
CADASTRAL survey, 21

Calculation of areas, 18-20, 165; of
bearings of traverse survey, 189, 190
Calliper measure, 11

Carpenter's and joiner's work, 224
Cart shed: specification, 305; priced
bill of quantities, 309
Cattle, ascertaining weight of, 9
Cement, 208, cost of, 209; Portland,
cost of, 215; concrete, cost of, 209;
tiles, 222

Chain: Gunter's and 100-foot, 17; error,
correction of, 23; surveys, extent
of use of, 37; surveying, useful
problems in, 44-7; traverse, 52
Chaining, inaccuracies in, 22; on slopes,
48-51; past obstacles, 44-5; per-
missible error in, 33
Changing face, 182

Checking: levels, 114, 115; plane table
work, 172; theodolite readings, 183
Chords, 199

Circle, finding area of, 3

Circular protractor, 80

Clamp, 210

Clerk of the works, 298
Clinometer, 133; rule, 51

Closing error: amount of, allowed in
practice, 193; example of adjust-
ment of, 194

Cloth, tracing, 77

Collimation, 114, 115; adjustment of

line of, 137; level book, method of
reducing and checking, 121, 122;
compared with R. and F. method

Colouring plans, 77, 78
Colours, 77

Cols, 135

Commencement of curve, determining,

Compass: attractions of needle of, 41;
prismatic, 37; surveying, 41; vari-
ations, 41

Compasses and dividers, 78
Complement of an angle, 150
Compound levelling, 114
Computation of areas, 18-20; of sides
of triangles, 152-7
Computing scale, 61

Concrete, 206, 207; armoured and
reinforced, 208, 220; slabs and
bricks, 217, 218; coke-breeze blocks,
219; upper floors, 219; tiles, 222
Cone, volume of right, 4
Contours, 133

Conventional signs, 81
Convergency of meridians, 193
Co-ordinates, plotting by, 191-2
Copying plans, 85

Cordwood, 13

Core, 206; cost of, 209

Corn stacks, finding contents of, 15
Correction of angles of a triangle, 184;
for curvature and refraction, 112
Corrugated iron, 222; cost of, 223
Cosecant of angle, 149
Cosine of angle, 149
Cotangent of angle, 149

Cottages: rural, 300; two-floored and
bungalow, 301

Country, surveying a, 185

Cowhouse, double: specification, 315;
priced bill of quantities, 318
Cross sections, 122
Cross-head, 29

Cross-staff, 29

Cube, volume of, 4

Curvature: correction for, 110-12;
degree of, 199

Curve setting out by theodolite and
chain, 199-201, by chain, 202; find-
ing length of, 201; impeded point
in, 202; correcting, 202; angle of
intersection of, 199; angle of
deflection of, 199; chord of, 199;
degree of curvature of, 199; radius
of, 199; commencement and end of,
200; tangential angle of, 200
Customary measure, 20
Cutting, showing on plan, 82
Cylinder, volume of right, 4

DAMP courses, 213, 214; cost of, 216
Datum for Great Britain and Ireland,

Dead-lights, 245-7

Declination of magnetic needle, 42

Deduced bearings, 168, 189

Degree of curvature, 199

Departures and latitudes, 193
Diaphragm, 106, 108

Die square measure, 11

Disconnecting traps, 258

Distances: measuring inaccessible, 165;
measuring with tacheometer, 196
Ditches, showing on plan, 81
Dividers, 78

Doors: ledged, ledged and braced,
framed and braced, 238; sliding,
framed and panelled sash, 242; cost
of, 253

Dowels, iron, 240

Drainage ascertaining cost of agri-
cultural, 10; of farm buildings, 255
Drain pipes, laying and fall of, 255
Drain-laying, cost of, 257

Drains: fresh air inlets and foul air
outlets, 255; cost of, 258
Drawing materials, 77; papers, size
of, 76; pen, 78

[blocks in formation]

EARTH, shape of, when negligible, 22
Earthwork, computation of, 126
Eastings and westings, 193
Eidograph, 83
Elm, 224

Embankment, showing in plan, 82
Enlarging plans, 83
Equalising lines, 60
Equipment for survey, 21

