
although the premium did not confine competitors to employ any particular quantity of force, there was but one Plough drawn with more than 2 horfes or oxen, and that was with 4 horfes of a diminutive clafs. The foil was ftone-brafh of a 3-years grafs ley, marked out in half-acre portions as nearly fimilar as poffible, for the choice of which the ploughmen drew lots. The depth of the furrow was 4 inches.

The following is a numerical lift of the portions of land; the names of the implements used; the force refpectively employed; and the time in which the work was performed by each:


H. M.

1. Mr. Gourlay, a Scotch Plough, drawn by 2 horfes, in 1 51 2. Mr. Patient, a Wiltshire Plough, 4 ponies with leader, in 1 39 3. Mr. Biggs, a Double-furrow Plough, 2 horses with leader, in 1 24 4. Mr. Davis, a Hampshire Patent Plough, 2 horfes, in 1 56 5. Mr. Gourlay, a Ranfome's Patent Plough, 2 horfes, in 2 6. Mr. Garrett, a Beverstone Plough, 7. Mr. Gourlay, a Double-furrow Plough, 8. Mr. Bennett, a Scotch Plough,


I horfe, in 2 32

2 horfes, in o 59

2 oxen, in 2 51

Mr. King, of Stourton, Mr. Dyer, of KingstonDeverell, and Mr. Baker, of Warminster, having been previously chofen umpires, accurately furveyed the quality of the work, and at the ufual time (after dinner) made the following adjudication.


[blocks in formation]

"AT the request of a Committee of the Bath and

Weft of England Agricultural Society, we the

underfigned have undertaken to become umpires to decide on the merits of certain ploughs, for the Premiums of the faid Society, at Deptford Farm, this day; and we are unanimoufly of opinion, after due confideration of all the objects embraced by the Society, and what appears to be of permanent utility, that the Double-furrow Plough, No. 3, with two horses, is entitled to the first premium; and the Ranfome's Patent Plough, No. 5, to the fecond.



"N. B. The above decifion was made on the principle of cheapest and best."

Much expectation was formed that one of the premiums would have been adjudged to the Bever ftone plough; and it appears that its portion of land was ploughed in a fhort time by a small force; the work alfo was well done. But as there was confidence in the

good reafon for placing implicit

judgment and impartiality of the umpires, and their decifion being formed on the principle of "cheapest and beft," according to this day's experiment, the award was received with univerfal fatisfaction by a numerous affembly of opulent and skilful farming gentlemen. We cordially acquiefce in the decifion of the judges; and beg leave to request, that it may

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To Edward Mould, his ploughman 1

And the fecond premium,

To Robert Gourlay, efq;

4 4 0

To William Seville, his ploughman o 10 6

The iffue of this day's experiment led us to remark, that the trial of Ploughs (originating with the Bath' and Weft of England Society) has overcome, in a great degree, a long-lamented prejudice with respect to the conftruction of ploughs, and the forcet neceffary to be employed; and is gradually introducing a better system, of which the conduct and attention of the Wiltshire farming gentlemen, in this inftance, has given an eminent proof. Another circumftance which attracted our obfervation was, that the ploughmen were chiefly young men, who severally fet about their tafks with great ardour, confiderable skill, and a determination to obtain the

+ A Member of this Society, on the Saturday following the ploughing at Deptford, and who was prefent, accidentally overtook, on his way to Warminster market, a very respectable farmer; who, in converfing on the fubject of the ploughing, observed, that his mind had been thoroughly satisfied of the prejudice against the general expenfe and unneceffary force made use of in ploughing: and had his father adopted what he now was convinced was right, namely, "working on his farm twelve horses instead of fixteen, he need not now have been the renting farmer."

premium; proving to the fpectators, that, while the great and opulent are encouraging the fcience of agriculture by their patronage, and the ingenious are affifting it by their improved inventions, it will not fail through any deficiency of the labouring hand, under the encouraging influence of thefe enlightened times. The judges were fo impreffed with the meritorious conduct of all the ploughmen, that they fet on foot a fubfcription, to be divided among those who had not obtained a premium. A fum was raised (which was distributed at the difcretion of the judges) fufficient to give each a gratuity nearly equal to the amount of the lowest premium. From this circumstance, we take permiffion to suggest, that if the Society, at their Annual Meeting, should think proper to enlarge their premiums for this highly-important operation, both in number and value, particularly to ploughmen, it will be attended with very beneficial effects.

It was intended to have made an experiment with weighing the Ploughs, agreeably to a propofal nade by Capt. Williamfon, at the laft General Meeting, which propofal was then adopted, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Garrett, of Lavington, with his Beverstone plough, fent alfo an index for weighing ploughs previous to trial, and likewife a man to explain the use of it; but owing to the novelty of the practice, for which the minds of all the competitors were not prepared, and as it was

not contained in the conditions of the premium, the adoption of either mode was, for the prefent, waved. We think the practice a defideratum. If the Society should be of the fame opinion, perhaps, at the Annual Meeting they may make the ufe of fome fort of dynanometer a fpecific condition to entitle a competitor to a premium.

We remain the Society's obedient servants,







We the undersigned take the liberty to add to this Report, that the two Gentlemen at the head of this Committee were particularly inftrumental in effecting the fplendour of this day's bufinefs. Mr. Gourlay was fo obliging to accommodate the Society with the ground where the trial was made.




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