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The Guides published by Messrs. Galignani are incalculably superior to any others, being principally the result of personal observation.

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BYRON'S COMPLETE WORKS, including all his suppressed and attributed Poems, and Pieces; printed in a clear, bold, and legible type, IN ONE VOL. OCTAVO, with a Life of the Author, a beautiful Portrait, and a fac simile of his Lordship's writing in an original letter never before published, ONLY 25fr.

-The same on vellum paper, extra boards, 35fr. The same on vellum pap., royal 8vo. 60fr. (Only 50 copies printed.) It is unnecessary to point out the advantages of pos

sessing this splendid edition in so portable and elegant a form, and at considerably less than half the cost of the most common and imperfect editions. -The same in 13 vols. 32mo. on vellum paper. ONLY 45fr.

This beautiful edition, from its size, is admirably suited for a Lady's library, or as a pocket-companion. -Another Edit., large type, 16 vols. 12mo.vellum paper. 70fr.

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Mr. Leigh Hunt's position with regard to Lord Byron, and the long and intimate intercourse they enjoyed, enabled him to contemplate the Noble Poet's character in all its darkness and brightness; and while he can seize all that was really piquant about his Lordship, he is infinitely above retailing the gossip and garbage which some memoir-writers have done. There is much new and curious matter in these lively volumesthey abound in anecdote, and are full of vivid sketches and traits of numerous eminent and interesting individuals." (New Monthly Magazine).

HOURS OF IDLENESS: a series of juvenile poems, by Lord Byron. With the Critique of the Edinburgh Review, which elicited the "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers." 12mo. 4fr.

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DON JUAN, a poem, by Lord Byron, complete in 3 vols. 12mo. 15fr.; or may be had separately, Cantos I. and II. -1 vol. 12mo. vellum paper. 3fr.-Cantos III. IV. V. 3fr. -Cantos VI. VII. VIII. 3fr. Cantos IX. X. XI. 3fr.Cantos XII. XIII. XIV. 3fr. Cantos XV. XVI. 3fr.

CAIN, a mystery, by Lord Byron, 12mo. 3fr. 50c. SARDANAPALUS, a Tragedy, by Lord Byron. 4fr: 50c. THE TWO FOSCARI, a Tragedy, by Byron. 4fr. 50c. PROPHECY OF DANTE, a poem, by Byron, 12mo. 2fr. MARINO FALIERO, DOGE OF VENICE, a historical tragedy, by Lord Byron, 12mo. 4fr. 50с. LETTER TO ON THE REV. W. L. BOWLES'S STRICTURES ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF POPE, by Lord Byron, 12mo. 2fr. 50c. MAZEPPA, a poem, by Lord Byron, 12mo. 2fr. 50c. BEPPO, a Venetian Story, by Lord Byron, 12mo. 2fr. CHILDE HAROLD'S PILGRIMAGE, 2 vols. 32mo. 8fr. THE VAMPIRE, 12mo.3fr. This most terrific and interesting tale was given out as Lord Byron's. LIFE OF LORD BYRON, by J. W. Lake, 32mo. 3fr. CONVERSATIONS OF LORD BYRON; detailing the occurrences of his private life; his opinions on society, and literary men; being the substance of a journal kept during a residence with his lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 and 1822. By Thomas Medwin, Esq. 2 vols. 12mo. 10fr. This edition is more complete than the London one.

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*This is a very interesting work; and the best report on the affairs of Greece which has ever appeared." (Times.) "This is a publication of sterling value. Its contents are documents and materials towards a very important part of a very important history; and its interest is not of a mere ephemeral description." (Monthly Magazine) PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE OF LORD BYRON, including his letters to his mother, written from Portugal, Spain, Greece, and the Mediterranean. Published from the originals, by R. C. Dallas, Esq. 3 vols. 12mo. l6fr.


(For this work an injunction was granted by the Lord Chancellor, and it can never be published in England.) "We are indebted to the French Press for this interesting publication, which our boasted liberties did not suffice to procure us. These letters are graceful, elegant, and eminently remarkable for their ease and simplicity. Lord Byron's Correspondence is in reality such as very Som persons could produce" (New Monthly Magazine.) A NARRATIVE OF LORD BYRON'S LAST JOURNEY TO GREECE, from the Journal of Count Peter Gamba, who attended his Lordship on that expedition, 12mo. 6fr. "This narrative is perhaps the most important of all that Lord Byron's death has brought forward to establish his place in the rolls of Fame." (Blackwood.)