Errors: in chaining, 22; in measuring
angles, 184; in traversing, 193;
in compass, sources of, 42; due to
eccentricity of theodolite, 182; due
to imperfect graduation in the theo-
dolite, 182

Estimating cost, 298

Examples of survey of field, 32, 34;
of chain survey, 36; of field book,
33, 38, 39; of compass survey, 41;
of box sextant survey, 169; of
plotting box sextant survey, 168;
of calculation of latitudes
departures, 192; of horizontal angle
book, 184; of traverse survey, 189,
191; of plane table survey, 172; of
level section, 120; of reducing plans,
84, 85,

Excavation, 205, 206; cost of, 209
Extent of use of chain surveys, 37
Eye-piece, 106

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hygiene, 254
Hypotenuse, 148

Hypsometer, 135


INACCESSIBLE heights, finding, 164
Included angle, method of traversing,

Incorrect chain, 23, 24

Index error of box sextant, 167
Indian ink, 77

Inspection chamber, 256; cost of, 258
Instruments: for finding areas, 61, 62;
for copying, enlarging, and reducing,
86; for drawing and plotting, 78, 79
Intercepting trap, 255
Interval, contour, 134

Iron ties, 214; cost of, 216
Isoclinic lines, 42

Isogonic lines, 42

JOINING sheets of plan, 172

KILN, 210

Knot, 5

LAND chains, 17, 18

Latitudes and departures, 192
Lead: cast and milled, 293; flats,
gutters, ridges, flashings, hips, R.W.
pipes, cisterns, 295; sink linings, soil
pipes, rolls, valley gutters, 293, 294;
prices, 296

Length, measures of, 5
Lens, anallatic, 198

Level: Abney, 49; Cushing's Reversible,
110; Dumpy, 105; Y, 109; field
book for, 116; book for rise-and-
fall method, 118; book for height
of instrument method, 121; book
for cross-section levelling, 123;
advantages of Dumpy over Y, 108;
sections plotting, 81, 120; staff, 106;
section, checking, 118; locating
a given, 129

Levelling, 105; bench marks in, 115;
check, 119; to secure accuracy in,
120; simple, 112; compound, 114;
cross-section, 122; datum in, 115;
effect of earth's curvature in, 110;
eliminating errors in, 120; per-
missible error in, 115; reciprocal,
129; with theodolite, 129; precise,
130; with boning rods, 126; with
aneroid barometer, 130; with
hypsometer, 133; with clinometer,
51; with apomecometer, 131; cost
of, for building, 209

Levels: trial, 116; entering in book,
116; checking in book, 119, 122;
reducing, 117; weight of, 104
Lighting of stock-houses, 255
Lime: hydraulic, 208; blue lias, cost
of, 215; grey stone, cost of, 208,

Limewash, external, 215
Limestones, 217

Line of collimation, 115

Line ranger, 47, 48

Links, to convert to feet and yards,


Locating a given level, 129

Measures of length, 5; metric, 7, 8;
dry, hay and straw, miscellaneous, 6
Mensuration formulæ, 3, 4
Meridian, 40

Mortar memoranda, 213; joints, 212;
lime and cement, 212
Muntin, 242

Newels, 248

North: determining direction of, 42, 43;
point, 83

Northings and southings, 192, 193

OAK, English, American, and Dantzic,

Object glass, 107

Oblique angles, 168

Observations, face-left and face-right,


Observing horizontal angles with the
theodolite, 181; vertical angles with
the theodolite, 182
Obstacles, surveying past, 44, 45
Offset pole, 21; scale, 75
Offsets, 25; booking, 27; to buildings
25-6; secondary, 26; length of,
26; to a gate, 27; to footset
hedge, 27; to hedge and ditch, 27;
to hedge with two ditches, 27
Optical square: use and theory of, 30,
31; adjustment of, 32
Orchards, 82

Ordinates, 61

Ordnance maps, 55; how to order, 56
Ordnance scales, 55

Origin, point of, in traverse survey, 188


Pantograph, general description of,

Paper, 76; tracing, 77

Parallax, 137

Parallel rule, 74

Logarithmic functions, use of, in solving Parallelogram, area of, 3

[blocks in formation]

Pine, Northern, Pitch, American, 224
Plain tiles, 221

Plane table, 170; use of, 170-1;
checking work of, 172; to set
173-6; to continue survey on
fresh sheet, 172; traversing with,
176; three-point problem with, 175;
fixing intersected points with, 172
Planimeter, 62-9

