
SECTION 6. The corporation may establish and connect Lunatic Asywith the college a lunatic asylum, and an asylum for the lum. deaf and dum, and the blind, together with an Infirmary Asylum for and Dispensary, with the usual powers incident to such institutions in this state.

deaf & dumb Infirmary & Dispensary.

SECTION 7. The professors of the college shall be the physicians and surgeons of the Hospital, Infirmary and Asylums, Faculty of and shall be called the Faculty of Medicine, with the powers Medicine. incident to such institutions.

SECTION 8. The first meeting of the corporation shall be First meetit Erie, Pennsylvania, upon the first Monday in July, Anno ing. Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and this act shall continue in force for the term of twenty years, and no longer.

for relief of

SECTION 9. That the real estate now held Thomas Wistar; Property of junior, Joseph Snowden, Thomas Bacon, Clayton Newbold, contributors unior, Clayton Wistar, Thomas Evans, Thomas Kimber, to Asylum Henry Cope, George Stewardson, Marmaduke C. Cope, insane perJoseph Warrington and Blakely Sharpless, in trust for the sons, exemptcontributors to the asylum for the relief of persons deprived ed from taxof the use of their reason, situated in the township of ation. Oxford, and county of Philadelphia, be and the same is Dereby exempted from county, township, and poor taxes: Proviso. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so contrued as to effect any question of title.

SECTION 10. That John F Stump, Joseph Aikens, Charles Southern loan Dakford, Richard Peltz, and their associates, be incorporated company of nder the name of the Southern Loan company of Philadelphia, Philad'a. with all the authority, and subject to all the provisions and estrictions contained in the act to incorporate the Philadelhia Loan company, approved the thirty-first day of March, ighteen hundred and thirty-six: Provided, That if the said Proviso. ompany shall discount or deal in any way in any notes or ersonal securities, or receive deposites of money, or any hing but goods, wares, and merchandise, that the said marter hereby granted shall be null and void: And provided trther, That the president and secretary of the said cominy shall annually, on the first Monday in December, Annual stateansmit to the Auditor General, under oath, a full state-ment to Aud ent of the affairs of said company, and shall pay annually itor General. to the treasury of the commonwealth, a tax of eight per Tax.

antum on all dividends which may exceed six per centum - the capital stock actually paid in.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.

- APPROVED-The twenty-ninth day of April, A. D. one
⚫ousand eight hundred and thirty-six.



No. 153.

An Act

To incorporate the Kensington and Penntownship Railroad company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Christopher Rex, George Day. George Landall, Ebenezer Cobb, Jesse Y. Castor, Anthony Davis, Elijah Tyson, Samuel Meads, Doctor Abraham Helffenstein, Arundias Tiers, William Boyd, William Graves, John Rambo, Thomas H. Craig, John Haines, Jacob Andress, John Culin, junior, John Fernon, Henry Remmay, junior, Doctor Isaac Kline, Michael Day, John Bakeoven, Jacob Tees, Jacob Collar, Charles Keen, Robert Peal, C. B. F. Oneil, James Wood, Hugh M'Laughlin, Leonard Steinmetz, John C. Gardy, Charles Doran, Jonathan Pickering. Doctor George Uhler, William M'Carter, John D. Harper, George W. Tryon, Hugh Scott, Adam Woelpper, Joseph Smith, C. B. E. Carpenter, A. M. Peltz, Philip Ricketts, Isaac Koons, George Reed, John G. Woolf, James M'Cormick, Robert T. Conrad, Doctor John A. Elkinton, W. L. Norton, Charles Elliott, John R. Walker, T. E. Kerrison, W. P. Smith, George Cadwalader, Bela Badger B. Duncan, Jacob Heyberger, Captain John Meany, James P. Smith, Nicholas Esling, Richard Cox, John D. Steever, D. M. Moore, John M. Ogden, Joseph Jackson, Thomas U. Walter, Jesse Williamson, Thomas L. Plowman, James M. Linnard, S. B. Linnard, W. J. Linnard, John F. Vanleer, Peter A. Keyser, John Thompson, John Gest, William O. Kline, Jacob Engleman, Peter Sieger, Marshall Sprogell, Lewis Allen, S. S. Pearson, S. Daniel Fitler, George Kane, Daniel Green, George G. West, Samuel Black, Joseph Baye, B. B. Hart, Simeon Dreyfous, George Rickards, N. C. Foster, M. N. Everly, George T. Chambers, Robert Coburn, Charles L. Devinney, Isaac Boileau, Peter A. Keyser, William Fry, Nathaniel C. Foster, H. Derringer, George Eretz, Adam Mentzer, junior, Howell Hopkins, John Foulkrod, Alexander Burden, Charles Provost, John Wister, junior, Benjamin F. Topham, Jacob Frick, Franklin Vansant, Reuben Myers, James Murray, William Green, Amos A. Jones, George Lineaweaver, John Krause, William H. Orr, Doctor R. M. Huston, Benjamin Kennedy, John Clark, Joseph Plankinton, Robert S. Trego, Isaac Garretson, John Hough, Jacob Kirk, junior, James M. Hart, Joseph R. Hart, Benjamin Smith, Joseph Paxon, Joel Evans, John Rheiner,