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"The interest which every circumstance connected with the history of Lord Byron naturally excites, has produced this volume. The events which it relates are remarkable for the peculiar views taken of the character of Lord Byron and the persons by whom he was surrounded. Upon the state of the Greeks the book affords some curious information." (New Monthly Magazine.) IMPARTIAL PORTRAIT OF LORD BYRON, as a Poet and a man, compared with all the evidences and writings regarding him. By Sir E. Brydges, Bart. 12mo. 3fr.

The scorching beams of Lord Byron's sun have sunk beneath the horizon, but the milder reflexions from them still irradiates the sky. I have accompanied his progress from its first dawning ray, when scarcely поticed by others, to his premature exit; and now, with a still growing enthusiasm, I continue to throw fresh flowers on his tomb."-Preface.

NARRATIVE OF LORD BYRON'S VOYAGE TO CORSICA AND SARDINIA, from minutes by the passengers, and extracts from the Journal of his Lordship's Yacht the Mazeppa, kept by Capt. Benson, R. N. 3fr.


MOORE'S POETICAL WORKS, including his Irish Melodies, National Airs, Ballads, Sacred Songs, &c., with a comprehensive sketch of his Life, and Portrait, printed in a bold, clear, and legible type, complete in ONE VOL. octavo, ONLY 20fr. in boards; 30fr. on vellum paper; or 45fr. on large vellum paper, with proof Portrait on India paper, of which only 50 copies have been printed.

This splendid edition comprises the whole of Mr. Moore's Poetical Works. It is unnecessary to point out the advantages of possessing these celebrated works in their present elegant and portable form, and at so moderate a price. The Melodies, Canzonets, &c., about 300 in number, have never been printed in England but with the music, which alone amounts to fifteen times the price of this entire edition. price

-The same, 7 vols. 32mo, vellum paper, 25fr.

This Diamond Edition, from its convenient size, is admirably suited for a lady's library or for the pocket. COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MOORE, 13 thick vols. 12mo. vellum paper, 82fr. with a Portrait and Sketch of his Life: containing Lalla Rookh; Loves of the Angels; Memoirs of Captain Rock; Life of Sheridan; Odes on Cash, Corn, Catholics, &c; The Epicurean; Rhymes on the Road; Odes and Epistles; Two-penny Post Bag; Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress; Corruption and Intolerance; The Sceptic; Irish, Sacred, and National Melodies; Letter to the Catholics; M. P., or the Blue Stocking, Fudge Family; Odes of Anacreon; Little's Poems, and upwards of 300 Canzonets, Songs, &c. &c. -Another edition, common paper, 11 vols. 12mo. 60fr. Persons having the 1st Edition of Moore's Works, may purchase an additional volume to complete their set. ODES ON CASH, CORN, CATHOLICS, ETC., NATIONAL AIRS, EVENINGS IN GREECE, GLEES, ETC., by Thomas Moore, 1 vol. 12mo. 6fr.


THE EPICUREAN, a tale, by T. Moore, 12mo.6fr.

Our sense of the beauties of this Tale may be appreciated by the acknowledgment that for insight into human nature, for poetical thought, for grace, refinement, intellect, pathos, and sublimity, we prize the Epicurean even above any other of the author's works. Indeed, although written in prose, this is a masterly poem, and will for ever rank as one of the most exquisite productions in English Literature!" (Literary Gazette.)

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"What a galaxy of beauty is here! These admirable memoirs abound in the very finest specimens of the ornate style-it cannot fail to improve those ambitious of fine writing." (London Magazine.)

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MEMOIRS OF CAPTAIN ROCK, the celebrated Irish

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This is a complete History of Ireland, and ought to be the manual of every one wishing for information on that country; it is full of instruction and amusementan entertaining and melancholy volume, which Englishmen ought to be ashamed, and Irishmen afraid, to read." -(London Magazine.)

LOVES OF THE ANGELS, by Th. Moore, 12mo, 4fr.
-The same, 8vo. beautifully printed. 7fr.
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Songs, and Ballads, etc., by Moore, 2 vols 32mo. Sfr.

