
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, incorporating said company, and to make so much of a railroad on the east side of said river, as may be necessary to connect the Cumberland Valley railroad with the Pennsylvania canal, and with the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mountjoy and Lancaster railroad, the manner in which said connection is to be formed with the Pennsylvania canal, to be in accordance with the directions of the Canal Commissioners; and when said bridge is completed, said company shall have the power and right to demand and receive the same tolls for travel and transpor-Bridge tolls. tation thereon, as are now allowed by law to the Columbia bridge company; Provided, That no traveling shall be allow-Traveling ed on said bridge, except in the cars running on said railroad, restricted to for the term of five years from the passage of this act, unless cars for five in the meantime, the present Harrisburg bridge should become impassable or unsafe.



SECTION 2. As soon as any portion of said railroad is perfected, the company shall have power to place thereon cars, carriages or wagons, constructed as they may be best adapted for the transportation of passengers and commodities, to the advantage of the public, and the said company is hereby authorized to charge and take toll for freight and transporta- Rate of toll tion of passengers, goods, wares, merchandise and commodi- for the rail ties, at rates as follows, to wit: On all goods, produce, merchandise, property and commodities, transported upon the said railroad and its branches, any sum not exceeding four cents per mile per ton for toll, and three cents per ton per mile for transportation, and for the transporation of passengers, not exceeding three cents per mile for each passenger; and the legislature reserves the right to reduce and regulate Right to re. the tolls hereby authorized. The proviso to the tenth section duce the tok of the act to which this is a supplement, is hereby repealed. reserved.

Tolls and

SECTION S. The said company is hereby authorized and Stock may empowered to increase the stock of the company, to any be increased amount not exceeding in the whole eight hundred thousand to $800,000dollars, and if necessary, to borrow on such terms as the president and managers thereof may deem advisable, any sum not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of constructing said road, and of placing thereon the necessary cars and moving powers, and the said presi- other proper. dent and managers are authorized and empowered to pledge ty may be the tolls and other property of the company, for the security pledged for and redemption of the principle and interest of the loan certain pur hereby authorized: Provided always, That the said company poses. shall first offer any additional amount of stock deemed ne-Proviso. cessary, before it shall be so authorized and empowered to borrow money as aforesaid.

SECTION 4. That the president and managers of the said company be, and are hereby authorized and empowered to



appoint one or more persons, resident at such place or places Relating to as they shall deem convenient and necessary, and vest such transfer of power in the persons thus appointed, to keep a book or books for the transfer of the capital stock of the said company, and to receive such transfers of stock as are now allowed to be made in the presence of the president or treasurer; Provided however, That the books, papers and other documents, which shall come at any time into the hands or possession of such person or persons thus appointed, shall always be subject to the control and direction of the president and managers, and be deliverable to them, or the successors of such person or persons so appointed, whenever demanded.

to secure trade and travel be

SECTION 5. The president and managers of the said company, the president and directors of the Harrisburg, PortsJoint powers mouth, Mountjoy and Lancaster railroad company, and the with others board of Canal Commissioners, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, upon the completion of the said Cumberland Valley railroad, and Harrisburg, Portsmouth, tween Cham- Mountjoy and Lancaster railroad, to make such arrangebersburg and ments and regulations, on behalf of the state of PennsylvaPhiladelphia nia and their respective companies, as will establish and secure an uninterrupted communication of trade and travel between Chambersburg and the city of Philadelphia. NER MIDDLESWARTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM,

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The second day of February, Anno Domini.

one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


No. 17.

n Act

For the relief of William Bladen.

SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all the right, title, interest, claim, and

vested in W.

demand of this commonwealth, of, in and to the real estate, situ-Right of ate in Mill Creek township, Erie county, of Jacob Bladen, common. the illegitimate son of Boo Bladen, late of said township and wealth to county, deceased, who died intestate, and without heirs, be, real estate and the same is hereby vested in William Bladen, his heirs Bladen and and assigns, forever: Provided, That nothing herein con-his heirs. tained shall in anywise prejudice the rights of individuals, or impair any other title to the said estate, than that Proviso. which the commonwealth has, or may have acquired by


Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The second day of February, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


No. 18.

