtures, and for such other expenses as may be authorized by the judges of the court and approved by the commissioners, $4,000, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen. Court fines: The

sum of $24,300.76, representing fines in United Supreme court fines. States cases collected on judgments of the criminal division of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, during the period from July first, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, to September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, inclusive, and deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the District of Columbia, shall be transferred from the credit of the District of Columbia to the United States.

Police court fines.

Support of prisoners.

Asylum and jail.

Jail prisoners.

Home for Aged and Infirm.

National Training School for Girls.

Garfield Hospital.

Columbia Hospital for Women.

The sum of $211,450.12, representing fines in United States cases collected on judgments of the police court of the District of Columbia, during the period from July first, eighteen hundred and seventyeight, to January first, nineteen hundred and two, inclusive, and deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the District of Columbia, shall be transferred from the credit of the District of Columbia to the United States.

Support of convicts: For support of convicts, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $35,000.

Washington Asylum and Jail: For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and vehicles, and repairs to same, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, and other necessary items, $5,500.

For maintenance of jail prisoners of the District of Columbia at the Washington Asylum and Jail, including pay of guards and all other necessary personal services, and for support of prisoners therein, $3,250.50.

Home for Aged and Infirm: For provisions, fuel, forage, harness and vehicles, and repairs to same, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, and other necessary items, including maintenance of motor truck, $2,000.

National Training School for Girls: For groceries, provisions, light, fuel, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $2,500.

Garfield Hospital: For isolating ward for minor contagious diseases at Garfield Hospital, maintenance, $15,000.

Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum: For care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract to be made with Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum by the Board of

Emergency Hospital. Charities, fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $684.40.

Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital: For emergency care and treatment of, and free dispensary service to, indigent patients under a contract or agreement to be made with Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital by the Board of Charities, $6,000.

Eastern Dispensary.

Eastern Dispensary: For emergency care and treatment of, and free dispensary service to, indigent patients under a contract or

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