"Moore is one of the few writers who will survive the age in which he so deservedly flourishes. He will live in his Irish melodies. They will go down to posterity with the music, hoth will last as long as Ireland, or as music and poetry."- (Lord Byron.)

Thomas Moore, 12mo. 8fr.
LALLA ROOKH, by Thomas Moore. 32mo. 5fr.


SIR WALTER SCOTT'S PROSE WORKS, complete IN SIX VOLS. 8vo. (heretofore published in 79 vols.) beautifully printed, with portrait. 150fr. The same, vellum paper, 210fr. The same, vellum paper, royal 8vo. 300fr. (Only 50 copies printed.)

From the legibility and boldness of the type, it is almost incredible that so many volumes could have been compressed into so small a compass, rendering it available to the economist as well as to the traveller. This edition, from its moderate price, beauty, and correctness, leaves nothing to desire, and for execution challenges a comparison with the finest specimens of typography.

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Our task of selection is only dificult from the rich superabundance of materials which present themselves nearly at every page with an almost bewildering profusion. Passages of high descriptive power and burning eloquence are scattered throughout the work with a prodigality which genius alone can supply. We may safely aver that volumes more pregnant with interest never issued from the press." (Literary Gazette)

This work is worthy of the name of its illustrious author, and a chef-d'œuvre with relation to those eminent and general characteristics essentially required by good taste and good sense.-His portraits are full of inspiration, and stand out on the canvas with boldness and vivacity, and the description of all great events is fine and picturesque. Sir Walter Scott has undoubtedly drawn kis documents from their sources." (New Month. Magaz.) THE SAME, in One thick Volume 8vo. 25fr.

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The same, Pocket edit. 7 vols. 32mo. vellum paper. 25fr. -The same, large type, 7 vols. 12mo. 40fr. NOVELS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT; elegantly printed in 12mo. at ONE THIRD the price of the London edition

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-The same, 8vo. 9fr. The Abbot, 13fr.

Tales of my Landlord:

-The same, 8vo.9fr. -2d series, 4 vols. 17fr.

-3d series, 4 vols. 17fr.

The whole of Sir Walter Scott's Prose and Poetical Works complete in 101 vols. 12mo. 458fr.

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These are extracted from the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, and have never before been published separately. TALES OF A GRANDFATHER, by Sir Walter Scott, Ist and 2d series, 6 vols. 18mo., 18fr. LEGEND OF MONTROSE, by Sir W. Scott, 2v. 32mo. 4fr.


GOETZ OF BERLICHINGEN, a tragedy from the Ger-
man of Goethe, by Sir Walter Scott, 12mo. 4fr.
Walter Scott, 32mo, 5fr.

MARMION, a poem, by Sir Walter Scott, 32mo, 5fr.
THE LADY OF THE LAKE, a poem, by Sir Walter
Scott, 32mo. 5fr.

ROKEBY, a poem, by Sir Walter Scott, 32mo. 5fr.
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SOUTHEY'S POETICAL WORKS, including all his suppressed Poems, with a Life and beautiful Portrait, printed in a hold, clear and legible type, in ONE VOLUME 8vo. Price only 25fr.; vellum paper 35fr.; large vellum paper (only 50 copies printed). 60fr.

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VOLUME, price on fine paper, 25fr.; vellum paper,
35fr.; large vellum paper, 60fr.


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THE BOOK OF THE BOUDOIR, by Lady Morgan, 2 vols. 12mo, 10fr.

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"Lady Morgan has on this occasion excelled herself, and has furnished the admirers of historical romance with a high and extraordinary treat." (Literary Chron.) "Just risen from the perusal of her charming volumes, and still under the wand of the enchantress, our praise may perhaps be conceived too excessive to be judicious; but the work is so immeasurably superior to any thing that Lady Morgan has yet done, that we cannot bring ourselves to retract it, nor can we help saying that there are sketches in it which Scott himself might acknowledge." -(London Weekly Review).

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Lady Morgan's fearless and excellent work upon Italy." (Lord Byron.)

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"Lady Morgan has surprised us by the Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. We could not have given her credit for the talents shown in this first essay in Historical composition, not only for the depth of her reflexions, but for the extent of her taste and judgment, connected with Italian Literature and Art." (Monthly Review.)

Lady Morgan has produced two of the most amusing volumes we have met with, even in this biographical age." (Edinburgh Magazine.) ABSENTEEISM, by Lady Morgan, 12mo. 4fr. 50c. WASHINGTON IRVING.

WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS, 16 vols. 12mo. elegantly printed on fine paper, with a Portrait, 82fr. A CHRONICLE OF THE CONQUEST OF GRANADA, by Washington Irving, 2 vois. 12mo. 12fr.

HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF CHRIS TOPHER COLUMBUS, by Washington Irving, 4 thick vols. 12mo, with maps. 24fr.

This work gives Mr. Irving prodigious increase of fame; the novelty of fact exhibited commands wonder, only to be explained by the circumstances which have given the author access to the archives of the Spanish government, as well as many private libraries, hitherto a fountain shut up and a book sealed; by which he has been enabled to weave into this work many curious facts, previously unknown, concerning Columbus.-The chaste and nervous elegance of the style, and the liberal and truly philosophical cast of thought and sentiment, are what no one need be surprised with who has read his previous writings, but this performance is a more elaborate one, and of higher pretensions; and with unmingled pleasure do we contemplate the fruit of his tong and arduous labours." (Literary Gazette.)

"It has very entertaining notices of events, opinions, and persons, illustrative of the great subject of the work." (London Magazine).

"This spirited and interesting work, in which every thing is as judiciously reasoned as it is beautifully and forcibly expressed, is much more grave in its character and laborious in its execution, than any of his preceding ones." (New Monthly Magazine.)

THESKETCH BOOK, by the same, 2 vols. 12mo. 9f. BRACEBRIDGE HALL, by the same, 2 vols. 12mo. 9fr. SALMAGUNDI; or the Whim-Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and others. By the same, 2 vols. 12mo. Sfr.

KNICKERBOCKER'S HUMOROUS HISTORY OF NEW YORK, by the same, 2 vols. 12mo. 8fr.

TALES OF A TRAVELLER, by the same, 2 volumes, 12mo. 10fr.

"It seems probable to us that Mr. Irving might prove no contemptible rival to Goldsmith, whose turn of mind he very much inherits, and of whose style he particularly reminds us. Like him, too, Mr. Irving possesses the art of setting ludicrous perplexities in the most irresistible point of view, and we think, equals him in the variety of his humour. (Quarterly Review.)

GOLDSMITH'S MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, edited by Washington Irving, Esq. 4 vols. 8vo. 28fr.; on vellum paper, 40fr.; on large vellum paper, 72fr. with fine portraits, of Goldsmith and Irving.


THE BORDERERS; or the Wept of Wish-ton Wish, 3 vols. 12mo. 13fr.

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THE SPY, a tale of the neutral ground, 3 vols. 12mo, 13fr.
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RED ROVER, 3 vols. 12mo. 13fr.

The ability displayed in the Novels of this author has rendered him a decided favorite. His characters are well drawn, spirited, distinct, and natural, and might have figured with great credit on the pages of the Scotch Novelist." (New Monthly Magazine.)


TABLE TALK, or Originat Essays, by William Hazlitt, 2 vols. 12mo. Ofr.

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"We have here another Work from the acute, brilliant, spirit-stirring, and entertaining pen of the Author of Table Talk. Those who desire to gain an available notion of the intellectual characters of Lord Byron, Sir Wal ter Scott, Mr. Coleridge, Mr. Southey, Mr. Wordsworth, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Crabbe, Jeremy Bentham, Mr. Godwin, Mr. Irving, Horne Tooke, Mr. Canning, Sir J. Mackintosh, Mr. Malthus, Mr. Gifford, Mr. Jeffrey, Mr. Brougham, Sir F. Burdett, Lord Eldon, Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Cobbett, Elia, and Mr. Knowles, will not easily find what they seek, under so distinct, striking, and rememberable aform us here." (New Mouthly Magazine.)


MORAL TALES, 2 vols. 12mo. Dir.
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THE MUSEE FRANCAIS, or Collection of three hundred and forty-three beautiful engravings, from the finest paintings and statues which existed at the Louvre in 1815. The letter-press in English and in French-This superb work will consist of twenty-five numbers large folio: each number contains from 12 to 16 engravings: a number is published every Ist and 15th of each month: the first number appeared on the 15th February, 1829. Price of each number, 50fr

HISTORY OF PARIS, from the earliest period to the present day; containing a description of its antiquities,

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