
No. 136.


To incorporate the Berks county Bank, and to repeal an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Berks county Savings institution, and for other purposes."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the act of the fourteenth day of Repeal. April, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive, entitled "An act to incorporate the Berks county Savings institution," be and is hereby repealed, and all privileges thereby granted shall cease, except so far as is necessary to settle the affairs of said institution, and to collect its debts.

SECTION 2. The stockholders of the said Berks county Savings institution are hereby incorporated in the name, style and title of the "Berks county Lank," and the trus-Name, style tees thereof, (who shall act as directors until a new election and title. be had,) are authorized to call in further instalments of the capital stock (which shall be two hundred thousand dollars) of the same, at such times, and in such manner, as their by-laws shall provide, until the same so called in, shall amount to one hundred dollars on each and every share thereof: Provided further, That the capital shall not be loaned on pledges of stock, and the charter shall continue for fifteen years from the passage of this act, and all the capital shall be paid in in two years.

SECTION 3. The said Berks county bank shall be entitled Acts of 1814 to all and singular, the rights and privileges, and subject to and 1824 exthe like regulations, restrictions, penalties and taxes imposed tended to this upon certain banks in this commonwealth, by an act passed bank.

"the twenty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred
and fourteen, entitled "An act regulating banks," and an
act passed the twenty-fifth day of March, Anno Domini,
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, entitled "An
act to recharter certain banks:" Provided, That the number Proviso.
of directors shall be seven, and shall be elected in such

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manner as its by-laws may provide.

SECTION 4. The said Berks county bank shall pay to the Bonus. state a bonus of ten thousand dollars, within one year, and the same shall be paid in upon a warrant drawn by the State Treasurer for the amount of the same.

SECTION 5. That the sum of two thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of the bonus of

Bridge across said bank, to be applied to the erection of a permanent Licking bridge across Licking creek, as near as the ground will



admit of, where the public road leading from the borough of M'Connellsburg to the Maryland line crosses the same, and as soon as said bridge shall be completed, the court of Quarter Sessions of Bedford county, shall appoint three respectable citizens, resident in said county, whose duty it shall be to view and examine said bridge, and certify their opinions thereof to the court appointing said viewers, and

when approved by said court, they shall certify the same to When Gov- the Governor, and on the receipt of such certificate, the ernor to draw Governor is hereby authorized and required to draw his his warrant warrant in favor of the commissioners of Bedford county, for 2000 dols for the above sum of two thousand dollars, to be by them applied in the discharge of so much of the expenses incurred in erecting said bridge.

NER MIDDLESWARTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The first day of April, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


No. 137.
n Act

Supplementary to an act entitled "An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Codorus Navigation company," passed the twelfth day of April, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House rof Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for the Codorus Navigation company to make and execute a mortgage or mortgages on their canal and slackwater navigation, and

privileges incident thereto and connected therewith, by deed,
under the corporate seal, as securities for the payment of all
debts now acknowledged by said company to be owing by
them, or for the payment of money necessarily borrowed, or
to be borrowed for the payment of such debts, which said
mortgages shall have the same effect as mortgages of lands
under existing laws, and shall be proceeded upon in the
same manner: Provided, That in giving such securities, or Proviso,
making such payments, no preference shall be given to any
such debt or debts, but that the same shall be secured
equally, in whole or in pro rata.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The first day of April, A. D, eighteen hundred and thirty-six.


No. 138.


Requiring the Banks of this commonwealth to make quarterly statements to the Auditor General, and for other purposes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Auditor General be, and he is hereby authorized and required, after the passage of this act, to address circulars to the several banking and savings institutions of this commonwealth, whenever in his opinion it is deemed advisable, requiring them to make return, under oath or affirmation, of the state of their respective banks, on four discount days during the year preceding, to be designated by him, stating, in the form of amount of their capital paid in, the gold and silver on hand, notes of other solvent banks, debts due to and from other banks, contingent fund, real estate at cost, notes and bills discounted,

a regular account current, the


Bank U. S.

Of transfer.

Restrictions repealed.

notes in circulation, stocks and loans on stocks, judgment and mortgages, and such other information as may enable the legis lature to possess a correct knowledge of the actual condition of the affairs of the banks; the said returns to be prepared and arranged in tabular form, and communicated to both branches of the legislature, as soon after the first Monday of December of every year, as may be convenient: Provided, That so much of any law as requires the banks to report in November annually, and the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 2. For the more convenient management of the affairs of the Bank of the United States, the said corporation is hereby authorized to purchase and hold any real estate belonging to the late Bank of the United States, and also to purchase and hold any bank stock; and further, that all proxies, dated at least sixty days before date of any election, shall be lawful.

SECTION 3. It shall be lawful for the stocks of the banks of this commonwealth to be assigned and transferred, in the presence of the president, cashier, or other officer appoint ed by the board of directors, in such way as may be ordained by the by-laws.

SECTION 4. The restriction in the charters of the various insurance companies of this commonwealth, provided that none but the citizens of this state and of the United States, shall be stockholders therein, be and the same is hereby Certain pro- repealed, and that the proviso to the eleventh article of the visos repeal'd third section of the act passed the twenty-fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, entitled "An act to re-charter certain banks," and also the proviso to the eleventh article of the third section of the act passed the twenty-eighth March, one thousand eight hundred and twentythree, entitled "An act to extend the charter of the Philadelphia Bank," be and the same is hereby repealed.

NER MIDDLESWARTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM. Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The first day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred

and thirty-six.


No 139.


Authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Titusville and Union:
Mills turnpike road company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for Letters patthe Governor of this commonwealth, by letters patent, under ent. his hand and the seal of the commonwealth, to create and erect the persons which may subscribe for shares of stock in a company to be called the "Titusville and Union Mills turnpike Name. road company," into one body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, for the purpose of enabling said company to make and erect a turnpike road from the borough of Titusville, in Crawford county, to Union Mills, in Erie county, and the following named persons, viz: William Miles, and John Commiss'rs. Cook of Erie county, Joseph Patton, Samuel Winton, Joseph L. Chase, and Arthur Robinson of Crawford county, or any two of them, are hereby appointed commissioners on behalf of said company, to do and perform the several things in relation thereto, which are directed to be done and performed by the commissioners named for similar purposes in the first First section section of an act entitled "An act to incorporate a company of act of 2d for making a turnpike road from Butler to Franklin," passed April, 1822, the second day of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-two; company. and the said Titusville and Union Mills turnpike road company hereby authorized to be incorporated, shall and hereby is entitled (if letters patent shall be granted to the same) to all the corporate rights, immunities and franchises, Powers and and shall be subject to all the restrictions, to all intents and privileges: purposes, which are given to and imposed upon the said company, created a corporation by the provisions of said act. entitled "An act to inecrporate a company to make a turnpike road from Butler to Franklin," passed the second of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-two; and that the said Shares twen company, hereby authorized to be incorporated, shall be ty-five dolls. entitled to hold, in shares of stock of twenty-five dollars each, each. and real and personal estate, the sum of twenty-five thousand Capital 25,dollars as its capital, and when twenty or more persons shall 000 dollars. have subscribed one hundred or more shares of stock, the when letters Governor shall, by letters patent, in the usual form, incorpo-patent shall rate said company.

SECTION 2. That the several sums of money appropriated in the eighth section of the act entitled "An act to repeal

extended to


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