
have been paid in advance or not, if paid after the rendition of the judgment on which sale was made, as such defendant might have had, if no such sale had been made.

SECTION 120. If after notice shall be given of such sale, as aforesaid, such tenant, lessee, or other person, shall pay any rent or sum accruing subsequently to the acknowledgment of such deed, notice given him as aforesaid, to such defendant, such tenant, lessee, or other person, to paying, shall nevertheless, be liable to pay the same to the purchaser.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The sixteenth day of June, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty-six.

1 L

No. 192.



Relating to the jurisdictions and powers of courts.


SECTION 1. Jurisdiction and powers of the Supreme court generally.

2. Jurisdiction and powers of the Supreme court in the city and county of Philadelphia.

3. Duty of the Supreme court to devise and establish new writs and forms of proceedings, if necessary.

4. Such proceedings not to impair trial by jury, &c.

5. Notice of such new forms, &c. to be given to the inferior courts, and to the Governor, &c.

6. Such courts to cause the same to be published and recorded, and three months thereafter, such forms, &c. to be obligatory.

7. The judges of the Supreme court may issue writs of

habeas corpus, certiorari, &c.

8. Style of the writs, &c.

9. Indictments may be removed into Supreme court.

10. Power of the Supreme court to issue writs of manda


11. After judgment, &c. on error or appeal, the Supreme court to remit the records to the inferior courts, &c. or may order execution.

12. Jurisdiction and powers of the court of Common Pleas.

13. Jurisdiction and powers of the courts in equity. 14. Powers of the court of Oyer and Terminer. 15. Crimes and offences cognizable by the court of Oyer and Terminer.

16. Jurisdictions and powers of the courts of Quarter Sessions.

17. Quarter Sessions to certify into the Oyer and Terminer all indictments found, but not triable in the former courts. 18. The judges of the courts of Oyer and Terminer, and Quarter Sessions, may send their writs to every part of the commonwealth.

19. Jurisdiction of the Orphans' courts.

20. Powers of the courts to award process to recover fines, &c.

21. Powers of the court to establish rules for regulating their practice; and not inconsistent with the constitution and laws.

22. Powers to issue subpoenas to witnesses.

23. Powers to punish for contempts, restricted to certain


24. Punishment by imprisonment restricted to contempts

committed in open court.

25. Proviso thereto.

26. Publications out of court not to be punished summarily, as for contempts.

27. Author or publisher may be proceeded against by indictment, &c.

28. Proviso: That the courts may make rules upon sheriff's and attorneys, and enforce them by attachments.

29. When act shall take effect.

An act Relative to the jurisdictions and powers of the Courts.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Supreme court of this

commonwealth, shall have power to hear and determine all, and all manner of pleas, plaints, and causes which shall be brought, or removed there from any other court of this commonwealth, by virtue of any writ or process issued by the said court, or any judge thereof, for that purpose, in the manner now practised and allowed, to examine and correct all, and all manner of errors of the justices, magis trates, and courts of this commonwealth, in the process, proceedings, judgments and decrees, as well in criminal as in civil pleas or proceedings, and thereupon, to reverse, modify or affirm such judgments and decrees, or proceedings, as the law doth or shall direct; and generally, to minister justice to all persons, in all matters whatsoever, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as the said court has heretofore had power to do, under the constitution and laws of this commonwealth; and the Chief Justice and assistant judges of the Supreme court, in lieu of the thirty shillings per day for traveling expenses, given by the act of the thirteenth April, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, shall respectively be entitled to receive the sum of four dollars per day, whilst engaged in holding court, or traveling to or returning from the same, and shall have power, and is required to issue execution, or other process, for the recovery of costs which have accrued, or may accrue in said Supreme court, as well as in all cases which have been heretofore decided.

SECTION 2. The Supreme Court shall have original juris diction within the city and county of Philadelphia, in all civil actious, wherein the matter in controversy shall be of the value of five hundred dollars, or more.

SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the Supreme Court, at their sessions in bank, from time to time, to devise and establish, by rule of court, such new writs and forms of proceedings, as in their opinion shall be necessary or convenient to the full, direct, and uniform execution of the powers and jurisdiction possessed by the said court, or by the courts of Common Pleas, District courts, Orphans courts, or Register's courts.

SECTION, 4. Provided, That nothing herein contained, shall be deemed to authorize the said court to enlarge, abridge, or alter the jurisdiction of any of the courts, or to impair the right of trial by jury, or to dispense with or to supply the use of any form of proceeding, which shall be made necessary, by any act of assembly.

