


TUESDAY, June 10th.-Afternoon, 2 to 3}.


Examiner-M. WATTEZ.

I. Translate into English :

Trois puissants rois menaçaient ainsi l'enfance de Charles XII. Les bruits de ces préparatifs consternaient la Suède, et alarmaient le conseil. Les grands généraux étaient morts; on avait raison de tout craindre sous un jeune roi qui n'avait encore donné de lui que de mauvaises impressions. Il n'assistait presque jamais que pour croiser les jambes sur la table; distrait, indifférent, il n'avait paru prendre part à rien.

Le conseil délibéra en sa présence sur le danger où l'on était quelques conseillers proposaient de détourner la tempête par des négociations; tout d'un coup le jeune prince se lève avec l'air de gravité et d'assurance d'un homme supérieur qui a pris son parti: "Messieurs," dit-il, “j'ai résolu de ne jamais faire une guerre injuste, mais de n'en finir une légitime que par la perte de mes ennemis. Ma résolution est prise; j'irai attaquer le premier qui se déclarera; et quand je l'aurai vaincu, j'espère faire quelque peur aux autres." Ces paroles étonnèrent tous ces vieux conseillers; ils se regardèrent sans oser répondre. Enfin, étonnés d'avoir un tel roi, et honteux d'espérer moins que lui, ils reçurent avec admiration ses ordres pour la guerre.-VOLTAIRE, Charles XII.

II. Grammatical Questions :

1. Write down the present of the infinitive, the present and past participles, and the present of the subjunctive, of the verbs in italics in the above passage.

2. How do you translate the preposition to, when it means in order to? 3. With what does the past participle preceded by the auxiliary verbs avoir or être agree? Give examples.

4. Translate-quand il viendra, dites-lui: quant à vous, votre présence est inutile ici.

5. When do cent and vingt take the plural form?

6. When is to be translated by devoir ?

7. Why does tout vary in this phrase ?-Votre sœur paraît tout étonnée, toute stupéfaite de cette étrange question.

8. In the following sentences put the verbs in italics in the proper tenses of the subjunctive:—(i.) Il faut qu'elle y revenir. (ii.) Je crains que votre père ne le savoir. (iii.) Elle voulait qu'il y aller avec eux. (iv.) Il désire que vous les refaire.

[blocks in formation]

1. Explain shortly the various systems and methods of classifying plants.

2. Give the principal characteristics of the three classes of plants:--Dicotyledons, Monocotyledons, and Acotyledons.

3. Describe the essential characters of the following natural orders, and give some examples of plants belonging to each of them:-Leguminosae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Cruciferae, Umbelliferae, Gramineae.

4. Name some British and foreign plants useful in Medicine, Manufactures, and the Arts; assign each of them to its proper class, order, and family, and state how and for what purposes they are used.

5. Designate by their scientific names, and arrange under their proper class, order, or family, according either to the Natural or to the Linnæan system, the following plants :-The oak, the elm, the fir, the willow, the rose, the tulip, the pea, the turnip, the mushroom.


1. Give the outlines of the system of classification of the Animal Kingdom, and of the principles on which it is based.

2. Make a table of, and characterise, the class Mammalia.

3. Enumerate the principal species of Ruminantia.

4. Describe the characteristic features of the class Amphibia, and the kind of metamorphoses through which some members of that class pass.

5. Designate by their scientific names, and arrange under their proper order, class, and sub-kingdom, the following animals :The gorilla, the fox, the elephant, the goat, the kangaroo, the rat, the eagle, the sparrow, the tortoise, the wasp, the spider, the herring, the sea-anemone, the sponge.



TUESDAY, June 10th.-Afternoon, 3 to 5.


Examiner-W. ODLING, ESQ., M.B., F.R.S.

1. Give an outline of the chemistry of water, referring particularly to (a) its composition by weight and volume, (b) its atomic volume as compared with that of hydro-chloric acid, (c) its specific heat, (d) its point of maximum density, (e) its latent heat, (f) the latent heat of steam.

2. Describe the processes by which an uniform composition of the atmosphere is maintained, (a) from place to place, (b) from time to time. Do you regard the atmosphere as a chemical compound or as a mechanical mixture? Give the reasons for your opinion.

3. What is meant by equivalent substitution? examples.

Give some

4. Describe the reaction by which hydro-chloric acid is usually produced. What is its action, (a) upon zinc, (b) upon oxide of copper ?

5. What are the principal tests for nitric acid and the nitrates ?

6. Mention the principal tests for lead, and explain their respective actions.

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