

every year, publish the dividend to be made of the clar profits arising from the tolls, among the stockholders, and of the time and place when and where the same shall be paid, and shall cause the same to be paid accordingly, in ten days thereafter.

Penalty for SECTION 33. If any person or persons shall wilfully pad wilfully in- down, break or destroy, with intent to injure any part o juring bridge parts of the said bridge, or any toll house, gates, bars, or other property of the said corporation, erected for the use of said bridge, or the persons employed in conducting the business thereof, or shall wilfully deform or destroy the letters or figures in any list of the rates of tolls, affixed in any place for the information of passengers, or who shall willuny and maliciously obstsruct or impede the passage on of over the said bridge, or any part or parts thereof, he, she or they so offending, shall each of them forfeit and pay for every such offence, to the said corporation, the sum of thirty dol lars, to be sued for and recovered before any justice of the peace or alderman, as debts of like amount are recoverable, and he, she or they so offending, shall remain liable to actions, at the suit of said corporation, for such wrongs, if the said sum or sums herein mentioned be not sufficient repair and satisfy said damages: Provided always, That ta such suit shall be brought, unless within thirty days after such offence shall have been committed; and the judgment of the said justice or alderman, shall be liable to reversion, as provided for in similar cases by law.


Not to have

SECTION 34. The said company shall not have power to banking priv-issue any note or notes in the nature of bank nores, or ta ileges. make discounts, or receive deposites, after the manner of any bank or banks, and in case they should do so, contrary to the provisions of this section, then their chartered prin leges shall be null and void.

Time of com


SECTION 35. If the president, managers and company far mencement erecting the bridge aforesaid, over the Allegheny river, shall and comple- not proceed to carry on the said work within the space of three years from the passing of this act, and shall not within the space of six years from the passing thereof, compete the same, it shall and may be lawful for the legislature of this commonwealth, to resume all and singular, the rights and privileges hereby granted to the said company.

Corporators SECTION 36. That Adam Eckfildt. James Hunt, John of Laurel Hill Hoogh, Jacob Souder, and John Beatty, their associates, coal comp'y. successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby constituted Style & title, a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of Capital stock the Laurel Hill Coal company, with a capital of one hundred Number of and fifty thousand dollars; and the said company may hold acres corpo- not exceeding two thousand acres of land, consisting of not ration may more than two distinct bodies, in Sugarloaf township hold. Luzerne county, and Lausanne township, Northampton


anty, and shall have power to locate and construct a raild, with one or more tracks, from any point on their lands, any convenient point of intersection with the railroad thorized to be constructed by the Hazelton Coal company; d the company hereby incorporated, shall have the saine Act of 18th wers and immunities, and be subject to the same terms March, exd conditions, that are provided in the act to incorporate act. e said Hazelton Coal company: Provided, That an annual Proviso. Curn to the Auditor General, of the amount of dividends, made, under oath of the president or secretary, and that ght per cent. of said amount, when the same shall exceed per cent., shall be paid into the state treasury.

tended to this

SECTION 37. That pot and pearl ashes liable to inspection, Pot & pearl all be put up and secured in sound, tight, and full-bound ashes; how sks, made of white-oak staves and heading, or of such put up. mer sound timber as the inspector shall judge proper, and ery cask which shall be used for the purpose aforesaid, all be twenty-four inches long, and twelve inches diam- So much of er at the head; and so much of the one hundred and act of 15th arth section of the act of the fifteenth of April, eighteen April, inconndred and thirty-five, entitled "An act relating to inspec-sistent with ns," as is inconsistent herewith, is hereby repealed: this, repealed rovided, That nothing in this act, or the act of the fifteenth Provise. April, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, as relates to the me, capacity, or material of packages, kegs or casks, shall construed to extend to any produce whatever, of other ates than Pennsylvania.

missioners of

SECTION 38. That Horace Frizelle and Curtis Parkhurst, H. Frizelle Tioga county, be, and they are hereby substituted, in the and C. Parkce of John H. Knapp and Robert E. Griffith, to do and hurst apform the several duties enjoined upon them by an act of pointed com: general assembly of this commonwealth, passed the Tioga railelfth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twen-road & canal eight, entitled "An act to incorporate the Tioga railroad company. 1 canal company," and that the time limited for the per-3d and eth mance thereof, be extended to the first day of January, section of ast e thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and that the of 12th April, rd and eighth sections of said act be, and are hereby 1828, repeal.



Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The sixteenth day of June, A. D. eighteen
adred and thirty-six.



Assent of Penn'a, to the act of Ohio, passed March 2d, 1836.

No. 199.

A Supplement

To an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, and for other purposes."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the full and entire assent of this commonwealth, be, and the same is hereby given, to all and each of the provisions mentioned and contained in an act of the legislature of the state of Ohio, passed on the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, enttled "An act to amend an act to incorporate the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal company," passed January the tenth, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, and the act amendatory thereto, passed February the twentieth, one Ratification thousand eight hundred and thirty-five; and the said act of and confirm- the second day of March, is hereby adopted, ratified and ation of said confirmed, and enacted into a law of this commonwealth.



and all and each of the provisions, conditions and restrictions thereof, as fully and effectually as if the same were enacted paragraph by paragraph, and section by section, so far as the same can apply to this commonwealth.