SECTION 5. Whenever the said court shall devise and establish any new writ or form, as aforesaid, or make any rule or order relative thereto, they shall cause notice thereof to be given to the courts, or to the president judges of tim courts for which such writ, form or rule shall be made.or appointed, and also to the Governor of the commonwealth, for the information of the legislature, at their next session. SECTION 6. The courts, or the president judges of the courts to which any such rule shall be made known, shall cause the same to be published in open court, and to be recorded with the rules of court, and after the expiration of three months from the recording of such rule, the same sha!! be deemed to be obligatory, and in full effect.

SECTION 7. The judges of the Supreme court shall have full power and authority, when, and as often as there may be occasion, to issue writs of habeas corpus, writs of certiorari, and writs of error, and all remedial and other writs and process, returnable to the said court.

SOTION 8. All the writs shall be granted of course, and the style thereof shall be "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;" they shall bear teste in the name of the Chief Justice of the said court for the time being, or if he be a party, in the name of one of the other judges of the said court, and they shall be sealed with the judicial seal of the said court.

SECTION 9. Every person indicted in any court of Quarter Sessions, or in any county court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail delivery, may renove the indictment, and all proceedings thereon, or a transcript thereof, into the Supreme court, by a writ of certiorari, or a writ of error, as the case may require..

SECTION 10. Besides the powers hitherto possessed by the Supreme court, to issue writs of mandamus, the said court shall have power to issue such writs to any other court or tribunal constituted by the authority of the laws of this commonwealth, in all cases where such interposition shall, in the discretion of the said court, be necessary to the advancement and due administration of justice.

SECTION 11. As soon as the Supreme court shall have rendered judgment, or made a final decree or décision, in any cause, action, or matter brought into the same by writ of error, certiorari, or appeal, such court shall order the records thereof, with their judgment or decree thereon written, and duly certified, to be remitted to the appropriate court, which judgment, decree, or decision, such court shall duly carry into execution and effect; or the said Supreme court may, if they see cause, order execution thereof to be done by process, issued out of the same, and thereupon, order the record to be remitted, as aforesaid.

SECTION 12. The courts of Common Pleas shall have jurisdiction and power within their respective counties, to hear and determine all pleas, actions, and suits, and causes, civil, personal, real and mixed, according to the constitution and taws of this commonwealth; and the said court shall have power to grant, under their judicial seals, all lawful. writs and process necessary for the exercise of such jurisdiction: Provided, That the court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia, shall not have jurisdiction in any civil plea or action, when the sum or value in controversy, shall exceed one hundred dollars, as heretofore! that the board of commissioners of the incorporated district of the Northern Liberties, in the county of Philadelphia, shall and may annually, or whenever a vacancy shall occur, elect one of the aldermen or justices of the peace of the said district, or any citizen of the district, qualified to be a commissioner thereof, to be mayor of the said district, who shall possess and enjoy, during his continuance in office, all the rights, power, authority and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, and the said board of commissioners are hereby authorized to make all such police regulations, and prescribe such duties, rules and regulations for the mayor of the said district. as they may from time to time, by ordinance declare: Provided, Such ordinances are not inconsistent with the laws and constitution of this commonwealth: That the Governor shall appoint a recorder, of legal learning and ability, for the district of the Northern Liberties, Spring Garden and Kensington, of the county of Philadelphia, who shall receive a salary of five hundred dollars, as a full compensation for his services, which said recorder, together with the mayor of the Northern Liberties, and the aldermen of the Northern Liberties, Spring Garden and Kensington, (the said aldermen being paid in the same manner as the aldermen of the city of Philadelphia are now paid,) or any four of them, (whereof the mayor or recorder for the time being, shall be one,) shall have full power and authority to hold and keep a court of record within the said district, four times in each year, by the name, style and title of the Recorder's court for the incorporated district of the Northern Liberties, and the district of Spring Garden and Kensington; and the said court shall be, and hereby is vested with all the power and authority, within the said district, which the mayor's court for the city of Philadelphia has within the said city, and shall be organized in like manner, and shall have authority to try and determine all offences which have been committed, or shall be committed within the said districts, which would be cognizable in any county court of Quarter Sessions of the peace of this commonwealth; and also to hear, try and determine all offences, which shall be committed within the said districts, against any of the laws, ordinances, regulations, or constitutions that are, or shall be, legally made, in pursuance of authority granted to said districts, and generally, to do all such matters and things within the said districts, as any court of general Quarter Sessions of the peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Jail Delivery, of and for any county within this commonwealth, may or


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