


WEDNESDAY, December 17th.-Afternoon, 2 to 31.


Examiner.-W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq, M.A.


1. From a given point to draw a straight line equal to a given straight line.

2. Straight lines which join the extremities of two equal and parallel straight lines towards the same parts are themselves equal and parallel.

3. Every parallelogram having one angle a right angle has all its angles right angles.

4. (a+b)2 = a2+b2+2ab. Enunciate and prove the proposition of which this is the algebraical statement.

5. Describe a square equal to a given rectilineal figure.

6. Given the middle points of the sides of a triangle, construct the triangle.



1. Add together a− (2b+3c), 2a-(3b-c), -3a+ (b-c), and 2c-5b.

2. Find the continued product of a2 −a+1, a2+a+1, a−1, and a +1.

3. If a3-pa2+qa-r = 0, prove that x3-px2+qx-r is di visible by x-a.

4. Simplify the' fraction

2x3+x2-x+3 2x3+5x2+5x+3°

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5. Prove that (x+1) (x2 +1) (x4 + 1) . . . (x+1)='

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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gem = 2x+3


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7. A father, after bequeathing £500 to a hospital, leaves the remainder of his property to his three children in the proportions of 8, 6, and 5, thus giving the first two-fifths of the whole estate. Find the value of each child's share.

[blocks in formation]

On faisait des sorties, et quelquefois avec succès; on fit jouer une mine; mais ce qui rendait la ville imprenable, c'était l'approche du czar, qui s'avançait avec soixante et dix mille combattants. Charles XII. alla les reconnaître le 27 mai, jour de sa naissance, et battit un de leurs détachements; mais comme il retournait à son camp, il reçut un coup de carabine qui lui perça la botte, et lui fracassa l'os du talon. On ne remarqua pas sur son visage le moindre changement qui pût faire soupçonner qu'il était blessé: il continua à donner tranquillement ses ordres, et demeura encore près de six heures à cheval. Un de ses domestiques s'apercevant que le soulier de la botte du prince était tout sanglant, courut chercher des chirurgiens: la douleur du roi commençait à être si cuisante qu'il fallut l'aider à descendre de cheval, et l'emporter dans sa tente. Les chirurgiens visitèrent sa plaie; ils furent d'avis de lui couper la jambe. Un chirurgien nommé Neuman, plus habile et plus hardi que les autres, assura qu'en faisant de profondes incisions, il sauverait la jambe du roi. "Travaillez donc tout à l'heure," lui dit le roi; "taillez hardiment; ne craignez rien." Il tenait lui-même sa jambe avec les deux mains, regardant les incisions qu'on lui faisait, comme si l'opération eût été faite sur un autre.-VOLTAIRE, Charles XII.

II. Grammatical Questions :-

1. Write the primitive tenses of the verbs in italics in the above extract.

2. Show by examples the places of the personal pronouns in French sentences, when two or three are governed by the same verb.

3. When are the English Possessive Adjectives my, thy, his, &c., to be translated into French by le, la, les? Give examples.

4. Explain the difference in the use of the following tenses of the Indicative Mood in French: imperfect, past definite, and past indefinite. Give examples.

5. How are "should" and "ought," when joined to a compound tense, rendered in French? Give examples.



TUESDAY, July 14th.-Morning, 10 to 12.


Examiner THE REV. A. CREAK, M.A. LOND.

1. From what sources is the English language derived? What classes of words belong to these sources respectively?

2. Give the approximate dates of the successive epochs in the history of our language, and state the characteristics of each epoch.

3. Is the English alphabet susceptible of alteration and simplification ?

4. Distinguish between accent and emphasis. Name some words which, though spelt the same, differ in accent and in meaning.

5. Enumerate and classify the pronouns.

6. Define what is meant by a verb, an auxiliary, the subjunctive and infinitive moods, and a participle.

7. Define a conjunction; and illustrate the uses which are made of this part of speech.

8. How many tenses has an English verb? Name them.

9. "A majestic uniformity is the character of our woods, which often consist but of one species of tree, while in the tropical forests an immense variety of families strives for existence, and even in a small space one neighbour scarcely ever resembles the other.” Analyze this sentence, and parse the words in italics.

10. Write a short composition on one of the following subjects:(i.) A visit to a hospital. (ii.) The charms of summer. (iii.) Cloudland.

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