Samuel Bucher, William Rhiner, John Bender, David Charles, Commiss'rs.
Thomas Pratt, Reese W. Flower, Daniel M. Broadhead,
Miles N. Carpenter, Benjamin Kennedy, John Stoffelt, Stacy
Barcroft, Charles Koons, John Thompson, George L. Fauss,
George W. Hamersly, Joseph Williams, Lawrence L. Minor,
James D. Clark, Alexander Miller, Thaddeus Stevens, Ner
Middleswarth, John H. Ewing, John H. Walker, Henry M.
Watts, Joshua F. Cox, Francis Park, Joseph G. Park, John
Park, John W. Odenheimer, John Ligget, S. H. Carpenter,
George L. Ashmead, Benjamin Stiles, Jacob F. Hæckley,
John Taylor, Simon Cameron, Marshall Sprogell, John
Nagle, Samuel Shoch, Jonathan K. Hassinger, Robert W.
Harper, James M. Comley, M. Bomesler, Dr. Joseph L.
Thomas, Daniel Thomas, General Sainuel Castor, Daniel
Bender, John M. Bockius, Joseph A. Davidson, William
Rice, junior, Nathaniel A. Warwick, Christian Read, James
Flannigan, Benjamin Crispin, Jonathan T. Knight, John
Felton, Philip Barned, Henry Reed, William A. Lee, Ben-
jamin Hutchison, Abraham Okie, Joseph Yeager, Wm. G.
Alexander, Robert Morris, William A. Martin, Joseph C.
Burden, Benjamin T. Bioren, John Oakford, John Pearce,
Thomas M'Cully, Saml. W. Dilworth, Richard Peltz,
Thomas Lewellen, Jacob Shearer, junior, Augustus P. Fuge-
rary, John R. Walker, Franklin Vansant, Richard Tichenor,
John Wotbert, John B. Trevor, Peter Wager, John Stam,
George Binder, Ellis Middleton, John Cumming, Warner
Justice, Amos Ellis, George Gorgas, junior, James Clark,
junior, Hanson Walter, Samuel Abbot, George Meckie, B.
F. Hedges, Charles Coward, John Mitchel, John M. Ken-
nedy, Samuel Magargee, W. S. Book, John Ross, William
M'Farran, Thomas B. Patterson, George Dilks, Evan Fox,
Robert Neal, Benjamin Stimble, Shreeve Ackley, John
Longstreth, Nathan Ellis, Nathaniel Mercer, Thos. Rich-
ards, Thos. H. Forsyth, John Smith, William Ettinger,
John Newman, Richard Cumming, Joshua Coulter, Jos.
Linard, Isaac Knight, Enoch Middleton, Edwin Middleton,
Joseph Knight, Wm. Abbot, Anthony Mirkey, John Hubbert,
C. Dillman, Joseph Baker, Thomas M. Logan, John Baird,
Isaac Abrahams, William Fitler, William M'Ferran, Jona-
than Wainwright, John Pristine, John A. Mirkey, John C.
Da Costa, Isaac W. Norris, Thomas B. Patterson, Franklin
Eyre, Benjamin Baker, Thomas Weaver, John A. Mirkey,
Anthony Mirkey, Theodore Colladay, or any ten of them,
be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to do and
perform the several things hereinafter mentioned, that is to
say: they shall, on or before the first day of June next, pro-
cure a book, which shall be opened at the Commissioners
Hall in the district of Kensington, in the county of Phila-


