
Public Ownership


Held in Chicago November 15, 16, 17, 1919
In the Congress Hotel

Public Ownership League of America

Chicago, Illinois, 1919


The papers and addresses which appear in this volume were delivered at a Public Ownership Conference held in Chicago in the Gold Room of the Congress Hotel, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, November 15, 16 and 17, 1919. The Conference is one of the regular features of the work of the Public Ownership League. The first one was held in Chicago in November, 1917, none being held in 1918 due to war conditions then prevailing. It is the purpose of the League to hold such national conventions each


At these conferences the League endeavors to bring together the leading authorities, students, specialists, managers and experts in the field of public utilities and natural resources for the discussion and consideration of these vital subjects and for the formulation of a nonpartisan, educational organization for the advancement of the public ownership and democratic control of public utilities and natural resources. Its object is to secure the the efficient operation of public utilities already publicly owned; just and reasonable conditions for all public employees, and the public ownership of additional public utilities and natural resources as far and as fast as it can be made practical.

Collects, classifies and disseminates information on public ownership; conducts an Information Service; assists individuals, organizations and cities in a strictly nonpartisan way in public ownership campaigns; a corps of speakers and writers and a press and publicity service, and publishes bulletins on various phrases of public ownership. (A list of those so far published will be found on inside back cover.) The League also publishes a twenty page monthly magazine, "The People's Voice," devoted to public ownership and allied subjects and to the work of the League.

The publication of this volume with the full stenographic report of the papers, the addresses, resolutions,

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