SECTION 2. As soon after the first of February next as the said appointments shall be made, the duties and compensation of the present Commissioners shall wholly cease and determine; and so much of the act of Apri! sixth, one thous and eight hundred and thirty, entitled "An act relative to the appointment of Canal Commissioners," as relates to the time act of April of appointing said Commissioners, be and the same is hereby repealed. Repeal of part of the 6, 1830 American SECTION 3. That the Canal Commissioners appointed under locomotive this act, be and they are hereby authorized to contract for, engines and and purchase as many locomotive engines and tenders, of tenders may American manufacture, as they may deem necessary for the be purchased accommodation of the trade on the Columbia and PhiladelProviso. phia, and Allegheny Portage railways: Provided, That the whole number thus contracted for, shall not exceed eleven. SECTION 4. No person shall be eligible to the appointment eligible to of Canal Commissioner, who is owner, or part owner of any the office of beat or boats, car or cars, or who is directly or indirectly Canal Com. interested in any line of boats in the state canals, or cars on Persons not missioner. the state railroads, used for the transportation of passengers, NER MIDDLESWARTH, THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED-The twenty-eighth day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. JOS: RITNER. No. 13. ct For the relief of Lewis Wright and others, soldiers of the revolution ary war. annuities to SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, 'That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and Gratuities & required to pay to Lewis Wright of Greene county, James L. Wright, Cook of Chester county, Samuel Clark of Berks county, James Jas. Cook, Stephenson of Juniata county, soldiers of the revolutionary Sam'l. Clark, war, or to their respective orders, forty dollars to each immedi- and J. Ste ately, and an annuity of forty dollars to each, during life, payable half yearly, to commence on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. venson. SECTION 2. The State Treasurer be, and he is hereby au- Gratuities to thorized and required to pay to William M'Dowell of York William county, and Thomas Deeds of Montgomery county, a grat- M'Dowell uity of forty dollars to each immediately, in full for their and Thomas revolutionary services; the foregoing pensions and gratuities Deeds. to be paid in conformity to the existing laws. NER MIDDLESWARTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, APPROVED-The twenty-eighth day of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. JOS: RITNER. Time of No. 14. Further Supplement To the act entitled "An act enabling the Governor to incorporate company for making an artificial road from the state line, near the town of Emmittsburg in the state of Maryland, through Waynes. burg, Green Castle and Mercersburg, to intersect the Chambersburg and Bedford turnpike road, at or near the east end of M'Connells. burg," passed on the twenty-ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and sixteen. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sume, That so much of the twenty-first section of the above recited act, as relates to the completion of said road, completion, be, and the same is hereby extended, and the further time of extended five five years, from the twenty-ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, shall be allowed to said company for finishing the same, according to the true intent and meaning, but subject to the penalties and restrictions in all other respects, of the act to which this is a supplement. years. NER MIDDLESWARTH, APPROVED-The twenty-eighth day of January, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. JOS: RITNER. Preamble. No. 15. ct Relative to certain parts of the estate of Elizabeth Powel, deceased. Whereas, Elizabeth Powel, formerly of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, did, by her last will and testament, bearing date the day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty, devise to certain trustees therein named, a certain estate, in her said will mentioned, called Powelton, and also a certain lot of land on the Wissahicken road, in trust for the use of her nephew, John Hare Powel, for life, with remainder to his oldest son Samuel Powel, for life, and after his decease to the first and other sons of the said Samuel, successively, in tail, and for default of such issue, to the other sons of the said John Hare Powel, successively in tail, with a limitation upon the failure of all such issue, to Samuel Powel Griffitts and his heirs, if he should be alive at the time of such failure, and if not, then to Charles Willing and his heirs, forever, with power to the respective devisees for life, to open streets through the said estates, and to grant and convey any part or parts thereof, in fee simple, reserving peretual or irredeemable rents to the said trustees and their heirs, for the same uses for which the said estates were devised as aforesaid; and whereas, it has become impracticable to execute the said power, in manner and form as it is granted, without accepting rents of inferior amount, and of inadequate value, greatly to the future prejudice of the said infant and unborn devisees in remainder, as well as of the said tenants for life; and whereas, it is manifestly for the interest of the said infant and unborn devisees, that rents of adequate value should be reserved upon such grants, with a clause, permitting redemption of the same after a limited time, with provision for security of the principal in case of redemption; and whereas, the said Samuel Powel Griffitts, and Charles Willing, have expressed their assent to the legislature, that an act shall be passed, authorizing the respective tenants for life, to reserve redeemable instead of irredeemable rents upon the execution of the said power, in the manner herein after mentioned. Therefore, or the whole SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is he eby enacted by the authority of the same, That any person that now has, or hereafter shall Power to have, or hold, under the will of Elizabeth Powel, late of the grant and city of Philadelphia, deceased, an estate, or use for life in convey part the Powelton estate, and in a certain lot of ground, on the of the PowelWissahicken road, in the said will described, shall have power ton estate in to grant and convey the same, and any part or parts thereof, fee: in fee, reserving as the entire consideration thereof, a perpetual annual rent or rents, payable half yearly, and redeemable or extinguishable, within any number of years, not less than two, from and after the execution of the said conveyance, by the payment of a sum of money, not less than sixteen years and two-thirds of a year purchase of the said annual rent: Provided always, That in all other respects, the said 1st Proviso. reservation shall conform to the provisions of the said will; And provided further, That the redemption or extinguishment 2d Proviso. money shall be made payable to the surviving trustees or trustee appointed by the said will, or to their legal or duly appointed successors or successor in the trust, by whom the release of the said rent shall alone be executed, and when paid. shall be by him or them invested, under the authority of the Orphan's Court of the county of Philadelphia, in debt of the United States, or of this state, or of the city of Philadelphia, or in real securities in his or their name or names, in trust both as to principal and interest for the same persons estates, uses and trusts, declared in the said will, of and concerning the said estates, and the rents, issues and profits thereof respectively; but no person paying the said redemption money shall be bound to see to the investment or application thereof. Grants and SECTION 2. The said grants and conveyances shall, and conveyances may be made by the person or persons having, and to have may be made such estate or use for life, as aforesaid, without the joinder of without the the said trustees, and that the rents reserved, and moneys the trustees. made payable thereby, shall be receivable and recoverable from joinder of time to time, in the same name or names, in like manner, and with the same effect as if the said trustees were parties thereto. NER MIDDLESWARTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED-The second day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. JOS: RITNER. No. 16. A Further Supplement To the "Act to incorporate the Cumberland Valley railroad company." SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of To build a the sume, That the Camberland Valley railroad company be, bridge and and it is hereby authorized and empowered to build a bridge connect the railroad with over the Susquehanna river, at the eastern termination of Penn, canal, their railroad, as designated by the act of second of April, |