SECTION 2. That Robert Stewart of the borough of Mercer, to appraise in Mercer county. John Carothers and Archibald Harvey damages on of the county of Beaver, be, and they are hereby appointed Penn'a. and commissioners, to appraise damages which have been, or

Ohio canal in

may be occasioned by the construction of that part of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, located within the limits of Pennsylvania, in conformity to the provisions of the ninth section of the act of assembly incorporating the said canal


Authority to SECTION 3. The directors or managers of said company, borrow mon- shall have full power and authority to borrow from individuals, or bodies corporate, such sum or sums of money as may be deemed necessary for the completion or repair of the said canal.

SECTION 4. An exemplified copy of the said act, the date to be annex- and title of which is recited in the first section of this act, ed to this act. shall be annexed to this act, and published in the same Copy of this manner as this act shall be published, and the Governor of transmitted this commonwealth, shall cause an attested copy of this act to the Gov. to be transmitted to the Governor of Ohio, for the use of orner of Ohio that state.

Act of Ohio

act to be

SECTION 5. That Francis B. Nichols of the county of Corporators Schuylkill, Robert T. Conrad of the county of Philadelphia, of the Steam and such persons as they may associate with them, are Navigation hereby created a body politic and corporate, in deed and in company. law, by the name, style and title of "The steam navigation company," and by the same shall have perpetual suc-Corporate cession, and have all the rights, and be liable to all the powers and duties and obligations of a body corporate, for the purpose privileges. of building steam vessels, the necessary engines and appa- Capital not ratus, to be propelled across sea, by the application and use to exceed of the anthracite coal of Pennsylvania; the capital of the $500,000. said corporation not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars, This act to the business of the said corporation to be managed in such continue in manner as shall be directed by the by-laws, to be adopted force 20 yrs., by a majority of said company, and this act shall continue and be sub. to 2in force for twenty years, and no longer, and also, be sub-ject mendment or ject to amendment or repeal by the legislature. repeal.

SECTION 6. That the ninth section of the act entitled In 9th sect'n. "An act for the conveyance of certain real estate, and for of act of other purposes," passed the twenty-eighth day of March, March 28th, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty-six, shall be deemed and 1836. James construed to have the same force and effect, as if the name Lloyd should of James Floyd had been inserted therein, instead of the Floyd. name of James Lloyd.

be James

SECTION 7. That all the powers granted to, and restric-Southern tions imposed upon the Philadelphia Loan company, and the Loan comp'y. Mechanics and Tradesmen's Loan company of the state of Pennsylvania, both approved the thirty-first of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, be and the same are hereby xtended to the Southern Loan company of Philadelphia.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The sixteenth day of June, Anno Domini,

one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.


An act to amend an act to incorporate the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal Company, passed January 10th, 1827, and the act amendatory thereof, passed February 20th, 1835.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the capital stock of said company shall

Of transfer & henceforth be deemed and held as personal property, and assignment any share or shares of any stockholder may be assigned and of the capi

tal stock.

Time of pur

transferred on the books of said company, in person, or by power of attorney, executors, administrators, guardians, and trustees, in such manner as shall be prescribed by the bylaws of the board of directors, but no stockholder indebted to the corporation, shall be permitted to transfer his stock while such indebtedness exists, or receive a dividend thereon, until all instalments which shall have been required to be paid by the board of directors, shall be fully paid, any thing contained in said acts to the contrary notwithstanding.

SECTION 2. That the period at which the states of Pennchasing the sylvania and Ohio shall have the right to purchase that part canal by the of said canal, which lies within their respective territorial Penn'a, and limits, shall be, and hereby is extended to the term of fifty Ohio, extend-years from and after the completion of the same, after which

states of




Canal Com

period, the said states shall each have the right to purchase. for the sole use and benefit of such state, such portion thereof, as lies within its limits, by paying to said corporation the amount expended by said company in locating, constructing and repairing said canal, wirdbin such state, together with fifteen per centum thereon: Provided however, That the sum so to be paid by said states respectively, for so much of said canal as lies within their territorial limits, shall not, together with the tolls received by said company, on such portion thereof. be less than the amount of expenditures thereon, and six per centum per annum thereon.

SECTION 3. That the Canal Commissioners, or board of miss'rs. to fix public works, shalt determine the point of intersection with the point of the Ohio canal, and that so much of the aforesaid acts as are


Repealing clause,

contrary or inconsistent with the provisions herein contained, be, and the same are hereby repeated.


Speaker Pro tem. of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

March 2, 1836.

COLUMBUS, OHIO, March 5, 1836.


I certify the foregoing act to be a correct copy of the original rolls remaining on file in this office.


Secretary of State.

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