delphia, in which said book they shall enter as follows: Form of sub- "We whose names are hereunto subscribed, do promise to scription. pay to the president and managers of the Kensington and Penntownship Railroad company, the sum of fifty dollars for every share of stock set opposite our respective names, in such manner and proportions, and at such times as shall be determined by the president and managers of said company, in pursuance of an act of the general assembly of this commonwealth, enti entitled An act to authorize the Governor to incorporate the Kensington and Penntownship Railroad company, Witness our hands, the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty ;" and shall thereupon give notice, in one newspaper printed in the said district of Kensington, if one be established there, and in two or more newspapers printed in the city of Philadelphia, two weeks at least, of the time and place where the said books shall be opened and kept to receive subscriptions for the stock of said company, at which time and place one or more of the said commissioners shall attend, and permit all persons of lawful age who shall offer to subscribe in the said books, in their own names, or in the names of others who shall authorize the same, for shares in the said stock, and the said books shall be kept open respectively for the said purpose, at least six hours in every juridical day, for the space of three days, or until there shall have

6000 shares. been subscribed six thousand shares, and if at the expiration of three days as aforesaid, the books shall not have therein subscribed the number of shares aforesaid, the commissioners may adjourn from time to time, and transfer the books elsewhere, within the city or county of Philadelphia, until the whole number of six thousand shares shall be subscribed, of which adjournment and transfer the commissioners shali give such public notice as they may deem just and necessary, and when the whole number of shares shall be subscribed, then the books shall be closed: Provided, That no person be permitted to subscribe for more than twenty shares on the first day, and not more than one hundred on the second, after which any person may subscribe for any number of shares, until the whole of the stock is taken: And


2d Proviso. provided also, That no subscription shall be valid, unless the person so subscribing shall pay to the said commissioners at the time of doing the same, the sum of five dollars on each and every share, for the use of the company. SECTION 2. When three thousand shares or more of the


When letters patent shall said stock shall be subscribed, and the sum of five dollars paid on each and every share, as aforesaid, the commissioners, or a majority of them, shall certify to the Governor, under oath or affirmation, the names of the subscribers, and the number of shares subscribed by each, and the sum of five dollars on each share paid at the time of subscribing, whereupon the Governor shall, by letters patent, under his hand, and the seal of the commonwealth, create and erect the subscribers, and if the subscription shall not be full at the time, then also those who shall thereafter subscribe to the number of shares aforesaid, into a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, style and title of "The Kensington Style & title. and Penntownship Railroad company," and by that name the subscribers shall have perpetual succession, with all the privileges, franchises and immunities incident to a cor- Privileges poration, and be able to sue and be sued, plead and be and liabilities impleaded, in all courts of record and elsewhere, and to purchase, receive, have, hold and enjoy, to them and their successors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, goods, chattels, and all estates, real, personal, or mixed, of what kind or quality soever, and the same from time to time to sell, exchange, mortgage, grant, alien, or otherwise to dispose of, and to make such dividends of the profits as they may deem proper, and to also make, have, and keep a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at pleasure, Seal. and also to ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances and regulations, as shall appear necessary and convenient for the government of said corporation, not being contrary to the constitution and laws of the United States, nor to the laws and constitution of this commonwealth, and generally to do all and singular, the matters and things which it shall lawfully appertain to do for the well being, managing and ordering the affairs of said corporation: Provided, That nothing herein contained Provisa. shall be so considered as in any way giving to the said corporation any banking privileges whatsoever, or any other liberties, privileges, or franchises, than may be necessary or incident to the making and maintaining the said railroad, and the conveyance of passengers, and the transportation of the mail, and of goods, merchandise, and other commodities


SECTION 3. The said named persons, or a majority of Organization them, shall, as soon as convenientiy may be after the said of company letters patent shall be obtained, give at least twenty days notice, in the newspapers herein before mentioned, of the time and place by them appointed for the subscribers to ineet in order to organize the said company, to choose by a majority of the votes of the said subscribers, by ballot, to be given in person or by proxy, which proxy shall have been obtained and bear date within three months previously to the election at which said proxy shall be presented, duly authorized, one president and twelve managers, all of whom shall be residents of this commonwealth, a treasurer, secretary, and such other officers as shall be deemed necessary; that the president and managers as aforesaid, shall conduct the business of the company until the second Monday of

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