Plans: finishing up, 83; printing on,
83; enlarging, reducing, and copying,
83-6; plotting, 74-5; reducing by
photography, 86

Plantation, survey of, 52

Planting, to find number of trees
required per acre, 13

Plotting a survey, 74; a traverse, 187;
a triangle, 75, 80; by co-ordinates,

[blocks in formation]

Reversible level, 110

Right angles, setting out, 27; with
chain, 28-9; with cross staff, 29;
with optical square, 30
Right-angled triangles, solution of, 152
Rise-and-fall level book, 118
Riser, 248

River, surveying across, 45

Rod of brickwork, data in connection
with, 213

Roods and perches, to express as
decimal fraction of an acre, 19
Roof coverings, 220-3

Roof lights, 245-7; cost of, 258, 263
Roof truss: king post, 235; queen
post, 235, 237; king rod, 237;
composite, 238

Roof trusses, cost of, 253
Roof windows, 245, 246

Roofs, 233, 235; barge, hip, and circu-
lar, surface of, 9; lean-to, 233;
couple, 235; couple close, 235; collar-
beam, 235; cost of, 233

Roots, finding weight of, in clamp, 16
Rot, dry and wet, 225

Rough cast, 215; cost of, 216
Rubble in walls, 217
Ruberoid, cost of, 223

Rule, parallel, 74

Rules for calculating areas, 18-20

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Steel tapes, 18

Stepping with the chain, 51

Stile, showing on plan, 82
Stone walls, 217

Stonework, 216; cost of, 217

Straw: weight of per bushel of grain, 16;
stacks, finding contents of, 15
String, outer and inner, 248, 249
Strutting, herringbone, cost of, 233
Subdivision of areas, 98
Supplement of angle, 150

Survey: how to make with chain, 32;

of single field, 33; of fields, 35–7;
of a country, 185; degree of accu-
racy for, 70; for area only, 34, 35;
traverse, 52, 188; box sextant, 168;
theodolite, 184; prismatic compass, 41
Surveying past buildings, rivers, ponds,
44, 45

Surveyors' Institution Examination, 81
Systematic surveying, 21

[blocks in formation]

Tapes, 18

Temporary adjustments: of theodolite,
186; of levels, 137

Tension scarf joint, 237
Terrestrial refraction, 111
Testing accuracy of plans, 173
Thatch, 222

Theodolite: adjustments of transit,
185-7; changing face with, 182; de-
scription of, 178-80; errors of eccen-
tricity and imperfect graduation in,
182; measuring a horizontal angle
with, 181; measuring a vertical
angle with, 182; repetition and
reiteration with, 183; size of, 178;
surveying with, 184; levelling with,
129; transit, 179; Y, 181
Three-point problem, 175
Tie lines, 33

Tile roofs, 221, 222

Tiles, 221, 222, cost of, 223; asbestos
cement, 222; concrete, 222; glass,
255, cost of, 258

Tiling, vertical, 215

Timber: ascertaining contents of, 11;
method of measuring standing, 11;
method of measuring felled, 12;
classification of, uses for, weight
and price of, 224, 225; market
forms of, 225; qualities of, 225;
seasoning of, 225; preservation of,
226; joints, 226; floors, 226–33
Tracing cloth, 77; paper, 77
Transit theodolite, 178, 179
Transom lights, 245

Traverse survey: by Gale's or included
angle method, 188; by back angle
method, 190; adjustment of errors
in, 194; closing error in, 193;
example of reducing, 192; example
of plotting, 191; by chain and
theodolite, 188; by chain, 52; by
plane table, 176

Trapezium, finding area of, 3
Trapezoid, finding area of, 3
Tread, 248

Trees, showing on plan, 82
Trenches for foundations, 205
Trial levels, 116

Triangles, finding area of, 3, 165;
plotting, 75, 80; formulæ for
solution of plane, 157, 160; well-
conditioned, 37

Triangulation, best shape of triangle in,
37; checks in, 33, 184; satellite
stations in, 184; size of triangles
in, 37
Trigonometry, 147
Tripod, 106

True contents measure of timber, 11
True meridian, determination of, 42

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