

1. (a) What is the connection between ovulation and menstruation? (b) What is the average duration of menstruation? (c) What is the interval between the menstrual periods? (d) Give the average age at which menstruation first occurs.

2. Describe the axis of the inlet and the outlet of the pelvis and the axis of the cavity.

3. How are the organs of generation divided, external and internal?

4. Describe the changes which occur in the ovum after impregnation.

5. (a) What are the uses of the liquor amnii during pregnancy? (b) During labor?

(a) What is puberty? (b) Describe the changes that take place in the female at puberty.

7. (a) What comprises the puerperal state? (b) Describe the maternal changes during that period.

8. Describe the lochia and the conditions that change its composition and quantity.

9. Give the diagnosis and treatment of trunk presentations. 10. In what way may delivery be arrested in twin births? Describe the management of the same.

11. Give the causes, diagnosis and treatment of purulent ophthalmia neonatorum.

12. Give causes, pathology and treatment of thrush.

J. T. WILSON, M. D., Sherman, Texas.


1. Give the principal methods of abdominal drainage with which you are familiar. What method do you consider best?

2. How would you treat a case of ingrown toe nail?

3. Mention the most important symptoms of an acute synovitis involving the hip joint.

4. Give your treatment of a large varicose ulcer of the leg. What are the principal signs of a simple fracture involving the femur?


6. What important tissues may be accidently wounded during an operation for femoral hernia?

7. What are the symptoms of acute intestinal obstruction? 8. How should an aneurism of femoral artery be treated?

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10. Describe in detail how you would correct the deformity and dress a case of Colles fracture.

11. Describe in detail how you would proceed to control hemorrhage during an amputation of the hip joint.

12. How would you treat a carbuncle?




What are the dangers of otitis media?

How would you make a differential diagnosis between a case of diphtheria and a bad case of follicular tonsilitis?

3. Upon what would you base a diagnosis of suppurating disease in the antrum of Highmore?

4. Describe in detail how you would proceed to remove a small foreign body embedded in the cornea.

5. Upon what symptoms would you make a diagnosis of mastoiditis?

T. T. JACKSON, M. D., San Antonio, Texas.


1. Define forensic medicine.

2. Briefly enumerate the difference between an ordinary and a medical expert witness.

3. Enumerate the general rules to be observed in testifying as an expert witness.

4. Define criminal and civil malpractice.

5. Briefly enumerate what you would do if called to view the

body of a person found dead.

6. What do you understand by personal identity?

7. Give a practical and reliable test for human blood.

8. State what is considered a live birth by law and what manifestations of life would establish it medico-legally.

9. If called to see a person before death suspected of having been poisoned, state what steps you would take to determine this fact both before and after death.

10. What do you understand by a dying declaration and what is its value in court?

11. Give a differential diagnosis between opium poisoning, acute alcoholism and apoplexy.

12. If called to view a person found dead from gun-shot wound state how you would determine as to whether it was probably suicide or murder.

M. M. SMITH, M. D., Austin, Texas.


1. Describe in a brief way the pathology of yellow fever.

2. In what part of the system would you expect to find primarily the infectious element in yellow fever?

3. From results of recent investigations, what, in your opinion, is the infectious element in yellow fever, and how is it conveyed?

4. What other infectious disease, common in the country, the morbid appearances of which sometimes so much resemble those of yellow fever?

5. What, in your opinion, is the source of infection in malarial diseases?

6. In malarial cachexia, or chronic malarial poisoning, what morbid conditions are usually found?

7. A case-age 26. Recurring hematemesis, profuse-enormously enlarged spleen. Anemia-lemon-tinted skin-moderate general dropsy. Sclera bluish-white; digestion poor, with inclination to costiveness. History: Two or three terms of chills in boyhood, each lasting one year or more. Diagnosis made without microscope. Gave him quinine in acid solution for six or eight weeks-nearly 400 grains in all. Spleen reduced like magic to almost normal size, no more hemorrhage, dropsy disappeared, skin resumed more natural tint, when he passed from under my care. What, in your opinion, was the morbidity causing the hemorrhage; and what caused this morbidity?

8. Where would you expect to find pathological lesions in hydrophobia, and mention some of the most pronounced?

9. What pathological lesions to be found in simple acute endocarditis?

10. How does endocarditis differ from acute plastic pericarditis pathologically?

11. Which of these will likely affect most seriously the circulation of the blood, and why?

12. Mention some disease which is most commonly the cause of either or both of these morbid conditions.

T. J. BELL, M. D., Tyler, Texas.


1. Define molecular weight.

2. Define portable, hard, and temporary hard water.

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Describe the bismuth test for sugar in the urine. What is

the objection to this test?

5. Mention chemical and physical properties of arsenic.

6. Upon what reaction does the copper test for sugar in the urine depend?

7. What do you understand by diffusion of gases?




What is the chemical antidote for bichloride of mercury?

What are the chemical incompatibilities of iron and anti

10. What are fats? What are soaps?

11. Give atomic weight and valence of hydrogen, lead, sulphur, and mercury.

12. What is the relation between albumin and the specific gravity; and sugar and the specific gravity of urine?

R. T. MORRIS, M. D., Houston, Texas.

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2. Give origin, insertion, and action of the pectoralis major muscle.

3. Name the nerves that supply the tongue and give their function.

4. Give the relations of the radial artery, and name its branches.

5. Describe the spleen.

6. Name the points of special interest of the popliteal space.

7. Name the ligaments which suspend the uterus.


What area is drained by the right lymphatic duct?

9. Describe the elbow joints.

10. Describe the artificial divisions of the abdomen, and name the contents of each subdivision.

11. Describe the great sciatic nerve.

12. Describe the rectum.

R. T. MORRIS, M. D., Houston, Texas.


1. To what part of the anatomy does histology apply?

2. What relation does a knowledge of histology bear to physi


3. Describe in a brief way the histology of the kidney.

4. Give the minute anatomy of the liver.


Name the minute endings of the bronchi.


What are Haversian canals and where found?

7. Mention the communication between the great system of blood vessels.

8. Mention the three great groups into which the tissues of the body are divided.

9. What are the principal forms of fibrous tissue?

10. Mention principal difference between cartilage and bone. 11. What structures compose secreting glands?

What are lymphatic glands and where are they found?
T. J. BELL, M. D., Tyler, Texas.


1. What is the difference between a contagious and infectious disease?

2. Describe two of the best methods of fumigation to prevent the spread of contagious diseases.

3. What steps are essential to prevent the spread of typhoid fever from a patient to other members of the household?

4. Describe a good plan for ventilating a sleeping room in a temperate climate during winter.

5. What are the normal constituents of atmospheric air?

6. What are the deleterious ingredients of exhaled air?

7. What is meant by absolute and relative humidity?

8. What symptoms are produced in some persons by sudden changes from low to high altitudes?

9. Why should the principles of hygiene be observed in construction of dwellings?

10. In the selection of a building site, what things are to be sought and what avoided?

11. How would you guard against the bowel disturbances of infants during their first and second summers?

From what foods does ptomain poisoning arise?

A. C. SCOTT, M. D., Temple, Texas.


1. What is the dose of oleoresina aspidii and for what is it used?

2. Define a hypnotic. What is a hemostatic?

3. Name: (a) The most efficient mydriatic; (b) myotic; (c) analgesic. Give dose of the analgesic.

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