A Supplement

To "An act authorizing a review of the State road from the town of Indiana, in Indiana county, to Pittsburg;" passed the twenty-fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Robert McKissen, William Watson and John Lafferty, be, and are hereby appointed commis-Commission sioners to view, and if they, or a majority of them, think proper, ers appointed to alter that part of the state road from the town of Indiana, in Indiana county, to Pittsburg, which passes through the town of Warren, in Armstrong county, beginning at the Kiskiminetas river, opposite the mouth of North street, thence running up said street until an intersection with said road will occur, being not now more than one-fourth of a mile in extent.

SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the said commissioners, missioners, to Duty of comor a majority of them, appointed to view as aforesaid, after be performed having been sworn or affirmed before some justice of the under onth.

[ocr errors]

Route to be

peace, who shall file and preserve the same in his office, to perform the duties enjoined on them by this act, with impartiality and fidelity, carefully to view the ground over which the said road, by them laid out, may pass, and lay out the same as near to a straight line between the aforesaid points as the nature of the ground and circumstances will permit, so that the vertical departure from a horizontal line shall in no point exceed three degrees; and further, it shall be the duty of the said commissioners to have clearly and distinctly marked upon the ground the route agreed upon, in such a manner as to enable the supervisors readily to find the same; and for the purpose of fulfilling the duties by act enjoined, the commissioners herein mentioned, shall receive a per diem allowance of one dollar and fifty cents each, for every day they shall be necessarily employed in performing the duties of this act, and Pay of com-in case any of the said commissioners shall perform the dumissioners, ties of surveyor, he shall receive fifty cents per day in addisurveyors, tion; and the said commissioners are hereby authorized to employ one surveyor, at one dollar and fifty cents per diem, two chain bearers and one axeman, at a per diem allowance not exceeding seventy-five cents.


Draft of

SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the said commissioners to make out a fair and accurate draft of the location of said road, noting thereon the courses and distances as they occur, with such other matters as may serve for explanation, one copy whereof shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, on or before the first day of September next, and one copy in the office of the clerk of the court of Quarter Sessions of the county of Armstrong, on the day aforesaid, or as much sooner as practicable, which shall be a record thereof, and from thenceforth, the said road shall be, to all intents and purposes, a public highway, and shall be opened and repaired in all respects as roads are opened and repaired which are laid out by orders of the courts aforesaid.

SECTION 4. The accounts of the commissioners for their Accounts of own pay, and for the pay of surveyors, chain carriers and the commis- markers, shall be adjusted by the commissioners of the county sioners, how of Armstrong, through which the said road shall pass, and adjusted and paid by the treasurer thereof, on warrant drawn by the com


Location of
road to be


missioners of the county aforesaid.

SECTION 5. The said commissioners shall meet on or before the first Monday of May next, or so soon thereafter as completed practicable, at the town of Warren, Kiskiminetas township, Armstrong county, and complete the location of said road as soon as practicables and if any vacancy or vacancies shall happen by resignation, or any other cause, the court of Quarter Sessions of the proper county, are hereby authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies, by a suitable appointment.

how filled.

SECTION 6. So much of the act to which this is a supplement, altered or supplied by this act, is hereby repealed.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The second day of February, Anno Domini,

one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


No. 19.

An Act

For the relief of Adam Schneider and others, soldiers and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war.

WHEREAS, at the last session of the legislature, several bills for the relief of the soldiers and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war, included in the following bill, were reported in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, which, in the progress of said bills through the different branches of the legislature, were attached together, and after having passed both the Senate and House of Representatives, with the exception of the concurrence of the House in an amendment made by the Senate, the said bill was, on the day previous to the final adjournment, laid on the table of the House, and inadvertently forgotten. Therefore,


80 dollars

"ECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and required to pay to Adam Schneider, Christian Sterner, And'w Gratuities of Baakes and Valentine Kuder of Schuylkill county, Albright each and an. Heuser and Mary Dewees of Montgomery county. John nuities of 40 Peck and Valentine Gruber of Bedford, John Miller of Le-dollars each. high county, Peter Shafer of Lancaster county. Thomas Hail to Adam al Beaver county, Jesse Fulton of Armstrong county, Na-Schneider & thaniel Quellon and John Murphy of Allegheny county, Fred-others. eick Beesinger, Jacob Bacher and Martin Wagner of Schuylbdi county, John Kruson and Peter Huber of Philadelphia

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