[blocks in formation]

1. Resolution relative to the accounts of Philip Peltz, late

treasurer of the county of Philadelphia.

2. Resolution relative to the claim of Arthur M'Gill, for dam-

3. Resolution for the relief of Horton and Farrow, contractors
upon the Beaver division of the Pennsylvania canal.
4. Resolution relative to the settlement of the account of Charles
Mowry, late acting Canal Commissioner.

5. Resolution relative to the collection of the State Tax.

5. Resolution relative to the distribution of the proceeds arising

from the sale of the public lands, and for other purposes.

Resolution authorizing the State Treasurer to pay the com-

missioners of the Internal Improvement fund, the unap-

propriated balance of two millions of dollars, amounting,

after deducting specific appropriations, to forty-seven

thousand two hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty-

six cents.

& Resolution to authorize the Canal Commissioners to inquire

into and adjust the claim of Jacobs and Cornog.

Resolution relative to the removal of obstructions in the

Ohio river.

10. Resolution relative to the claim of Le Grand Bancroft and

John D. Petriken, and Brown and Sawyer, and Josephine

C. B. Nourse.

Resolution relative to the claims of Joseph Smith, Peter

Livergood, George Patton Boyer, John Gallaugher and

George Keener, Isaac Kleckner and James M'Gee, for

damages done by the construction of the Pennsylvania

Canal and Columbia Railroad.

2. Resolution authorizing John T. M. Bedell and others, to

change their names, and for other purposes.

13. Resolution authorizing superintendents of motive power on

railways of the commonwealth, to draw and disburse

monies, under certain conditions, and for certain purposes.

14. Resolution requiring the President, Faculty and Trustees

of Colleges, and Trustees or Managers of Academies or

Schools, (other than Common Schools,) to make certain

reports to the Superintendent of Common Schools.

15. Resolution relative to the claim of Edward Innman, James
and Samuel Thompson, and Joseph Wright.

16. Resolution relative to the claims of John A. Lloyd, the heirs

of John Lawson, deceased, Franklin Stratton, James P.

White, and William Graham, and Jane Parsons.






and required to pay to John Barnhiser of Franklin county, Gratuity and
Anthony Snider of Cumberland county, Henry Price of Cen-annuity to
tre county, Godfried Dreher and Bernard Kepner of Scuyl- J. Barnhiser
kill county, Andrew Flatt and Philip Ende of Lycoming and others.
county, soldiers of the revolutionary war, and Christina
Leininger, widow of a soldier of the revolutionary war, or to
their respective orders, forty dollars to each immediately, as
a gratuity, and an annuity of forty dollars each, during life,
payable half yearly, to commence from the first day of Janu-
ary, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.

SECTION 2. The State Treasurer is hereby authorized and
required to pay to Samuel Henderson of Indiana county, a Gratuity to S
gratuity of forty dollars, in full for his revolutionary servi- Henderson.
ces; the foregoing gratuities and pensions to be paid in con-
formity with existing laws.

SECTION S. The State Treasurer is hereby required to pay to the widow of Nicholas Gooshorn, late of Juniata county, Gratuity to deceased, or to her order, the gratuity of forty dollars which widow

was granted to said deceased during last session.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twelfth day of January, A. D., one thou

and eight hundred and thirty-six.


of N.


No. 5.

A Supplement

To the act entitled An act for the relief of sundry soldiers and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Barbara Keigley shall receive the gratuity and annuity given to her by the name of Barbara Reigley, annuity to by the act entitled, "An act for the relief of sundry soldiers B. Keigley. and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war," passed the

Gratuity and

[ocr errors]

fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, and according to the provisions thereof.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twelfth day of January, A. D. one thous

and eight hundred and thirty-six.


No. 6.

To authorize the trustees for the members composing the first New Je rusalem Church in the city of Philadelphia, to sell and convey real


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, 'That Maskell M. Carl, Jacob A. Tryon and Joseph Randall, and the survivors and survivor of them, trustees for the members composing the first New Jerusalem Church in the city of Philadelphia, be, and the same are hereby authorized and empowered to sell and convey, in fee simple, a certain lot of ground, situate on Bush-hill, in the county of Philadelphia, and particularly described in a certain indenture to the said trustees, dated the eighth day of July, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and twentyseven, and recorded in the office for recording deeds for the eity and county of Philadelphia, in deed book G. W. R., Number twenty, page four hundred and three.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED- The eighteenth day of January, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


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