

must com

SECTION 21. If the president, managers and compans shall not proceed to carry on said work within five years mence work from the passage of this act, and shall not complete four in 3 years, miles of the same as aforesaid, in seven years thereafter. complete in five, and keep according to the true intent and meaning of this act, or if after the completion of the said railroad as aforesaid, the pair, or for- said corporation shall suffer the same to go to decay, and be feit charter. impassable for the term of three years, then this charter shall become null and void, except so far as compels said company to make reparation for damages.

road in re

Capital stock


SECTION 22. If any increase of the capital stock be deemed necessary by the stockholders to complete the said railroad, it may be lawful for the said president, managers may be in- and company, at a stated or special meeting convened for the purpose, to increase the number of shares, so that they shall not exceed in the whole eight thousand, and to receive and demand the moneys for shares so subscribed, in like manner and under like penalties as is hereinbefore provided for the original subscription, or as shall be provided for by their by-laws.

sume the

Legislature SECTION 25. If the said company shall at any time misuse reserves the or abuse any of the privileges hereby granted, the legislapower to re- ture may resume all and singular, the rights and privileges hereby granted; and the legislature also reserves the righ rights and privileges for the purchase by the state of the right, title and interest granted, and of the said company in the said railroad, with the appurto purchase tenances, at any time after thirty years from the passage of the interest this act, by paying to said company a sum of money, which, and right of together with the dividends declared, shall equal the cost the company and expenses of said railroad, with an interest of eight per

centum per annum thereon.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The thirtieth day of March, A. D., one

thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


NO. 78.

An Act

Relating to the election of township officers in the county of Crawford, and for other purposes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the provisions of an act entitled The provis "An act relating to county rates and levies, and township ions of the rates and levies," passed the fifteenth day of April, Anno act of 15th Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, together April, 1834, with the provisions of the supplement thereto, entitled " A and its supplement of supplement to the act relating to county rates and levies, 28th Februaand township rates and levies, and to the act relating to ry, 1835, excounties and townships, and county and township officers," tended to passed the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand eight Crawford co. hundred and thirty-five, be and the same are hereby extended to the county of Crawford, with the same force and effect as if originally extended to said county: Provided, That the Proviso as to next election provided for in said laws, for officers, be held repeal, on the fourth Friday in April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and thenceforth annually at the time prescribed by the same: And provided also, That the act entitled "An act regulating the roads and highways in the counties of Crawford, Venango and Warren," passed the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, also the fourth section of an act entitled " An act authorizing the inhabitants of Windsor township, York county, and Skippack and Perkiomen townships, Montgomery county, to elect supervisors, and for other purposes," passed the eleventh day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, be and they are hereby repealed, so far as they severally relate to the county of Crawford.

SECTION 2. That the provisions contained in the third Relative to section of an act entitled " An act regulating the roads and Mercer co, highways in the counties of Crawford, Venango and Warren," be and the same are hereby extended to the county of Mercer.

SECTION 3. The provisions of the eighth and ninth sections of the act entitled "A supplement to the act relating to county rates and levies, and township rates and levies, and to the act relating to counties and townships, and 'county and township officers," passed the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, be and

Repeal as to the same is hereby repealed, so far as relates to the county

Mercer. of Mercer.

SECTION 4. That the commissioners of the county of Philadelphia be, and they are hereby authorized and empowPay of David ered to draw their warrant on the county treasurer, in favour of David Paul, late a commissioner of said county, for the commiss'r. of amount of his daily pay, from the nineteenth day of October, Philad'a. co. eighteen hundred and thirty-five, to the thirty-first day of

Paul, late

bridge over

December of the same year.

Repeal of SECTION 5. That so much of an act entitled "An act to part of the authorize the Governor to incorporate a company to erect a act relative bridge over Stony creek, at Johnstown, in Cambria county," to erecting a passed the tenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred Stony creek. and thirty-five, as relates to the said county buying out the at Johns- company, by reimbursing to the stockholders such money, together with the interest, as they may have expended in the Time for the erection and completion of said bridge, is hereby repealed; and the time for the erection and completion of the same is hereby extended one year; and the said company may erect the said bridge at such point or place across the Stony creek as they may deem most expedient.


erection ex


Councils of

thorized to extend the

SECTION 6. That the councils of the city of Philadelphia Phild'a, au- be and are hereby authorized, on or before the first day of October next, to extend the corporate limits of said city, so as to include the townships of Moyamensing and Passyunk, so soon as the commissioners of Moyamensing and supervisors of Passyunk shall agree thereto: Provided however, That such extension shall not take place before three months

corporate limits of the

city. Proviso.

sent of the districts

above named

from and after the passage of this act: And provided further, 2d Proviso, That if the above districts, or either of them, shall consent as to the con-to such extension, then the councils may enact such ordinances for the good government of said township, as they in their wisdom may determine, and that the citizens of said townships shall have all the rights and privileges which citizens of the city of Philadelphia now have, and said township or townships shall be in all respects the same as though they had been included in the original plan and cerporation of the city of Philadelphia.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The thirtieth day of March, Anno Domini

one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


No. 79.

n Act

Supplementary to the several acts relating to "The Insurance company of the state of Pennsylvania."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall at all times hereafter be lawful for "The Insurance company of the state of Pennsylvania" to invest, or keep invested, their capital stock, Investments and other funds in the public stocks or loans of the United of capital States, or of this or any other state, in their own stock, or in the stock of any bank or other incorporated company or institution of this or any other state, in ground rents or mortgages, and the said investments from time to time to alter, change and renew, as the circumstances of the company may render convenient.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The thirtieth day of March, A. D., eighteen hundred and thirty-six.



No. 80.

A Supplement

To an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Delaware county Insurance company," passed the tenth day of April, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and thirty-five.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the



authority of the same, That the ninth section of the act to which this is a supplement, shall not be construed to limit the insurance made by said company, to property in or belonging to citizens of Delaware county.

Act directing SECTION 2. So inuch of the said act as directs notice of notice repeal the time and place of holding elections for directors to be published in the city of Philadelphia, and so much thereof as requires all the directors to be residents of Delaware county, is hereby repealed: Provided, That at least seven of the directors shall be residents of the said county of Dela2d Proviso. ware: And provided further, That all forfeitures of stock for neglect or refusal to pay instalments thereon, agreeable to the provisions of said act, shall be for the use of the said company.

NER MIDDLESWARTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The thirty-first day of March, Anno Domini. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


No. 81.

An Act

Entitled A supplement to "An act to authorize the sale and conveyance of certain real estate, and for other purposes."

Preamble, WHEREAS, by the sixteenth section of an act entitled "An relative to act to authorize the sale and conveyance of certain real the estate of estate, and for other purposes," passed by the general Phoebe Chad-assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and apderton. proved the fourteenth day of April, one thousand eight


hundred and thirty-five, Thomas C. James, attorney in fact for William Chadderton of the state of Missouri, was thereby authorized and empowered to sell and convey all the right, title and interest of Mary Chadderton and Phœbe Chadderton, minor children of said William Chadderton, of, in, and to a certain estate, consisting of certain undivided tracts of

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